May 8, 1974 CHILD CARE ll WEEK END b v iE DIRECTO RY SA T & SU N Do you need child care! Call Model Cities 4 C , 288 8861. 1 5 The Bishop U.V. Peteroon Child Developmeot Center "Training a child in the way he should go" 84 N.E. Killingsworth Portland. Oregon 97211 ' 288 2683 1:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M F M O V IE L IS TIN G S 12 midnight SATURDAY. MAY 11 (12) M ID N IG H T M Y S TE R Y « "Tha IncradM a Shrathatg Man " lui atory ol a man :f to a myatarioua log urho ¥: to am ¥:¥:¥*¥:¥:¥:::¥:¥:::¥:¥:¥^ 12 noon (1 2 ) BRUNCH TH EA TER ‘ 'B u c h a n a n R id a i Alona"-Randolph Scon. Crwg A Tasaa advanturw a Kin girl at a tough hofdat i odaa wttto a young lighting lor h a awtar'a If you need any type ol aid or counseling or ¡1 you have a personal problem and don t know where to turn, call NE Hotline. 288 9145 PRINTING PROBLEMS? Call us today! Commercial printing, lithography, type setting, web press. Exie Publishing Inc.. 283 2487. SUNDAY. M AY 1 2 12 noon (1 2 ) A BRUNCH TH E A TE R 5 "RocfcAGya Batov »tarra Jarry Latra. Corata Station* and Mardyn M aa aia ll Jarry ■ a I T V tapaaman «h o 1 UBI Straat» ol Larado" narratg iHiam h : Caray Ti ol ALBINA FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICE a For counseling, consultation, infocmation and referrals Call the Albina Family and Community Services at 288 9145. 73 NE Morris. g 3:00 p.m. : (SI "Soweto" atan H ugi O'Brian. Burgaw Maradidi. EWa Sommar : and Sar John Gwtgud at atory ol a oca aga datartnra who ■ aant 2:00 p.m. 112) SUNO AY Female shepherd, husky mix, crerm colored, w earin g leather collar and 12" nylon rope in vicinity of 55th and Sandy around April 24. Phone 287 5084 after 5 p.m. LOST Our baby lost her puppy. Small grey male poodle, vicinity NE 51st and Sandy. Call 288-0715. Please bring “Rags" bark. No questions asked. Selling Renting Buying Trading Hiring LOST (Cl LATE LATE SHOW F oraat R angan" s ta rrin g F ra d £ M a c M u rra y and Paulatta * Goddard. Tato gal*, ona an ¥ aaatarnar. aia lor a loraat rangw'a :•: aHaction Ona Imally arat*. 86 ¥ 2:00 p.m. Paite 3 LOST COUNSELING 1:30 a.m. 5 (2 1 JOHN W AYNE TH EA TER .: IBBWI IM S "Waka ol dia Rad < Witch" Starring John Wayna. G g Young Gad Ruaaali Faud ¥: hataraan an Eaat India» trada monarch and a hall-ramng aaa • : captaai and» m loa» ol gold and Portland/Observer Classifieds M A T IN E E ¥ «tart mg Dana 3 Sayward and ¥ Male brown and white SL Bernard. 2 years. 140 lbs. Bridgeport Road area. Ti­ gard Tualatin. Large amount of white on shoulder, may be dragging chain, brown collar. 620 1375. REWARD. LOST Male poodle terrier mix. medium size, brown and rust, answers to Tramp". Call 287 8453. Classified Ads Are Measured Bi LOST Female red and white striped tabby cat, medium hair, small and fluffy, vicinity of NE 25th between Alberta and Killingsworth. Call 297 8453 (BI C H A N NEL SIX PRESENTS Whita man. rawad 4 : 0 0 p.m. ■ lorcad to a (2) 4 O'CLOCK M O V IE o War ol Horry Frgg" atari tha bra» ol pwtpla Ita Duggan Fnro torgadwr gana ara hold capture toy tha Ital I plan. An Army pra 12) ABC SUSPENSE »40V IE - ai at tura manotee i "N o t It Shocking?" O'Brien. Lloyd Nolan. G ap and Ruth Gordon aid ar t y cruaana at a 9:00 p.m : IB) "G w nt' -P a rt ona ol two part ton ol morta »tan ■ Eluatooth Taylor. Jomaa Doan and drama locuong ol a han : IC o n d u a a o n M on . May 1J. B buttar and lading ai leva with h o ; 6:00 p.m. (12) H O LLYW OOD'S BEST "RomanoH and Junat" «tar i mg Pata» Uatmoa. Sandra Dao and John Getnn The doughtw ol tha mythical country lato* 5 J; ¥ ¥ at lorn ¥ : p.m J 8:30 p m. S 11:30 p.m. smaaiaa a m | "Intrawon ol tha Body Snatcharl 1BSB Starring Karat McCarty, Dana Wyntar. Larry Gate*. lnva»»on ol Southpn Cablornu» ' wadi ol S*«” plant» which "blanh" human lo n tu that ¥ Warn tha emotional Ida ol people thraatamng to darti o r tha world , Huod Lloyd Nolan «tar at ¥: Ih (j advantura-drama ot a (J.S. w b «peed,ng undar tha ; ¥. (A p p ro » 11:15 p.m. 1 hr 4 6 m ai I U 2 . S IN IS T E R I« * ™ « C IN E M A - 2ND Arene lea Cap on tha way to dangarout coni ton tat ion £ * •* " ’ sX , „ 5 ( 8 1 S H O W T IM E O N S IX 11:30 p.m. it art mg Lynn Georgy a «» :¥ Karlotl BPa Lugou. A nn . K g * ¥: Doctor traniplant» p a t o’ a 5 gangttar l i t o . am to p m Irp n d . tracoma« g p td friend _Mcomm » •« - o». 1 hr 36 min I ■¿Gal" -¥ • ¥ „ $ c T ;r ,n . „ «urtNa , w d« 1 -d * haea . Q, p , ^ „ rad < by witch burning« until Scotland Yard Maps in. GO VERY FAR THESE DAYS. BUT A DIME COES A LONG " WAY TOWARD HAVING YOUR PORTLAND OBSERV ER H A N D -C A R R IE D TO YOUR HOME WEEKLY EDITION ----- »5.25 A YEAR CALL 283 2486 AND GET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION STARTED TODAY. subscribe now! I he P u r l la n d O b w r r s r r