Page 6 Portland Obeerver Thuraday, Ikeeember 19. 197« O r ie n ta l a r t s h o w n Masterworks of Chinese and Japanese art are now on view at the Portland Art Museum in the recently opened Asian Wing. John Yeon. distinguished West Coast designer, has created a setting that allows each object to be immediately accesible to the viewer. Ming Dynasty furniture provides the first focal point in the new gallery. Mrs. M arjery Hoffman Smith of San Francisco, who con tributed a large portion of the funds to match a grant from the National Endow ment for the Arts awarded for the installation project, also made it possible for the museum to purchase a Ch'urang. a Chinese couch, dating from the early 16th century. The superb piece demonstrates Chinese wood craftsmanship at its finest. Other pieces of Ming furni­ ture that are shown with the couch include two chairs, a library table and a pair of cabinets lent by Mrs. Smith and two chairs lent by an anonymous collector. A second major loan is a collection of 17th and 16th century Japanese porcelains, also from an anonymous collector, to be shown at the museum for an indefinite period. The Ming Furniture and the porcelains, on public in Portland for the first time, join the Portland A rt Mu­ seum's permanent collection of Japanese and Chinese art. Among important works are two early bronze pieces, a ritual vessel from the Shang Dynasty, a ritual bell from the Early Chou Dynasty and a pre Han carved wooden horse. Chinese ceramics, Japanese screens, and se­ lections from the Mary An drews I^idd Collection of Japanese Prints are also on C o u n ty S h e r iff «Continued from pg. 1. col. 6) areas, with each area having a team of from 20 to 40 officers and specialists such as detectives and juvenile officers. Team members would be assigned according to economic and social fac­ tors of each area. A support team of special ists would be on call. Officers are encouraged to become a part of the com munitv where they work. Brown sees this aspect of the program as a type of crime prevention. “I believe law enforcement agencies must be as concerned with pre vention of crime as they are in apprehending it, if not m ore." he said. Brown. 37. holds a doc torate in criminology from the University of California at Berkeley, and masters degree in criminology and sociology. Besides leaching at Portland State University and Howard University, he was a uniformed policeman in San Jose for eight years. He has recently researched police attitudes on the hiring of minority correctional of­ ficers, a study that is not yet complete. D IS H W A S H E R » D IS P O S O H O T-W A TK R DISPENSER COME IN A N D SEE US FOR PRICES A N D MODELS WHITE-MANN CO KGW-TY features Bethel Choir The Bethel A M E Church Choir will appear on KGW TV twice during the Christ mas season. The first broadcast will be at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday. December 22nd, and the program will replace the news on Christmas Day at 5:30 p.m. City Commissioner Charle: Jordan serves as moderatoi for the program. $ 3 .5 0 POSTPAID K W A N ZA by Don Alexander AT YOUR FINGERTIPS EVERYTHING YOU W A N T TO K N O W ABOUT MOW TO GET A BANK IO A N IT GIVES YOU AN UNDERSTANDING OF BANKERS LANGUAGE P o rtl^ td O re g o n 2 5 5 -2 7 8 0 Church and School lor Community ST. ANDREW'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Reverend Bertram Griffin 806 N .E . Alberta Portland. Oregon 97211 Gfoekera.;. KitchenAic The choir is directed by Minister of Music Tim Staf ford, and is accompanied by Stafford at the piano and Joan Haynes at the organ. Among the numbers pre sented are: “Christ is Born", featuring Edgar Mitchell and Brown was one of the Dorothy Spencer. “Amen", founders and the first chair man of the Oregon Black Caucus. b a n k in g f o r th e n o n -b a n k e r T R.Vkkars 2425 N E 13901 THERE’S STILL TIME TO Masses: 9:oo a.m. Hymns 10:30 a m. Choir 12:00 p.m. Folk Mass ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Comer of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays! Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand. Minister U nthodirte - with Helen Bowden as solo­ ist; “Lift Up Ye Heads", directed by Earl Winchester; “ Behold the S ta r " and "seeking For Me", with Cami Hill; "Oh. Tell it to the Mountain", with solos by Alice Robinson; "P raise God”, and “Jesus is the Light". The Bethel Trio Betty White. Cami Hill and Dorothy Spencer sing "There is a Song in the Air". The choir, which is well known throughout the west coast, provided music for the major film "Lost in the Stars", which was based on Alan Peyton's novel, "Cry the Beloved Country". Pastor of Bethel AM E Church is A. Lee Henderson. BEC Comments O UR BLACK HO LY DA YS Kwanza is an African cele bration that is traditional all over the African world. The word Kwanza is a Swahili word meaning first or "first fruits". Kwanza originated when our ancestors gathered together to celebrate the harvesting of the first crops. This harvest time was a time for enjoyment. It was a time when the work that had been put out all year was given meaning. Everyone could actually see the fruit that their labor had brought forth. Everyone gathered together to give collective thanks for the collective efforts that had made the community prosperous. Our recovery of Kwanza is just one aspect of our move­ ment towards nationhood. When we recovered Kwanza we rediscovered part of our African selves. The prin­ ciples of our traditional life style are reflected during the seven Black Holy Days of Kwanza. I t is one of the times we have set aside to solemnly dedicate our minds, hearts, bodies and souls to the Seven Principles of Blackness (Nguzo Saba). The spirit and beauty of the cele bration is reflected in work ing toward the "oneness” ol Pan Africanism. The seven principles are: Umoja unity; Kujichagulia self determination; Ujima collec live work and responsibility: Ujamaa cooperative eco nomics; N ia purpose; Kuumba creativity; and Imam faith. AAONÎC.C W E H Y CATALOG OVERSTOCK GIFTS i 'i '/ i l N 91 Bargain Center REMODELING SALE Open Sunday 10 to 6 W A L N U T PARK U n io n A v e . a t K illin g s w o r th ‘25. LADIES' PEA COATS 12. LADIES' DR ESSES 100% polyester, good stylet, colors ‘21. LADIES' LONG D R ESSES 100% polyester, great for holidays 17 99. LADIES' JACKETS 100% polyester, excellent selection ‘ 14. JUNIOR JUM PER SETS 100% A crilan * acrylic S828 N X M i A. L m 288-$429 Mommg W «nM p ............................................ Wad. Noon — ino Hour of Pwwar Wad. Froge» A Cfeas Meeting .................... 'wkW’ Y COM F IU*lU8U 9t«6 am IH00 an 0:00 7iS0 pm "W e * • * » • * * » » esw W d f M w h e W 4 1222 NE Skidmore 288-7241 program by the Sunday School presents special fea tures of music, pagentry and gifts. A special unique attraction will be George Ixiwson Jr. offering C hrist­ mas songs from the sounds of his Alto Saxophone. URCH Church school and Bible class: Sunday morning worship: Sunday Evening worship:. Wednesday Evening prayer: Friday Worship Service: Bob Harrison - Pastor 9:15 10 45 7:00 7:00 7<30 a.m. a m. p.m. p.m. p.m. P IA N O OR ORGAN LESSONS la te s t and modern method to play either instrument. F o r more info rm ation , please call 287 1634. P1 691 •10. JUNIOR SIZE DR ESSES 901 •10. GIRLS' 7-14. SWEATERS J91 5 99. GIRLS' 7-14. SKIRTS 691 ............... By affirming our Black Holy Days, we begin to create the traditions that will be passed on to yet unborn generations of African people wher. we become the an cestors. By celebrating our Black Holy days, we give praise where praise is due. By coming together we give concrete expression of the righteousness and victory of our struggle and we pledge to surpass any past efforts in the oncoming year. We get together not for any personal gain but for the Black Family, for the Black Nation and for the love we have for all Black people. Here we have the significance of the Black Holy Days we call Kwanza. For more information on the celebration of Kwanza, call the B.E.C. Bookstore at 288-8971. M o n d a y e v e n in g th e Young People's choir of Allen Temple will offer Christmas music for the shoppers at Lloyd Center at 7:30 p.m. The Annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will be December 24th at 7 p.m. Both choirs of Allen Temple will furnish the music. The Candlelight service this year includes interpretations of the origins and significance of the Christmas symbols such as Christmas Tree, Christmas Candles. Christ mas Flowers, etc. The Candlelight service ends with a trip to the manger, individual randies providing the light to the manger where the lights are shared with others and everyone rejoices at the birth of the Christchild by the singing of Christmas songs. The public is cordially invited to these services. Christmas Eve Service one hour from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. « A Wool acrylic cotton blend, acrylic pile lined REG 8 97. TOTS' SLUM BERBAGS 49I 75% acetate 25% nylon, great styles 5.97. GIRLS' 7-14. PANTS 3 97 50% cotton 50% polyester 597 222 5af 100% acrylic, several colors 80% acrylic 20% polyester 7 99. M EN'S PANT GROUP 100% polyester, excellent buys, only ALL TOYS (IN B A R G A IN C E N T E R 5 97 50 Decorateti w ith favorite cartoon characters Use as slumberbag or as a bunk size comforter by unzipping Patterns reverse to solid 2.57. Pillow.......... 97* % OFF O R IG IN A L PR IC ES • GAMES • H O B B Y K IT S • D O LLS , M O R E BO Y’S WARM PLAID ROBES W ind up toy«, «luffed a n im a l« , d o ll« , c a r« , popular hoard game« and more - a ll reduced to lo w c l e a r a n c e pi I sm I N ow 1« 1 ha time to p la n a h e a d fo r b irth d ay « and «petm l occaHion« H u t d o n 't delay - theae toy« are « tilin g fa«t 5 97 R E G U L A R L Y 7.99 N ifty gift fur an y boy Cozy soft cotton flan nel S h a w l c o lla r 'n r e if b e lt S M I. F la m e K e n ia tu n t M e e t« F e d e r a l T e a t S ta n d a rd ! ) ( ) ( ' F F 3 71 C h ristm as b e g in s A lle n T e m p le C .M .E . Church, N .E. 8th and Skid more, will present its Christ mas Celebration on Sunday, December 22nd, with an 11 a.m. service. The church has ela b o ra te C h ristm as decorations which tell the story of Christmas. On Sun day at 6 p.m.. the Christmas 5001 MX UNION 218-5303 V A U G H N ST (2nd Floor) W A L N U T PARK O N L Y SAVE 50% 100 MILLI - WATT WALKIE TALKIE M EN'S SKI-LOOK NYLON JACKET R E G 19 95 2 channel capability Superheter odyne circuitry Call alert tone Batteries, carrying strap, chan nel 14 installed 9 10 |97 M E N S’. BOYS’ LIN ED GLOVES vinyl, rayon lining, fancy stitching 7 88. GIRLS' 2-6X PANTSUITS Sweater-knit, embroidered tops Flare pants; elastic waist. 1.97 í . 77 5.97 21 88, TELL-STAR ZODIAC LIGHT Sound causes patterns to alternate. Changeable "Stop" plus zodiac sign 3.59, CREW-LENGTH SLIPPER SOCKS Acrylic/nylon with rubber soles each L IM I T E D Q U A N T IT IE S R E G U L A R L Y ’ 22 Cire nylon W ater and wind-resistant! Nylon lining with warm polyes­ ter fiberfill Sizes S .M .L .X L 97 14.97 8 95, ECONOMY GARAGE CREEPER All-dried hardwood frame with padded vinyl headrest Cast-iron casters _ 0.97 Save on catalog overstocks, special purchases. Lim ite d quantities. D elivery charge A ll items subject to prior sale. No Phone or M a il Orders' V A U G H N ST S T O R E O P E N Holiday Shopping Hrs 9:30-9 30 daily 10-6 Sun W A L N U T P A R K S T O R E O P E N Mon , T h u n ., Erl . 9:30-9:00, Open Sunday 10 to 6; Other days 9 30-5 B A R G A IN A N N E X O P E N 9 30-9 30 daily Sun 10 to 6 I to