9:00 B.m. 121 O o F o . B ro A ." M W H M D •«erftng V an Johnaon Gloriow«. upvo«r*o«M vtory o f Am erica'« mo«« decorated com bat unit of WW I I . th e 44 2 n d H e fim e n ie l Com bat ta a m . and th a o on tem ptoom fe e lin g far«« feft by 1:00 p.m. (121 'Th e Aquarian«' Marring Ricardo M ontefben and Jota Farrar A team of deep tea la b o ra to ry «tient ta«« «tumble upon a group of opportuni««» 1121 M IS S IO N IM F O S S IB L ! ««errtnf Barbera Bern and M artin Landau The fu tu re of Ai peace ta b « on tha V ietn am We» n •revety im perded by a diabolical »theme devtaed by the heed o f a m o tio n picture studio behind the eo n Curtain 7:30 p.m. (21 F O L IC ! SUAGSON A buJklorer go*« out of control, a w a ll c o lle p te i and a dtecoeer a cache of ««olen money Oueal «tar George Chah eta 8:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. (21 C H O F F iR ON! O T««I B u r d ic k and F o le y eaerch frantically fo r a heiden bom b heoa at «taka (8) B O N A N Z A Ben trie« to fm d the perpetrator« of a plot egemM the Cartw right« before they lynch 18) THE W A L T O N S A «ubet.tute teacher w ith herth idee« a« how c h ild r e n dtoukf ba etricf diectplm ary action* 4 00 p.m. 121 " O M R u . ” M W • l.r r iR . Fai O ’B > * | . C law * Trevor A n art muaeum curator . who n operating a for gad 5:00 p.m. (121 O A N I I L BOON! B o o r» becom e« re«po n«rbfe for a w ngeful orphan boy w ho nearly tucceed« in carrying out h i* 6:00 p.m. 1121 M O O S Q U A D 1 « w l l w m . fro m amnewa. wander» the city after tw o men dug him and »tael 7.00 p.m. IM M V F A R T N f R T H ! Q H O S T (8) THE F L IF W IL S O N SH OW Flip*« guect« ere Bing Croeby. Tun 18) IR O N S ID E In a rat tim e, tha Chief and h n aid*« try to locate an unconaciou« men on an unknow n boat that it filling Coast J a n ito ria l 10.00 p.m. Service (2) THE STR EE TS OF SAN F R A N C IS C O w ith gue«« par» R o b e rt Hook* and Janet M a c ta c h la n A decant fam ily man. a friend of Steve Keller, become« a m urder «uepect after he and other reeadent» of a crime rid d en neighborhood ««age Full liability insurance, complete building mainteance. window cleaning, air conditioning and ventilating, systems cleaning, exterior building washing, floor cleaning and waxing, kitchen sanitation. Specializing in factories, offices, clinics, warehouses, daily, weekly, monthly service. Call 2885130. (8 ) O EA N M A R T IN * CO M EDVW ORLD Cooper. Berber« N ip « e y R u » « e ll g re a t Tha Co m m ittee and newcom er Kelly M o n t e ith ptu« a fUm clip fr o m the com edy fdm 'W h a t'» U p Doc 7" Marring Berbra Sir ereend and R y an O 'N eal h r» i Northwest Af Noon At The Wo»<d Turn« D oyi O Ou» l«wet AN M y Child»»« le t » * o k r A Deol 10:30 p.m. (12) THE T H U R S O A V Z F R IO A V M O V IE "T h e In m atien t H e art" «arrm g M ichael C o nvenirne end Carrie Snodgraa» Tha dram a o f a who even turn« her lo w for a fishmonger '• «on ulto a caw 8:30 p.m. (2 ) F IR C H O U S ! C a p t a .« R y orvon» m en fight a deveetatmg fe e h i a crowded new nightclub th e e o w n i t t l i o n h o m e 9:00 p.m. (21 K U N G F U W.Ml John D rew Berry m ore. SorreN Boofce H o w ard D u ff W ho are the edten Cerne du e» the body « seem ed o f m u rd e r by the «erne people w ho writ not battevo the (1 2 ) "The Skull " «tarrmg Pe«w C u d to « end C h rntopher Lee. H o rrify in g death« t w i n thoea curiou« about tha diu ll belonging to a men deed for almost tw o c e n t u n o « - M a rq u is de Seda, cham pion o f Sednm Profeaaor ChriMophor M aitland and Srr M atthew Phillip« foolishly probe the d iull'» aecret» Survive A M o 'n o g » Movi» Somertet AAow» C«en»»ol Hosp.ro« D*O»*»» ChoK» B o œ n to Bononto Electric Com pony O pen M ind N ew t Cortoont loom ing to l>«e Story Telling Gomer Pyle Ito n n ir Setom» Street Setome Srr»»’ M.«» Doug lot North w * tI Torughr fiocine Compony Chonnef Ó New CBS New« North w et’ Tonight N8C N ew t Ploymg The Guito» Togo To Tell Th* Truth PoU<e Surgeon Portner G hod Portner G hod W hot t M y lin» M ituo n Im pôt ubi» Hollywood S<juo»»t AAituon (»mpotubb »eedbock Chopper One Wohont WoHom Fhp W .bon F Up W ,bon Symphony Symphony 1000 10 30 S heen of Fmco S hee n of Fnsco Doon AAorhn Deon Ahorhn ’ ’ Chonnei S.« I W ide W orld Spetto) ' Northw ett Ton Tornght Show 17 0 0 17 3 0 W k N W orld Spec ml - dhde INerM Ipada) ' T o n .g h ’ S h o w T o n ig h t S h o w 1 00 AAomoge Doctor E I.E C T K II IA N M A C H IN IS T Journeyman needed for day shift, some overtime. A year round steady joh. Wage rat«' $4.94. contract increase September 2. 1974 Good benefits package. Carborun dum Company. P.O. Box 291, Vancouver. Wash 9X880. or apply at River Hoad and 28lh Street extension. Established, growing company offers challenging positions manufacturing critical equipment to meet our country’s growing energy needs. Bingham W illamette Company 2800 N .W . Front Ave. Portland, Oregon 97210 15031 224 9720 AAowe Mo».» Enemy ol Feople Enemy o< People 1:30 a.m. (83 "T h e Rem arkable A n d rew " BA W starring W Alton The Doctor« Another W orld The Newlywed Gome F One l>fe To b«e A AA*rv G riffin Chonnel So N< 11:30 p.m. (8) O d d M en O u t" Marring Jeme« Meeon end Kathleen R yan Story led» of a hunted and d y in g Irteh r e v o lu ito n e ry . the m en end are devoted to h im . rho ere tryetg to betray him Id p e of hkght Perry M oton Perry M oto« Enemy o l People O pen M m d SgoOH I Industrial Relations M anager Excellent opportunity for an individual with a well- rounded background and five to ten years experience. Position has company wide responsibility for labor relations, wage and salary administration, recruitment and employment, security, and Affirm ative Action. Excellent salary and benefits. In furtherance of our Affirm ative Action Plan, minorities and females are encouraged to apply. U.S. Citizenship required. An Equal Opportunity Em plover Send resum e.in confidence to M .L. Mickelson. P .0 . Bok 490. Richland, Washington 99352. An Equal Opportunity Employer U nited N u c le a r Industries, Inc. o o o o O O Q o w