« I I Portland Observer From behind the wall continually put into that “old trick bag” at the whim of a people who we know by Chari«« W illiam . Too often, we aee head linea in the newapapera declaring that crime ratea are on the up awing arroaa thia nation. Well, if one meaaurea that declaration by the vaat and over whelming number of new committmenta arriving here at O.8.P. then multiply by 50 the final analyaia muat be a definite yea! Usually we are given the viewa of thoae people de aignated aa ex perla in the field of corrections and the ever eluaive rehabilationa divisions and though theae p eo p le a re a o m e tim e a thought of aa being liberala, the fart ia, they are conditioned to think in inreal terma. I to O 'e q o rt i f lo o i 3»a S’ : t> c ct Phone: 2 2 8 -7 5 4 5 cWhat do they say • I I »ut ^Linfield? • Why do the police use racist ond filthy language when dealing with Black people? NORTH & N E like to destroy all people the world DR. JEFFREY BRADY Says: Mills receives a w a rd John A. Mills, retiring president of the Urban league of Portland, will be given the Levy Award at the organization’s annual d in n er m eeting F rid a y , April 18th. Also receiving awards for service to the Urban League will be H.J. Belton Hamilton and James Lee, both of whom have completed twenty-five years of helping the organization in various capacities. The dinner will be held in the Grand Ballroom of the Hilton Hotel at 7:30 p.m., with a social hour preceding the dinner and dancing to live music following. Cost is $10.00 per person. California Assemblyman W illie A. Brown, Jr. of San Francisco will address the meeting on the subject, “Now Is The Time." would Black Page 3 “ I hr«" I t is our hope to get the active involvement of all agencies and the Black Community. Without help and assistence from our own, we are destined to be W« demand the Justice Dept in Wash , DC order the FEI to investigate the murders of Rickie Charles Johnson 17, Charles Meoefee Kenny Allen, and Joe Hopkins, the four Black men who have been killed by the Portland Police Dept within the last six months BOYCOTT RADIO CAB CO.!! Thursday, April 17, 1975 Linfield College is a lour year indc pendent educational institution ol the arts and sciences. Its size.curriculum and goals offer a broad, liberal and person alizcd education which recognizes that learning is a total, rather than an isolated, experience. I infield oilers year around study employment programs. Iinauci.il advaii tages and over 100 academic scholarships to qualified students without financial need. lor an informational packet about the 3 - 2 PRO­ GRAM, and Linfield College, please rush your name and address to: 3 2 PROGRAM, ITean of Admissions, Linfield College, McMinnville, OR. 97128. NAM F._____________________________________________ _ AOOR ESS_________________________________________ __ _______________________________ZIP_____________________ HIGH SCHOOl__________________________________ _____ CAROLYN CURRIE, a Linfield Liberal Arts graduate, says she made lasting friendships at the college. “ Friend­ ships I couldn’t have made in larger schools.” TOM EUCKER. an Engineering Major, says he likes the idea of two degrees and Linfield's work- study program. “Also, I get to know most of the students. It's relaxed here, unbeatable.” ANDY PASZOWSKI, a Physics Major, says he chose Linfield over several other private schools. “I’m glad to get away from a large city. People around here are friendly.'’ VICKIE BENTZ, a Chemistry Major, says she is a person, not a number, at Linfield. "In the smaller classes 1 get to know the material better and it makes studying easier.”