Pa<« 2 Portiand'Obaerver Classifieds Thursday. June 27. 1974 fifotf/on A* PARK MAN III BENEFITS AND SALARY ANALYST PRODUCT U N E MANAGER $1X000 - 17.000. Plans. de «eiopa and administers a program of employee fringe benefits and develop« and maintains a wage and salary administration system for Multnomah County. MIN QUAL: 6 yrs. incr resp. exp. in personnel, super vision or management. 2 yra. of which must have been in wage and salary benefits administration. OK 2 yrs. exp. in wage and salary benefits administra tion or related field and grad, from a 4 yr. college. OK Any comb, of above. A Master's degree in business administration may substi tute for one of the two yrs. of specialized exp. TO APPLY: File application with the MULTNOMAH COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. 510 SW Montgomery. Portland. Ore gon 97201 by 4:30 July 5. 1974. 1503) 24X3294 Marketing professional with ooe-two years staff responsi bility. Omark Industries' Saw Chain Division offers a product line management position. Responsibilities in clude new product develop ment and product line evaluation. An Equal OppartwRy Fm pteyer An Equal Oppartuuity Employer TEKTRONIX. INC. KEY PUNCH OPERATO R SW ING SHIFT Tektronix has an im mediate opening for swing shift'key punch operators. One year key punch work experience required. Establishment of product al location and manufacturing priorities along with num erous special projects related to marketing and product feasibility. This is a permanent post tion with a company of fering broad benefit pro grams including profit sharing and retirement income. Interested individual should have a BS degree in Business plus graduate work in Busi ness. and practical e x perience. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Small residential liberal arts college offers position be ginning September 1, 1974 to teach elementary methods courses in science and mathematics and to super vise student- and micro- teaching. Master of Educa tion d egree, elem entary school teaching credential (K-9) and three years sue cessful teaching experience required. Send resume' to Mrs. Royce Keller. Linfield College, McMinnville. Oregon 97128. Application deadline July 29. 1974. Equal Oppartuuity/ Affirmative Actiua Employer Apply in person 8:30 to 3:30 p.m.. Monday thru Friday. If unable to apply in person call Pat Kunkle. 644-0161 ext 7344. Apply in person or send resume to: OMARK industries, lac. OREGON SAW CHAIN DIV. 4909 International Way Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 $811 942. Supervises & per forms a wide variety of skilled Park Man tasks in the development A maintenance of County parks, cemeteries & other county areas. MIN QUAL: 5 yrs. exper (2 yrs. supervisor level) in operation of wheel tractors, back hoes, track equip. A a variety of portable power equip, in the construction A maintenance of parks, cemeteries, golf courses, large public institu tions, commercial land scaping, large public or private housing projects. EXAM: July 18. APPLY: Before 4:30 pm. July 12. Multnomah County Civil Service Comm.. 510 SW Montgomery. Portland. Ore. NOTICE TEKTRONIX. INC. Employment Office Beaverton. Ore. NOTICE NOTICE Apt BRICKLAYERS Pre apprenticeship training An Equal Opportunity Emr - ver 17 years of age High School Diploma or GED apply at Urban League Project Outreach Room 204 5329 N.E. Union 28X6361 Other active crafts - Sheetmetal workers, pattern makers 3 I ICIIIAÌ N « w Z o e R«*w« C B S M rw v •Mo» For W orn«« O p *> CBS N r - I TodfiOy M w - Tod»uS*O m Vw Yow • 00 8 30 E y e -m e s s N » « s C o p *> R fiOR^O'OC Cap»Bi> <0m ^0»00 Todo, S *o - Todov S*©ae CoHoom M r td • 00 930 M om « ’ •« « w o o * •Mm.» Seto*-— M - * * * M o«w Jo4«< H W 4 d OoFwea in a o r d v F «**O O » K h * « O * S a ta n a S f a r - <000 M om « (0 *1 **« W .t o r d O» O dds 10 30 Tha S ra d v Sane« lo w O lA . W W r - a a d la v a '« » MOW T B k S « a S a *o c ‘As’r o ç m E k o f*< C o M p O -y 11 0 0 I I 30 G«rf M M y U fe • 10 0 0 0 Fyeo—»»d YOarmg A Retrteta CN©«w»«i Saa N » a i kxKOO» S napPakr A u A A o * TMose- S « O " * HM TodWX’ Oa <dav I » - ~ , C OPTOSE o M " d o > ta l i a THE THURSDA Y /F R IOA V M OVIE T h a THE OOO COUPLE Faha S A LO N Baxtw af < *■ Anna uds 8:30 p.M. 10:30 p.m. US THE SIX M IL L IO N D OLLAR MAN Slav« t-T« lia "Toy» •» Ota A n w " « arre u Oaan Marta« an« Gar« A 6:00 p.m. n a S1O a M A R TY KRO FFT AT THE HOLLYW OOD BOWL w e The Bradv BEAUTY N ew s A t T M W o d d Toro» M orM mOO A( □ o y t O» O u r Irw s F«»ey M otor* Yow 1 00 AB M y C M O b p LO» t M oKq A Deof «O«N «nchv (da» Ol Xyh» T *e 0or*>cs • » €*•<*«< C o m p o *y AAedser W orsd M om « M ont 200 2 » Î M N p w V ^ d G o - • Fnc« H •.g r u O r « l-*« To b « * M o *»» G o * u S o ^ e rte * Mom« M om « Ï0 0 ’ oM««O*«S 3 » Gemorol Kospa»oi 0«O*«Pt C h o u Ao*V— «10 400 4 » M om « M om « Me* a G " # * M r .G r .A p 500 M om « M e r . GmMir» A oworzo B re a m . H a » *» Sv~eA oa<, Y O M ^ n ím ^ t M o - « N e —t C o rto » »* S G o rd M w m , M b » 0 c v 9* os M ^ D o w fM t G o « « Fy4» WtOOT» S»r««« IS O N M WtOdN« Mr««« M A » DowfSot S U S M ot , r - o h . 11:30 p.m. ta t e m . i Fani c k e rts k e d TA R f * Y«w F o ts-O'<J SpM S o o M 1 2 » aw Foo d «O< LOW* 2B 44H 93 4 :0 0 p.m. Htwaan. Channel ( I • ) «Oar Tv net 10« N . KIILINGSWORTH STREET 10:00 p m. » Í0 C ta t Eye—« »met» N i a i C hennai ( 8 ) LOVE-LEE LADEE 9:30 p m. b G>«ae>>u C h ennai «arv Tv 7 GO C hannel ( 8 ) «OU»T V - CBS (IS ) «G w T V - n u C 730 June I « D IR T V SALLY P * . n ■ n Uw UN a« • dar Buuauu e—v •» d«acov whM B u raaBy asad» a a C hennai ( 8 ) cam TV asc r-1 FoBG sM or M '•"V“ SrfiMo,, «.„M. CWn.« c Complete Gardening Service Q u it Rod nay Allan R w a v . Lloyd Br«d«m. Paler S i a n . Edw Wdhante and Siecfcv 2834000 (BI "Lava Lanms" BBW «arret* 7:30 p.m. A00 Eyowitasett N » a» S *» AK W O Z ZIE 'S G IR LS Tha |a W 700 7 » T»K T M Trvd» W o * * » SormodWRÇ • 00 psychology pTO^KKBB» appt*« ~ T n 0 d Ftoy" A trdogy of I by Rudi B out 1:00 a (BI THE m M IO N IC H T SPECIAL O o r s r M Sa» N » u > W o h e r Cromàrt» MortAwo«» TowtgM N K Nourt TK«M odSoM od Î H - M o d SoMOd to « o Ho» Mow Ho» H o w W h o «« M . U ns O t l M S G»Mt M maspr1 - *-----------k-l- Tr— w—tmrtaiow W o « 5 * w « W oo» B rody iw « * » B» H o» H o - 6 MiNaor» O 0 M 0 ' M o r O»r*y So«y S o n ic a a Son Ar»O»» K .«ff, M om . Mou«« O r« 9 © r W «o» 900 A MsHaOR D dU or M o p M om « M om « Pythen'i Ftyew C a c ta . Kentucky ModOrpaOC« Tkootr« (71 THE BRAOV BUNCH I F ro d T treat ar F raddo Ftin ra Wa Aca T ru c k e e Company and Frank let Atava M ouw Nouo a attar Graf's 1 (21 R O CK C O N C E R T Tha ( u « U atcluda Todd R undfran and U lo —a. G »««am C ant»« S ta to n . B M W o n a A B i.ltO nan I I o U m * Mond« O d d C o u p t» M om » M om « M om « 10.10 Tomo Tomso AAom» M om « M om « Mouse 1100 Il » Ey«w»»n«tt N*«wt 1»» C oncert Chorwsol Sta N » w t M om « NorW woa» TorsaçM Tooa^M $ A o - M om « M om « 5 ^ OH S s q r O H 1200 *R CorscoH M Cortcer» AA©m« M om « TomagM 5*so» Torsa^W 5 * 0 « M om « Saon O H •o c h C o n c«H M om « « *.d N o h i S o c .o t • » 8:00 p.m. N « -S ’000 12» 100 M o t> « » p « ra TNeotrw N r-i AWut» h«nO H Sm n r w