I Page 4 Portland/Observer Thursday, June 27th. 1974 I n d o c h in a p r o je c t te lls OMSI V ie t n a m c u lt u r e The Indochina Mobile Rebecca Evans is an Education Project, a nation environmentalist and a stu wide exhibit which has dent of the geography, appeared at over 300- U.S. biology and ecology of locations, will be *riii<-ipul? At the time you patted yourselves on the Iwck." Mrs. Osly Gates ques tiom-d the demotion of a principal at the same time as re stru c tu rin g the school. She suggested that the "-.tincture was manipulated to achieve something not otherwise possible.'* She demanded that the new Jefferson principal be a Black woman and admonished the Board lor its refusal to involve Blacks in policy positions. Members of the School Board expressed their great sorrow at having to perlnrm this disagreeable duty. Jonathan Newman called Mrs. Law one of the dis trict’s "most decent and able" administrators. PHONE The Central East YWCA will hold a workshop for ideas in patchwork creations of pillows, skirts and table cloths for women of all ages. Patchwork Panorama will be from 1 to 3 p.m. on July 2nd. Tri Met's board will begin holding morning meetings starting with its July 1st session at 10:00 a.m. at the W ater Serv ice Building, 1800 S.W. 6th Avenue, Tri Met General Manager Tom King announced. The regular public forum will be held during the afternoon session which convenes at 1:36 p.m. 30 Not Put Oft Needed Denial (are Principal i NO DR. JEFFREY BRADY Says: W. Brooke of Massachusetts; Dr. John II. Knowles, president, Rockefeller Foun dation; Carl T. Rowan. Chicago Daily News colum nist; actress Barbara Rush; and D r. B e n n e tts B. Washington, educator. (Continued from pg. 1, col. 6) Fostine Glenn Riddick, chairman of the Hampton I n s t i t u t e 's D ivision of Nursing, Hampton. Virginia, was named the winner of the American Nurses' Associa lion’s Mary Mahoney award at the opening session of the ANA biennial. The award, named for the first Black graduate nurse in the United States, is given by the ANA to an individual or group for a significant contribution in advancing equal opportunities for minority groups in the nursing profession. Ms. Riddick was selected for her influence and leader ship in opening up oppor tunities for minorities, up­ grading training, and en couraging the recruitment of male nursing students. Through her efforts since her appointment in 1963, the school of nursing received accreditation in 1967. She holds a bachelor's degree in nursing from Tuskegee Institute and a master's degree from New York University. The award was first established in 1936 by the National Association of Colored Nurses and has been conferred by the AN.A since 1952. Judges for the 1974 award were Senator Edward 647 R{G. 7 .9 9 ,3-6X DRESS GROUP 547 Polyester/cotton, no­ iron denim. Cuffed, 2 back patch pockets. Dainty styles with embroidered trim*. Long and short sleeves. DOUBLEKNIT CARDIGAN JACKET-REG. 10.90 LITTLE BOYS' 8.99 PLAID JACKET SUIT Sweater look! Tri-Color trim Baseball type collar, cuffs. ITEMS LISTED ABOVE O N SALE AT VA U G H N ST. AND W ALNUT PARK 7.97 / LADIES' 6.99 BIKINI SET 2 97 BLACK O N L Y I Nylon lace coat, sheer nylon bra, bikini pant­ ies. Bra elasticized for good fit. Coat has rhinestone buttons. XS, S, M , I sizes. q 7 O ./Z V A U O H N S I. S T O e i OPR M M e n ., (h u r t., PH., 9 i3 O A M -9rO O PM S un., N e o n -S P M j O th e r d a y * » 1 3 0 - 3 : 3 0 W ALNUT PARK S T O « t OP 11* M e n . Thru S e t., 9>3O -9i3O ,- C le te d Swndey / 1 ' i