P ' I P ortland O bserver Thursday. October 10. 1974 DR. JEFFREY BRADY Says: N ew s fr o m J e f f DO Not Pul Off Needed Dental (are by tu n n y H am ilto n Driving It Costly. Ike « t «»I driving a 1974 stan dard sized ear is about I * w9 cents per mik*. according to a publication of the Federal Highway T ransportation Be partm ent. The purchase price is only the first cost O ther costs include deprecia lion, cost of gasoline, main tenance ami repairs, tnsur ante. and garaging, parking and tolls For more details, write the agency U ash ington, 1 >.< 20590, and >k for its leaflet. ‘Cost of OiM-ratrie an Autom obile'. r Sum m er's work as an aide in the Planning Branch of the Portland D istrict. V S Army Corps of Engineers, the past two years developed interest which Marianne Oneroad. 1973 Miss Indian N orthw est, will continue with training at Portland business college this fall. M arianne is the d aughter of V W Oneroad. S91ti N Peninsular. Portland C o n tra r y to com m on opinion of Jefferson. Kenny Koush thinks. “It's ju st fine here. It's ju st like any other school." Eighth g raders from Jeff’s feeder schools aren 't the only ones in on a coop program. Ken. a Wilson High junior, comes to Jeff too. It's still dark at 7 a m when Kenny leaves for the ten mile drive to Jefferson daily with Mr Bussell Paul, a science teacher. The two met when Mr. Paul taught Kenny’s physics class in sum m er school at Lincoln this past sum mer It was Mr. Paul who told him about Je ff’s science pro gram. Kenny had taken physics and chem istry at Wilson. When Mr Paul told him about the integrated science program . Ken de cided to give it a try. I n te g r a te d scien ce is chem istry and physics com bined. Mr. Paul feels that they “should be tau g h t to g ether because they depend on each other It is difficult to learn one w ithout the other. When they are taught jointly you get a g reater knowledge of both " Jefferson does have an outstanding science d epart m ent. laist year during the annual Handford trip, the nuclear engineer in charge of the N reactor facility ob served “Jefferson m ust be the Heed College of all Portland high schools." Besides S I T U 5 « and 7 M. Kenny takes senior m ath and a television class. At noon his brother or sister usually picks him up and he com m utes back to Wilson for afternoon classes in English and speech W hen asked what his friends think about his sche dule. Kenny says, "They think it's great T hey're glad I ran get more science classes." E n jo y D e n ta l H e a lth N o w a n d Im p ro v e Y o u r A p p e a r a n c e COMI IK A! TOUR lUhVINHhll P » th SAfllBOA» MOlhihi, • hO ÀffOlhlMIhl NilUtU • (OMPiiti l o u r i u n o h ONAIlUIHlAt iN S tllth ti Pl AHN • (O M h llt OfHIAi M i l l i , S U N IO N OS C O N » A NT C IN T A I IN S U IA N C I c o v is a g i a c c i a r i " on r o u t NUOTO P IN IIS IS r »a.S tn.T.ik ntKtyltl houss w . . b a . , . a j o . m t . s p m, Sor I JO a m r . I p.m DR. JEFFREY BRAD Y, DENTIST SiMLIR BUILDING S 3 rd À M o t’ iU ." b t P o r tla n d O ’CQor, l a k e Ele*o»o» to 2 n d f loo» 3 'd St 4 ntrcir Phone: 2 2 8 -7 5 4 5 Bob D uncan Says: H ealth care costs have trip le d in the la—< decade \ f am i Is of four now ««pends $1760.(Hl vearlv Facts about a city takeover you should know: N ational H ealth Insurance cannot he put off.** R ETU R N DUNCAN DEMOCRAT FOR C O N G R E S S I A LEADER enney savings Save 20% on these jackets, slacks for men. Sale 10.40 Reg. $13 Sale 31.96 ' 4 7 .9 6 JC P enney slack with flare leg and shirt hugger waist band. Woven texturized F ortrel® polyester. Solid color Reg. 3 9 .9 5 » 59.95 F.ux . pattern variety of sportcoats for nwn I opuiar ,sv car» i»oly»»ster woven and doubbkriit pattern s A ssorted fancy patterns. • Sale $20, reg. $25. Q ian a^ n y lo n I )a c r o n p o l y e s t e r men s slack. Sale prices effe c tiv e th ro u g h Sunday. Made to Measure Drapery Sale, 20% off entire line Voters November 5 will cast a ballot on Portland City Measure 54, which will indicate whether or not the City of Portland should get into the power business. Proponents of this issue promise low electric rates. That has a nice ring to it. Especially right now in a time of terrible inflation. Unfor­ tunately, it’s not that simple. Why? 1. It’s going to cost about $146.000,000 to buy out Pacific Power facilities in Portland. As a rule of thumb, the price of a utility is about 5'/4 times the amount of annual utility revenue. That tab would include the cost of issuing bonds and the various funds required in municipal-type financing . . . or about 16% of the required bond issue. 2. The City of Portland would have to build its own generating facilities. There is presently no firm power available from the Bonneville Power Administration to serve the City of Portland. To supply the kilo­ watts required by just the Pacific Power customers in Portland (about one-third of the City) it would take the output of approximately one-half Bonneville Dam. Since there aren’t any dam sites left, the City would be forced to buy into a thermal generating plant. A conservative estimate on participa­ NO Sale prices effective through Sundav ■N Select group women’s coordinates, 20% off Ballot Measure 54 is a“Real Shocker!” Instead of lowering your electric rates it could raise them as much as sixty-four percent. 3. The total cost to the City to get into the power business would he about $291.000.000! 4 Here's the real shocker. Even with PP&I s recently granted rate increase, a new Portland municipal would have Io raise rates ,»y an additional 64% to pay off financing and purchase costs . assuming a 30-year pay off I el's far e it. Higher ele< trie rates are hard to swallow. Nobody likes them. But a City takeover of Pacific Power and its replacement with an inexperienced city utility would l»e even harder to swallow. Vote on Portland C ity Measure The City of Roses Needs Kilowatts. Not Promises. Reg. $7 to $10, black a n d w h ite check g ro u p . Sale prices e ffective through tion in such a plant is about *145.000,000. Sunday. Citizens C o m m itte e for f ree E.nterpnse H en ry 1 Baldndqe ( b u r- Jerry O P ollard Pol,tKdl Treasurer 18602 S I B ro oklyn Í o urt I *< »rtl • •. • I 54 *« W H b |I, Street I . , -i ' • , » ( ),. • . ' C h a rg e it a t your n e a re s t J C P en n e y store. I t