Page 4 Portland Observer Classifieds Thursday. June 27, 1974 ELECTRICIAN We have a new opening on swing shift. The person we need must have a Limited Journeyman Manufacturing Plant Electrician's License. The person must also have e le c tr o n ic c o n tr o ls e x perience. WEEK ENO DIRECTORY The preliminary stages of a Redevelopment Program for Union Avenue have begun. The program is a joint one between the Model Cities Program and the City of Portland. SAT & SUN M O V IE LISTINGS You will maintain and repair electrical and electronic equipment such as NC machines and other solid state control equipment. Excellent Benefit Program. Apply in Person OMARK h id— rrin . Inc. OREGON SAW CHAIN DIV. 4909 International Way Milwaukie. Oregon 97222 The Program will involve the development of a plan for the improvement of Union Avenue in terms of moss transit, traffic circulation, com mercial centers, housing and visual appearance. Citizens who have specific concerns or recom mendations to the Plan should write or contact The Union Avenue Redevelopment Program Steering Committee, 5329 N.E. Union Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97211. SA TU RD AY . JUNE 29 SUNDAY JUNE 30 12 noon 12 noon (1 2 ) "T h e W ild end the Innocent * M iffin g A udw M urphy end $*ndra Dee A backwoods trapper •nd en unkept m ountain ptrl running ewey fro m her father, deliver f u n to Caspar end ( M r the city ' Ufa for the feet 112» U r f r o m Wayne end Tee» E _ Joe the two famous G l __ buddtet fro m the pen of M a u ld in , have b itte r ly 2:00 p.m. 2 00 p.m. fo ih o te w force them m id a meet < 1121 S b d S a ri' M a r r « , Oan O u rw and Vvonns OeCarto T wo bandits ananpa to u b a saw 4:00 p.m. la i '*M qR. Wats and Hendao-ne Irons Dunns Randi)— Scon. D o ro th y Lamour Muwcal tala o l fbv robuaa adventure wtncti turroundod «ba d m o amt of od m Panntvlronta around 1 « M 106 nun M W DIRECTOR OF ’ tATERNAL AND INFANT CARE PROJECT Direct the service delivery of comprehensive health care to pregnant women and infants. Coordinate efforts to care providers and participating agencies. Requires college degree and five years tech nical or professional level experience in health care field, three years of which have been in an administra tive capacity. Send resume to: Rhesa Penn. Jr., M.D.. 4th Floor. Cascade Bldg.. 520 S.W. 6th Ave.. Portland. OR 97204. We are — Eq—1 Opp—t —ity Employer SEWAGE PLANT -MECHANIC TRAINEE *♦5-41 HS grad, or equiv. education and exp. and 1 yr. exp. in repair and maint. of pumps of all types, and elec trie motors and related equip. SEW AGE PLANT MECHANIC S701-S&53. HS grad, or equiv. education and exp. and 1 vr. exp. in the repair and maint. of pumps of all types, electric motors and related wastewater treat ment plant equipment. Ap plicants not having the exp. in w astew ater treatm ent plants will be considered for a Trainee position at $641 per month. Apply Civil Service, 150 N. First St., Hillsboro. Last filing date July 5. 1974. Au Equal -PRODICTION ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR Opportunity Employer Seeking an opportunity to broaden your manufacturing knowledge and supervisory responsibilities? Interested individual should have manufacturing back ground and supervisory ex perience. We will train to broad en m a n u fa ctu rin g knowledge and management techniques. Apply in person resume to: or send OMARK Industries. Inc. OREGON SAW CHAIN DIV. 4909 International Way Milwaukie, Oregon §7222 An Equal Opportunity Employer $12 - 16.000. Responsible for coordinating a ffir m a tiv e action activities to facilitate Equal Employment Oppor tunity in Multnomah County government. The position is in the Personnel Office and the incumbent will report to the County Personnel Dir ector. MIN QUAL. Work and college training which together provide 5 yrs. exp. involving recruiting, training and placement of minority group members and women, problem identification, and a familiarity with employment discrimination. TO APPLY: File application with MULT NOMAH COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. 510 SW Montgomery, Port land. Oregon 97201 by 4:30 pm. July 5, 1974. i 503 i 248-3294 1121 Caotam Blood' a ta m n , E rro l F ly n n and O liv ia DeHevdtend Sold m to devar«. Dr Potar Blood aaraom h o lOand orison to become a foarad paste an mternetaonef plot when he e contacted by a security off « e r to tre a t a m e n t a lly deturbed 3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. • 8i "T h e T h e d Chotee' «ter« Shefey Jone«. O n — D e ve end Gene Berry m «tory of — g - - ---- pwbfnher who e ceHed to A fr< a to rescue a kef napped editor (12) Hugh O B r ia n and Rooney Two m 6:00 p.m. <61 B a n , B an, V o a'ra Oaad Tony R e n d e l l . Santa Bargar, T e rry Thom e« » tar m th e apygame «poof aet «n M errpiech 9 0 m»n 8:30 p.m. (21 "S hootout In A O ne Dog Tow n" st err mg Rechard Q am m a Jecb Clem Richard Egen The onfy bank — m a amefl Western town turns m to a one men army when he find» that the onty way he cen protect 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 from a gang of outlaw» e to M ow up the bank w ith hmtseff mwde 9:00 p.m. ••• Sweet Charity «ter» Shetey M ac Lerne. R »cerdo M onteiben and Sammy D enn Jr m »tory of a ho «esa et a seedy bedroom who determanes io better hwseff W tw meet» a dry young men who «uffer« fro m claustrophobe 11:30 p.m. An Equal Opportunity Employer DIAL-A-JOB 227.5828 OMARK IN D U S T R IE S ' $34,000,000 Saw Chain Divi sion has an immediate open ing for a chain production supervisor. At OMARK. the production supervisor is totally re sponsible for departm ent operations and finds salary com m ensurate with re sponsibility. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OFFICER (2) "Return From The Peat' (1 9 S 7 1 starring (.on Chaney John Cerredme Five strange teWt of terror fro m beyond the grave The fHm move« fro m one strange «tory to anoftu» bu4dmg to an e aa tm g cltmax (A pproa 1 hr 45 mm ) "Th e W e b mg Deed B&W 11936) «errm g Born Kartoh Barton Mac L an» Electrocuted men e brought back to the livmg to that he cen mete out vengeance • Approa 1 hr 25 mm ) 11:45 p.m. KAISER PERMANENTE 12) " V m Zapala M W I1B 62I V U rra i, M arlon Brando Anthony Ountn. M an Patart B n m a o b y of tbs lam o u t M a rn a i lia d a and of Mackey 8 30 p m 121 OownXSl tta r-u t, Robar- e x c ita i, drama H a ra r’ Radford of 196»’ Gana O ly m p « • c a re e r of Dave . iR obert R edfo rd ), a lone* from Colorado who gc*es to Europe ae a lest m m uta replacement on the U-S Teem 10:30 p.m 112) "T w o Rode Together Stewert R<herd Shetey Jon»» Two adventurer» on behaff of e y o u p of despondent im m ig ra n t« attem pt to enter a Comencha and peacefully brmg back raiatrve» captured year« before by 1 1 : 1 5 p .m (2) "The Lost U m W B&W 1195*1 st err mg Robert I ogg a Larry Kerr Young K a n in i work» ageuvst tima par fact mg musile wh«ch could catch lost -r -rg itfi before it destroy« Mew York C.ty • Approa I h r X mm I 11:30 pm «U -Tbs C w t , o l fien w U n - lla iiia i F a ta l C a lk in ' Chr,»topbar Lee Condemned to death for a aerw» of m ^ d er» B a ro n Frankarv»t»m trw» to convmce hr» »a4er» that the b u r in wer» not h a but those of a strange. hart human «raatur» h» created m h n secret laboratory (•I " B in y o n ' «tars Robert F o r tt» Darren McGevm Jose Ferrer end An«anette Comer m story of private m vest^etor who n Iv a d from the police force because of political pressure, is fra m e d for a murder, and covers a doubt» best frw nd 97 mm 16 will get you W ELDERS FITTERS 40 Just 16 hours a month earn you over $40 in the Army Reserve. And we'll teach you a new skill in the bargain. Call 244 7502 The Army Reserve It pays to go to meetings. Interesting and challenging opportunities Manufacturer of critical equpment to meet our country's growing energy needs seeks career minded welders. Bingham Willamette Company 2800 N.W. Front Ave. Portland, Oregon 97210 15031 224 9720 An Equal Opportunity Employer Register to Vote