xuthodlrt * Portland Observer COGIC hosts SS convention The International Sunday School Convention of the Church of God in Christ. Inc. will convene in Port land from July N th through July 20th at the New Heathman Hotel and Para mount Northwest. Approx imately 14,000 delegate* from throughout the world are expected. s m M L Mi A. U e NUntste* Bishop's Banquet at the Sherraton Motor Inn on July 15th and the Preai dent's Banquet on July 16th at the Hilton Hotel Grand Ballroom. 2SS-S42* Church School ....................................................... »,45 , m Morrwq, Warship ........... 11:00 sm Wad Naan — ina Hour of Fewer UH» noon Wad Froyor A Class Meehnq The Theme for the con vention is Freedom Thru Christ and the Truth. Some of the highlights of the convention will be the State .............., * * > P"> Nursery Core Fee» ads d “* * • * » * • * ( " » osar V of j hdorheod 4 drorhorhood' ALIEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner id Mh and Skidmore Sunday S. hixil 9 :|i) .1111 S1111d.it U iirohip I I INI .i m Chriolian >uu ih Fellow «hi,> 11:00 ,1 in iS ii oiid .mil P iiiirlh Sund.it «I Reverend Ihoina- I.. S lra t hand. Minister after only recently becom ing aware that it was a totally Black owned com pany. "I saw that the company was having p ro b lem s,” Branch stated, “ but when I realized that Al Bell was the sole owner, 1 imme diately understood. The congressman and M r. Bell have many common in­ terests and their coming together will be good for all Black businessmen in this country.” Fauntroy is donating the proceeds from the album to the M artin Luther King Center for Social Change in p a |e 5 Democrats visit Morse ranch The Honorable J. 0 . Patterson. Senior Bishop, will be the principal speak er. Bishop Cleveland Wil liams is International Sun day Sehool Convention Pre sident. Dr. J. C. Poster and Dr. W. L. McKinney of Port land are hosting the con vention. Fauntroy records C o n g re s s m a n W a lt e r Fauntroy has become the newest singer to join the Stax (iroup of recording artists. Recording on the Respect lustM-l, Fauntroy'* first out ing will be a selection of songs in tribute to the dream of Dr. M artin Luther King. Jr. The album was produced by tten Branch, who was the founder of SCLC and Operation Breadbasket Or rhestras; and Al Bell, board chairman of the Stax O r­ ganization. It was Branch who brought Fauntroy to Stax Thursday. July 17. 1975 Atlanta and the building fund for the New Bethel Baptist Church in Washing ton. where he is minister. F a u n tro y '* musical t a ­ lents have previously been limited to rhurrh and civil rights activities, but now they will be available for the general public. Oregon Democrats will hold their first annual picnic at the Wayne Morse Ranch at 12 noon, Sunday after noon, July 20th. The Wayne Morse Ranch is located at 595 Crest Drive (off W illamette Street) in southwest Eugene. Demo crats from all parts of the state will be there. The public is invited. There is no charge, but food. etc. The Democratic National Telethon will be broadcast on July 26th 27th, in an effort to involve people Notice Seniors hold picnic J e w e lry m aking and Knitting are two new coed classes for young people by the Northeast YW CA. 126 Northeast Alberta. The classes are free. The Jewelry Making class is scheduled on Tuesdays from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. beginning July 15th. Paula Dawson will be the instrur tor. Further information on the classes may be obtained by railing the Northeast YW CA at 288 5173. "The man is a singer par excellence." exclaimed Al Ik-Il after hearing him. “He ain't just whistling Dixie, he's singing." Bell has hopes for future albums on the congressman of diver gent types. will be sold. The W ayne M o rs e Memorial Picnic will be Oregon Democrat's major pre telethon event. Funds raised at this event will be used to help pay for telethon expenses The Metropolitan Arts Commission Neighborhood Outreach Project and the Senior Adult Service Cen ter presents that incompar able rhythym stylist W alter Bridges and His Orchestra. Band features eighteen artists playing the BIG B A ND SO U N D of the 40's in concert. (Provide your own portable chair or stool. I M u s ic a l p r e s e n ta tio n made possible by Music Performance Trust Fund of the Recording Industries through their contributions in their political system. Democratic leaders discuss ing the issues as well as well as nationally known entertainer* will appear during the twenty two hour special, which w ill be carried over the ABC TV network from 9:00 pm July 26th to 7:00 p.m. July 27th lz>cal 99 A FM The Senior Adult Service C en ter's F o u rth Annual Picnic will be held in conjunction with the band concert. Cold drinks will be furnished. Remember to bring your own picnic baskets and bring the whole family. Peninsula Park, Satur day, July 26th, 1975, picnic 10:30 a.m. and concert - 2:00 p.m. For further information call 288 8338. TOM® ST. ANDREW CATHOLIC CHURCH 80« N.E. Alberta Street Reverend Bertram Griffin. Pastor Masse«: 5:00 p.m. Vigil -• Saturday 10:00 a m. Choir - Sunday 12:00 p.m Folk — Sunday 281 4429 ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL 4919 N .E . 9tb Ave. Marita K elly, Principal Phone: 2841620 (•rade* I through X DENTIST LABOR EXECUTIVE Dentist wanted to staff County Public Health Den tai Clinic providing grneral dentistry to low income children. Oregon license req. Full time position. Liberal fringe benefits. In ­ quire D r. Robert Isman. 248 3711. Apply: Mult. Co. Personnel Office, 919 S.W Taylor. Port., Ore 97205. Chief executive for O re­ gon Slate Employees Asso­ ciation, a 16,000 member independent labor organiza tion. Strong management capabilities required. Duties involved managing 25-mem her staff responsible for im p le m e n tin g association policies in collection bar gaining, public relaliona, lobbying and employee per sonnel problems. Salary open. Apply by August 8 to P .0 . Box 2289. Salem. Ore. 97308. CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY ( ENTER I2X N.E. Russell Street Portland. Oregon 97212 An Equal Opportunity Ejaployer The ( hristian Community Center announces the sponsorship of the Special Food Service Program. Free and reduced price meals will be made available to children meeting the approved eligibility criteria and will be provided without regard to race, color, or notional origin. Meals will be provided at the site listed STENOGRAPHER lb-low : Z " PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS A NO RTH An Equal Opportunity Employer Varied duties incl. typing, dictaphone, office machines, must be exc. typist. Hourly wag«-. 40 hr. wk., vacation, sick leave, other benefits. Apply before July 25 to Office of Controller, Linfield College, McMinnville, Ore. 97128. 472 4121 ext. 239. An Equal Opportunity Affirm ative Action Empiever LABOR ATTORNEY Attorney for State Em ­ ployees' independent labor organization. Civil rights or labor relations background. Salary open. Apply by July 18 to K O . Box 2289. Salem. Ore. 97308. An Equal Opportunity Fjnployer lONE day skvice 2S2-S361 3954 N. WUtlama Ana. ‘YMf’ve Tried The Rest, New Try The Be«l* N. Alexender, Propriefer HOME IMPROVEMENT • SUPPLY CENTER • **<*- is.v Pn B *• g h» a ie a S~ * Shower Ita M t (ib s r g la tt Employee representative for State Employees' inde pendent labor organization public employment or labor relations background pre (erred. Duties involve work with State Employee problem s, collective bar gaining, leg is la tive re lations. labor organizing and m e m b e r s h ip r e la t io n s . Salary open. Some field travel. Apply by July 18 to ’ .0 . Box 2289, Salem Ore. v tm . An Equal Opportunity Employer , Fenicie B eeid Fot many u o i l i l lkm •3 9 " up 1 0 .0 0 0 R o c « C ah tnol H a rd w o s 99c . 0 . W att F a n e to if ?B ditfcrsnl pnnott 1 /2 OFF WANTED One or two ladies to drive to Chicago early in August. Help with driving. Csll 281 9267. ».g >?4” Boon Feiet, 3' to 10- 10- U n k t A B e im i Damaged DOORS t r la M " •3“ »n *5" •2” up *5” up Ai Feld Isterie! ttd ln g 4.» n t i Oeen Short lang t *1 “ IJ.I Fre H ung D e e n •10“ tn *20” w M" " G a rd e n ‘ Stakes I to tO o v lo w os 1 O' e a . , 3 4 ” Wide Shelving BUILDING SUPPLY DISCOUNT C EN TER S* S T E N O G R A P H E R -C L E R K High school graduate or equivalent. Must have knowledge and background in office practices and procedures. Must be able to operate basic office machines. Type accurately 50 wpm and take dictation at 80 wpm. Maintain accurate record of employee payroll records. Salary - $500 per month plus family- medical insurance. Paid sick 4 vacation. Applica tions must be submitted no later than July 23rd. 1975. F o r fu rth e r info rm ation phone 288 8338. Blue Cress of Oregon An Equal Opportunity Employer MECHANICAL E N G IN E E R S Mare Island Naval Ship yard, Vallejo. California, has immediate openings for Mechanical Engineers. Ap­ plicants must have exp. in vetilation. air-conditioning, building piping systems and machinery, facilities and plant equip. Openings exist at Grades GS-11, Beginning salaries range from $15.481. Must have a degree in engineering. Must be a U.S. Citizen. Send resume to: Mare Island Naval Shipyard Code 170.23 Vallejo, California 94592 An Equal Opportunity Employer FACULTY EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATIVE Faculty employee repre­ sentative for State Em ployees' independent labor organization. Higher edu cation teaching exp. req. Labor relations background desirable. Duties involve w o rk w ith o r g a n iz in g faculty bargaining units, collective bargaining, em­ ployee problems, legislative relationships and member ship relations. Salary open. Some field travel. Apply by July 18 to P .0. Box 2289. Salem. Ore. 97308. An Equal Opportunity Employer The most reasonable shop in town. Work done satisfactorily. 22Z-SS2S K a iu r -P tr m a n e n lt M e d ic a l Care Program An Equal Opportunity Employer ff* OBSERl/ER C L A S S IF IE D S Fl («Nils) 1 /3 CDX Flywood. 4x1 287 8529 2 bedrooms, large living room, upstairs, side en trance. Near Lloyd Center. $150 per mo. all utilities pd except heat. 284 6120. NOTICE 75* Employer APARTMENT FOR RENT CARLOS BODY * PAINT SHOP 311 N.E. Shaver Formica Counter Taps »•g 'Ja" Min. of 1 yr. exp. programming on IB M /360 under OS environment us ing A N S I COBOL. BAL language helpful, exc. fringe benefits. Call 225 5364 for appointment. DIAL-A-JOB ta n g o H eo d t •19” As Paint Maintenance supervisor, $17,000 plus a yr. Manage & direct the work of the construction and maintenance unit of the Parks Bureau. Must have background in administra tion, budget, preparation and control supervision and work control, general con s t r u c t io n , c o n s tru c tio n preparation contract and monitoring. Apply by July 22. 1975. Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery. Portland. Oregon 97201 Portland State Univer sity, Portland, Oregon in­ vites nominations and ap­ plications for this supervi- sor/teaching position. A Master's Degree with em ENGINEERING phasis in Adult Remedial T E C H N IC IA N 4 In s tru c tio n and demon strated exp. in this area is $1.036 $1.322. A.A. deg. req. Knowledge of