I ■‘*8 * 8 Portland Dbaarvar Thursday. A p ril 17. 1975 Cancer Society begins fund drive When the volunteer cru­ saders of the American Cancer Society go out to call on their neighbors during the Residential Cru sade A pril 21st, 22nd and 23rd, they w ill be complet ing a process that to date has consumed thousands of hours of volunteer leaders* time since September 1st 1974. According to Doris (Mrs. Donald) Schwab. Residen tial Chairman for Multno­ mah County, between the Gresham Crusaders' Con­ ference Monday morning, A p ril 7th, and the following Monday afternoon, A p ril 14th. more than 10% of the volunteer workers w ill be personally instructed on HOW to reach their neigh bors with the 1975 cancer quiz for every family. " I t w ill be up to the volunteers attending our conferences to share their information with nine or ten of their co-workers so that when the doorbells start r in g in g in M u ltn o m a h County on Monday morn ing. A pril 21st. each vol unteer w ill not only have in her hands her kit of U r b a n L e a g u e d ir e c t o r a s k s _ .u b le Residential volunteer leaders for the American Cancer Society 1975 t rusade met to plan the presentation of materials to volunteers. Pictured are deft to right) Doris Schwab. 1975 Residential Chairman: John Rian, 1975 Multnomah County Crusade Chairman: and Mary C. Harrison. Northeast D istrict #1 Chairman for the A pril. 1975 Crusade crusader materials but w ill have an important message for each home she visits." she said. “ Throughout the United States, it is estimated that in A p ril, 1975, the Residen tial crusaders w ill reach forty million homes. This means the American Cancer Society volunteers w ill have approximately two minutes at two thirds of the homes in this county, first, to give their neighbors their copies of our cancer quiz land urge them to read it) and second, to ask for a contribution to the coming year's Crusade to Conquer Cancer." B la c k m e d ia a d s Vernon E. Jordan, execu tive director of the National Urban League, called on advertising agencies meeting in San Juan. Puerto Rico to double their expenditures with Black media. He was addressing the annual meet ing of the American Asso nation of advertising Agen cies. "This doubling of dollar expenditure« on Black media should not be lumped into an amorphous 'Black area', an under nourished ghetto of your budgets, but should represent an across theboard advertising investment in all the Black media." he empha sized. " It is a truism ", Jordan continued, "that discrimina lion often hurts tRe perpe trator as much as the victim, and in this case it is clear to me that you are failing your clients and yourselves when you refuse to reach potential Black consumers through the media they patronize and trust. "There are sound business reasons for greater utilize lion of Black media, and in weighing them, there must also lie the recognition of your industry's responsibility for continuing the existence of the most effective means of reaching a 25 million people, S60 billion market," Jordan stated "The Black press, for 150 years the bulwark of the Black community's struggle for freedom and a basic community institution, gets a tiny fraction of the news paper ads placed by the top UK) agencies." Jordan also urged ths* agencies to resolve to double their hiring of Blacks at every level, from the board on down “ I believe", he said, "the advertising indus try should make affirm ative action hiring its major thrust in the coming year . ." “ This ought to be "the year" in which every agency in the country takes the initiative to expand its nti nority employment and es peciatly to integrate its professional staffs." W omen Treated Equally. Since December 1974, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board has prohibited sex discrimination in making mortgage loans. One effect is that the combined income of both husband and wife must bi- considered in granting mortgage loans The lender can not pre judge what might happen in the future. For example, the lender cannot disallow the wife's income on the assumption she might de rule to quit her job. The FHI.BB also rules that it is discriminatory to require a single woman with a steady job or income to obtain a co signer for a mortgage loan when single men are not subjected to this re quirement. S o lo n s m e e t v o te rs Representative Ed Lin quist. Democratic M ajority leader and Representative Roger Martin. Republican M inority Leader, of the Oregon House of Represen tatives. will be the guests of Senator Vern Cook. R e p re s e n ta tiv e H a rv e y Akeson and Representative Glenn Otto at the Regular Legislative Report Break fast held by the East County legislators in co­ operation with the Gresham Chamber of Commerce on Saturday A p ril 19th. The bi weekly breakfast, held on alternative Saturdays, is a no host event and begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. and continues to 10:00 a.m. Commenting on the guest speakers Senator Cook said. “ Political parties and their leaders are involved in the legislative process, although normally at our Legislative breakfasts we don't pay any LISTEN TO VANN'S MORTUARY G O SPEL HOUR GOSPEL HOUR SUNDAY 9-10 a m R ADIO K Q I\ »107 ON YOUR FM D IA L W h y do YOU shop a t Safew ay? attention to party affilia tion. "In this case we are fortunate to have two young men who play a leadership role in their respective parties and we should be able to provide a special insight to the people of eastern Multnomah and Clackamas counties by their jo in t appearance next Saturday." The breakfast w ill be held at the M&M Cafe Gresham at 137 N. Main in Gresham. The public is invited. For further infor mation call 665-8143. Safew ay's lo w prices save me m oney! _____ ' f r i r e , effe ellve W n t a a w U r . A p ril IS. th ru 22. al ail I'u rila n d A \ a a r M Y M Hate w ay e M y fam ily likes those Safeway brands! ami bakery product». PRINT TOWELS — 'j Coronet Studio Prints Recovering Cost of Ban­ ned Products. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued reg ulations for the repurchase of hazardous products that are banned by them. The original regulation went into effect on March 6, 1974. To obtain information on the regulations and how consumers are informed about banned substances, w rite to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington. D.C. 20207, and ask for the leaflet, "Repurchase of Banned Ha zardous Substances." Roll of ,25 U low price» and Ir ie n d h . to u rle o u s service »hop Safeway roasts and ste aks! I h e re . . . Best way .» m conn- and »ee fu r yourse lf QUALITY IS FIRST AT SAFEWAY MARGARINE D a le w o o d f . April / count on USDA Choice b e e f When you j.k friend» why they thorn« Sale.... you II get a l. Jar ENCYCLOPEDIA CRYSTAL Written lor Today « Stvd.nl Ä.'.ar VeO. VBA ,0 « ® LAWN FOOD ; lb. 25 b K $C 97 J Golden Vigoro . . . Will Not Burn . . . . . 9 » •G n n n n o R w a i Coupon ledeeinafcle April 14-11. 197 J C U A U n A A | | ° H Sil* Sova29' With coupon 68 •at «atoo I Coupon Redeemable April 14-11, I97S HAIR SPRAY Aqua Net 11-or. Slit irav von Atretol Spray Con log. 96' Sava 2 8' With coupon 68« Soil and tappar ar fooled Wine G ioii $199 I 1 Graanland Turbo) Fillet« of Whita Seafood lag. 97' WEXFOPD 38 TURBOT FILLETS 7 0 « LF vu> . w t u r ili .varita FUNK t WACMAllS POTS » m . «aa.« M I w i n « , SB v °d 2 0 -lb . Potatoes auoivox O p to m ttr itH S .W . 3 r d V a r ia t it i, la r g a b -IH . M ACK * Fresh Cut Daffodils <>F < • m e le t fr r i f r r —— W N IT I «ABRIA Sangria * Sweet Anjou Pears pT~A^pomttw«nt Heeded ♦ 79< © D etergent © .34' © B u t t e r Clam s , —r I™ .».« 5