Pa<« 2 Portiand'Obaerver Classifieds Thursday. June 27. 1974 fifotf/on A* PARK MAN III BENEFITS AND SALARY ANALYST PRODUCT U N E MANAGER $1X000 - 17.000. Plans. de «eiopa and administers a program of employee fringe benefits and develop« and maintains a wage and salary administration system for Multnomah County. MIN QUAL: 6 yrs. incr resp. exp. in personnel, super­ vision or management. 2 yra. of which must have been in wage and salary benefits administration. OK 2 yrs. exp. in wage and salary benefits administra tion or related field and grad, from a 4 yr. college. OK Any comb, of above. A Master's degree in business administration may substi­ tute for one of the two yrs. of specialized exp. TO APPLY: File application with the MULTNOMAH COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. 510 SW Montgomery. Portland. Ore­ gon 97201 by 4:30 July 5. 1974. 1503) 24X3294 Marketing professional with ooe-two years staff responsi­ bility. Omark Industries' Saw Chain Division offers a product line management position. Responsibilities in­ clude new product develop ment and product line evaluation. An Equal OppartwRy Fm pteyer An Equal Oppartuuity Employer TEKTRONIX. INC. KEY PUNCH OPERATO R SW ING SHIFT Tektronix has an im­ mediate opening for swing shift'key punch operators. One year key punch work experience required. Establishment of product al­ location and manufacturing priorities along with num erous special projects related to marketing and product feasibility. This is a permanent post tion with a company of fering broad benefit pro­ grams including profit sharing and retirement income. Interested individual should have a BS degree in Business plus graduate work in Busi­ ness. and practical e x ­ perience. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Small residential liberal arts college offers position be ginning September 1, 1974 to teach elementary methods courses in science and mathematics and to super vise student- and micro- teaching. Master of Educa tion d egree, elem entary school teaching credential (K-9) and three years sue cessful teaching experience required. Send resume' to Mrs. Royce Keller. Linfield College, McMinnville. Oregon 97128. Application deadline July 29. 1974. Equal Oppartuuity/ Affirmative Actiua Employer Apply in person 8:30 to 3:30 p.m.. Monday thru Friday. If unable to apply in person call Pat Kunkle. 644-0161 ext 7344. Apply in person or send resume to: OMARK industries, lac. OREGON SAW CHAIN DIV. 4909 International Way Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 $811 942. Supervises & per forms a wide variety of skilled Park Man tasks in the development A maintenance of County parks, cemeteries & other county areas. MIN QUAL: 5 yrs. exper (2 yrs. supervisor level) in operation of wheel tractors, back hoes, track equip. A a variety of portable power equip, in the construction A maintenance of parks, cemeteries, golf courses, large public institu­ tions, commercial land scaping, large public or private housing projects. EXAM: July 18. APPLY: Before 4:30 pm. July 12. Multnomah County Civil Service Comm.. 510 SW Montgomery. Portland. Ore. NOTICE TEKTRONIX. INC. Employment Office Beaverton. Ore. NOTICE NOTICE Apt BRICKLAYERS Pre apprenticeship training An Equal Opportunity Emr - ver 17 years of age High School Diploma or GED apply at Urban League Project Outreach Room 204 5329 N.E. Union 28X6361 Other active crafts - Sheetmetal workers, pattern makers 3 I ICIIIAÌ N « w Z o e R«*w« C B S M rw v •Mo» For W orn«« O p *> CBS N r - I TodfiOy M w - Tod»uS*O m Vw Yow • 00 8 30 E y e -m e s s N » « s C o p *> R fiOR^O'OC Cap»Bi> <0m ^0»00 Todo, S *o - Todov S*©ae CoHoom M r td • 00 930 M om « ’ •« « w o o * •Mm.» Seto*-— M - * * * M o«w Jo4«< H W 4 d OoFwea in a o r d v F «**O O » K h * « O * S a ta n a S f a r - <000 M om « (0 *1 **« W .t o r d O» O dds 10 30 Tha S ra d v Sane« lo w O lA . W W r - a a d la v a '« » MOW T B k S « a S a *o c ‘As’r o ç m E k o f*< C o M p O -y 11 0 0 I I 30 G«rf M M y U fe • 10 0 0 0 Fyeo—»»d YOarmg A Retrteta CN©«w»«i Saa N » a i kxKOO» S napPakr A u A A o * TMose- S « O " * HM TodWX’ Oa ta l i a THE THURSDA Y /F R IOA V M OVIE T h a THE OOO COUPLE Faha S A LO N Baxtw af < *■ Anna uds 8:30 p.M. 10:30 p.m. US THE SIX M IL L IO N D OLLAR MAN Slav« t-T« lia "Toy» •» Ota A n w " « arre u Oaan Marta« an« Gar« A 6:00 p.m. n a S1O a M A R TY KRO FFT AT THE HOLLYW OOD BOWL w e The Bradv BEAUTY N ew s A t T M W o d d Toro» M orM mOO A( □ o y t O» O u r Irw s F«»ey M otor* Yow 1 00 AB M y C M O b p LO» t M oKq A Deof «O«N «nchv (da» Ol Xyh» T *e 0or*>cs • » €*•<*«< C o m p o *y AAedser W orsd M om « M ont 200 2 » Î M N p w V ^ d G o - • Fnc« H •.g r u O r « l-*« To b « * M o *»» G o * u S o ^ e rte * Mom« M om « Ï0 0 ’ oM««O*«S 3 » Gemorol Kospa»oi 0«O*«Pt C h o u Ao*V— «10 400 4 » M om « M om « Me* a G " # * M r .G r .A p 500 M om « M e r . GmMir» A oworzo B re a m . H a » *» Sv~eA oa<, Y O M ^ n ím ^ t M o - « N e —t C o rto » »* S G o rd M w m , M b » 0 c v 9* os M ^ D o w fM t G o « « Fy4» WtOOT» S»r««« IS O N M WtOdN« Mr««« M A » DowfSot S U S M ot , r - o h . 11:30 p.m. ta t e m . i Fani c k e rts k e d TA R f * Y«w F o ts-O'«ae>>u C h ennai «arv Tv 7 GO C hannel ( 8 ) «OU»T V - CBS (IS ) «G w T V - n u C 730 June I « D IR T V SALLY P * . n ■ n Uw UN a« • dar Buuauu e—v •» d«acov whM B u raaBy asad» a a C hennai ( 8 ) cam TV asc r-1 FoBG sM or M '•"V“ SrfiMo,, «.„M. CWn.« c Complete Gardening Service Q u it Rod nay Allan R w a v . Lloyd Br«d«m. Paler S i a n . Edw Wdhante and Siecfcv 2834000 (BI "Lava Lanms" BBW «arret* 7:30 p.m. A00 Eyowitasett N » a» S *» AK W O Z ZIE 'S G IR LS Tha |a W 700 7 » T»K T M Trvd» W o * * » SormodWRÇ • 00 psychology pTO^KKBB» appt*« ~ T n 0 d Ftoy" A trdogy of I by Rudi B out 1:00 a (BI THE m M IO N IC H T SPECIAL O o r s r M Sa» N » u > W o h e r Cromàrt» MortAwo«» TowtgM N K Nourt TK«M odSoM od Î H - M o d SoMOd to « o Ho» Mow Ho» H o w W h o «« M . U ns O t l M S G»Mt M maspr1 - *-----------k-l- Tr— w—tmrtaiow W o « 5 * w « W oo» B rody iw « * » B» H o» H o - 6 MiNaor» O 0 M 0 ' M o r O»r*y So«y S o n ic a a Son Ar»O»» K .«ff, M om . Mou«« O r« 9 © r W «o» 900 A MsHaOR D dU or M o p M om « M om « Pythen'i Ftyew C a c ta . Kentucky ModOrpaOC« Tkootr« (71 THE BRAOV BUNCH I F ro d T treat ar F raddo Ftin ra Wa Aca T ru c k e e Company and Frank let Atava M ouw Nouo a attar Graf's 1 (21 R O CK C O N C E R T Tha ( u « U atcluda Todd R undfran and U lo —a. G »««am C ant»« S ta to n . B M W o n a A B i.ltO nan I I o U m * Mond« O d d C o u p t» M om » M om « M om « 10.10 Tomo Tomso AAom» M om « M om « Mouse 1100 Il » Ey«w»»n«tt N*«wt 1»» C oncert Chorwsol Sta N » w t M om « NorW woa» TorsaçM Tooa^M $ A o - M om « M om « 5 ^ OH S s q r O H 1200 *R CorscoH M Cortcer» AA©m« M om « TomagM 5*so» Torsa^W 5 * 0 « M om « Saon O H •o c h C o n c«H M om « « *.d N o h i S o c .o t • » 8:00 p.m. N « -S ’000 12» 100 M o t> « » p « ra TNeotrw N r-i AWut» h«nO H Sm n r w