Png? 6 Portland. Observer Classifieds Thursday. June 27, 1974 EXE C U TIV E SECRETARY Do you like challenge and a wide variety of activities? Can you take over during the "boss's" absence? EMPLOYEE RELATIONS MANAGER $18,296. Responsible for completing assignments in the functional area of em ployee relations which in cludes collects e bargaining, discipline standards and guidelines, personnel rules and grievance processing. This position is in the Mult nomah County Personnel Office and the incumbent will report to the County Per sonnel D irector. MIN QVAL: 7 yrs. incr. resp. exp. in personnel manage ment including at least 1 yr. in labor negotiations. MAINTENANCE MACHINIST We need a person with ex cellent secretarial skills in eluding shorthand. Several openings now exist due to continued growth of our Division. In addition, you should be a good organizer, be capable of independent projects, and be able to deal effectively with major customers and field managers. Scheduling trips, meetings, and coordinating VIP tours are a few of the other activities. This is a great opportunity to put your journeyman maintenance skills to use in a high speed product ma chinery plant. You will not only maintain precision equipment, but you will also nuke replacement parts. OR OMARk Industries. Inc. Mon or Womon PART T IM i o r i PULL T IM i Good Pay - Rapid Advancement for Real Worber PORTLAND OBSERVER If you would like to know more, call us at 654-6531. or write to: G. ANDERSON. OREGON SAW CHAIN DIV. 4909 International Wav Milwaukie. Oregon 972?? NEEDS ENERGETIC PERSON WITH INITIATIVE, DEPENDABILITY. MUST NAVE CAR. OMARk Industries. Inc. OR An Equal Any combination of the above. A Master's degree in a related field will substitute for one of the 3 yrs. of re quired exp. TO APPLY: Pile application with Mult nomah County Civil Service Commission. 510 SW Mont gomery. Portland. Oregon 97201 by 4:30 Julv 5. 1974. (5031 248 3294. ADVERTISING SALESMAN The working environment Is excellent and so are the wages. Call or write Susan Winder. 3 yrs. exp. in personnel management including at least one year in labor ne gotiations and grad, from -1 yr. college. Job Opening for CALL 2 8 3 -2 4 8 6 2201 N . K illingsw orth OREGON SAW CHAIN DIV. 491)9 International Way Milwaukie. Oregon 97222 Opportunitv Em plover An Equal Opportunity Employer BIOLOGIST A * f Varel O p portunity tsspleyO* Small but traditionally strong biology department seeks biologist to teach introduc tory botany and zoology, animal or plant physiology, and ecology. Application deadline August 1. 1974. Starting date September 1. 1974. Send resume' to Mrs. Royce Keller, Linfield Col lege, McMinnville. Oregon 97128. An Equal Opporlumtv Emplover PEPI’S BOTTLE SHOP Let Pepi's Bottle Shop he your headquarters for cham pagne. wines, miners. . . at the lowest prices in town. Lloyd Center - Next to the Liquor Store. Pepi's one and only store. Open 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily. Sundays: Noon to 4:00 p.m. Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Em plover 281-2731 I Time MONDAY 700 7 X 9:00 a.m. (2) "F o re * of E a tT Ban I194S1 «arrtng Jobe G artmid Thomoe G o«« T w o brothers come to racket «moscate kd brother « 1:00 p.m. (1 2 ) "7 1 1 O cean D rive" starring I O B rm n end Joanna Dru An ingenious racketeer tries to o u tw it a bag gambling syndicate 3:00 p.m. testim ony of an Indian horse 4:00 p.m. (2) T h * Man yvho B . o * . T h * Ban* A t M o n t* C arlo" B * W (M W M onte Carlo and i b re a k th e bank, v a u d e v ille singer 9 00 p.m. (S I GREAT AO VENTURE “Secret Rites of the Yucatan“ E xpfcxer A rt Erickson prevents th e exciting film which explores M exico $ Yucatan Pen an su la and the a-yemnt rums of Chschesslt za (21 b ekm g Express BAIN (1 9 6 1 ) A desperate. terror ridden tra m to u r n e y tabes Joseph C o tte n . Corm ne Cefvet and Edmund Gwenn through post WVV I I Chma m to a murderous m ate of guerillas and black m arketeer! (8) W H A T 'S Seles. Dana and Arlene Larry Blyden M Y L IN E 7 Soupy Valery Gene Shaft t F ran c e >o»n host th e wee» 7:30 p.m, 121 W A IT T IL L Y O U R F A T H E R G E T S HO M E tttuta attem pting to introduce cuftiee m to the Boyle household Irm a mvites an art «si to dinner who suggests using Alice aa h e nude model The Boyle fam ily expects a cultured dinner guest but is shocked when an unkept Bohemian appears who deploys rudeness whale eetmg and 8:00 p.m. 121 TH E R O O K IE S W ith guan stars Strother M ann. Jem « Sm ith Jackson and Don Johnson An b ea u tifu l duby until one of the It i * . W P O lK * « " b rin g t 5:00 p.m. (1 2 1 VOYAGE TO THE B O T T O M O F TH E SEA BAW Tt<* s**»ww a * i i i d « g tara Rw * * > la n m c — ta to daa rm a lu * to f a ll F r a n c iu o -b a t Ru— a m a i gggr San o n * of tta 6:00 p.m. 112) M OO SQ U A D T h * atuad a 1 to thwart a m itlion dollar Hat maatarmmdad aoaa prägnant w ifa (« i GUNSMOKE Ron M o o t ), tha fra n d U ig ) of a young boy and Kaapmg h a drurdtan promiaa to halp tw o haad gunman IB ) M AJO R LE A G U E B A S E B A L L -T h a Kama» C ity Royals and tha Chicago W h itt Sox at Chicago's W hna Sox Far* 1121 TH E M O N D A Y /T U E S D A Y M O V IE " T h a Happy Faatmg" starling O a b b a Raynolds amt C urt Jargans A young girl tanews harsalt m toy* w ith a daUimg 16) H E R E 'S L U C Y Lucy talks Pha» H a rr« m to usmg m m ority group musactans m h e revived bag band, but the forgets one g ro u p -M o m en $ Lib 9:30 p.m AK « 0 * 4 TV—- 0 $ I G W TV M bc’ <O A P TV «PTV TV Zoe i f . , » CBS News No* *©• Wome«* O n » CBS n «—, ' oo, S *e - 'o d o * Show Go«W» F! "«tonai 6 » Eyewrtnen N r « i f»V — *w«ss N r » t C o c *o " ««ngO*OC Cop’O >• ‘ 3-QO-OC 'o d o F S h e - 'odo» S**o— Corteo*» m . Ed Synco* «oc « X * C .« Mowe Joke* *t w tq Go*»b»* 'v u w o p v W .rw.«vQ S**eOB New» l»»S oo» J u n r*« ' Synco* M ew The Brody 6 v ,* k * « 0 * 4 « •rk e - l e w O* lAe *hgh te « e n N o » You See k ocd SovrO'Vt Sohx G .H b> My i t * HO 0 00 Pyro-MJ tou*’ '; & Be»*»«,, CN»*n«i News xxfcpo* S—eeps«ok«s BOG '0 Ü C 10» 7:00 p.m. « A Tu TV oc 1 1 11 » $ I FREEDOM BANK OF FINANCE 728 N. E. Killingsworth 1200 12 X - " bot»we»d So*-* Second He»»» As Tk» W od d Tu*m Horw weet A» D ort O» Ou* bum *•»»> AkotO* Per*» Motor* G uuF^bgM Edge O* kegn» Ik e Do<»©»t AwoF^er Wortd •Ac »ve Mcu«e Sync or* S t *KO» i AB M v O -X J '» ' le« i Moee a 0« oi 2 OC 2 X The Ne—V —«d G o n e b r<« H B*g»»* One M e To I m o M c h . G o -w Suruaue 4 MO"<oge Mouw Sc-W'W* Mo»«e Synco*« 300 3 X Ge*»e»ot Hovp-’a 1 Deo*e»» Cko<e ’ o«ne*oiei Contegwencm Bonor/o Bono fila M e -i C onoom Synco** 10:00 p.m. 4 0C 4 X Mowe *O n » •Ae*« GryHiW A4»»» G rtH.r Make Oowgtot AAake Oovagkn Gome* P»te Jeon»»*« Ill M E O IC A L CENTER An Am erican women journalist has brought a young orphan over fro m N o rth e rn Ireland for treatm ent of • bullet w ound, end msexs that the waif must return to h e homeland after recovery 5 OC- 5 X *o **e Eiwwitneu New t A4e» » C f » i 44» f > CkOAwet Sta N e « i Make Ooxaglos F lu ì* Med Ton*gM 16) " A Severed Head' starring Lee R e m ic k , R ic h a r d Attenborough. Ian H olm and Claire Bloom A fro th y frolic a b o u t a sociahta set th a t indulges Toroge Wayog. t ~inTia Sesoawe fie r*- < Cowpoey Bernice Maid Service 11:00 p.m. 12) "T h a Strang* Caaa of Or J a h y ll B M r. H y d a" (Fart 1 repeat) Jack balance stars m th e ale by Robert L o u « w "The Bonk With A Purpose” 1 00 1 X 11:30 a.m. f i Sync o r M one S t - i CO- Seorc* *o» -o*s»o«’ o— S t ’ x o '' 16) THE NEW D IC K V A N D Y K E SHOW Pat Harrington guest stars as a fa s t t a lk in g teieveaon producer for whom Dick quits h e job when he « not sat«f aed with the terms of h e now contract (1 2 ) "Th e Interns" starring M ic h a e l C a lla n and C liff Robertson. In tim ate lives of four young mt or ns. the women m thee lives and the different reasons •ach has for wanting to be a doctor m J t Skxy 287-9434 6 00 & X Eyewitness Hews ABT M e - , Chonnel Sal N ew t Cronkfte News N o rm — Tofughl N6C N e - , «odSouoO W— S— od Heora Dateote liserory hrog'O«**S 7<X 7 » TeM The Truth E other Gets Home G»eo* Ad»v**ture G*eo« Adventure Who* » My line Hobywood Squoret S n < Trek Sto» Trek Gener o * k > w Hl PA B00 8 X Booklet Gwnsmoke Gwnsmoke lo w b o ll low O o li M on« M on« Sper.o* of W««s Sper.o.' of A m 900 930 M ow M one Hw e » Lucy D*cfc Von Dyke Boseboli BoseboK M on« M on« Speool of w»«e Book Beo* 1000 10» M one Mows Med*rol Center Med.<oi Center Boseboli Boseboli News N o 12 Northwest Behafsd The lines Behaasd The lines 11 00 11 » M one New« W ide W orld Soar Chonnel S a New t M one Northvuesl Torsaght Torugh* Show M on« M on« S^nO W S^O H 1200 12 » ^ de W orld Spw Wade World Spw M one M one Torught Show Torsaght Show MOWS M ons 1 00 Wide World Spec M one Tomorrow N ew t N ew t S ^ O ff S ç rO B OH OH i