I I Portland Observer FFIRMATIV .CTION Leslie White ordained by Spencer Barrett l«e»lie White a member nt Bethel A .M .E , C h u rrh , Portland, wax ordained an rider of the African Metho dial Episcopal Church laat Friday at the ( hurche a annual c o n f e r en c e in Seattle Leslie ia the aon of Mr Charles White and Mrs I ’erlette White anil ia one of five children Leslie's two brothers are Manfred and Cedric, and hia two aiatera are Laura and Irene Leslie attended Martin Luther King, Jr. Elemen tary School where he was President of the Student Body lie continued hia education at Jefferaon High School where he graduated with honora and waa alao President of the Student Body. Leslie ia now a Junior at Morris Brown College in Atlanta where he haa a 9.0 G .P.A., and ia Vice I ’reaident of Student Body. Lealie In gan the process of becoming a minister aa a lic en tia te. A fte r tw o yeara of study he waa ordained an A rtin e re n t beacon, and now after two more yeara of atudy he haa been ordained Elder of the A .M .E . C h u r <• h w h ich meana he's a full pledged miniater When asked if he planned to atay in Portland or whether he would go else where, he stated, "I have no definite plana right now, I'll juat go where the Lord leads me." G EN ER A LSERVIC ES MANAGER To direct and coordinate general su|iport,services for large state agency in Salem. Oregon, including industrial engineering programs, ad ministrative systems and procedures, procurem ent, office and administrative services. BS Degree in Industrial Engineering, Bu smess, or related with- six years experience in in dustrial engineering, bust ness management and ad ministrative systems. Sa lary rage. $1,749 to $2.232. Apply for Executive be partment. Personnel Divi sion. Public Service Build mg. Salem. Orc 97310. An Equal Opportunity Employer Jerry White sings DENTIST / "The Mount blivet Bap tiat Churrh Building Fund C o m m ittee w ill present The Iteturn of Mr Jerry White'. Organist and Soloist from San Eranriseo, Cali forma united with the voice of Mrs Mattie Ann Spears, Portland. Sunday, August 11 si 1978 it 1:09 [ 't o it the church corner. North east 1st and S chuyler streets Mr White, a veteran Organist and churchman, received his training at Compton College and bni versity of Bedland He was organist for the 1895 Engl neer .Aviation Battalion World War II He haa been Organist for Trinity Baptist Church. Bronx. New York; Grant A .M .E Churrh. Ixm Angeles. California and ia presently employed as Or ganiat at Third Baptist Church. San Francisco, t 'alifornia Mr White's repertoire encompasses the work of the masters and the best of modern music including gospel The public is invited to come, see and hear a truly great o rg am a r perform You will never forget the experie nee ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH ( o rn e r ol 8 lh and S kid m o re Sunday Sellout 9 ill a .m Sund.iv W 01 s h ip 11 in i a.m C hristi.in \o u th E« How ship 6 INI p ni iSceond and Eourth s n u d a i si K in 11 ml I hoin.is I, S te a l hand. M u n s te r ST. ANDREW CATHOLIC CHURCH MB N.E. Alberta Street Reverend Her (ram (»riffin, Paator 281 4429 Dentist part time wanted for work with the elderly. Contact 2MH71U ext. 240 for further info. $559 629. Assist dentist by passing instru m en ts, m ixing fillin g m a te ria l, charting teeth, and main taming appointment srhe dules. M IN QUAL; Grad of an accredited course of dental assisting and certi­ fied as a dental assistant by the American Dental Assis tant Association with certi firation by the State of Ore. to take oral radiographs OK 2 yrs. exp. as a dental assistant with completion of qualifications necessary to take certification exams and qualifications req. by the State of Oregon to take IN TR O O RAL Radiographs. A PPLY. Before 4:30 pm .. Aug. 22, Mult. Co. Person nel. 426 S.W. Stark. 7th Floor, Port., Ore. 97204, 24« 50XS. An Equal Opportunity Em pioyer 5:00 p m . Vigil - Saturday 10:00 a.m. ( hoir - Sunday 12 (Mi p m. Folk — Sunday FIN AN CIAL ADM IN. DATA PROCESSING $699 728. Assists home health agency professional personnel with nursing rare and service of homebound patients M IN Q UAL: Grad, from school of Practical Nursing meeting req. set by law plus possess current Oregon license plus 2 yrs. work exp in direct nursing care APPLY: Before 4:30 p.m., Aug. 29. Mult. Co. Personnel. 426 S.W. Stark. Port , Ore. 97204 An Equal Opportunity Em pioyer $17,250 20,000. Directs the financial admin, and budgetary functions of the County Data Processing Authority. M IN Q UAL: College grad with course work in Accounting plus 2 yrs. ol financial admin, exp Additional work exp. may be substituted for college on a year for year basis. APPLY: Before 4:30 p m., Aug 29. Mult. Co. Person nel, 426 S.W. Stark, Port.. O n 97204 An Equal Opportunity E.m pioyer F IE L D DIRECTOR STORES CLERK Entry I.evel preferred, staff position with Ameri ran cancer society. Some travel in Northwest Ore gon. Assisting volunteer ism planning and imple mentation of educational services and fund raising programs, car provided. Exr. training program, ca reer opportunity, applicant must be a self starter, able to work well with people, prefer college degree, send resume and salary req. by Aug. 28, to: Ronald Pear son, IS M S.W. Taylor. Port., Ore. 97205. $718808. Receives, stores and distributes goods and supplies: maintains inven tories and related records. M IN Q UAL: 1 yr exp. in storekeeping and inventory control OR 1 yr clerical work plus possess a valid drivers license. Must have ability to handle heavy boxes ol 60 lbs. and lift them onto shelves to a height to 5’3" A PPLY: Before 4:30 p.m., Aug. 29. Mult. Co. Personnel, 426 S.W. Stark, Port., Ore. 97204. An Equal Opportunity Employer COUNSELOR Portland Slate Univer­ sity, Portland. Oregon in­ ACCOUNTING CLERK vites applications for the p o s itio n of C o u n s e lo rs Applicants should have at working with minority and least one year of accounting disadvantaged students. A exp., and be familiar with Master's Degree with rm accounts receivable, cash phasis in counseling and receipts, billing procedures, demonstrated exp. in w rit and collections. Call for ing reports is req. Know appointment:“ Sheila Brown, ledge of (a) Black dialect KGW, 224 8620 and Spanish, and lb) history An Equal Opportunity and sociology of minority Employer M/S subcultures in America is desirable. Please submit resume and 3 letters of recommendation by Sep­ tember 1. 1975 to: Dr. Richard B. Halley, Acting Vice President for Acade­ mic Affairs, Portland State Bloom ers were n o t invented University. P.O. Box 751, by A m elia B lo o m e r T hey were a c tu a lly created by Mrs Portland. Oregon 97207. An Equal Opportunity Affiramtive Action Em pioyer Public Notice is hereby given that the Portland D evelo p m en t Commission will receive proposals for consultant services until September 8th, 1975 for the p rep aratio n of w orking drawings and specifications in relation to projects Io cated in the Eliot Neigh borhood under the Housing and Community Develop ment Program Specific project proposals are: I Modification ol N.E. Knott Street between N.E Williams and Union Avenue to reduce vehicular traffic and better accomodate pe destrians. 2. Landscape planning and design on N.E. Russell Street between N.E Wil liams and Union Avenue 3. Analyze and prepare recommendations for im provement and/or develop ment of landscaping, street lighting, traffic circulation on other streets that border the Second Eliot Urban Renewal Area (Rodney, Sacramento, Williams). 4 Planning and design of a mini plaza/bus stop on Union Avenue at N.E. Knott Street. 5. Landscape design on Union A venue betw een N.E. Graham and N.E. Sacramento Streets. 6. Assist the Commission in coordinating the design of utilities, traffic ways and redevelo p m en t proposals for the area. Interested parties must meet pre-qualification cri­ teria established by the Commission. Pre qualifies tion questionnaire forms and informational packets regarding the above de scribed work are available at the Office of the Portland Development Commission. P o r tla n d D e v e lo p m e n t Commission 1700 S.W. 4th Avenue, Ph. 224 4800 Portland, Oregon 97201 Attn: Chuck Olson E lizab e th M ille r, d a u gh te r o f a New Y o rk congressm an, and o n ly p o p u la riz e d by the fam oux fe m in is t ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL 4919 N.E. 9th Ave Norita Kelly, Principal WANTED!!! Phone: 284 1620 Grades I through 8 NEW North laimhard Branch .12.11 N. I aim hard 243 1216 STAN Veterans to earn money for attending school. If you are out of a job or need retraining, remember your GI Rill Benefits. You earned it. Part time up to $200 monthly. Full time up to $400 monthly. Veterans Affairs Offices MIIHCC 666 1561 Ext. 348 INC r e a l t o r s • y Portland CC 244-6111 MATURE BABYSITTER/ LIG HT HOUSEKEEPER DIAL-A-JOB I I I IM A I E L IV IN G In this elegant 4 bdrm home, a cracking fire A flicking shadows from fireplace in Lit. W b it, la rg e k it w / e a t i n g space. M B it 17x14 6 also 2 full baths, party room in b s m l., o v e rs iz e d driveway. $23,504). Call bra Hart 243 121« M e d ic a l Care Program An Equal Opportunity Employer PERI’S BOTTLE SHOP Let I’epi's Bottle Shop be your headquarters for chain pagne, wines, mixers . . . at the lowest prices in • 1,10yd Center Next to the L iq u o r Store I ’epi's one and only store. Open 9:30 a.m. Io 9:00 p.m. daily. Sundays: Noon to 4:00 p.m. , , i -J 281-2731 in 24 1 121« Large family home EAA terms, w /4 large bdrms, 2 full baths, large L it plus I lit also kit, break last nook, fenced back yard, w/m usiral water fountain, 7 5 % base m in t, $22,950. Call John Hart 213 121« 311 N.E. Shaver 287 8529 The most reasonable shop in town. W ork done satisfactorily. L ates t and modern method to play either instrument. For more information, please call 287 1634 Can you play the piano with your feet? Can you tickle an ant with a feather? Can you do anything that someone would pay for? NOW (The National Or ganization for Women) is having A People Auction to raise money for special projects, to be held some­ time in the early fall. Any donation of a service lit can be as simple as holding someone's hand and listen ing to their problems, or as elaborate as a seven course Chinese dinner) would be appreciated. Do that spe cial something only you can do, and know you're loved for it. Contact N.O.W . at 282 2736 to donate a ser­ vice. Be creative! Brother confined seeks correspondence from Sisters I am at present confined in prison in Ohio, I'm without any contact at all with the outside world, and 1 would like to correspond with some of the Black sisters from the outside world. Life in prison is a hell of a way for a man to have to die. and it's without any contact beyond these walls. I would like very much to establish a mean ingful frien d sh ip w ith someone out there. I will answer all letters. Don't feel that someone else will write, because its you I want to hear from W rite to: Vernon S tricklan d #139820, P.O. Box 787, Lucasville. Ohio 45648 July 1, 1975 June 30, 1976 Administrative Cost: 3% Indirect Cost Direct Cost Participant W’ages Fringe Planned Total spent $156.442 $47,587 $3,623,827 $850,013 $4,677,869 Copies of the modification will be available for review and comment for thirty days beginning Wednesday, August 6, 1975, and continuing through September 15, 1975. in the office ol the Manpower Services Division, 620 S.W Fifth Avenue, Third Floor, Portland, Oregon 97204. The hours for reviewing the modification will be 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The M SD phone number is 248-4710. Comments on the modification should be directed to: Mr. Jess C. Ramaker Assistant Director for Manpower U.S. Department of Labor Manpower Administration, Region X 909 First Avenue Seattle, Washington 98174 NOTICE OF HEARING N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that a public hearing will be held by the Tri-County Metropolitan Transporta tion District of Oregon (T ri M et) at the Portland W ater Bureau Building Auditorium. 1800 S.W. Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon, at 2:00 p.m.. September 16, 1975, for the purpose of considering a project for which financial assistance is being sought from the Urban Mass Transportation Administration, pursuant to the Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, generally described as follows: U M T A capital grant funds are being requested to provide 15 special design, accessible buses for the Urban Handicapped and Elderly Project I for which previous application to U M T A has been made). The application also includes two-way radios for the 15 special buses, and base station dispatch equipment. The purpose of the proposed project is to conduct an exemplary demonstration of the viability of transit company operated, demand responsive special transpor tation in a medium sized urban area. The project is intended to provide a basic level of special transportation to the handicapped and elderly population of the City of Portland. No persons, families or businesses will be displaced by this project. There will be no significant impact on the environment and the project is in conformance with, and a part of the Transportation Development Program under CRAG, and is in conformance with comprehensive land use planning for the urban area. The project is currently under review by the A-95 Clearinghouse. The estimated cost of the project is $1.044.000. Federal participation will be $827.000 and the local share will be $206,800 paid from Tri Met non operating revenues. A t the hearing T n M et will afford an opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social, economic and environmental aspects of the project. Interested persons may submit oral or written evidence and recommendations with respect to the project. A copy of the application for » federal grant for the project, together with an analysis of the environmental impacts of the project and the Transporation Development Program, are available for public inspection at the Tri Met office. 520 S.W. Yamhill Street, Portland Oregon. William G. Hall. Director of Planning and Development PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS NORTH & N.E. PORTLAND tONE DAY SERVICE KNIT BLOCKING OUR SPECIALTY MMCM MPAMS-MO CHAKM ncK-up « o tu v rrr 3933 N.E. Union * For all areas of I.He Insuranre Family Financial Planning Health Insurance and Group Insurance 282 368(1 1 .7 CARLOS BODY A PAINT SHOP Notice is hereby give that the City of Portland has filed a major modification to the initial grant application with the U.S. Department of Ixibor lor additional federal manpower monies available under Title V I ol the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 (C ETA I. The initial funding application was submitted to the U.S. Department of Labor on January 8, 1975. This modification supercedes prior modifications The purpose of the modification is to: Apply for an additional $3.566,223 Title V I base funds, bringing the total funding level to $5,214.717; extend the program year from February 9. 1976 to June 30. 1976, transition 106 Title II participants into Title VI; transition 16 PEP IE E A ) participants into Title IV; create 331 new Title V I positions; and modify the narrative and forms to reflect new activities. This money will be used to fund positions in Public Service Employment exclusively. Approximately 890 disadvantaged individuals will be served by Title VI from July 1. 1975 through June 30. 1976. An estimated 631 new enrollees will utilize the program of which an estimated 299 participants will transition into unsubsidized employment; approximately 227 participants will obtain employment indirectly, 72 participants will personally find employment. An approximate 132 will terminate tor a variety of reasons, i.e., return to school, return to former employer, etc., and an estimated 85 will not complete the program. The number of significant segment population to be served are based on the total number of new enrollees as follows: Special Era Veterans 151, Women 316. Minorities 351. A total of 590 positions will be funded under Title V I from July 1, 1975 through June 30. 1976. Anticipated expenditures by cost category will be: Total Grant Allotment $5,214,727 January thru June 1975 Expenditures $536,858 Total to spend July 75 June 76 $4,677,869 C L A S S IF IE D RALES Peggy Joseph Slate G l $23,500 3 bdrm English style home tn Irvington area, 2 lull baths, kitchen, plus eating area, com tiimit ion alarm system, lull bsmt. lots of storage space Call bra Hart 2 2 7 -5 8 2 8 K a is e r-P e rm a n e n te It A Nt II STYLE Horoscope personal cal culated send complete birth data time, time, place $10, Perry, P.O. Box 815, Daly, Calif. 94017 PIANO OR ORGAN LESSONS 1 child, days, $240 per mo., my N.E. home, refer ences, 285 0060 after 6 p.m Ext M l Close in N.E., 3 bdrms, In mg rm w ith electric fireplace, full basement with party rm. over size garage, $23,950. EHA VA. State G I C b terms Call bra Hart 213 1216 Women's Place Resource Center offers rap groups, drop in center, women's re ferrai servite», newsletter, and speaker s bureau. 1915 N.E. Everett. 234 7044 Page 7 NOTICe COMM UNITY LPN I DENTAL ASSISTANT Thursday, August 21, 1975 1 3 lines .. 4 9 lines .. 9 27 .......... 27 + lines DISPLAY ADS $2.50 per column inch 2S2-I361 3954 N W ilt lams A w . 'Yew’ve Tried The Rett, New Try The Best' N. Alexander. Proprietor Ads received by Wednesday noon will be printed on Thursday of the same week. Telephone (5031 283 2486, or mail to P.O. Box 3137, Portland, Oregon 97208. I