Bethel honors men The men ol Hethel A M E Church will present their annual Men's Day at the 11:00 a.m. service on August 3rd. ('»chairm en lor the event are Or. Ernie Hartzog and Or. Alvin Graham. Guest soloists are IKoy Peterson achieves D.D. Patton and Oavid Flanagan. Al Jamison will lead the men's chorus. Charles Ford is chairman of the musical program. Reverend A. L. Henderson invites the public to partici pate in the service. The Sixth Annual Holy Convocation of the State of Oregon Church of God Pentecostal will convene at the Ark of Safety Church ol God Pentecostal Inc. on July 29th through August 3rd The Honorable Bishop U. V. Peterson is Host Bishop for the Convocation. The Church is located at 84 Northeast Killingsworth. The theme ol the Convo­ cation is looking Beyond. One ol the highlights of the Convocation is the con ferring of the Doctor of Divinity Degree from Zion Bible College upon Bishop V. U. Peterson on August 2nd. 1975 at 8:00 p.m. D elegates from O regon, 4L up ■** • -, Youth show fashions by .Spencer Barrett The llelhel A M E. Youth department will present a Fashion Show on the even ing of August 3rd at 7:00 p m in the Bethel Multi purpose room The fashion show is being held to raise money for the Youth departments trip to Seattle. Admission is SI.00 dona tion at the dour or tickets may be obtained through members ol the youth department. MRS A B E R N A R D D EVER S ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner ol 8th ano* Skidmore Sunday Schoril 9:30 > ni Sunday W orship* 11 00 a n ( hrislian 4ou(h Fellowship li 00 p ni iSorund and Fourth Sundays! Keyerend 1 hum,is |, Strayhand, Minister s*ethodi,f p S i l i N .L A. Lee Church S d w s l M M e te r 2SS-542V ................................................................ 9,4 3 , m Mommg Worship .................................... u x » aan Wed Noon — ina Hour of Power UtOO Wad Prayer A Close MeeWng ........... T 7iS0 pn> First Lady honored I Family membership of the New Hope Baptist Chureh, located at 3725 N.E. Gantenbein, ol Port land, Oregon has planned a special banquet honoring the Pastor's wife, Mrs. A. Bernard D e ve rs, F irs t ljsdy. The First Ijid y of the New Hope Baptist Church, Deleria Yvonne Devers, is a native of Oklahoma City and has always worked diligently in the Lord's vineyard in various ehurrh auxiliaries, however, spe cializing in the angelic departments. She is the daughter of M r and Mrs. Robert Reese New Hope membership will honor its First Lady with a Banquet and Fashion Show Arrangements have been made for dinner, fashions and entertainment on August 8th, 1975. 7:30 p.m., at the Top of the Cosmopolitan Motor Inn. Portland Observer Thursday. July 31. 1975 ST. \NDREW CATHOLIC CHURCH 806 4 .E . Alberta Street Reverend Bertram Griffin, Pastor Maseee: 5:00 p.m. Vigil - Saturday 10:00 a m. Choir - Sunday 12:00 p.m. Folk - Sunday Mrs, Devers is a grad uate of the key punch academy in Oklahoma City. While residing in Seattle, she was employed by Paci fic Northwest Bell as a staff secretary, during her em ployment' she participated in company sports league. She was presented the Most Inspirational Player Award, 1974. Deleria married Reverend A. Ber­ nard Devers in 1967. And is the mother of four children and guardian of" one: Vipa V. Devers, A r thur Bernard Devers II, Demeatrius A. Devers and Demika A. Devers. Her guardian child is Percilla Manning. 28) 4429 ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL 4919 N.E. 9th Ave. Norita Kelly. Principal Phone: 284-1620 Grade« 1 through 8 H/b see HIM IN PERSON BISHO P PETERSO N nou / Washington, and California will be in attendace. The public is coridally invited. AT TOTO M Athens Boom. 1030 NE. Union Avenue, Portland. Dinner will promptly be served at 7:30 p.m. and the New Hope family extends a special invitation to the public. Page 5 Question: Is the Work ment Division offices serv­ Incentive Program (W IN ) ing all thirty six Oregon still in operation in Oregon? counties. T ra in in g or Answer: Yes. The Work placement services were Incentive Program provides provided to approximately counseling, training, job 8,500 Welfare clients. development and supportive In Fiscal Year 1976, W IN services to recipients of will continue to emphasize Aid to F am ilie s w ith D e ­ job placement. All A F D C pendent-Children. The ob recipients who are not jective is to place A FD C exempt, plus any with recipients in suitable em exempt status who volun ployment so that they can teer, will be registered as eventually remove them potential W IN participants. selves from the W elfare The most nearly employable rolls. The program is will be called up for joint administered by the Em appraisal by the Employ ployment Division in close ment Division and Child cooperation with the Public ren's Services Division with W elfare Division and Child consideration for active ren's Service Division. i W IN participation. It is During Fiscal Year 1975, estimated 9,000 individuals W IN operated through will be served by W IN twenty four local Employ during Fiscal Year 1976. MEMORIAL COLISEUM Zvawye/ut P n t J t f t r wiÜ be in a otv Tiove (jod tyirtclf Crnsaii 5atur«(au / g y u i t 2,(97y a t ¿ to iV itcA rcf dares to believe ( f o d f o r his tvorJr. Ht ws a. pvsven w ttrxJi wumsrry fro m Coast tv 0 *s r has n^.m itfrrec to thousand} J/r wilt siuti you fr o r * (jods utord iv h trt Qod. promised. to htaL every zm A and. meet «very w ed he wdL tuen teatd ttou kav to itawcyktfi Jco receive q ods pnmises. I f yen are side er have a need, this is ye n r o p fv r tu n ity co have those needs rtitf. N ursery C a ra Provided The combine choir ol the Church of God and Manatha Church will provide the music. • asar hfafj A A a a A a a d A SO CIAL SER VIC E Temp., full time post tion for rhild information A referral service, Min 2 yrs college Knowledge of com m unity resources A ability to communicate by phone Submit resume to 4 C Family Information A Re lerral, 1530 S W Taylor. Port . Ore 97205 Closing «late 8/2/75 An Equal Opportunity Employer C O O R D IN A TO R OF STUDENT EM PLOYM ENT Assist in need analysis, financial aid packaging & student counseling 2 yrs. college, or equivalent exp. Accounting, typing, filing, correspondence capabilities essential Hourly wage, paid vacation, other bene fits Apply until Aug 8th to Office of Controller. Linfield College, McMinn ville, Ore 97128; 472 4121. ext 239 An Equal Opportunity Em plover D E N T A L HYG E1NIST Needed for top hygeine position. Involves pediatric practice, patient education in clinic, public schools, etc. Full training and skills of hygeinist utilized Excellant blend of clinical, rommu nity, and administrative responsibilities Benefits include two weeks paid vacation, sick leave, dental medical health plan, con tinuing education courses, car expense, salary range 77« 1000 Apply: Mult Co. Personnel. 426 S.W. Stark. 7th Floor Port . Ore 97204 248 5053. An Equal Opportunity Employer A R EA H E A D R E S ID E N T Residence halls Masters Degree preferred, plus live in and hall administrative exp. Nine month appt., $7,668 plus room A board. Apply: M. Edwards Bryon. Directory Student Housing. DSC, Corvallis, Ore 97331. Deadline Aug. I, women and minorities encouraged to apply. A C C O IN T A N T If you are a graduate accountant with 3 5 yrs. exp as an institutional or corporate accountant with supervisory responsibilities, we have a position opening to discuss with you. We are looking for some one with a strong back ground in financial account mg. a self starter who can handle the bonks of this hospital We will discuss the salary requirements during your interview If you are interested in reviewing this opportunity with us, please send your resume to: Jack Wilson, e m p lo y m e n t m a n a g e r, Emanuel Hospital, 2801 N. G antenbien. P o rt., O re 97227. An Equal Opportunity Employer R E S ID E N T C A R E T A K E R C O U PLE For roast ramp, start Aug. 25, strong, skilled with motors, boats, tractor, general carpentry, mainte nance. Must pass Coast Guard boating test. Appli ration deadline Aug. 13, house, salary, benefits, send resume to: Camp. I l l S.W. 10th Avenue, Port., 97205. The Clackamas Co. Inter mediate Education District is currently accepting ap plications for the following positions, testing A federal p ro g r a m c o o r d in a t o r , teacher aide/driver. key­ punch operator, counsellor, and se cretary composer operator. For further info call Dorothy Johnson, 635 4341 An Equal Opportunity Employer LABO R E X E C U T IV E Chief executive for Ore gon State Employees Asso elation, a 16,000 member independent labor organiza tion. Strong management capabilities required. Duties involved managing 25 mem her staff responsible for im p lem enting association policies in collection bar gaining, public relations, lobbying and employee per sonnel problems. Salary open. Apply by August 8 to P.O. Box 2289. Salem, Ore. 97308. An Equal Opportunity Employer A P A R T M E N T EDR R E N T C L E R IC A L $6 89 77 7. P e r fo r m s moderately complex and v a rie d c le r ic a l d u tie s usually involvin g active public contact and a spe cialized knowledge of de­ partmental functions and procedures. M IN Q UAL: Type 50 wpm accurately plus high school grad or G E I) plus 1 yr. exp. in business office with major responsibility fo: meeting the public on a regular basis. A PPLY: Before 4:30 p.m.. August 1st. 1975. Mult. Co. Personnel. 426 S.W. Stark. 7th Floor. Port., Ore 97204. 248 5035. An Equal Opportunity E.m plover oa w a rn - n o o u a o t FtOt-UF 4 t*>*-VV 282-8361 3954 N W illiams A w •Yee’ve Tried Th« Bea», N e w Try Th« Beat* N. Alexander, Proprietor 2 bedrooms, large living room, upstairs, side en trance. Near Lloyd Center, $150 per mo. all utilities pd. except heat, 284^120. W o u ld you lik e to v is it the C h ica g o v ic in ity ? W o u ld lik e o ne or m o re w o m e n to d riv e to C hica go a n d re tu rn a b o u t tw o w e e k s la te r W illin g to a rra n g e re tu rn rou te to m e e t your needs - sigh tse eing , etc. H elp w ith d riv in g . C all 281-9267. PORTLAND METROPOLITAN STEERING COMMITTEE 220 N.E. Russell Street P ortland, O re g o n 97212 Phone [503] 288-8391 OUTLET STORE On Swan Island SAVE ON FURNITURE JOB A N N O U N C E M E N T for PRO JECT D IR E C TO R lEoster Grandparent Program I M AJOR E M P L O Y E E B E N E F IT S The agency pays premiums for group life insurance policy ten holidays/year. Partial payment of health insurance for employee fifteen days' sick leave per year. Fifteen days vacation pay for the first year, maximum accrual. Twenty days' vacation pay after two years, maximum accrual. Item Reg. Dining Sat wtth S Chairs, • only 229" 1334’ V ? 3- 88” 125°° 49“ 439” 269“ 83990 328“ 349” 187“ 499” 367“ 269” 157“ 179” 88“ Dining TaMa, Walnut Finish, 1 only WMag High Back Chair, 1 only Style Seta, 1 only Style Soft A Demi, ' i H O I RS OF WORK The normal work week consists of forty hours. Because of the nature of the Community Services Administration Program, emergencies may occasionally arise which necessitate overtime work Professional employees, in some instances, do not receive pay for work performed in excess of forty hours. I t is considered a part of the professional staffs responsibility to work over the normal forty hours per week when needed. Portland and Metropolitan Steering Committee's salaries are studied each year to ensure that they are comparable to salaries in the surrounding areas. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S Applicant must have background in community development and service delivery programs. Applicant must have experience in working with older persons, volunteers, and or children. Applicant must be skilled in interpersonal relations. Applicant must have ability to communicate effectively and to analyze and solve problems. Interested applicants should apply at the above listed address not later than Monday, August 11th, 1975; Attention Cleveland Gilcrease, Executive Director. Salary: $11,000 Limited to 2086 increase over previous salary. D IA L -A -J O B Style Vinyl Seta, ' oniv tarty American Style Seta, 1 only Csienlal Style Seta, 1 only Velvet Swivel Reciter, 2 onty Sale Some One of I Kind, 5v a good seoctwp « ell cetegones mW fun Woram t T *^c**ncw v*1 Ncxture *« Seen ’emeus jueremee on eopnaxes nisiereos «xl you cm zee *our Seers «ewmngCMrgeel Seers Out« StCXB Phone 238-2398 Sears, Roebuck and Co. 5230 N. Basin Ave. Hours: Mon. Thru Sat. 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. P A IN T H m eeasy 2 2 7 -5 8 2 8 Kaiser-Permanent« Medical Care Program C L A S S IF IE D H A IE S KNIT BLOCKING OUR SPECIALTY Heavy typing, exp. nec cessary, 224 7250 ext. 101, Boise Cascade Corporation An Equal Opportunity Employer U tr M h C lw A D M IN . SEC R ETA R Y PORTLAND CLEANING WORK» NOSTH a NX. PORTLAND ,O N E D A Y SERVICE Travel to Chicago S E C R ETA R Y Accounts Payable Clerk Accounts payable back ground plus variety of clerical duties. Material Allocations Clerk Strong number oriented, good general math bark ground, 10 key by touch and able to work under pressure. Contact person nel office, Portland W ire A Iron Works 4606 S.E. 17th Port , Ore 97202 Telephone: 234 9731 ext. 314 An Equal Opportunity Em plover the I 3 lines .. 1 9 lines .. 9 27 .......... 2 7 + lines $ .43 .40 .38 .33 D IS P L A Y ADS $2.50 per column inch Ails received by Wednesday noon will be printed on Thursday of the same week. Telephone (5031 283 2486, or mail to P.O. Box 3137, Portland. Oregon 972118. An Equal Opportunity Employer / / ' - ' - j i F re e E s tim ate s E xp e rt c ra fts m e n . No job too sm all. P IA N O DR ORG AN LESSONS L atest and modern •method to play either instrument. For more information, please cal! 287 1634. CARLOS BODY A P A IN T SHOP 311 N.E. Shaver 287 8529 let us handle it fo r you W E N D E L L E. B R O W N C O N S T R U C T IO N C O M P A N Y R oofing • ( c m rn l M u rk • Kt-mod» lin g • ( o b s tru c tio n \ M h d r l \« ig h h < ir hi it id HuM nrws The most reasonable shop in town. Work done satisfactorily. r \lh in < ( o n (ra r(« > r\ \'M x ia t » o n 3 9 3 3 N.E. Union 2 8 8 -6 3 4