P>gv 4 Portland Observer Classifieds B ible school success J 1 J j J > -A “Jesus is the W ay” was the theme of Berean Baptist Church's Vacation Bible School, July 8 19. directed by Mrs. Willie 0 . Peterson. It closed with a program on Friday evening in which an enthusiastic group of chil­ dren presented songs, verses, and puppet skits for their parents and friends, who also viewed slides taken of the school in progress. Berean's vacation Bible school this year featured more active participation of the church's youth group, who acted as teaching assis Unts in all departments and often substituted for the adult teachers. For example. Ed Kent, a senior from Cleveland High School ana past president of the youth group, not only taught crafts but also helped lead singing, substituted for the junior high teacher, assisted in numerous unlisted ways, and used his artistic talent to enhance the chart that re­ corded the school's mis­ sionary project. Ed is af­ fectionately called "Chief” by his young fans, with whom he also works daily in the Summer 74 Program, along with Glynnis Polk, Linda Bagley and Wallie Maxwell. Other youth group members assisting as teachers were: Maurice Kent. Janet Max well. Claudie Strickland. Jos celyn Polk. Arnester Jones. Bruce Jones. Terry Peter son. Sharonda Peterson. Brvon Howell, Sherry Bagley and Gwen Wilkes. Gwen's group of kindergarten chil­ dren were called the "Inch- worms”, who declared their intention to go with Jesus “every inch of the way.” Each night they made a dramatic entrance carrying signs and chanting with pre cision: "Inchworms say . . . Jesus is the W ay'.” The missionary project was to share God's love by purchasing 'Goats For Hun gry Haiti Kids”. Children in a mission school in Haiti never have meat or milk in their diet unless they have enough goats in the school herd. The Vacation Bible School raised enough money to provide 16 goats for them. The Haiti school is sponsored by Reverend Joseph Jeter of the "Have Christ - Will Travel” Ministries. Thursday. July 25, 1974 Panel studies to d a y ’s w o rld The National Negro Evangelical Association of Oregon will feature a Panel l ’reM-ntation at its 3:00 p.m. Inter Church Segvic«- Julv 28th at The fir s t Church of the Nazarene, lorated at 1211 S.W Main Street. The theme of the presentation w ill be "Today s World", and the participants w ill he Chaplain James Coleman of Emanuel Hospital: Reverend John Parker. Director of The Door Rehabilitation Center, who also has a prison ministry at the state prison in Salem. Greg Williams. Director of P oll land's Young L ife . Deacon James Jackson of the First Baptist Church of St. John; and Miss Evelyn Collins. Directress of The Christian Community Center. These- participants will deal w ith the various aspects of today's world as they relate to hospital patients, prisoners, young people, laymen, and women and children. Opportunities w ill be given at the close of the panel presentation lor dialogue between the panel and the audience. Music w ill be presented by the Nazarene College Inter City voung people workers and The United Christian Choir of the NNEA. The public is cordially invited to attend this service. ffl - WTOVIE DIRECTORY SAT & SUN MOVIE LISTINGS SUNDAY. JULY 28 SATURDAY, JULY 27 12 noon 12 noon (121 Myst— »ous If M. Unconquered' ster».ng Gery C o o p e r. R e u le tt e G oi 2:00 p.m. (12) "E vd Roy S ied e' st—rmg John A * tm and Pamela Auetm The vainest wng.ng m—«hai tn the W— t t r m to capture the 2:30 p.m. Star m the Dust «tarr.ng Richard Boone and John Agar A sh— iff finds htmaaff banting a town and profa—sonai k —ars — order to do his duty 3:00 p.m. (A) Sa«ge at Red Rn—r" starring Van Johnson Joanna Dru Actm n tha story of the fo re runner of the machine gun. the Getting gun and 4:00 p.m. l« l T h t T a t o " « t n Burl l««t. Bratftord D iN m tn tn d Guaw Burry ■< «tory o* m t e i u m U lQ U 't« U ttl IO b*C* 5:00 p.m. 121 " O tk M a MW (1 M S I S ta rrin g Joh n Wayne Vera Refeton Waf—r Brennan Open —ac— an elopement e $ 2 0 000 theft, a 'and war and (2) »«adore t)» 6 9 > «a» »mg Van— Redgrave Jason Robards F la s h b a c k - L i f e , lo v e s and tragad«— of the A m — «a n beauty who danced up a storm even m broednunded Europe (1 2 ) " F a m ily H starring Fred MacM urray and O eudetta Coib—i A ft— a college p ro f — o r m—rws a young wtdow they fm d them —I * — torced so ta k e the bretes m«ach—vows 6:00 p.m. 5828 N X M i A. L m Han d i n i *, MMst— Wntefat 288-5429 IB) G«dgai Go— to Rome sterro«g Cm dy Carol. J e m— D arren G —gei go— so the et— net easy end gets mvofved — 9:00 p.m. Church Scfcooi ............................... ............................ 9 ! « nm **ormng Wordop ......................... _ .................... W ad. Noon — m a Hour of Patear .................... Wad. Proyar * O o u Maatang .........................., Nwriary Cora Prouadad "**• * • IfcOO am Q K » noon hJO pm oar Alarj hOorh aad 4 4/v(ftarftoorf' IB) M -o o n e d The throe men c re w of e — e lf u n c tio n m g so rescue them — story starring Gregory Feck Dave) Jon—sr and Gena H —Aman 11:30 p.m. 6:00 PM 112) "The F»— Penna— ' st—rmg Denny Kaye B— b— a Boi Geddes, an d L o « is A rm strong The b—graphy of Red Nacho«« haa reía f i o n d i w,th h * w ife — deught— has band and lam e 8 30 p m. (2) "F«rebe*l Forw ard st—rmg Ben G a ia —a R«chardo M o n t—bon and Eddae Alb— t A suspeneefut —taon — ama of a p o i » and h«s hard iuck owffrt dur mg World W— II "Th e Leech W om en* BAW >19B0i «1—rmg Cot— n Grey G rant Williams Women m— r—d 11:15 p.m. to young— man d«acov—s t»We of Donovan s B»am~ BAW savag— m dark—t A ir « a who (2) have docoeered tha secret of ( 1B 5X st—rmg Law A yr— . Gena youth She «s r—uvene«ed but not Evana Steve B ro d o Se «en i o t a aap— wnents w ith a dead man s happy ' Appro« 1 hr 37 mm I 2N D F E A T U R E The C n m — n br—n lead to v«o*ence and murd— Canary" BAW (1B45) stanmg (Approa 1 hr 40 man I Noah Beery. > L o n Colli— When a cafe smg— n murd—ad. the suspects are the >axr mus«c«ana 11.30 p.m. piaymg at the club i Appro« 1 hr 25 m m I I t i Hotnu a l t h t o IV T R Ir o n CBS F r —ey 7 2b& b4 st—rang (Bl Long Day s Journey Into Vincent Prace Cla—< tale by Nght BAW St—rmg Hath— ma Edg— Allen Poe cone— na a men Hepburn J—on R o b -d s Jr and has s—t — tha last of a I —n«iy Eugene O H e tls tr»wmphant Ima cursed by medne— f — many tragady of a New England fam ily g e n e r a tio n s , and the m ans and the«' relet«omh—s att—natefy macabre efforts to keep the wav— mg between >ove and ha— f a m ily 's tainted blood from —reading to fwrth— gen— at »one 11:35 p.m Vancouver Ave. First Baptist Church . 3138 N. V ancouver Ave. Phone 282-9496 Suoaay School 9:00 aun. M orning Worship 10:35 a an. Dr. O . B. W illiams, Pastor "The ctu rch with a heart-telt welcome*’ (•I The Strtpp— ' BAW s t - t Joenne W o o d w a rd . Rich—d Beym— , Cla.re Trevor C—o4 Lyniey. Gypsy R o w L— and Machae« J P o U -d m story of a beauty contest wmn— who hop— for a Hollyw ood care— but ends Up — a — per m a pvoddy vaudevihe tour mg troupe B5 mm 1:30 a.m. ($1 M y Favorite Blonde BAW st—rmg Bob Hope. Med eta me C—roil Luscious B ritt— spy. Madeleine n forced to ent»st the a»d of frq h tened Bob m c— rymg out h— misaron end the result rs lots of laughs 77 man 12:30 a.m. (•) "R oses L —t Summ — ' Myst—y surrounds the death of a form — movae qu—n 1 :3 0 a.m. (A) "The Str— ts of L—edo BAW S ta r r in g W illia m H o ld e n . M a c d o n a ld C a ra y . W illia m Bend■ ■ Tw o outlaws who have gone straaght meet up w ith the« form — p— tn— avho is still on the •wong ude of the lew C kurtk aod S tk aal for (M B inttaity ST. ANDREW S CATHOLIC CHURCH »14429 Reverend Bertram Griffin 806 N.E Alberta Portland. Oregon 97211 o M u te r 9:00 a ^ . H y— 10:30 l e 12:00 p m ( hoir l o l k M att ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH 1222 NE Skidmore Church school and Bible class: Sunday morning worship: Sunday Evening worship: Wednesday Evening prayer: Friday Worship Service: Bob Harrison - Pastor j J 9 :1 5 a m . 10:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 288-7241 ( orner of H(h and Skidmore Suntiay School 9 :U) a.m. Sunday Uorship 11:00 a m. Christian Youth K-lloushtp 6:00 p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand. Minister