*W'>**-« ♦**- » «v. Page 8 Portland. Observer Classifieds Thursday. June 27. 1974 MUGGED PRINTED AND BOOKED Most amateur shoplifters don’t get a jail sentence. Most do get caught and all who are caught are taken to jail where they are mugged (photographed for police records) fingerprinted and booked. The record can last a lifetime It is all up hill from there— the price for stealing. STBM C N a n n a ABC lfS ) ItATU TV zoo 7 30 'u ly 7:30 p.m. "C susM " MW I1B4BI Jam M Mavcxi. Robvrt R yan. V o o n * «Vi f m ta d w haa ■ payctaupaihtc « a n ta » , and rom anea turna an o tarror <21 •Un«« 1:00 p.m. (1 2 ) "T h a B tf W haa." Marrm« M u *a y Roonay and Thomaa A hot «haalad auto raaor nrttara »rom an ovar airad M tte h a tl < •1 UNTAM ED W ORLD " C e r e m o n ie s of M a n ** In d o c u m e n t in g th e r e lig io u s ceremonies o f venous cultures, p ro g ra m shows the medievei splendor of a Moslem feotraei m Kano. N ig e ria ; th a simple traditions of m any A frican tribes, the spectacle o f H o fy Week processions m Spain. and the half pagan heff-Chnstien offering of prayers m G uatem ala 8:00 p.m. 12) T H E CO W B O YS Tha young (>) B O N A N Z A A group o< ratirad A rm y vatarana aw o lto Candy at a (Mot to rob rha Carton C ity m a tt. 4:00 p.m. <21 ■D.mptai" U W I1B2BI starring Sbatay Tam pta. F ra » * M organ. Shatay's a ttraat m inttra. «»to lovaa to tatg and danca to aarn a living fo r har grandlattwr 5:00 p.m. <121 VOYAGE TO THE B O T T O M O F T H E SE A A dm iral N alao n m u tt gat 1 2 y a a r o ld Pratea Ang barb to aaauma h « country i Itwona bafora Ota Rada taka ovar 6:00 p.m. <12» M O O S Q U A D Fata and L o t h e w trouble w ith e kidnapping They witnessed. when the vtcttm's father refute* to report the abduction to the police 7:00 p.m. <61 "Lova Haa M any Faeat" • t a r r in g Lana T urnar, Clrf. R o b a rta o n , Hugh O 'B r i a n , S la ta n n Powars W aalthy playgvl faart dia is losing har husband to a young girl 106 min <12) S T A R T R E K M r Spock s brain (S tt o la n and tr a n tp la n ta d to run a com pularirad civiliration cleverly stolen by a group of teenaged Com enche Indwns. ( • I C H A S E The Chase «Mid m ow s m on a usury ring which « charging 2 0 persant interest a weak on I by thugs. (1 2 ) T O N Y O R L A N D O ft D A W N Premier o f * comedy variety hour starring tha best selling vocal group o f tha year and tha performers o f the h it single " T ie a Yellow R ibbon 'R ound the O ld Oak Tree." Guest this week « Loretta Sw rt. M * A * S * H . mskmg 112) D O C E L L IO T « .t h guv« stars Susan Brow n. SaWy Kant and special p i»»« star Brandon Crus A little boy. a N ew Yo rk m odel, and an irgurad raccoon become a dilem m a for Sen EM«ot (ft) K O JA K Kotak plans an e la b o ra ta schema, im plying ha can be "b o u g h t." to trap a larga narcotics dealer. Roger Robinson end V a l A w r y guest star. 1 0 : 3 0 p .m . (2 ) " N o t N o w . N o rm an " starring A la n Cauldwsil and Patricia Hawk ms A n encounter three years after th e e high school graduation leads to a rom ance for N o rm s « and S t e p h a n ie , c o m p o u n d e d by frustration (8) " F itiw iM y " stars D ick Van D y ke and Barbara Feidon in a f y«w»m««« News 9 30 Mow« Copre»« Ko«go»oo Copro.« Kongoroo Chennai ( 1 1 ) K Chttnnpl ( I S ) ’ O A F T V lM T ) «»TV TV KPTV TV Gever n^nenl S»ocy Today Show Today Show Corteen» Mr fd Pefhcoo« Iwrahen 1000 10 30 Mo»»« Th« Brody B««ie Hollywood S H 00 »»30 G»H In My H e M O O O Of ’ Ow«g & t«»H*»t Cho««ef S.B N ew t iockpo* S w w p .'o ln Synco« Syncs« Synco« Synco« Sw»»fhlo» T o m o "o * Synco« Get Rftftultsl Try OBSERVER Classifiads Po»»word Spl.1 Second A s New« Mo'Tfcw«»t At Noe« Th« W orld Turn» Doy» O f Otri lr«et P«rry AAoto« Perry M eto« Syrthon Synco« 1 00 1 30 All « , C h .ld ,.n I«* » AAok« A tN o l Gu.d>ne l ^ h l Tdy« CM Nrghl M,»».« Adon« Sync on Sync on 700 7 30 The N«w»yw«d ''tome Price 1» Rrghl One Irle Te 1 « • AAo*ch Gem « S*rrn*e A Mo»r»og« VU.V.« Som«»t«i Aden« Sy n« on Sync en 3 00 3 30 Generol Motprlol Deolert Chore« TorHe«ole» Conwqv«««•» Bona«>o Bonomo Mow« N«w» Corteen» P»oy»«g The Gwnor Irbrory Progrom« 400 4 30 Adone Adone AA«r* O riffm •Row GriHm M,k« Douglet Mrk« Dovgio« Go— . r , u leennw Vn-nmy Seteme Street 500 5 30 Adone N «w t AA«r» Griff»« Chonnel S ib N «w t M.b« Dovglot North w«»l ’ o«»gh» Voyo». Voyage Vi. iierpg«n flectrw C ampewy 1700 17 30 (1 2 ) "Murder O n e " starring Robert Conrad and D iana Baker D e puty District A tto rn e y Paul Ryan investigates w het sppssrs to be the perfect crime. 11:30 p.m. (6) C A N N O N A n th o n y Zarba plays tha prune suspect m a cou nterfeit stock certificate ring whose escape fro m capture lead* to the suspension o f a detective friend o f Cannon. C lw n n p NBC l(S ) ( G W TV 10:00 p.m. (2) "G e t Christie L o w " starring Teresa Grases. H a rry G uardino and Louisa Sorel A bright, bouncy, b e a u tifu l b la c k 9:00 p.m. • 00 (1 2 ) O R A L R O B E R T S S U M M E R SP EC IA L Summer '7 4 " is a nostaig'c look at Am erica a m e l th a f a m ilia r s e t t in g s of yesterday a county fair . . a general store an old country church 8:30 p.m. to investigate a huge west coast drug operation. W orking through tha syndicate leader's mistress. Christie blows her cover and n m arked fo r death by a string of hoodlum * fro m Seattle to M iam i. Chpnnal (« ) « O W TV CBS n v - io » » .-U - cas no . . Mol for Women Only CBS Mswi • JO fyewtin«»» New» ♦55 Mow# w h im s ic a l comedy about a phUenthropic ok! lady who gives freely to w hat d ie considers to be w o rth y causes, but w ho doesn't re e la e that dte is actually broke Dam e E d ith Evens plays the Shopifters Tike Everybody!; Money (ft) "T h a Sw im m er" starring Burt Lancaster Dram atic story of a m id d le ag ed s u b u r b a n ite confronted w ith the unpleaeent but tru th fu l facts surrounding hie 1:30 a.m. (ft) "Bieck Eagle o f Sente Fa" starring Brad Harris, Horst Frank and Tony Kandall B loodibad and w a rfa re in v a d e a peaceful territo ry Th« Doctor» Aneth«» W orld 287 600 6 » ABC New« 2887 fh o r u » . i . . N « , W oher Cronkiie N o r t h . « Tomah. NBC N ew t Th. M od Sgood The M o d Sguod 7 00 To TeM The Truth 7 30 Dusty'i Troil I 6 Prêtent» Channel 6 Pretenit Who»'» My brt« Untamed W orld • 00 • JO The Cowboy» Mo*»« I 6 Prêtant» Channel 6 Preten!» Chose Chote Tony Orlando Tony Orlando 9 00 T » Adone M on. Connon Connon Mene O rol Robert» O ral Robert» Do« C lliol Doc Elirai Kojob 10-00 ’ 0 30 Sto» Trek Star Trek Adone Ili» I I 30 »755 ( y < - .t n « N « t W ide W orld Spec W « N W ¿ d d S Í¿ 7 _ Chonnel S .. N . - . Adone M one I? 30 I 00 W ide W orld Sp«c M .irr.og« Docto» M om M o y .« N o r t h - « T„n.gh. T a j U M u c k . ___ I Show »She,« Tomorrow A A ToA.ng H and. bbrory Program» Coekm Cofvn Down TBA Down Boboqv«*ard< lo rd o l Unrv«»»« lo rd ol Umverte Mwwr o l Peopt« N o lu ra lith M o .,. aa _ __ Sign O H