I Page 6 Portland Observer Thursday. September 4. 1975 Boy Scouts (Continued from p. 1 cd. 31 like the one that was hell in Norway last month They can participate in ramping activities more often than Troops in Albina because of their financial status. How ever, these are not the main reasons anymore, if a boy cannot afford to pay the registration fee i$2.00 per year) to join the program, it is possible for him to join with our paying If he needs or wants a uniform, one ran be pro curred free, if he wants to go to one of the sixteen different campsites for a day or week long ramps with meals and non stop fun. there are rampership programs available to them free! "The lark of parental participation is the primary reason scouting lacks the visability in the Black community. It's up to us to take an active part in the interests and activities of our children Be it Little L e a g u e . G irl S c o u ts , Y.M.C.A. etc We must realize that being active in our childrens en d eavors help to strengthen our communities because we will he working together in one common cause our children That's why I think Scouting is impor tant." n ew a The four delegates from the Portland YWCA to National Teen Organization iNTOl Conference held in Francisco discuss youth classes and activities ottered by Portland YWCA The young women from left to right the San the are Cindy Kaady, Martha Ensunsa. Freda Walker and Mary Hughes Ms. Walker, representative from the N.E. YWCA, was elected NTO leader, one of twelve in the nation. Freda W a lk e r chosen Y teen le a d e r Freda Walker, 4403 N. Concord, one of four Port land YWCA delegates to the National Teen Organi zation INTO) Western Re gion Conference was elected NTO leader, one of twelve in the nation. The Con ference was held in San Francisco August 15th 18th Ms. Walker will be a freshman at Jefferson High School The Nomination Elec tion Committee is one of three NTO regional com mitlees; the others are the Planning Committee and the Communications Com mittee. These committees help plan the annual re­ gional meetings However, since there will be a national NTO Conference in New York City in 1976. there will not be a regional meeting, so the young women w ill remain in office for two years. Martha Ensunsa. 7224 N. Syracuse, who will be a freshman at Roosevelt High School and Mary Hughes. 1912 S.W. Sixth, who will be a junior at Grant High School were elected to the Nomination Election Com mittee. also official NTO Western Region positions. The fourth delegate to the Conference from the Port land YWCA was Cindy Kaady. 7017 N. Alma, who will be a freshman at Roosevelt High School. The elections to office were announced at a luncheon at the Downtown YWCA Au gust 28th. Those on the Nomination Election Committee obtain resumes and make nomina lions for the elective offices for the next regional meet ing and help fill any vacancies of offices that occur before the next elec tion. The NTO leaders, three from each of the four regions in the United States, meet once a year with the National YWCA Board in New York City. Forty-six delegates rep resenting YWCAs in the western states attended the NTO Conference According to Gail Brown, Portland YWCA Youth Director, “NTO is a process of teen w om en em p o w erm en t working toward the eli­ mination of racism." At the C o n fe r e n c e , d e le g a t e s learned about program planning including how to set goals and how to evaluate programs. There were speakers on juvenile justice and racism and workshops on racism and dealing with feelings The four delegates would like to start NTO activities in the Portland area Teen women interested in parti ripation should call Ms. Brown. 223 6281. extension 52 Roslyn and ( ‘herie Henderson visit with Sandra Me Neil, a well known psychic w ho foresees the fut urc She was cl. ctcd Miss Psychic Ann nra of 1975 V is ito r Food stamp recipients must exchange old series fiMwi stamps for new ones since the old series expired on August 31st. Recipients ran exchange old stamps for new ones at local food stamp issuance — U n ib e d w a y of the C o lu m b ia W illa m ette ■ h m m r Back to School W IT H I N BEANS SWEET PEAS Q F IU II F D B e tte r Grades D o n t let B L U R R E D V IS I O N an 1 E Y E S T R A IN be a h a n d i­ cap have d S rientifu Eye E x a m in a tio n and Precision G ro u n d Lenses before School or College starts Ho Appointment Heeded * Coatact Leoiei EASY P ro m p t S e rv ic e C R ED IT * f o llie H l I" ' 'S O F L E M S '' m u/ It c p u liir LsL I ^ o ii s »I H EYE E X A M . s » P a r k I r.-e Pi..... — S emler O p to m e tris ts V lr .r i ( r e e l • • I’u r l l a i i t l S.W . 3 rd A M O R R IS O N ( r e d M e y e r S h a g g in g C e n t e r H A U L D i l i SALEM — S a le m S e m le r B ldg U T A H a n d C O M M IB C IA l J EUGENE — • 6 S W B»h S tr e e t B e t. O llV C A W IL L A M IT T I Associate Doctors of Optom etry • PORTLAND » D r. I, Semler Dr It Hull Dr. M Kelly Dr. J. Berry tZplomelroi, / / , O l h i- i S E M I . E K 6 W /o e» I n i h u ll- DR G W A L L IS - O R H W EB B A PRESSING W CHEESE ) 1 OIL Nu-Modo Sated 041 llossem Timo trend 78 © 5 Jar Liquid Detergent !?**• rrtrettv, ifc,, we* *rpt U g, 58‘ ' "»llaart 9 R eunion ♦ ♦ if'ontinued from p. 1 col. 3) On September 9th at 7:00 p.m , the City Planning Commission will discuss the Union Avenue Redevelop menl Plan Developed by a committee appointed and chaired by Mayor Neil (ioldschimdt, the plan seeks Io upgrade the business and residential areas along Union Avenue This meet ing will be held at Concor dia College also. VEGETABLE COTTACI Kratt Solad Dressing 9 ♦ 9 Sandwich Bread ." K ti French Bread »££»il. “r/sr Cinnamon RoNs MHd Cheddar Cheese Large AA Eggs jz Lucerne Buttemtflk Laundry Detergent A GAME HKNS ROUND STKAK 2 ^ ,2 M fc$1 2 8 = F * 67< 62« - z t r 59* Whip Topping K 78* JeHy or Preserves 88* © © © © © © OR laundry Fabric Softener n-, h» Ea. Beef Bansf Meat Pies ~ 3 .8 8 ' Beef Boast 5= .’ 1" Ground B eef- . 9 8 Corned Beef Fryer Parts ^ v 8 8 ♦ Short Bibs = .8 8 © E ra n k fritla rs .98' © Dinner Franks ..’2“ ♦ Sausage x‘ 1" * Lunch Meat 2 "z 89' ©Ham Potties "c’1" 98* w WMSOMt Äh Dishwasher OOc »M womitaeM u. LIQUID JOY Detergent ter Ottkei 2 2 -« . MEAT LOAF OR POTATOES BEAKS AHO FRAHNS © 51 q ’. X AO< 2 -A .R a g ta» I B il-A IB MASH UO W NS 3 “ TURBOT ll-e^ S tae 6 Potat © Eskimo Piet 6 - 78 Croon Peat 52 '»"-d 9 ©Bet-air Pina TT" ’2.18 Apple Piet —— 68* ♦ Codila! Ice F IL L E T S BEEF LIVKR *nwteSoa*oad Mead. Uonwd I Perttorty ©Fishsticfcs 48' 7 8 88' FRESH P R O D U C E C a n n in g F r u it BH. w p C an n in g Special |/ÎA / r Meetings Located in SEMLER O P T IC A L OFFICES * ' MIRACLE WHIP 1__ CO UNTRY 2 2 7 -7 2 » « 1 0 0 ^ Pure Florido Juke 17-a». Can V a n p o rt The Vanport City Flood Refugee and Early Ore gonians Club of Portland will hold its first annual Party and Fashion Show Reunion on Saturday. Sep tember 17th. The nostalgia event will feature Miss Sondra latve. popular I).J. of Philadel phia. spinning records oldies but goodies" brought by the public Guest speakers will be eyewitnesses of that tragic and destructive flood in eluding Robert King and Mrs. Matt Dishman. Proceeds will provide a scholarship for a deprived descendent of the flood The affair will be held at the Elks Hall on North Tillamook and Williams Avenui- The public is invited and tickets are available at the door. FROZEN ORANGE JUICE Finest Quality Pees 9 5.1 4 1 1 3 8 ^ 3 9 analyzed the stale mental health division budget for the Regional Alcoholism Board A three year grant from the Northwest Foun da tion has been received recently which will cnahlc OAPI to expand its ser vices Mrs. Cogan has had a variety of experiences with volunteer organizations and has served as president of the la-ague of Women Voters. p la n n e d BFL-AIR T0WH HOUSE SAHTIANI Cogan heads accountants club dent financial and account ing expertise should be available to any group working in the public in terest.” continued Fleck, who is a partner in the accounting firm of Coopers and Lybrand. Among its past activities, the group's volunteer accountants have prepared a r<-|>ort for Citi zens for Children to ascer tain the actual amount of state resources being spent for children and also have office* The exchange will lie dollar for dollar, new scries food stamps for old The new series was introduced on March I. 1975. with $1. $5. and $10 denominations STOREWIDE STOCK-UP! SAFEWAY Cut or Sliced in « » mm m , Elaine Cogan has been chosen Executive Director of the Oregon Accountants for the Public Interest, announced Myron Fleck. President. OAPI has been organized since 1973 to provide in vestigative ac ■ ounting counsel without a f.-e to non profit organiza lions unable to afford such serv ices. This does not include routine bookkeeping nuitters "Unbiased and indcpen (»Mieli Franklin of New York City is visiting at ths- home of his parents. Mr and Mrs Paul Helrhcr Franklin will be a honored guest at the Van,M>rt FI< mm I Refugees Party anil Dance Ibid .11 the Elks Club. September 13th at 7 00 p m E xch an g e stamps puri Jam J Ceantry Pure Bran! JAM NeA4dtt.«et © T o m a to e s "sr © C a n ta lo u p e © P ro m t YAKIMA HALE PEACHES Eemous Tekittw HoU Freestone Cenntnf Poochet 4.1 x trx . 39 i S frort Yaoetiet He A4drtt.es 98' POTTED MUMS . IS * iMk A FERTILIZER CLOSE OUT! W N M i S U P P U R I LABT HALF PRICE S -S rM d Weed end Feed Jd-A - l e v a FoW J 8-A S B ran d Aff-pwrpote PeeffNear 2S-A. SafpRate o f Antneonia J A M (o fd o a Pipara 2S-M I P para ",*,*.* JS-M < Pigure Partifirar l- < a f I «.« r .-. , mat au» Ceepoa •rae e r » , .$988 2.*.88' Panty Hose I I,. ' Rn rn p p r n íK « M ., i,.« «MnH.rtM.a4 • eHwa M0. 1 RARTLETT PEARS U S. N«. 1 Canning Fruit Narthwoit Grown 6.1 t >eet Listerine U AHtiMPTW r 'lt t t e r e t f 14-et Bettle — 84 ¡ . i a 11 ix i . 11 q r c p n - i, 11/