Portland Observer Male, female stereotypes here to stay Despite sll the gains in women's statu s, nobody wants a woman to tie more like a man. Arrording to a survey of the qualities men and wo men admire most in earh sex, the just released Vir ginia Slims Ameriran Wo­ men's Opinion Poll, Volume III, shows that the tradi lional male and female stereotypes are probably here to stay for a while. The Poll shows that while men anil women admire many of the same quantities in earh sex, they expert different things from men and women The study points out that: • Intelligenrr is more admired in men While intelligence is the most admired quality in both sexes, it rales a higher premium in men. While 57% of women and 55% of men value intelligenrr in women, a full two thirds of both sexes rail it one of their r tat admired qualities in mi .. • Men still see women as sex objects - but few of either sex admire sex ap peal in a man. More than one fourth (26%) of Ameri­ can men say sex appeal is the miMt admired quality in a woman. In contrast, sex appeal is barely mentioned by women as an admired quality in either sex. Only 5% call it admirable in women and 6% admire it in men. Only 2% of men admire sex appeal in a man. • Leadership ability is considered more of a mas rulinr quality by both men and women. More than one third of men 136%! and one fifth of women (21%) value it in men, while only 10% of men and 11% of women say it is an admir able quality in a woman. The Poll also shows that there are differences be tween what women look for in men and what men themselves aspire to lie: s 51% of women admire sensitivity in a man, though only 36% of men admire the quality in then^bvex. • 46% of women anmire a masculine sense of humor vs. 36% of men; s 44% of women look for gentleness in a man as compared to 16% of men. To what do men aspire? Along with intelligence and leadership ability, the qualities they admire in themselves are self control (named by 47% of men to 37% of women) and frank less (36% of men to 16% of women). Men admire gentleness in women more than women do in themselves (43% to 37%). Women admire self control in themselves more than men admire that quality in women (41% to 37%). Supporting a traditional male stereotype, men value the ability to express emo lions more in women (25%) than in themselves (16%). Men also give greater support to female stereo types. They are less taken with female independence than are women 117% to 94% t IMHerent People Admire Different Qualities. People from different walks of life tend to admire different qualities in the sexes. Blacks tend to place a higher value on intelligence, self control and leadership ability all qualities that are important in the quest for a better place in society. They also place a lower value on gentleness, humor, and sensitivity to the feel ings of others qualities that are less likely to advance them in society. One other notable dif ferenre: Blacks tend to place a higher value on sex appeal in either sex. The college educated tend to value intelligence and sensitivity highly in either sex. College educated wo men consider gentleness Page 5 NATIONAL POISON PREVENTION WEEK and self control slightly less important in both a man and a woman; college men like gentleness in a woman, but do not value it in a man. T he V irg in ia S lim s American Women's Opinion Poll, Volume III, was con ducted by The Roper Or ganization via in person in terviews with a represents tive cross section of 3,000 United States women and 1,000 men. According to Thomas Keim, Virginia Slims manger, “This Vir ginia Slims Poll is the third in a series of studies probing the attitudes and feelings of American women and co m p a rin g th e s e opinions to those of Ameri can men. The first two Polls covered women's role in society and women's feelings about politics and the economy, whereas this Poll focuses on love, mar riage and the American family." Thursday, March 20, 1975 MARCH 16 22,1975 The best in fast food WE RE NOT BRAGGING WHEN WE SAY D LR BAR B Q IS REAL GOOD t Dur Specialities Burgers ° Fries o Ribs Bar B Q Fish Fillet Corn Dogs Onion Rings ° Beef » t hicken ° Hot Links CALL IN YOUR ORDERS 5949 NE UNION at Ainsworth 2 8 3 -5 5 5 9 School Board seeks advisory committee members Kighteen soon to be vs ca ted positions await ap pointments by the Portland Board of «duration as three area citizen advisory com m illers end their fifth year of operation next Ji/m- 30th. Twelve of the open post lions are held by adult community members, six by high school students. All nominees must be' residents of the Portland School District. Nomination petitions for the twelve two year post lions as community mem Iters are available this week in the school district's public information office, 631 N E. Clarkamus Street, or at area and school offices. Adult applicants must be age eighteen or older and residents of the area they wish to represent They do not have to have children enrolled in Portland Public Schools Applicants who are parents of students enrolled in schools serving the entire district may live in any ares of the district. High school students do not circulate nomination |>etitions, but are nominated by their student bodies. Student m embers serve only one year terms and must remain in good aca demir standing P e t it io n e r s for com munity member positions must have signatures of tw e n ty fiv e r e g is t e r e d voters who reside in the committee area. The pell tions. along with bio graphics, must be filed with the public information office A five member review anel appointed by the tchool hoard on May 1st will compile a list of qualified candidates from among the adult petitioners May 12th June 16th and make recommendations to the school board. The srhool hoard will interview student nom inees May 12th June 13th. Each nine member com mitlee represents one of the three administrative areas of the school district. Members advise the area superintendents and the srhool board on matters relating to educational pro grams, building needs and school operations. The committees also help iden tify educational goals and budget priorities. C om m unity m em b ers whose appointments expire this year in Area 1 are James Meyer. Mason Janes, Barbara Townsend and Richard Roy. Each is eligible for reappointment. Area 2's community members completing terms are J