Portland Observer Committee recommends PSU keep football n i nrv A report by the Inter co lleg ia te A thletic* Com nut tee at Portland Sftite University ha» recommended continuing f«M>tball at PSI' on metre than a year to year hast». with increased ex tern.», and internal financial support and with a goal of seeking conference affiliation The committee. composed of eight faculty members and two student», forwarded a nine page* re*port on foot hall to PSI' Premdent Joseph ( Blurnel early in December Blumel has said he will make* a decision on the future of font hall som etim e before ( hristnias If condition» «suggested in the report can he met. the committee said “it has every confidence that intercol legiate football will make a positive, continuing contnhu lion to the future of Portland .‘state I niversity The report makes these specific recommendations D That the U n iversity make a commitment to con linue the program on more than a year to year basis 2) That the University ad ministration make* efforts to •ecure increased and eon tinuing financial support for the program, including at that the president use his position to seek contnhu lions from business, proles sional, union and alumni groups bt funds for at least one full time promotional person. cl some sort of institu tional support for athletic scholarships «examples of this would I m * general scho larship funds, tuition waivers or group housing for athletes during fall practice); d) seek to secure, in the future, general fund monev to provide at least some sup (M»rt lor coaches salaries 3) That the I'niversity ad ministration seek entrance for Portland Slate into an athletic conference whose level of competition for all programs best matches the long run needs of the in stitutiop While matching revenues against expenditures is an important consideration, the v vihin Aaron continues career by llawle Evan. National Sports Reporting Bureau Henry Aaron la in the twi light years of a record shattering career that per haps will never be surpassed Come the 1975 Major le-ague baM-ball season, the man destined for immortality in baseball's Hall of f ame will increase the distance be tween him. his would tie pursuers, and those cherished records, each time he ven tures forth to play the deadly game of ran 'n mouse with opposing American la-ague pitrhers It's a game that has re suited in an assortment of 733 misguided curve balls, sliders, knuekler* and fast balls, being pounded into the never never land of National League stadiums around the country. History will recall that of Henry’s first 733 balls clearing the fences, and lost forever, only two, numbers 714 and 715 were returned to him Years from now, you ran be certain, a million people will lay claim to a baseball dented by the fear som e jnrwer of Henry Aaron. committee said it feels that intercollegiate athletics is part of the total educational program of the I'niversity and shouldn t he asked to break even financially at all times. Of all the sports in which PSI competes, the committee said only football has the |»otentiai to break even given the University's current facilities. Football can exist at PSU or, less than a major power basis, the committee con tinued. because large seg ments of the metropolitan population arc* interested, many other schools are I m * coming more comparable athletically to PSU by re­ ducing expenditures during economic hard times, and expected conference realign ments in the near future could be beneficial to PSU The committee admitted that interests of young f»er sons are tx-coming more- dif fuse and less in line with conventional activities like going to college football games However, the corn flutter also believes sup|»ort lor fcxitball among middle- aged persons seems to re main high and is possibly rising In the mix cd arguments lor and against football, the committee said its survival in Portland depends on bal ancing two objectives attracting community fan support by playing reason ably strong opfionents while at the- same time attracting financial support to sustain such a team when costs are rising. The- Oregon legislature could I m * a kev. the com mitt«*<- said, if it would fund at leaM part of roaches salaries from the general fund. Such a proposal was turned down at the last s|N-(-ial session Apart from financial con side-rations, the* committee said a successful football team can act as a focal point to develop student pride* in the- University, and con tribute to a sense of com niumty for faculty, staff, students and the imputation ,n the surrounding area 571 N K illingsworth life H ealth Group Estate Planning M ortg age 289 9674 COLUMQA GEHS Affirm ative Action Equal Opportunity Empiover s»« n i to Secretary with good skills, la-gal not required. Do everything: hilling, books, typing, reception, etc. for 2 lawyers. Salary open. Begin Jan. 2nd. Send resume to I’.O. Box 3137, Portland, Oregon 97208. 2 8 8 -5 4 7 9 This is a permanent posi tion with a company of fering broad In-nefit pro gram s including profit sharing and retirement income. Apply in (M-rson H:30 AM SECRETAKY A. Lnn Hnna*ra»n, Minister Tektronix has an ini mediate opening for Key Punch Operators. 3 to 6 months key punch work experience required. 3 :3 0 P M . M onday through Friday. If unable to apply in person call Pat Kunkle, 644 0161. ext. 7344 (’olegio (Tsar Chavez in Mt Angel. Oregon is pre­ paring to n Ic-br.itc- its first anniversary on ‘Saturday. December 14. 1971 It is with great pride and hope­ fulness for the coming year that the ( ollegt announces this celebration to the public Although laced with many d ifficu lties and ob stacles throughout its short lift ( 'olegio ( » sar ( ha . «•/ has now been ,n existent-,p for one vear. During this |M*nod the College has won a hard iought legal hattb with HUD on the- issue- of fore-closure, and has managed to maintain an evergrow ing staff and student bodv despite- a gen eral sc arcity of funds Finan rial difficulties remain the major obstacle to the- ('«»I leges continued growth. But on this, its first anni versarv. all those connected with Uolegio ( e-sar Chavez join in saying Si Se Pue-de . Yes, it can be- done". Ml are invited to come to the Uolegio ,n Mt. Angc-I and help celebrate. Festivities are planned for the entire day. all taking place on • ampus A mass will be held at 9:(XJ a.m A Mexican styl«- brunch meal will follow at 10:1X1 and will last until noon. Cost lor the brunch will tw- $1.50. From 12 noon to 3:00 p.m. various groups from the Chicano community will entertain, including the El (am ino Singers. Los Kancheritos de Gervais, and the Teatro del So,. The afternoon w ill also b«- marked hv raffles and films. Satur dav evening at H:30 p.m. there will be a dance f«-a luring popular Chicano groups from ail over Oregon 'admission $3.(MB. For fur th«-r information contact the Church School Morrwvg Worship W ad Noon — ino Hovi of Fewer Wad Ftoyw It ( San Meeting Nursaiy Cora Frovidad : DIAL-A-JOB : 9:45 am 11:00 am 12:00 noun 7:30 pm • ’ 'W o oro moAing our AforpAborhood A Brotherhood 2 2 7 -5 8 2 8 KAISER PERMANENTE ,i Idlest and modern method to-play either instrument. For more informal ion. pic as«- call 2h7 1M4. 1 • • 'B2«a * t $ l • • 19FF» A V I M tM ítX or O» ] ) . B « Wa.t Bu"B A H i • I H a A A H i • H l4