Portland Observer Thursday. Ortober 2. 1975 Page 5 'Grambling Spirit’ wins (Continued from p. 1 col 0) top teams. “We think of ourselves as akin to Notre Dame, which has established Itself as a top team and is looked to with pride by Catholics. Grambling has consistently been number one among Black schools and can be looked to with pride by Blacks all over the nation. We feel that Black people in all parts of the country should be able to see and identify with our team." Coach Eddie Robinson is beginning his 34th season with Granbling and has coached the team to 239 wins against 81 losses and 11 ties. His record is second only to Paul “Bear" Bryant of the University of Alabama, whose record is 242 71 10. When Robison was named head coach in 1941, the school was a loser In his first year they never won a game, but Robinson's determination continued. Today Grambling and Robinson are “household words" among football fans. In 1966. the Football W riters of America cited Robinson as “the man \l< .( IW I ICV k W à I N 11 by 400 Tablets 800 Tablets Reg »2.99 $2.75 $ 5 .0 0 HEALTH HAUS the 1607 Jantzen Beach ( ra te r HOME IMPROVEMENT SALE Need a new roof? VS. Huskies 20% to 25% off* S aturday,O ct.4 Check these visible signs of roof trouble. G o to the g am e w ith th e Jantzen Beach IH u n d e rb ird F o o tb a ll Package T ic k e t* , T r a n s p o r t a t i o n , B oxed Lunch For r e s e r v a t i o n s c a l l 2 8 3 —2 1 11 A Iun 11 me fo r a l l ! H U n O E R B MOfOfi IP D •0 A< H IN N 1401 North Hayden Island Drive Although tiny and not com p le te ly th ro u g h roofing. indiCHta* trouble ahead b le d sh tog les can grow prog ressively worse and let the bad w eather in B u r n t o u t u n d e r la p s generally indicate erosion caused by wear and tear of the elements A ged and dam aged w o o d sh ake s deteriorate qu ickly once the w eather penetrates th e ir covering WARDS 5 GREAT ROOFING SHINGLES DOCK-TAKE PRICE MEANS SAVINGS Portland, Ore Reg. 29.99, ( la »s C, 235 lb......................... 21.99 Reg. 33.99. Class A. 215 lb.........................27.19 3rd A nniversary SPECfMS Reg. 43.99. Class A. 260 lb........................ 35.19 Reg. 39.99, Class C. .300 lb.........................31.99 Reg. 53.99, Class C. .380 lb.........................43.19 ‘ SHINGLES ONLY — INSTALLATION EXTRA heads above the water. Even today, over eighty percent of the enrollees at Grambling receive some type of aid, but the biggest thing is they're given something that even money can't buy - real concern and care, hope and inspiration, love and understanding, plus a good education in the process. A third of Grambling's unique functions is community relations. I t is said, “Grambling is a university. But it's not just a university; it's also a town. But not just a town, it's also a community. But not just a community in the usual geographical sense, but a community that is statewide, regional and national in scope and implication, a lasting landmark, a symbolic entity in regard to the American way of life.” In Portland with the team will be the respected President of Grambling State University, Dr. Ralph Waldo Emerson Jones, commonly called “Prez". Dr. Jones has een president of Grambling for 50 years. Arriving when Grambling, then called the Louisiana Negro Normal and Industrial Institute, were about 120 students living and studying in a few white frame buildings, taught by 17 faculty members, he was a young teacher just out of Southern University, with only a year's teaching experience. A t the time D r. Jones went to Grxmbiing, there were hundreds of one. two and three-year teacher schools, in every way at the bottom of the educational ladder in Lousiana. especially with respect to properly and sensibly trained teachers. Public understanding was nil, financial support miserly and dream fulfillment seemingly impos­ sible. D r. Jomes came up with the “Grambling Spirit" and began teacher training and education in a pragmatic way - showing that sound education can meet the needs of the people, no m atter how deprived, previously mu-educated, geographically isolated, or whatever D r. R .W .E . Joaes. President af Grambting State l aiversity, will receive aa award in behalf of the university at the October 4th Benefit Dance sponsored by the Martin Luther King. Jr. Scholarship Fund of Oregon. Dr. Robert McVicar, President of Oregon State University, will also be on hand to receive an award for OS I in recognition af the momentous football game which will be played Saturday night at the Portland Civic Stadium. Billed as “A Special Tribute to Grsmbling" the dance will be held at the Sheraton Motor Inn [LJoyd Center] beginning at 10:00 p.m. Special recognition will be give to Coach Eddie Robinson of (.rambling and Jim Barratt. Athletic I Hr c tor at OSl , who played a major role in making the game possible. The event will feature music by local area artists As a spokesman lor the Scholarship Fund related, “we have in our own City of Rooes, entertainers and masicians who need to be showcased and recognized for their talents. We are sure that everyone «rill be pleased «rith our selections of Dynamite Band, Milton Davis' P .0 . Express and Lave Incorporated." Door prizes donated by local area merchants will be given. Organizers plan a shuttle bus service between the Sheraton and the Civic Stadium. For tickets to the dance and bus reservations call 229-4475. The story of Grambling’s ascendancy in sports is so preposterous that it sounds exaggerated. Tiger teams have attained a level of significance that is supposedly untouchable for a small college. Grambling has won the national Negro football and the N A IA national basketball championships while performing in Madison Square Garden, Yankee Stadium, the Astrodome, and the Rose, Sugar and Orange Bowls against insuperable odds. Grambling ranks behind Notre Dame in the number of athletes contributed to A F L and N F L football teams, with over 140. Coach Eddie Robinson has developed 45 All -Americans, including N A IA Hall-of-Famer Paul “T an k” Younger, Buck Buchanan and W illie Davis. Since World W ar II, Grambling baseball squads have won 787 games while losing 187. I t has been coached by President Jones for 40 years. The basketball team has an incredible 414 131 won-loss standing for 19 seasons. Coach Fred Hobdy's team has made several appearances in the N A IA national tournaments. During the early 1960's the track team enjoyed a monopoly in the sprints and 440 and 880 relays, and produced Olympic gold medal winners in 1960 and 1964. Also appearing in Portland wilL be the 165 piece Grambling Marching Band, which is recognized as one of the most exciting musical aggregations in America. The Grambling Band performed at the 1964 American Football League championship game, the first Super Bowl, made several T V appearances for AFC and NFC spectaculars, has won numerous competitions and represented the United States at the inauguration of an African President. Director Conrad Hutchins demands twelve hours of practice for every four minutes of precision drill and increases the marching cadence to 180 steps a minute as opposed to the usual 130. . . . Or need new siding? Sport Casual Skirls Pants Long & Good [Short Sleeve selection 6 .” Up 7 .” Up WARDS ALUMINUM SIDING 15% OFF* •SIDING ONLY. INSTALLATION EXTRA. For home beauty and easy m aintenance, it's W ards alum inum siding. E n am el finish resists w eath er damage. A v ailab le in colors. Phone W ards lodav! FREE ESTIMATE ( all or mail ibis coupon O u r home improvement experts will vail von and arrange a free home estimate. You are under no obligation lo buy Metropolitan are» only N a m e___________________________________________ HE UOB’S BM M ens W ear and Shoes 285-5551 Opposite J. K Gi MAIL THE COUPON OR PHONE THE WARD STORE NEAREST YOU EOR A EREE ESTIMATE. Phone Address Cllv Slate Zip — WHY WAIT .. ENJOY WHAT YOU NEED NOW! A/M IN K .( >/VU H Y Just say, “Charge it ! ” luvSLi N I J Jan tien Beach C e n te r B a M k AMIF 4«i‘ JANTZEN BEACH STORE • 1400 Jantzen Beach Center • 283-4411 M A L L 205 STORE • 9800 S E. Washington • 255-8200 V A U G H N ST. STORE • 2?4I N W. Vaughn a 22?-?63l SALEM STORE • Lancaster Mall a 363-3191 Mrs. Hazel Williams. Portland Community College teaches (seated), sews a few quick stitches for Mrs. Delores Leggroan, Community agent at Boise. Adults learn sewing Tw o sewing classes and a home decorating class will be given by Portland Community College teachers at Boise Elementary School, for men and women, beginning the second week in October. Registration can be made now by calling Mrs. Delores leggroan, CommurfTty Agent at the school. 288 6309, or by going to the school, which is at 620 North Fremont Street. The evening sewing class will start on October 7th, and continue every Tuesday from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. for six weeks in the Home Economics room. The daytime class, also on Tuesdays, will be frortl 9-00 to 11:15 a.m. starting October 7th. It will Jnclude "Stretch and Sew." The home decorating class will be on Thursday morning from 9:00 to lT:15 a m., and wjll continue for six weeks starting October 9th. F urther information ran be obtained by calling the school.