I t Page 2 Portland Observer Thursday. August 21. 1975 WE SEE THE WORLD THROUGH BLACK EYES Political football Portland O bserver'* article about Miss Gwen­ dolyn Brooks' decision arti­ culated the concern of a person who is really striv­ ing to make life worthwhile for many people. Miss Brooks' decision emphatically reveals that she truly cares. The fart of declining to appear in a facility currently under public scrutiny for "alleged" questionable practices is a reminder that the current International Women's Year is a time for both celebra tion and corrective humani­ tarian action. Miss Brooks' courage has added a dimen­ sion. for good, to life in Portland. Sincerely, J.M. Gates - THRILL TIME... EYHOUND 7:30 Tbey would rather have job« Reading method a disaster Dear Editor: The 11 August 2.3rd. 10:00 a m the rating services are dominated largely by three to 4:00 p.m.: Women in the agencies: the A.C. Nielsen, Arts in America. Panel •FC C which uses a patented discussions, seminars, film C o m m i s s i o n kr device inserted into a set to on photographer Imogene measure audience viewing; Cunningham, audience par the American Research Hu ticipation. With Gwendolyn The P ortland Poetry Festival has m o ve d its reau lARB) which sends a Brooks, painter Judy Chi Recently, the A.C. Niel include enough people But sen Service made what it "W om en in the A rts " fe s tiv a l fro m the YWCA to I hastened to say that I diary to its viewers to be cago. choreographer Bella filled in. and Pulse, Inc . Lewitzky. writer/translaler called a "pure" survey of a could not rutionally analyze P ortland State U n ive rsity. The o rg a n iz a tio n which deals exclusively in Suzanne Massie, musician B la ck A m e r ic a n TV the situation because I m o ve d its p ro g ra m a fte r Miss G w e n d o ly n Brooks, radio and uses the (tersonal Katherine G eorge, poet audience, centering its focus lacked both skill and exper Black p o e t w h o m the fe s tiv a l honors this year, in representative areas: the interview to attain its playwright Diane di Prims tise as a mathmetician or refu sed to a p p e a r a t the Y a nd a fte r Black Papers by Mindy Aloff, sampling results. Nation's Capital which is statistician to do so. seventy six percent Black, There are others, but Anita Ilelle, Susan Kirsch Citizens th re a te n e d a p ic k e t o f the prem ises I felt, however, that even and in Chicago and Detroit, though the sampling of their share of the market is ner. Jeanne M cKmghl, It is u n fo rtu n a te that a g ro u p e n lig h te n e d minimal. Portland State University. both of which have large Black households was pro e n o u g h to in v ite Miss Brooks to P ortland w o u ld Black populations. Because the FCC seems Saturday. August 2.3rd, bably not representative, not h ave a lso b e e n sensitive e n o u g h to fo rse e to have, at the very least, a 8:00 p.m.: Reading in Honor It was a first of its kind the fart that the effort was her o b je c tio n s to an o rg a n iz a tio n c u rre n tly tagential interest in the of Gwendolyn Brooks. El and some interesting rev finally made by Nielsen e n b ro ile d in ra c ia l c o n flic t. ratings game, it has been luage Anthony. Bill Maxey, elation* resulted from it. represented a significant suggested that the public and other poets. Albina But more about that later W e a re g la d the P ortland Poetry Festival fin a lly shifting in power relation For years Blacks and ships between the hitherto interest might lies! lie Arts Center. 8 N.E. Kill saw the lig h t a n d h op e this m ove also m eans that served if il conducted the ingsworth other m inorities asked ig n o red m in o r ity com they h ave g a in e d som e insig ht in to w h a t Miss "Nielsen who’".’ When the Sunday, August 24th. munity and the audience audience samplings, taking Brooks' p o e try is a ll about. name of this electronics measuring agency whose the services away from Annual Washington Park media sampling service was sampling findings ran spell commercial agencies Poetry Celebration. Wash I am opposed to this plan, mgton Park Garden Am mentioned. In other words life or death to a television just as I am op|xixed to a phitheater, near the Roses Nielsen (and other such or radio program services! agents in minority Nielsen's Black audience companion suggestion that (in case of storm. Portland the United States Census State Smith Center Ball communities were almost as survey covered an eight Bureau with its built in room, Broadway at Mont plentiful as Eskimos in the week period from January Sahara Desert. It was. and Noon: Opening 10th through March ttth I expertise of lung standing gomeryl indeed, is, hard if not won't go into the numbers in making national surveys, C erem o n ies; 1,00 p.m: impossible to find a Black represented in the so called should take over the samp Duane Niatum, author of ling It is true the Census A sce n d in g Red C ra ter or a Spanish surnamed. or "share rating", but it suf an Indian or an Oriental fires to say that Nielsen Bureau does have the ex Moon, etc . 2 00 p m : American who has been found, as could have been perience, but like the FCC. Gwendolyn Brooks, guest of it is a federal agency, and I honor . .3:00 p m Williams interviewed by this or any predicted, that Black au other sampling agency. dienres in DC.. Chicago think the heavy hand of Toy Theater, performing RELIEF Given the fact that these and D etroit, tuned in government does not belong marionette play. "The Myth CHECKS agencies base their findings heavily to Sanford and Son. in this sensitive private of Perseus.“; 4:00 p.m : on such a small number of starring comedian Redd area. Robert Hass, Field Guide, OPENS There are many flaws in people 1.400 out of 200 F’oxx. with slightly less Yale Younger Poets Prize ; AT- fAtA million one is hard put to viewing of Soul Train Flip the surveying techniques of 5:00 p m : Diane di Prims, discover anyone even in the W ilson's variety show- the service agencies and Revolutionary Letters, etc majority community who pulled well as did Fat one of the biggest hereto 6:00 p.m John Beecher. has been included in such a Albert comedy cartoon on fore, was its bland mdif Collected Poems 1924 1975, survey. "One man recorder of Saturday mornings. Blacks ference to the inclusion of Many people, and espe American history 7 00 also tuned in heavily to minority samplings in its But a federal ciallv minorities, are skep p m Vern Rutsala, Th* weekend college basketball conclusions tical of the ratings game and pro NBA basketball government take over won't Window. etc that results from such shows. It is significant that ho a cureall. samplings. And when I was both Sanford and Son and Black Journal's Tony queried by some members Soul Train took significant Brown and other leading a of the press after Nielsen plunges (by more than Black communications fi announced its sampling re gures have led the fight in thirty rating points! when suits in Black Washington, N ielsen sam pled mixed this area, and they should D.C., I said it was my gut l Black and white) com he commended for it. be feeling that this random munities. cause now Nielsen ratings sampling was inaccurate For the information of service is beginning to bi-cause I felt it did not those who may not know. res,Mind LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor: The West was won. the frontiers conquered and seemingly there were no more lands to subjugate. Not so. say the educational and publishing elite. We will change the form of teaching children to read. We will kick out as old fashioned the tried and true method that has made this nation one of the literate lands of the world. Used in one room schools, even those cabins hewed out of logs in the wilderness to teach children and adults from foreign shores as well as natives, this type of teaching shall be no more. To make use of the know ledge the child has acquired in learning to talk is passe’. Instead of using the alpha bet of twenty six letters to produce about forty two sounds, we will start a new system of mem orizing whole words as the Chinese do. Verily, this pictograph method shall be the estab lishment's sacred cow. For almost fifty years this configuration process has been eating at the heart of our educational system until the number of non readers or those reading below the third grade level is approaching calamitous levels. Actually anyone who has learned to talk ran learn to read if he has a sim p le and o rg a n iz ed method based on the alpha bet. One can truly say educa tion in the United States is a disaster. If the reader doubts the truth of these statements. I challenge him to volunteer to help one of the thousands of young people and grown ups who are struggling to communi cate by reading and writ ing. At the present time the military budget is the highest item of government expense. The second high est cost is for education. What can we do to get our money's worth? As you well know, it is the tax payers; namely, you and I who have to pay these costs. Let us admit that the children are not failures, but that this whole word method kJ the failure. This look s a y . co n fig u r a tio n method is the festering sore that is eating away at not only our children's grasp of reading, but also at his or her self respect. Radical surgery is needed. Let's do it. Donald J. Herzog 2328 N.E. 19th Avenue Portland. Oregon P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r Published every Thursday by Exie Publishing Company. 2201 North Killingsworth, Portland. Oregon 97217. Mailing address: P.O. Box 3137, Portland, Oregon 97208. Telephone 283 2486. Subscriptions: $5.25 per year in the Tri County area, $6.00 per year outside Portland. 1st Place ( ommunitv Service ONPA 1973 1st Place Best Ad Result* ONPA 1973 5th Place Best Editorial NNPA 1973 4-C Child care (Continued from p. I col. bl the books seem unable to pinpoint the exact amount of surplus funds or their source, but some former board members believe the figure is much higher. During the period that these funds have been known to exist, programs have been closed and children terminated due to lark of funds. The board has refused to deal with the problem of the unallocated funds and where they should be used for several months, with the controversy reaching emotional heights when the suggestion is made that these funds could be used to support the Model Cities programs Robert Fell, former director of 4 C. confidentially advised Model Cities personnel that these were United Way funds and to United Way people that they were Model Cities funds In light of the large amounts of Model Cities money allocated to child rare, especially during the first three years of the program, some board members arr certain that the funds are actually HUD monies allocated for child rare through Model Cities and that there might have been some infraction of HUD guidelines in holding this money The major concern of many board member*, and especially those from Columbia and Clackamas Countie*, is that those funds not be used for Model Cities children. Mrs. Jerry Frye, current chairman of the board, in discussing the injustices of rutting Model Cities programs while using their money for administrative costs, remarked. "I'm not in favor of straightening out past wrongs." The board did ultimately pass the $11.240 allocation with the promise of director Steve Ixiwen to attempt to further rut the budget. The Portland Observer's official position is expressed only in its Publisher’s column (We See The World Through Black Eyes). Any other material throughout the paper is the opinior of the individual writer or submitter and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Portland Observer. Honorable Mention Herrick Editorial Award NNA 1973 2nd Place Best Editorial 3rd Place MATIOWAL „ ' r== MEMBER Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association MEMBER i Aisocittion - Founded 1885 at Fairview Park east out Banheld Freeway I 80N NE 223rd and Halsey Street Post tun® 7 30 pm Monday thru Saturday For dinner reservations and information call 665 2191 Sorry children under 12 not admitted SUBSCRIBE NOW - _ nr Rates: a«»««* «pO.Zj Tri-County area and Armed Services $6.00 Other Areas of US N am e < Address Community Leadership O NPA 1975 /» MUUTN0MAH KENNEL CLUB 2 More Nights Second Class Postage Paid at Portland. Oregon ALFRED L. HENDERSON Editor/Publisher POETRY FESTIVAL SCHEDULED r a Move proper CETA fu nd s are fe d e ra l m on ie s a llo c a te d to p ro v id e tra in in g a n d /o r e m p lo y m e n t to u n e m ­ p lo y e d persons CETA II a nd VI p la c e e m p lo y e e s on jobs w ith n o n -p ro fit co m m u n ity agencies, thus p ro v id in g |obs and, as a b y-p ro du ct, som e d e g re e o f co m m u n ity service. A lth o u g h these fu nd s are the re s p o n s ib ility o f M a y o r G o ld sch m id t a nd C om m issio ne r Jordan, the C ou ncil has ta ken upon its e lf the re v ie w o f each a nd e ve ry jo b p la ce m e n t. This is lik e asking C om m issioner M cC ready to su bm it each m u d p u d d le to the C ou ncil fo r a p p ro v a l b e fo re it is fille d . The C ou ncil, in d e lib e ra tin g each a nd e v e ry jo b slot, is sh o w in g its lack o f u n d e rs ta n d in g o f the CETA purpose They fo rg e t the p ro g ra m is to su p p ly ¡obs; they th in k it is to p ro m o te th e ir o w n p o litic a l biases. N ow each p ro g ra m m ust pass the p o litic a l and social, a nd e ven the sexual scrutiny o f the com m issioners. W e d ne sda y's C ou ncil m e e tin g w as a lesson in p a rtic ip a to ry d em ocracy to those w ho are d e p e n d e n t on the decisions o f this august body. A t o ne p a rtic u la rly e m o tio n a l p o in t. C o m m is ­ sioner Schw ab scream ed a h e a rty "s h u t u p " to an o v e rly enth usia stic o bse rve r; C om m issio ne r Iv a n ­ cie a n n o u n ce d g ra n d ly , "Y o u can support this g a rb a g e if you w a n t to, M r. M ayo r, but I w o n 't." Miss S chw ab a n n o u n ce d her c o n tin u in g o p p o s i­ tio n to c o u n s e llin g sexual m in o ritie s . C om ­ m issio ne r M cC ready w as absent b ut her o p p o s itio n w as a b ly a n n o u n ce d by C om m issio ne r Scwab. Those pro gram s th a t p ro v id e m usic a nd dan ce, a rt a n d ca b le TV w e re a ccepted w ith no p ro b le m . Program s th a t address som e ra th e r basic s o e a l issues — m in o rity e m p lo y m e n t, h o m o s e x u a lity , le g a l p ro ble m s, sexism , w o m e n 's rights, a n d those sponsored by PMSC w e re le ft u n til next w e e k. W e le a rn e d a fe w th ing s W ednesday C om m issio ne r S chw ab kn ow s little a b o u t social a ge n cie s a n d a lth o u g h she w as a b le to pass on som e a fte r a b rie f d e scrip tio n , PMSC re q u ire s a m o re in -d e p th pro be . C om m issio ne r M cC re ad y is o pposed to assistance to n e ig h b o rh o o d associa­ tions; C om m issio ne r Iva ncie d o e s n 't lik e h o m o ­ sexuals e ith e r; the M a y o r likes " g a r b a g e " . It is u n fo rtu a n te th a t a p ro g ra m th a t is so v ita lly n e e d e d in this a re a has to b eco m e a p o litic a l a re n a fo r those w h o h a v e h ig h e r p o litic a l g oa ls We d o u b t th a t this p e rfo rm a n c e g a in e d m uch c re d ib ility w ith the voters. Courage ttv iija m in L. H ooks City Zip State