Page 2 Portland Observer Thursday, July 31. 1975 during this period is shared by the community. He, if not I given the opportunity to (Continued from p. 1 col. 3) work and exhibit usefulness, indiscretion that cauaed the loses his liberty in all too man or woman to become an many instances, and every offender in the beginning, thing attendant to the com but we muat also fare the munity assumes the debt of a cold and sometimes hard wasted human resource. And PCC reality that they must be I feel strongly, that coat C o m m is s io n e r allowed • yea • given the could, for the most part, opportunity, to become pro have been avoided by offer durers in the society upon ing the opportunity for A n um ber o f m onths a go Stevie R em ington, payment of whatever debt economic stability at a lime billion dollars of insurance d ire cto r o f th e A m e rica n C iv il Liberties U nion, Recently. I was privi society has decreed muat be when such was sorely need in force. paid. To do this, we must ed. I hasten to say that for leged to address the 55th stu m b ele d across a secret in te llig e n c e file kept T o d a y a lth o u g h th e work tirelessly in developing the majority of people in our Annual Convention of the on her o rg a n iz a tio n by the P brtland Police member companies have new vistas of work for society, economic stability is National Insurance Assorts Bureau. The ACLU is a la rg e ly w h ite , H a ro ld W illia m s has been a p p o in te d by shrunk to thirty nine, the tion The affair was ex offenders commensurate m iddle-class, leg al o rg a n iz a tio n d e d ic a te d to the G o ve rn o r Bob Straub to serve as the state with that individual's capac synonomous w ith gainful centered in my hometown. N IA has assets of over one employment. billion dollars and seven p ro te ctio n o f First A m e n d m e n t rights. a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n o ffic e r. W illia m s w ill be ity to perform. We must give Memphis. Tennessee The Hoard of Parole is a billion dollars of insurance The Convention theme N o w the Socialist W orkers Party, a g ro up re sp on sible fo r im p le m e n ta tio n o f the state s him the opportunity to de strong supporter of work in force! Three of these was appropriate: "Six M's velop and then maintain a w h ich advocates ra d ica l p o litic a l ch a n g e th ro ug h a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n p la n by state agencies. This release for the above stated companies, in d iv id u a lly , Of Change: Money, Mar the e le ctio n process, has asked the Police Bureau n e w ly crea ted p o s itio n w ill, for the first tim e, posture of dignity and self reasons We also fully recog have more insurance in worth that submerges a past nize the problems fared in kets, Machines, Methods, fo r the file s it keeps on th e ir o rg a n iz a tio n a nd its m ake a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n a re s p o n s ib ility o f the force than all fifty nine in that was neither beneficial the prosecution of this con Men, Management". And it m em bers. that bygone year of 1951. G o v e rn o r's o ffic e . from an economic sense or cept. However. I think it ran seemed doubly appropriate And. those of us in the The Police Bureau has n ot a d m itte d nor d e n ie d W illia m s is w e ll q u a lifie d fo r the p o sitio n and self fulfilling from a psycho be adequatelv defended as in light of our upcoming audience not privy to this Hi C entenn ial Y ear Cele the existence o f in te llig e n c e file s , nor has it as a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n o ffic e r in the Personnel logical sense. one of the tra n s itio n a l information learned that bration. produced them . The real punishment for bridges linking the ex of D ep artm en t d e m o n s tra te d his a b ility a n d his that one member company So many Blacks and other In Septem ber, u nd er a n e w O reg on la w , it w ill c o m m itm e n t to the cre a tio n o f e m p lo y m e n t the ex offenders begins when fender with society. Hut. today not only has more minorites seem to be taking they re tu rn to society. again, we must fare the be ille g a l to keep in te llig e n c e m a te ria l on o p p o rtu n itie s fo r m in o ritie s and w om en . assets than all those fifty a dint view of this national Undoubtedly, some have no reality that no m atter how persons because o f th e ir p o litic a l b e lie f. In the G o v e rn o r Straub and his a d m in is tra tiv e concern about the social beneficial such program s landmark observance It is nine, but hss twice as much m e a n tim e , it i$ c e rta in ly im m o ra l to use this fo rm assistant, Keith Burns, are to be c o m m e n d e d for climate, but, in most in may be in theory, few of the as if they feel "This is the insurance in force as all o f harassm ent a nd in tim id a tio n in w h a t is this a p p o in tm e n t in lig h t o f a lle g a tio n s o f sexism stances, the question upper benefits can be achieved white man's thing, not those firms represented in c o n v e n tio n t w e n t y fiv e ours" which is precisely supposed to be a fre e society. a g a in st W illia m s . It w o u ld have been easy to most in the ex offender's unless employment oppor years ago! what some are saying tumties of both sufficient mind is “How will society Those w ho are co nce rn ed w ith n e ith e r le g a lity secum b to pressure a nd fo llo w the a dvise of This is power. Economic accept me on release?" I've quality and quantity ran be either under breath or out nor m o ra lity should be co nce rn ed a b o u t the cost those w h o sought th e a p p o in tm e n t o f a w o m a n power Other Black mil loud. paid my debt, he says, I ’ve secured for the participants lions are accumulating in o f p o lice spying in a tim e o f b u d g e t deficits. Was to this p osition . Other Blacks seem to feel done my time 1 want to go P o te n tia l em ployers fre it re a lly necessary fo r th re e or fo u r p o lic e m e n to G o verno r Straub has to ld o f his c o m m itm e n t to straight. 1 want to work. 1 quently ask: Would the there are so many other Black savings and loan institutions ami in Black pressing problems: vast un be reliable? take rolls o f pictures o f those p a rtic ip a tin g in a m in o ritie s b ut has had little o p p o rtu n ity to want to carry my share of ex offenders banks, adding to the rising the load will society let Would they steal from me? em ploym ent (m ore than recent p icke t o f the P ortland In te rn a tio n a l d e m o n stra te this c o m m itm e n t. Would they constitute a double that of whites; it economic viability of the me do this? A irpo rt? Can w e re a lly a ffo rd to support a spy W e n o w k n o w he is h e a de d in the rig h t Black community Despite spirals upwards to forty, If we do not, at this crucial danger to my other em co n tin g e n t to keep track o f p o litic a l and c iv il d ire c tio n . fifty and sixty percent for obstacles, we are on the point in his or her life, make ployees or customers? Would move in America our home rights groups w h ich , by no stretch o f the This a p p o in tm e n t is a b ig step to w a rd p ro v id in g a reasonable provision to they behave in a manner young Blacks in our land crow ded g hetto areas); im a g in a tio n , co u ld be suspected o f b e in g a th re at true o p p o rtu n ity to m in o ritie s in O regon. guarantee a legal source of that might embarrass me or Not enough money, how crunching housing short sustenance in order that my firm. 1 have no guar to the peace? ages or unfit housing, in ever, is accumulating in basic necessities can be anteed answers to these The SWP has asked M a y o r G o ldsch m id t fo r And ghetto arras; soaring food Black institutions. acquired, we may well not questions nor does anyone help. We d o u b t th a t the M a yo r is interested in many Black lament the fact and other basic coats in merely ignore the plight but else for that matter p o litic a l sp yin g ; w e d o u b t th a t he is concerned eluding health rare, where It is difficult to impossible also create once more the However, many have sue home, abo ut a p o litic a l th re a t to his a d m in is tra tio n . W e all the fat that ran be had to float a loan: very circumstances that we ceeded. The travesty of it all business nr personal Too has been know will guarantee his seems to revolve around the long sin ce b e lie v e he w ill o rd e r C h ie f Baker to turn over the many Blacks still pass by return to crime. fact that few in society are trimmed to the nitty gritty file s and w e h op e he w ill o rd e r a stop to this Black banks and Savings by desparately poor and The material needs of a concerned about those of type o f in te llig e n c e g a th e rin g a nd d ire ct the struggling families all and lawns enroute to banks fenders who "make it" Much man or woman who has been p o lic e to w a rd c rim e p re v e n tio n . and Savings and lawns in prison for six months are greater interest is focused on these problems and many more, so that Blacks don't outside our com m unity. The SWP is in fille d to its file s under the fe d e ra l largely the same as their those who do not. Until we begin to patronize In closing, I should like have time for such frivolous Freedom o f In fo rm a tio n Act. W e hope the counterparts who have serv doings as the B.C. our own. the l«wns will briefly to touch on one other ed much longer sentences. M a yo r w ill not p ut the city th ro ug h the expense There is much truth here remain hard to get, and we Both have suffered separa facet of our discussion here a nd the em b arra ssm en t o f a lon g court b attle , tion from home, family, this morning And that is: But I think we make a will continue to lie economic o ver a lost cause. paupers friends, jobs and the com Where do we go from here? mistake if we Blacks take If the city g o v e rn m e n t re a lly fe e ls th re a te n e d The N IA convention and munity. Both bear the same As we look about, we see no interest in this occasion by this g ro u p o f yo u n g socialists, p erhaps the Editor: probation and parole officials, For it is part of our basic the men who run these stigma of ex offender and Dorothy has to offer, but powerful rising Black eco voters sh o u ljl take a closer loo k at the SWP ex convict. This. I would especially under fire, not heritage, too. A Black man. would be the loss of one We are writing from the Crispus Altucks, was the nomic institutions help us submit to you. is a degree of only recommending more p la tfo rm . human being who cares Multnomah County Deten first to die on the Boston look with new eyes on the social intolerance that must offenders for close confine very much about us as tion Center for women, in Iti C e n te n n ia l C e le b r a be displaced ment but becoming extra Commons. an incident (hat people and not just ex cons. regards to the attempted triggered the Revolutionary tion, and take stork once On release from prison, cautious in granting paroles We would like the case of termination of one of the War more of ourselves as a rare most offenders, with some Criminologists in state uni Dorothy Baker brought out counsellors for the Women's (Please turn to p. 2 col. 1) A t the N IA Convention, and as a proud people. The few exceptions, re e n te r a versities remain mute, leav Prison Project which has into the open and to the not legal. Mrs. Hughes worker. Revolutionary cry, "Give world unlike the one he or ing the bitter editorials and (iroud Black men. powerful public. We of Claire Argrow explained that she had done Sister Sidney spoke of been working out of the Me Liberty or Give Me she left years before and columnists broadside often figures in the biggest of YW CA. Not only is one C e n t e r in M u ltn o m a h this because she knew "conscience racism." B lack in d u s t r y w e re Death did not fall on deaf utterly different from his or laden with misinformation County have no other way others would demand a A lengthy debate fol­ employee's jobs in jeopardy gathered They proudly Black ears. For Blacks, it her most recent habitation, unanswered We must won but with the termination of to combat the social in­ meeting and, “I'm glad you lowed. with one faction was a clarion call to help In this “new" world, except der if this nation is primed to rattled off the figures: The Dorothy Baker, the Wo­ justice and political manu are all here." wanting to suspend the sever chains of British for a few uneasy relatives embark on the greatest organization was last con men’s Prison Project is also vers which we feel are Dorothy Baker, Black so program for six months, and uncertain friends, he or prison building spree known vened in Memphis about colonialism and, in so doing, jeopardized. causing the termination of a cial worker with the project then begin anew. Their It smash the chains of slavery, she is surrounded, totally to the world? W ill states twenty five years ago woman who is trying to and The firing of Dorothy who was threatened with rationalization was that the boasted, at that time, fifty ushering in a diamond engulfed, in an environment contine to spend $30,000 per has helped us very much. Baker is a mere political dismissal so took her charge program is without a direc nine member companies bright era of equality and of distrust, suspicion, dislike new prison bed at the Sincerely. of racism to the board, was tor due to the resignation of move on the part of the brotherhood That we are and. in some cases, open expense of better schools, Murray J. Marvin, first The Women's Claire Argow YW CA and as such, should notified the day of the Julie Wycoff. N IA executive secretary, still in quest of the latter hostility. A life that was better education, aid to Center be exposed. Dorothy Baker board meeting that she Erma Eishburn however reported that the fifty nine g«y 1913 the terminatin of Dorothy through her connections women in the county jail tion is the fact that Colum Proscribed for employment that the son or daughter of Baker and also the im­ w ith vocational tra in in g QUALITY DRY CLEANING and those who are residents bia Regional Association of by most concerns and if the ex offender of today will pending termination of the program , w ork reliance at the YW CA. Governments (CRAG) has REASONABLE RATES unable to find some. he. of not become the ex offender Women's Prison Project. programs, but also in the Two clients of the pro­ voted not to fund the •SAME DAY S M *T S tff V f f M IE S f t V K I of tomorrow necessity, tries to survive. Victoria Tulson, Eleanor area of personal therapy. •J HOUt CLIAMNG D I Y C lfA N IN G gram - one Black and one program after June 30th. I'm sure that there is no Today, we are searching for SATURDAYS UNTIL N C JO N AV Alt ABLE M y ric h . S h irle y Purvis, white - presented their 1976 because of its lack of She has been not only •COMPLETE lA U N O tv Do H Yosa«W