* Sunday O c to b e r20 10:00 a.m. C b a n rra , ( 3 ) a *,U -fV - * M flow IN 1 M In M otta 1 H 1 11 i gg 1 11 Il H I l 11 n gg n n II N n 11 " 1 ol 111 1 N I 11 1 II 1 M 4 H 4 11 1 N i 11 1 •( 1 M 1 14 . ’ « 1 M 1 10 1 >4 1 11 Il I I 11 11 n gg n n n h il n O s a n n a li« ) IO W IV -C M l»n HIM hit Mttx tsag la s ■ , Ist, u n ik in li I m 1 test Itssr »las III Ipiasi l|ncsftas I t i (MM 1 lta ,tll Iita ta sta lm In a ili B a, im ladas i (sotii « U s ta , Mi I ssimi m i Isoftin Isaksi Ml ( « M l Ml I ssimi MMM «Hl taoplf istasroM, ik selität Itlsn 1 io e a i «•kr, l«|sss ■ora ■tr» Hero ■tr>» M ... Hero ■ srk I n « Hrttf lisissä, Isga' . teistit »ns lSkitsit »S» Isto, Sirot itse, Iirot Hero Hero Hero ■srk ■«et inrti Dttt* .talli Channel ( ■ ) >#W ,V SStC I t C m tall litasta n Ttatf Vsrd tssta as* ■X l.,, (tatas. ■si Sosias I n Esalai Ira astati I I , Ìl Incorsi, It li VrrttH Tisi Ml VssS issilta litatta I statai ,61 N F L F O O T B A L L San Frenetico ve. Los Angelas (8 ) NFL FO O TBALL Cincinnati and Oakland f>iwM fS|tata lu ilta litatta 4:00 p.m. T if i- litatta ■ita (ta Fitst ■srk Uni. Hfm a ..k ■sta Hero Hero ■osa Im i ■ertteett Teeegef WeM sf AsHzh VH Emise Suss, » a a ■ srk Hem «tris " IM I« Sussi » k k H c H i M m 1 «de Th NI litatta issiti« Iitatta litatta »■StalsstiM O s, st Issi ita i>t,st ittrtta Jtzrte»! Halssi Ittv n » H * ,» * ! io n iin «s,a »tm H i h i i H z h I i Citatali Ism ■•et Htro Hero 1:00 p.m. (M (asa asm litatta Mustatta « U t a lM Ml IssIM su m itta Its frssgai J * * ’"« ” Cune 1 Beet I ks Its astisi New 181 NFL FO O TBALL Cleveland and Pittsburgh rum litatta Ml isoitta Ml ( « I M an rssitrf Ml litatta 161 N F L F O O T B A L L CJ,loans »1 Atlanta tatnltav li m o irti ( a it a t , (B I U N IV E R S IT Y OF OREGON FO OTBALL USC at Oregon aa Isosti M u lm lasi lm ISrOa 6:00 p.m. Tn^ t«B Ikka Ilta II« (2 1 A N IM A L W ORLD Wanderer» Of The N orth." The story of life in the frozen Tundra of the far north ■ta lutta » m i ■M a astas «ata, b Ton Costa Ilta Ca trssustai La t.ssussti Ca in s u lta ■•ei Ils tritata N i f r , tata !ts ,S |ta« H c M. mm i «rtt Oranssi f it ' ■ t««M 1 «rts Ftsfadan Hero Hero tain t tatti C hannel ( I X | Channel ( I • ) «m y tv IOAF TV! M t TI CmsHlsta M V 6:30 p.m. Tisila la o lla * Tris, liti I t a * Is a n Ussiti 181 W IL D , W IL D W O R L D OF A N IM A L S "Cry W o lf" A revealing look at the social order o l a w o ll pack birth and reiving ol the young end th e t p e c ie l psychological relationship between wolves and men tgs 1)1 Ig s lll (8) W IL D K IN G D O M . ' Land of the G iant Dragons " A profile of the largest land lizard in the w orld, the Komodo m onitor lizard found only on four small Indonesian islands These are powerful reptiles which k ill and eat wild pigs, dogs and deer and are c a p a b le of killing water buffalo or men 7:30 p.m. 16) APPLE S W A Y The Apple children |oin a candy drive to raise money for handicapped children, but in their eagerness to win prizes for their efforts, ov e r c o m p e titiv e n e s s and greed come to the surface (8 ) THE W O NDERFUL W O R LD OF D IS N E Y Two Against the A rctic” Part one of two part story of two young E s k im o c h ild r e n stranded hundreds of miles from home who wage a desperate struggle for survival (Conclusion October 27.) (1 2 ) THE FB I E rs k in e pretends w ith a beautiful uncover an espionage Inspector romance spy to ring 8:30 p.m. (61 K O JAK . Kay Medford guest stars as a reluctant material witness who requires protective custody under the supervision of Ko>ak and Crocker (8) M c M il l a n and wife a re s ea rc h m g fo r a hot tempered European tennis pro suspected of slaying a p r o m in e n t B ay A re a m illionaire Guest stars are G e o rg e M aharts. Stefania Powers, and W illiam Wmdom 9:00 p.m. (1 2 ) C O L U M B IA C RO SSRO AD S II Indian T im e ” Siletz Indians attem pt to regain part of their lost reservation, and seek to gam recognition as a tribe through legislation. 2) " L e w i* a nd C la rk C om m unity Focus” examines p o t a n t ia l for Democratic self government in W illam ette Valley neighborhoods. 10:30 p.m. (8 ) THE PROTECTO RS. Harry Rule looks for the m is s in g d a u g h te r of a C a n a d ia n industrialist and finds himself believing in supernatural forces. (101 R A D IC A L A M E R IC A "B ac k g ro u n d of C hange" oepbs Campus of the A ir, credit course 13 hrs., U of O l. The American Way of Life reflected in historical events and personalities involved in radicalism of the right and left, w ill be featured in this 2 0 lesson course (Repeats Tues., 12 noon.I K I.E X T R O N IC N TECHNICIANS P u b lic S a le SI PERVI8OR at Im perial Plbg A Htg. 3201 SE: 50th Avenue Plbg tools, trailers, equip., inventory racks, bins, fix tures and misc. Sat.. Oct. 18 A 19. 9:00 a m. to 5:00 p.m. H E X P wante :» To work in medical electronic practical NURSE Min. 2 yr. technical college in electroniea and or equivalent experience in the service and or industry. W ill train someone who meets mm requirements Comfietltive salary with excellent fringe $ 1199 1394 In charge of daily operation of 4 major draw bridges A all County bridge maintenance. M IN Q UAE: Supervisory exper. in bridge maintenance, repair or construction or in the area o l h e a v y c o n s tr u c t io n . APP LY : Before Oct. 18. Multnomah County Civil Ser vice Comm.. 510 S.W Mont gomery. Portland. Ore. benefita. G ood S a m a r ita n H o s p ita l E 'a irv ie w and M edical C en ter An E qual IN S T R l C T IO N S a le m . O re g o n couver, W A 97310 P h o n e 378 5:919 5 1 1 S E M o rris o n 232 8501 I C L A S S IF IE D S > I 3 lines 2 2 5 0 S tro n g R oad. S E H o s p ita l an d B ill a n d G re g P o tte r CLASSIFIED RATES I 1 9 lines 9 27 .......... 27 + lines Complete high school and secretarial courses for home study W rite for a free brochure th a t explains. American School of Chicago. 1001 ' I Main Street. Van T r a in in g C e n te r 22nd Avenue O p portu nity E m p loyer CITIZENS PHOTO Everything Photographic & OBSERVER ( An Elqual Immediate vacancies in state institutions. An equal op p o rtu n ity em p lo y e r w ith liberal fringe benefits. Start ing salary 154«) per month plus 15c per hour differential for night shifts Contact: 1015 N W hkiim . e ; maintenance 43 40 38 33 D IS P L A Y AI»S 12 50 per column inch Ads received by Tuesday noon w ill be printed on Thursday of the same weak Telephone (5031 283 2486. or mail to P 0 . Box 3137. Portland. Oregon 97208 9)9910. or phone Portland 289 5504 O p p o rlu n itv E m p loyer Monday Ttam« I l II I l 11 1 H 1 11 1 ii 1 )l 1 II 1 II 1 II S 11 1 1l 111 O c to b e r 2 1 Channel ( 1) k a tu tv aa< Channel ( • ) ROiH TV CBS Channel ( • ) RGW TV MBC f n is a l lyki Istoa Osmi In assi i l I I I aaM (a lt ts.*s, ig l, l t | l 1 'agli Jne« h !»<•' I I it Ban isa, catar SS ita f a m i l i a Ilk asshklt Cías Ita liti is ins loara astata anca (sai In a s ta la ' In a tta tan 'i'iirü k i C sta tastarsi ■or Enfia Htn (riffa lisa, i Ctars 1,sa,,stai I n i Htr« (nffw CISMO III K k, esortali «las I s , , „ Io list, 1st lo i astati, a o a ta rn t ia i " i q t la t a n . tsxssjl ■ « , tsss'h ■*s Ita ,1«' l e , itasiti ta n a s,' Isa,*, C h o n n e l( l2 ) C h a n n e l(IO ) «FTV TV WOAF TV-NIT a tta « m s g«' Esta isti Htvw In a Hot* Hevw (saa *,a È etnei Istass itzem IM a ,Ita la 121 M O V IE "I AM A Fugitive” B&W (1 9 3 2 ) tternng Paul Muni George Raft E»po«e of the cruelty and m a n h a n d lin g of m en condemned to work in a chain gang Mum it superb in this gripping film lisios Insta L isios It,sta 8ïtiirejeri ,iHa ia ,, i 1:30 p.m. LOVE-LEE LADEE SALON 9:00 a m. Csats,i, 'srt s a s ta ," ■erwe M a Itas Itaasllm art I, «a 'I m ,< tbMfta 118 taas. S tulos, BEAUTY (12) M O V IE . "The M ountain Road” ( I9 6 0 ) starring Jamas Stewart. L i m L u and Henry Morgan A me|or leads an eight man dem olition team in th e p a th of a d v a n c in g J a p a n e s e during World War II , and it eventually taught the importance of rom pasaon 106 N. KILLINGSWORTH STREET 7:00 p.m. i II 1 11 ) Il 1 11 IH 1 11 IH 1 11 0 )4 I l 11 il H Il 11 ma n ia tic asm Ijs w lo i, lis , isonsa issnsa in,tsa i nma i n,tta i stnsa (a s tM ia '•rita<,'»ta 1 »Ski ■sta Hero ■na Osua 4 Is ti Ci Hirt« Beet Furt li iql, ' l l HIP,isos. («etaeft« (sssotas ■MW IM S » tik ll Cnis, ■MKSiCtaia esitati lii l m ■tra Harrt ■na S ta n a i lsa,ti HC Ism ■ tu , a, im MysssS issar, Isot, listan Isot, littaa Hero ■n a Tant aero l a , toni iso,b, (sa,Il Uso “Tsasí, its« lia it , D r . ■M Luta ■ta Io ta Its IBI la III (0 t„ 0 esatta, 11(1 Cssa slmili FI ■aa In a ■tra Itam i s, assi Igstita ta Osta g.iss g,so g,sst Cogli ■ Iti Ir, Ir e i Neet Il Vie« isuai l i i agli (ta n , agii (a ,t„ Rt|fet (aflev tg s ll, c.stool ara, ■no tgs II, tgs 0,1 tgs i „ (21 N FL M O N D A Y N IG H T FO O TB A LL ABC Sporty will provide live coverage of a game between the Grken Bay Parkers and the Chicago Bears from Soldier F mid in Illinois dot of land after thatr ship is ,¡»p td o s d in the Car.bbssn during WW II . Alfred Lutter c o tta rs at the boy in tb it ■oacial, adaptad from the book by Theodora Taylor (Born Free is preem pted I (1 0 1 S P E C IA L OF THE W EEK D rin k . D ra n k , Dunka. Carol Burnett hosts an hour of straight talk for the millions of Americans whose Ily a s a re a ffe c te d by alcoholics. Music, skits, films, encounters and common sansa adyica for those who lor« w ith alcoholics (Repeats Sat 8 P ml (1 2 1 THE M O NDAY/ TUESDAY M O V IE Man W ith o u t A S tar" (19551 starring Kirk Douglas Jeanna Crain and Clair Trevor A ranch foreman aids h it lady owner in a fight w ith her neighbor in a barbed wire war. 9:00 p.m. 8 00 p.m. 181 THE F A M IL Y CAY THEATRE Jamas Earl Jones stars ay a saaman who taachas a ttanpnttally blinded troy how to yywviva cm a small (81 M O V IE " T h e Candidate" «tati R obert R edford » a candidate for the U S Senate in thu Itehtnd the scenes look at the process of campaigning for high political office m A m trttd Meivyn Douglas and Pef«M B «e co star 10:00 p.m. (21 E L E C T IO N 7 4 . This is the first of three live exciting dahatas scheduled for the 1974 e le c tio n s Tonight’s d a h n . will ha for Governor between R Straub and V ictor A tty eh. 10 30 p.m. (2 P E R S P E C T IV E S 2. Surviving the Crowded C ity .” Di Joe Trainer’s guest is Ire Biziock. Director of Human Re you fees Bureau. C ity of Po tlend 11:30 p.m. (2 M O V IE . M ogam bo* (V«54) starring Clerk Cable, Av t Gardner. Grace K elly. R< nan tic triangle set in the da >gerous |angles of Africa R im a k a of "Red D ust.” Fi med entirely in Africa (6 ) M O V IE "She Cried M irder’ " starring Lynda Day G *orge and Tally Savalas The suspense drama deals w ith a beautiful modal who is a «sect at or at a fatal subway a c c id e n t and becom es c o n v in c e d th a t she has witnessed a murder 1 30 a.m. 161 M O V IE B8.W Graaf M c G in ty"