Portland/Observer Classifieds Senior Adult Service Center NUMBERS you should know 2274186 Vision Care Clinic Eye examinations for low incom e A lbina re sid e n ts 229 7022 Multi-Service Center 2804)000 Planned Parenthood information Albina Community Services 2889145 City Hail 248 3511 Multnomah (au n ty 229 5700 William Temple House Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation 281 120» 2444111 Portland State I aiversity 229 3000 Cuy-county Council on Aging Legal assistance income persons 229-5788 2880259 Food Stamp Program 2384410 FISH for low- Hotline N E Albina Legal Clinic free legal advice 284 5712 emergency aid. 233-5533 Life Center emergency assistance 284-6878 ’ meals and fellowship older citizens 288-8351 Salvation Army 228 2379 Portland Observer 283 2486 24» i960 assistance and counseling 226 3021 Legal Aid Service emergency services 2889145 N W Hotline Problem Solvers Ix-gal advice for people 12 to 17 229 5788 Ixtaves and Fishes Portland Community College SB 3» Tri Met 233-3511 Albina Health Care Center birth control 248 3649 2888338 American Civil Liberties I iniai for young Family Law Service 644-0141 Model Cities Agency 2888261 226-7991 Training 234-0801 Youth Opportunity Center 229-5741 NAACP 284 7 7 « I r im League of Portland 224-0151 Employment for Youth 2294089 Portland Metrepobtaa Steering Caaamittre 2334541 1121 B O X IN G FROM THt O t »M C IC Rudolefto G o m a « « To«» P « i« . li|fc tw a iflit 15 4 30 p m IB) H O G A N 'S HEROES Tha ROW» pur. «e a dum p dactroyad a» a birthday prcaant lor Hopan l«*rn they have laden «»to a trap 5 00 p.m. (2) W ID E W O R L D OF SRORTS Tha event wdl ba • xdwwve I cpearapa • * tha E ^ R th Annual I n <arn a t t o n a l I n v it a t io n a l S a m n in i a n d D i v i n g C ham plondiW i H o m Santa Clara. GaM , «nth com m entary by Jon M cKay Mark Spttx and Donna O aVarena 112) TH E NEW J IM M Y D E A N SHOW G uaati are Brenda Laa and Have Your Lunch Meetings CITIZENS PHOTO Everything Photographic Bill end Greg Potter 511 S. E. Mormon GENEVA'S Hot Beef Sandwich Crisp Green Salad Hot Links Bar-B-Q Sauce Ham & Cheese 23 24 50 1 CLEANING WORKS NORTH & PIANO OR ORG AN LESSONS la te st and modern method to play either instrument. For more information, please call 287 1634. N.E. PORTLAND ONE DAY SERVICE KNIT BLOCKING OUK SRCQALTY Rot-ur a mu * w 2S2-S361 3954 N . W illia m s A u . Paul & Geneva Knauls Owners 4228 N. Williams 282-6363 OREGON WIG IMPORT for the latest in style and fiber 520 E. Burnside 237 0959 Page 3 Oregon C stm tfi on Alcohol Problems 282 3635 4 C ICbfld Care) 222-6406 1 sited Minority Workers 2880168 BOOST education assistance 229 4869 ( « s i m i r Protection. District Attorney 2483169 Apprenticeship le ie n te t ie e Center 229-6080 State Employment Office 229 5005 Project Return Veteran’s Counseling Civil Rights Bureau Concentrated Employment Service - Job and placement 288 8391 Thursday. June 27, 1974 Community Care. Association Food, health services 288-8321 Project ABLE services for aging 2483960 Response Volunteers assistance tor elderly 234 9696 Suicide Prevention 227 4403 “ Y av'va Triad Tha Rmt, N a w Try The Beet” N . Alaxondar, Praprialar