J May 16, 1976 Z e ro x head designs program Kaxuki Sasaki, concertmaster of the Sapporo Symphony Orrheatra, joined the Orrheatra in 1962 at the a|(r of 18. Two years later he was given the position of conertmaster. Mr. Sasaki will play Yuzo Toyama's Violin Coneerto, Saturday. June 7th at Madison High Srhool Auditorium. Japanese symphony Festival event One of the events of the 1975 Portland Rose Feaitval is a concert by the Sapporo (Japan) Symphony Orches tra Saturday. June 7th at 7:00 p.m. in the Madison High School Auditorium. The concert marks the 15th anniversary of the Portland Sapporo Sister City re lationship The Sister City Program provides planned and con tinuous contact In-tween the rttiea and citizens involved by promoting international cooperation and under standing in the fields of education, government, rul ture, economic and social relations. Sapporo Mayor Takeshi Itagaki, a goodwill delega tion and the orchestra will arrive at Portland Inter P IA N O OK ORGAN LESítONfi Latest and modern method to play either instrument. For more information, pleas«- call 287 1634 national Airport Friday, June 6th at 1:00 p.m. Our Japanese visitors will be greeted by Mayor Neil Goldschmidt, members of the City Council and other dignitaries and then es corted by motorcade to the downtown Hilton. The Japanese entourage will attend the Rose Festi val queen selection and coronation Friday evening in the Coliseum. Mayor Itagaki is being asked by Mayoi Goldschmidt to pre sent the City of Portland’s gift to the new queen. This special concert is a gift to Portland costing S a p p o ro m o re th a n $100,000. A t the concert Mayor Goldschmidt will re ciprocate by presenting Mayor Itagaki with a speci CARLOS BODY A P A IN T SHOP 311 N.E. Shaver 287 6529 The most reasonable shop in town. Work done satisfactorily. PORTLAND CLKANINO WORKS r NORTH & N.E PORTLANO ONE DAY SBIVICE K M T BLOCKINO OUR SRfCIALTY AHOE CMAKM ncx ue a ootverr 2B 2-B 361 3954 N .W U llam a A W . *Y e*'ve Tried The twat, N ew Try The Beat* N. Alexander, Proprietor ally commissioned work of art by well known North west artist, Farren Smith. The Sapporo Symphony Orchestra was founded ir. 1961 and has been conduc ted by Peter Schwarz of Munich, W est G erm any since 1969 The concert program includes Yuzo To­ yama's "Violin Concerto" fe a tu rin g C o n certm aster Kazuki Sasaki as soloist, the Overture to the Flying Dutchman by Wagner and Beethoven's Symphony 03 in E Flat. Adm ssion is free, by ticket only and open to the public. Pick up your tickets at many branches of U.S. National Bank and other metropolitan locations. For ticket availability, call the Portland City Hall informa tion number, 248 4583. < X xxxx BUILDING SUPPLY LIQUIDATORS OVERSTOCKS! CLOSEOUTS! BANKRUPTCIES! promotion " Racouillat. who ia, thirty three, has been Oregon branch manager for some three years. He joined Xerox in 1966 after working as manager of the Investi­ gation Service for the State Compensation Insurance Fund in San Francisco and Sacramento, and attending law school at night. He worked his way up the Corporate ladder to branch manager with repaonsibility for operations in Oregon, Southern Washington and Northern Washington. Since 1972, he has taught a sales management grad uate class at PSU. OSU and UO. During that time, he e s ta b lis h e d a $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 minority student scholar ship fund, coupling dona lions from his faculty sala-y with Xerox matching funds. He is presently vice president and board direc­ tor of the Portland Urban Ix-ague, board director for the Portland Metropolitan Steering Committee, on the Education Committee for the Portland Chamber of Commerce, and completing a master of business ad­ ministration at Pepperdine University with a thesis on "Profitable Corporate Social Responsibilities.” The V ete ra n s A d m in i stratio n have rem inded veterans of their right (o request correction of what they feel are errors or injustices in their military records. Application must be sub­ mitted to the branch in which the veteran served, but VA ran provide the practice in Portland, ia the author of the book “Silent Tragedy, Child Abuse in the Community” and a c o n trib u to r to scientific publications. The keynote address will be based upon his book Seargent Wesson from the Portland Police Department will speak from her experience in working with abused children. The Conference will open with a no-host refreshment hour and registration beginning at 6:00 p.m. Dinners will be served at 7:30 p.m. followed by our program. It will be held at the Hi-Hat R e sta u ran t, 11530 S .W . Barbur Boulevard on F ri­ day. May 16th, 1975. Re servations may be made by c o n ta c tin g th e F o s t e r Parents Association, 226 1659, according to Darrell Smith, President. “Together For Children” ia the program theme for the 7th A n n ual F oster Parents Conference, spon sored by the Footer Parents Association, a United Way Agency. The program will cover the growing problem of ehikf abuse. The Conference is designed to appeal to all parents and persons interested in im proving services to child ren. The evening Con­ ference will bring together experts in the field of child welfare and a aeries of skits by caseworkers, and a Keynote address focused on the association goal of improving services to child ren. Co-speakers Peter Decourcy, Ph.D. and Ser­ geant Mavis Wesson will speak on child abuse fol­ lowing a 7:30 p.m. dinner. Dr. Decourcy, in private For First Class S ervice For Prices T h a t M e e t The R e q u ire m e n t For Courtesy VA correction rights reviewed Most Worshipful St. Jo­ seph Grand Lodge, A .F. & A M ., Scottish Rite of Oregon and Mount Olive Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star of Oregon will present their Annual Tea and Queen Coronation on Sunday, May 18th, 1975 at Portland Community Col­ lege. Cascade Center, Stu­ dent Union Building. 5606 N. Borthwick Avenue. This promises to be a gala affair from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. The public is cordially invited to share this affair with us. Further informa­ tion may be had by calling: 289 9683. Teaching children about sex is the topic of two workshops for parents, sponsored by the Planned Parenthood Association at the Albina Branch Library. Workshops are scheduled for Saturdays. May 17th and 31st, 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. Marjorie Moss of Planned Parenthood will show films and distribute reading material. The Albina library is located in the shopping center complex at 3630 N. Vancouver Avenue. Ad­ mission is free to all interested parents. The Burnside Community Council is composed of interested citizens who wish to maintain the viability of the Burnside area, espe cially housing and services that affect the people. Tickets for the benefit are available through Ste­ vens and Sons, Lipman's Ticket Place or by calling M ike B urton, 283-7216. Tickets are $5.00 per per­ son, the price of which includes the film and a champagne and hors d' oeuvre reception. * society, on a full time basis and do it with full psy, with full benefits and with full assurance of their job and a warm welcome when they come back to Xerox." So far, only a skeleton description of Racouillat's social leave has beeyi worked out. He will spend two months, starting May 1st, interviewing business leaders, women and minor! ties in the Portland metro- politan area in an attempt to define the program. Donald Parker, dean of the School of Business A d m in is tra tio n at P S U , says that the goal is to match needs voiced by people in the community with appropriate resources at the University. Even tually, Parker hopes Ra couillat's program will be come a model that could be used in other colleges and u n ive rs ities across the country. Racouillat says business leaders of today face a unique problem. "Many are not hiring, yet they have to increase productivity," he says. "A t the same time, they must meet affirmative action guidelines. The answer is to make present minorities and females more productive and ready for Foster parents confer necessary Department of Defense form , D D 149, "Application for Correction of M ilitary or Naval Re cord." It was pointed out that while some errors may seem insignificant, correc tion of others could prove important, resulting in eli­ gibility for V A and other benefits. Generally, veterans are expected to file requests for correction w ith in th ree years, but this deadline may be waived in interest of justice. Applications may be filed by the veteran, survivors or legal representatives. The* Is A T ra d itio n There Is N o C a ll V a n n ” V A N N ’S MORTUARY 5211 N. W illia m s A v e . 2 8 1 -2 8 3 6 COMMUNITY CALENDAR xxxxxx> A series of photographs on "Wildlife of the North west" is currently on dis­ play at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. The color photographs by Robert B. Smith portray a number of animal indige nous to the Pacific North west in their natural habi tats. Subjects include big horn sheep, moose, hum mingbirds. and bald eagles. Robert Smith is an Ore goman who combines a love of the outdoors with an e x c e p tio n a l t a le n t fo r photography. His work in "Portraits of the Oregon Coast" for the Oregon Coast Association won first prize in the national contest for tra v e l m otion pictures. Smith's credits also include p ro fe s s io n a l ci ne m a to graphy for Hollywood film director Tom Beamer. The Recession Is Here . . . We're Liquidating Companies that didn't make it! Robert Racouillst. Oregon branch manager for Xeroa Corporation, is taking an eight month leave from the company to plan a manage ment development program for minorities and women through the School of Buai ness A d m in is tra tio n at Portland State University. Specifically, he hopes to develop a program to help give minorities and women the skills to become more productive and ready for responsible m anagem ent positions in th e ir com panics. R acouillat ia one of tw e n ty eig ht X ero x Cor poration employees across the country nineteen men and nine women who have been given full pay and full time leaves ranging from three to twelve months to partici pate in social service pro jects of their own choosing Other leaves will be used to counsel delinquent young people, record for the blind, rehabilitate alcoholics, set up a scout program for handicapped boys and give legal aid to the poor and aged. Xerox officials say the four year old social leave program “allows employees to take time off from work to do something for their Portland Observer Pare 5 Less than three weeks to apply for a public fireworks display. June 6, 1975 will be the cut off date for the 4th of July. It is illegal to discharge any fireworks in the city limits of Portland, except with a written permit issued by the City Council. Toy caps are the only legal fireworks authorized for sale and use in the City of Portland. For further information contact Inspector Spring at the Fire Marshals Office. 248 4363. The Multnomah Associa tion for Retarded Citizens will hold its 22nd annual dinner meeting Tuesday, May 20th. at 7:00 p.m. at the Congress Hotel. Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger. Syracuse University pro­ fessor, will be the guest speaker. Dr. Wolfens berger has achieved inter national acclaim in the field of mental retardation and is considered the founder of the citizen advocacy con cept. He will speak on self renewal of the agencies for retarded citizens. Reservations for the din ner must be made before May 16th by calling the MARC office.’ 223 7279. Note: D r. W olfensber ger’s appearance is possible oecause he is attending the American Association for Mental Deficiencies conven tion in Portland May 18th through 23rd. The Association m ain ­ tains an activity center 114 N. Alberta. Mayor Neil Goldschmidt and Chief of Police Bruce Baker will act as Masters of Ceremony for the 1939 film classic. "The Hound of the Baskervilles” to be shown for the benefit of the Burnside Community Coun cil on Sunday. June 1st, at the Movie House, 1220 S.W. Taylor. Sponsored by the Sher lock Holmes Society, the film stars Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce. The film was obtained by the Movie House a fte r n eg otiatin g with the Sir A rthur Conan Doyle Estate for two years. The film has not been seen in the United States since 1945. This showing will mark the West Coast pre mier of the film. The Rose City Trade Srhool In., is presenting a City wide talent show at the Memorial Coliseum in the Assembly Hall Saturday May 17, 1975. There will be all types of music and ta le n t, s ta rrin g T h a ra Memory (young Black con ductor and composer) and his well-known jazz band, Linda H o rn b uckle, Ken B e rry , James Johnson, Danny Osborne and the Jefferson High School choir and many others. Donations $2.00. The American Indian To­ day, a class examining the conflict between traditional Indian values and the domi­ nant cultural values will be offered by the Center for Urban Education on May 20th, May 27th, and June 3rd. The class, taught by John Spence, will be held from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at the Dekum Building, 519 S.W. Third i third floor), Port­ land. The class's introductory session will review federal Indian laws and* policies. The following two sessions w ill e x a m in e c u rre n t aspects of Indian culture, including non interference, silence, respect for other life forms, tribalism. Indian time, Indian humor, and other customs. The class will also review Indian social problems including their difficulties with white institutions. The in s tru c to r. John Spence is an American Indian (Gros/Ventre/Sioux), current director of the Indian Education Project at Portland State University's School of Social W ork and past chairman of Portland's United Indian Council. The course is open to the public. There is a $10 charge for registration, and a $1.00 charge for reading materials. Further infor­ mation is available from the Center for Urban Educa­ tion, 0245 S.W. Bancroft, Portland. 97201. (503) 221 0984. F re e E stim ates E xpert -cra ftsm en . No job too small. let us handle it fo r you W ENDELL E. B R O W N C O N S T R U C T IO N C O M P A N Y R o o fin g • ( t m p n l W o rk • • ( o n * ( ru c tio n \ M o d e l \«-ighborh«H»d B usiness M rm b rr \lb in a ( o n ln c io r s A ssociation 5 7 5 N . K illin g s w o rth D/t.Bewul 2 8 9 -5 5 4 9 DENTIST / t '§ Good to Know e NO N E OF MY HELPFUL DENTAL HEALTH POLICIES H A V I CHANGED _wo On Thursday, May 15th, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Portlands Open Door So riety will hold a fundraising luncheon sponsored by Fred Meyer products at St. Lukes Lutheran Church at 6835 S.W. 46 Avenue, Portland. The public and anyone interested in adoption or talking with people who have adopted children is invited. Games and prizes will be part of the activity. Tickets are $1.25 and may be purchased from any O.D.S. member or call Kathleen 244-6738 or Pat 287-4640. All proceeds will go to the Open Door Society. Appointment < e « e in %< A o ta r enlroct* * (#//*« e H o e n H ( tie m to » p a ( /owd Neturdev < o b i FOR COMPLETE DENTAL SERVICE J C o n v R n w n H y l o c a t e d D a n t a / O FFicas P O tTLA N D e SA LIM • IU G IM C PRICES QUOTED IN ADVANCE N o Finance C o m p an y or Bank to D e al W ith > A w t 2 2 7 -3 4 2 7 I u n r a ic e Aewtfled * « • Will Aiuti Tee villi the fenos “ “ Prom pt DENTAL -R E P A IR S - Be/wa/id e b n t ib t 5 1 5 s* 4 th **• Stivata A14tt * WatkiSfHa M 1 Ifeoe a M t H \ V - 1 1