**•<• 6 P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r Thursday. September 25. 1975 &VM m MW!Ì Africans fa a r repeat o f ’Congo’ in A ngola Guidi b> Key H a rvey by Allen L. Joaea Katertaiament Ratings •F a ir-»*G o ed - Kxrelleat R E V IE W Doo - The Wee Too The Harlem Room inside the Caravan Motor Inn has featured entertainment for some time now. With the influx of new clubs and discos springing up over town it's not uncommon for fciJd established clubs to fade ■v into the wood work How ever, the Wee Too Doo. consisting of Al Rivers on drums and doing the vocal­ izing along with Henry Estell on the keyboard, has added refreshing dimension to the club. They opened the set with a very impressive rendition of Exodus, followed by Ebb Tide, The Way We Were. Misty and a couple of classics by Nat King Cole. Al Rivers formerly one of the original "Ink Spots" captivates an audience with his flexibility of vocal con­ trol and emotional expres­ sion. On the onter hand. Henry Estell is more in­ troverted and prefers to let the "blacks and whites" do the talking. You should hear him playing Exodus out of sight! The Harlem Room itself is decorated nicely and offers domestic and gour met dinners nightly. I f you and your othr half happen to be in a romantic mood on a Friday or Saturday night and want to hear some music to go along with it. Check out Rivers and Estell - a truly dynamic duo!! What's Happeing in Entertainment September 2 > d 28th The Benson Hotel presents Geo. Shearing and his Jazz Quintet, who will play in the M ayfair Room, dinner show, $17, cocktail show $5.50. October 4th - Paramount Northwest Presents - La Bell, featuring Graham Central Station. October 5th - Jazz DeOpus presents Jack De Johnette. 2 shows. 4:00 p m. and 8:00 p.m. for Ben Watson. October 13th The Civic Auditorium presents one of America s greatest contem A lb in a porary soul groups. Andre Crouch and the Disciples Tickets are $4.00. $5 00 and $6 00 October 17th Paramount Northest presents Tower of Power October 19th Jazz DeOpus presents Robby Hutcherson, two shows at 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. For ticket info call 222-6077. In what could likely be a set up for foreign interven tion in Angola, the Portu­ guese High Commissioner l.eonel Cardoaa declared last week that Portugal would call upon the United Nations “if any one of the liberation movements unila terally declared indepen dence...” The M P L A (Pop ular Movement for the liberation of Angola), in a communique issued from Brazzaville (Congo), "con­ demns the moves toward the intervention by foreign troops, including the sub­ version specialists of the C IA .” The communique stated that UN intervention in the Belgian Congo (now Zaire) "resulted in the murder of pro-socialist Pa­ trice Lumumba, and the rise of the C IA puppet Mobutu Sese Seko." Former C IA Deputy Di rector of Plans (1952 1962) Richard M. Bissell, in an B o n n ia R aiM A beautiful evening will take place when Bonnie Raitt takes the stage of the Paramount Theater Thurs­ day. October 2nd at 8:00 p.m. Blues and rhythm and blues singer Bonnie Raitt will be joined by folk singer Tom Waits. Tickets are reserved at $4. $5 and $6. A special evening is planned with Bonnie Raitt and Tom Waits. Tickets are available at the Para mount Box Office, open 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily. Long Hair Music. M eier and Frank, Every body's. Banana Records, and Music Millennium. Associated Press sto ry September 12th. revealed that the C IA in 1960 had operational feasibility stu­ dies for the poisoning of Congo Premier Pstrice Lu­ mumba. According to Bissell, "the operation that was looked in to was aborted for various reasons which did not have to do with events in the Congo There was a decision within the agency not to carry the operation beyond the feasi bility stage The "various reasons' Bissell refers to undoubtedly have to do w ith another fe a s ib ility study, which u ltim a te ly brought about the installa tion of the Mobutu govern ment. Similar to the Angola decolonization process, the Belgian Congo in 1960 underwent what is widely reputed to have been a C IA instigated tribal warfare, which destabilized the gov ernment of Premier Lu mumba. Under ‘western linked Moise Tshombe's leadership, the K atanga Province (essentially owned by American Metal Climax C o rp o ratio n and Anglo American Copper) declared independence, This pro­ vided the needed rationale for U.N. intervention, dur ing which the Congo'a first Premier, Patrice Lumumba, was assassinated. In An gola, secessionist maneu vers are being pushed by the South African backed National Union (U N IT A ) headed by Jonas Savimbi. Following the removal of Lumumba. Congo President Kasavubu did an about turn, ending the fighting, by bringing his previous arch rival Moise Tshombe into his government as the new Prime Minister. "Ts hombe's links with the western world enabled him to secure the resources, including white mercenary troops, to establish a crude control over virtually all the Congo ." (A Short History of Africa. Penguin 1966). Ultim ately Kasavubu's at tempts to secure a working form of parliamentary gov ernment were swept away by the commander of the Congolese army General Mobutu." The rationale Bissell of fers for the Lumumba poi soning study* was that "Lumumba came to be regarded as a major threat . who might deny the United States access to the sub stantial minerals found in the Congo." In fact, it was just these corporate mining interests who had financed C IA work in the Congo, as early as 1954. by sinking money into the African American Institute, in close cooperation with American Metal Climax Corporation. Lumumba was 'out of con trol' from the C IA stand point. As R. Harris Smith in his liook OSS: The Secret •of History of America's First C IA writes, “it was the C IA that maintained close and friendly ties with such African radicals as Franz Fanon The CIA's ostensible purpose was to build the foundation for far more effective covert sup Port of the Third World non communist left - men like Holden Roberto and Tom Mboya.” (Roberto now heads the Zairean barked Angolan tribalist group. F N L A ). Subsequent mon ies to the Congo for "training Congolese lead era" have been chiefly from the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations. For example, over fifteen million dollars between 1962 65. Moat of thia money has gone to the Zairean' National School of la w and Administration. In a related development, re p o rte d in M uham m ad Speaks (September 12th), the Angolan transitional government Ministry of In form ation D ire c to r Luis D 'A lm e d ia (an M P L A m e m b e r) re p r im a n d e d news agencies in Angola of 'deliberate falsification' of the news. M PLA is hegemonic in Angola D'AI media views the moves for U .N . sponsored foreign troops as merely a cover for a C IA wrecking opera tion' A rt C e n te r The Albina A rt Center at Eight Northeast Killings worth is having an "Old Fashioned Fair” Saturday, September 27th from 12:00 to 4:&) p.m. Free for adults and kids. Dancing, food, and games. GOLD-N-SOFT SAFEWAY KBAFT 32-O Z. Margarine SANTIAM Miracle Whip OREEN BEANS Cut or Sliced 1 6 -o i.C o a a m . S a la d Dressing 49 ® 0 7 J Mímelo (I SHOP CONVENIENTLY with SAFEWAYS EXPRESS Both Jar ( CAMPBELL’S BATHROOM Tomato Soup MD Tissue Hearty Flavor Checkout Standi w 8,S¿5 i I IP W eek fee f frem a s r Is a a fa r Tour f e a r o a lease of Tomato ox. Con for Portland Trailblazer Stars Greg Smith (left) and Goeff Petrie make donation to Kiwanis Peanut Sale. Kiwantan is Don Kenny. Southwest Portland Club •T'“ BEEF R O A ST © Ä Bp) lb. *■ Short ribs ä s . .88- $168 ®?S*L?aMiej 9 Fresh Oysters ^ '1 '* Q Lunch Meats g ’I “ * Meat Pies te 3.88* FriedChickenSSJl” Kristin Fabian (left) and Patricia Mays pause for a moment in the J.C. Penney dressing room They will model in the Benefit Fashion Show and Spaghetti dinner Saturday, September 27th at 6:00 p.m., presented by The Young Women's Christian Council of New Hope C.O.G.I.C. It will be held at Christian Community Center, 128 Northeast Russell Street. Clothes are being modeled from Ms B.J.'s and Forbes at Ports'o'Call. The Wearhouse in Beaverton. Icon's Man Shop, Night and Day formal wear and Nudlemans downtown. The fashion show is being coordinated and commentated by Mrs. LaVerne Davis, a local model and coordinator. PRODUCE- * MR. CLEAN Household Cleaner Ç With Lemon * 28-01. Btl © Brecfc Shampoo 0 Tampax | GOLDENwRED DELICIOUS L A K E LOCAL APPLES CAULIFLOWER NORTHWEST Snew -w hite Meads I '6 ir ’ l * >ONN kaue«« © Mop & Gio $147 I r O— Oeeaar Hoi M ©Pam pers « am « 6HR$ L arg e « ro . A C tb a $ 1 54 I $fW I :•" $ S A P IW A Y COUPON S— Each Re .t esn.a M , Su^msdam 74-$0 107$ : EVEREADT BATTERIES * C asaba Melons *M• E xtra Fancy M ed iu m Large Siie SLICED BACO N Cheesed98* 3 J1 r. Al r»..*«s*f V ' w "B” 4b. FM UI - 38* « ('«BMstrsue i^aa 18 "** 21* oa m iih m Lucerne HaH & HoH -zsp .34* ♦ L m g e A A Ig g s r 7(K 64< © Medium Cheddar Cheese © Enriched Tee Hols © Saltine Crackers 31* 44* SX RUBY CHABLIS COUNTRY NWENCHER B A R I M ANHKia LIEBFRAUMILCN Hallen Swilt Colony lo o n s iform torvo Ovor Ico Sott and Mallow Wlno s e .. M < SHOl *1« « N a g a a a t a r e a o n ly © SHced Strawberries ’E X * © Frozen Orange Juice 3 -*l SSÄ ’Sr *1 COMUMIM VSNAaOsm u CALIFORNIA RUBY RED Grapefruit Sunk 1st, Full n t Juice ©6 89' ra x iv ik ; © Premium Apple Pie / lower Shoppe »«1S A P IW A Y COUPON S» _ HAVOLÏHE MOTOR 0IL JPOTTIHG SOIL 1 ENVEE ___ _ _ s'97‘ 48* Ä © Bel-air Com or Peas ä 9 Pepperoni Pizza ts.’z- 4 w ’ | J D iJ D o r J D w f. N A lM r r e F C a e e C a a t'tA N I NTH b T b A Co a p o n M duFwM wM d ............... ,C A tl 45 C o * V4be t 'M ib a f I ama SAFEW AY »1*