______ Portland Observer promoted to Personnel and T ra in in g S u p e rv is o r w ith Model Cities. He is presently the city Training Coordinator. 1-eRoys primary responsibi­ lities involve new employee orientation, development of job related skills of present em ployees, assessment of PORTLAND P R O F IL E S mg .„ d in* ' " * ‘ Pr« "< *i« g are impor June ■ " ’• n U “ fa r tin g apable minorities to citv * r v ,c e and t o . career in d t j m.nV‘r ? ThW * Pr° f',e* <>' minorities apd their surceases S a ? f h i r P' ° J"nent ' * " • * not just that opportunities were ^ d e .vaiU ble in the city but *7 Were Pur*ued dedicated, capable by 7 VA OWNED PROPERTIES EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Freddye Petett In August of 1973. Freddye was appointed Em ergency Services Coordinator. In December. 1974. .he was appointed by the M ayor as Director of the Crime Proven Uon Bureau. Recent eity. re la te d a c tiv itie s include chairing a committee on Se­ curity and Privacy, and atten dance at a Howard University seminar. “Crime and Its Im R rt on the Black Com munity." Georg» W eatheroy <*orge joined the police force as a patrolman in May. 1«6I. In February of 1962 he P***ed the civil service pro motional exam and became an Identification Officer in the Criminalistics Division. By July. 1967. he was promoted, through successful competition in the exam, to Police Deter live. George advanced- to Sergeant two years later and “ presently serving in that capacity as a supervisor in the Youth Division The Youth Division is involved In invest! gallon of crimes against and Hobart Iwsmoto T * * city's Training U p ro fo r u n e m p lo y e d veterans. minonUes. and the disadvantaged, provided „ “W ortunity for Bob to become a Firefighter after ten months « preparatory training Ihese properties may be financed with a 30 year VA Installment Contract-6■/.% per annum 19245 S.W. Rock Dr.. Aloha 2 story. 4 bdrm. 2 baths SP 127.000. Sold “As Is" 6276. Approx Mo. Pym t NO DISCOUNT OR ORIGINATION FEE 9900 N .E . 52nd St.. Vancouver 1 story. 3 bdrm, 1 bath SP 621.500. Sold “As Is" 6196. Approx Mo. Pymt 5866 N.E. 26th Avs.. Portland 1 story. 3 bdrm. 1 bath SP 617.500. Sold “AJ Is" 6180. Approx Mo. Pym t 1112 N .E . ’ «Roy was Assistant Ave.. 666 N .E. Buffalo 8 L . Portland 1 story. 3 bdrm, l 'h baths SP 622.000. Sold “As Is" SP 612.600. Sold “As Is’ 6200. Approx Mo. Pymt ALL CA8H OFFER ONLY «066 N .E Cleveland St., Port­ land 1 story. 3 bdrm. I bath SP 617.800. Sold "As Is’ 6176. Approx Mo. Pymt «828 N .E . 20th A re .. Portland 2 story. 8 bdrm. 1 bath SP 64.500. Sold “As Is" A L L , CASH SEE YOUR REALTOR care about what you care about L O W P R IC E S - H IG H Q U A L IT Y . F R IE N D L Y S F D W ir -c BUY BETTER CHOOSE THE 6 R 0U N 0 BEEF H U PREFER MODERN IN-STORE BAKERY WITH T R U -V A L U ALBERTSONS I ne nnest oakery goods in town are baked freah seven days a week right here in our UNIT PRICING own ovens. Albertsons master bakers use only the finest ingredients, giving special attention to every detail to create a variety of breads, pies, cakes, cookies, and pastries! tru - valu FARM FRESH PRODUCE Il it isn t fresh, you won’t find it produce department. Albertsons fea extra big selection of the finest produce available anywhere. If its in its at Albertsons! Van­ 2 story. 3 bdrm. 1 hath 6120. Approx Mo. Pymt ner for M odel'Cities in A fte r one year he 124th couver re,'# BUYERS GROUND BEEF GUARANTEED MEATS Albertsons sells only U SD A Choice b properly aged for flavor and tenderness, well as top grades of pork, poultry, fish, lamb. Special cuts will be cheerf prepared to your specifications, just ask! N. KILIJNGSWORTH