Pag«' 8 Portland Observer Thursday, February 27, 1975 M a rx proposes housing State Representative Bob Marx, Vice Chairman of the House Revenue Committee urged that measures to revitalize Oregon's housing industry In- given priority hi the legislative session. Representative Marx em phasi/ed that he had intro duced legislation to allow the Public Employee's Re lirement Fund to be utilized as a loan fund for public employees in construction of new housing. The interest rate would In- the same interest rat«' provided bv the Oregon Veterans' Home Loan Fund, presently - Representative Bob Marx stated, "the public em ployees of Oregon would In- allowed under H.B. 2603 to borrow money from their retirement fund to us«- in new home construction. The procedure would In- the same as utilized under the Veterans' Home Loan Pro gram, a procedure of pro ven success.” "Approximately $120 mil lion dollars in new con it ruction money would In- released creating 1,000 jobs and building over 5,000 new homes." » • : U -- -, « T 'I * ' »kJ ¿ i- ¿ »v • ' « — Boise Elementary School eighth graders are making quilts as a classroom project. Above: Rhonda Monro«' is -assisted by Chris Channel; Left: Brenda Palmer works diligently. 'Police rio t’ défendent aquitted by jury indicted and brought to standing quietly talking to trial. About this unusual friends when be became circumstance, the prosecul aware that the police offi ing attorney. Cory Wise­ cers had surrounded the man. said "under the cir customers. He said the cumstances, it would have customers were ordered out been foolish to take the time to arrest him.” The state contended that Cummingham created an element of grave risk caus ing public alarm" and that his behavior was "violent and tumultous." Contradictories in police testimony were brought out in cross exam ination by Cunningham 's attorney, (Continued from p. 1 col. tt Don Chambers. One officer awarded Reed College tor testified that no patrons of th e b e h a v io r c o n tro l the tavern had been struck, symposium. Also support but other officers testified ing the program are two th a t they had struck Reed memorial funds, the Of the 120 to 150 persons patrons and "did whatever George Goetz Wolfe Fund in the tavern, fourteen was necessary." No expla and the Edna and David were arrested. Persons nation was given for the Robinson Fund for Human who were present have fact that many of the Rights. Development of the called it a "police riot" and customers present in the symposium has been the have described violence on avern required medical responsibility of a five-per attention. the part of the police. son committee at Reed trial, the two officers who Cunningham claims that College chaired by Maure Cunningham was never arrived at the tavern first arrested or advised of his he committed no violent or L. Goldschmidt. Cornelia testified that they "noticed Marvin Pierce Professor of rights, although he was illegal actions, but was nothing going on at the A m erican I n s titu tio n s . Members include: Marvin Levich, Vice President Pro­ vost and Professor of Philo 3 ? ,Y R y p s sophy; Stephen W. Arch, Assistant Professor of Bio­ logy; Richard Katzev, Associate Professor Profea sor of Psychology; and C a r l e t o n W h ite h e a d , Secretary of the College. "B ehavior modification, psyrho-surgery and phar macology the three fields of discussion offer promise of alleviating ill­ ness and behavior dis­ orders; but, at the same time, provide opportunities for serious abuses and raise questions of ethics and public policy,” explained Reed President Bragdon. “Are we heading for a Brave New World or 1984, towards a society controlled by scientific manipulators who will extinguish not only our freedom but our sense of personal identity? Or, are we at the threshold of a new concept of the attain­ ment of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, all of which may take on new meaning with the help of psychology and psychiatry? Reed College is pleased to Model D/ have sufficient support to bring to the Pacific North­ west experts representing varying perspectives on this topic.” The symposium will tie YouH tove time on waihday held in the sports center on become Fngidaire 18 lb ca­ Model W CDA the Reed College campus pacity let! you dry eitra -lo rg e and is open to the public load! of laundry oil at once, without charge. Because without cramming or bunching the dothet An automatic cool­ seating is limited, advance This Frigidaire Heavy Duty Automatic Washer can de­ down ot the end of eoch cycle tirkets must be obtained. liver dependable, trouble-free performance with iti helps prevent laundry wrinklet, Individual tickets are avail­ heovy duty motor and other componenti uied in Frigi­ cuti down on ironing It'» eoiy able for each of the six daire Commercial W o ih eri You con «vaih permanent to telect the right drying time sessions. Anyone interested preti, cottoni, ond heavy work elothei efficiently, or for the type of load Including reduce wear on debeote» with Normal ond Gentle W oih in attending should consult permanent p re ti elothei and eyelet. the program and send a knit». stam ped, self addressed with a request for Ask for Smith'/ P rittt and EXTRA-VALUE TRADES envelop the tickets needed to: Symposium Office, Reed College, 3203 S.E. Wood- stock, Portland, Oregon 97202. Please designate the specific lectures requested. Maximum number of tickets per request is two for each lecture. Phillip Cunningham, vice president of the Brothers Speed Motorcycle Club, way found not guilty and the charges against Jeffrey Moreland were dismissed in the latest events relating to the mass arrests made on the Slow Pitcher Tavern in November. Sixteen persons were in dieted for various offenses including riot, harassment, disorderly conduct, assult, and resisting arrest follow ing a fight with police inside the tavern. The tavern owner and those arrested claim there had been no problem in the tavern until the police arrived. Following a scuffle between two police officers and three members of the Gypsy Jokers motorcycle club, approximately seventy police officers arrived on the scene. During the course of the tavern and had no reason to assume otherwise." They said they had a "feeling", so one went outside to call for assistance. They said there was "catcalling" and that a group was going to deny them entrance. According to police testi mony, a man stepped out of the crowd and pushed an officer into a corner. The man was a rre ste d for harassment. The man was still struggling when other police officers began arriv­ ing. The arrested man and two others were taken out side and the tavern became quiet. Police were still coming into the tavern and additional struggle erupted.’ Reed symposium of the tavern by a police officer and when he turned around to tell another officer that he had done nothing, he was knocked unconscious. 18-P0UHD DRYER M o rtu a ry As we In-gin our 21st year of service to this community, we wish to express our appreciation to the individuals and organizations, who by their service and expressions of ginnl will have hel,n*f x>rt the <§> MARCH OF DIMES SUBSCRIBE TODAY! P o rtla n d O b s e r v e r R e a d e rs If Y o u A r e n ’t G e ttin g The O b s e rv e r Y o u A r e n ’t G e ttin g The N e w s ANYWAY YOU LOOK AT IT IT’S YOUR NEWSPAPER POH T IA M ) a? OHSEHi EH Save More Now;"* WE NEED YOUR TRADE-IN! 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