Director resigns High school students load collected canned food delivery to food agencies. for Youth gather food by Rosemary Allen Over 10,000 high school students participated in the 4th annual Second Wind Food Drive February 23rd and 24th. With the assistance of 400 Oregon National Guards men and 223 National Guard trucks, the youth planned door to-door food drive can vassed the tri-county area and some parts of Washing ton collecting some 95 tons of canned goods. "The need was fantastic,'' explained youth coordinator Ron Evans, who is a work- study student from Mt. Hood Community College at the Metropolitan Youth Commis­ sion where Second Wind is based. "We found through visits to the food agencies that they w ere serving more needy families than before and that the cold winter had forced families to spend their checks on clothing and heat. They couldn't buy nutritous food." The 12 agencies to receive the Second Wind goods are: Community Care, FISH Port­ land, Francis Center, Life Center, Salvation Army, Sun­ shine Division, SNOW-CAP, St. Vincent de Paul - Wash­ ington County, FISH - Hills­ boro, FISH • Oregon City- West Linn. Some of these agencies give a small share to smaller agencies, like the Blanchet House. The goal of 100 tons fell short by only 5 tons. Next year s goal is set for 125 tons of canned food. According to youth coordinator Ron Evans, the students participate in the drive because they re­ ceive satisfaction from help­ ing others in need. “It’s not a school project,” Evans said, "and we stress there's no money or prizes in it. Some students went just to get out of the house on the weekend. Others just to mess around, but 90% came to really work." And work they did! One manufacturer has created maternity clothes for dogs. PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS NORTH & N.E. PORTLAND ONE DAY SERVICE KNIT BLOCKING OUR SPECIALTY ncK-ua a Dtuvarv 282-8361 3954 N . W illiam « Awe. *Yeu'v« Tried The Reet, N e w Try The Beet* N. Alexander, $ / real target of the IWW is not Mrs. Boynton, but Cleveland Gilcrease, the Black director of PMSC and that their goal is the destruction of the child care center and of PMSC. which handles Office of Eco­ nomic Opportunity funds for Portland. They also accuse IWW of planning infiltration and destruction of the 4-C Child Care program. Kent Ford said his in volvement was directed at achieving Black control of community institutions. "I am not out to destroy Gil­ crease." Ford said. “We are just taking a good look at all programs in our community. We want to know how many Blacks are hired and what level Blacks are working," Ford stated. In resigning her position. Mrs. Boynton pointed to the accomplishments the center has experienced in the last 16 months. “All of this has been possible because of the hard work of the largely highly competent staff who, in most cases, have had a total commitment to the goals and objectives of the Head Start program. They have worked long hours for little money and with a con tinuing dedication to the idea that our best hope for the future is in our children." W elfare suspends (Continued from pg. 1. col. 9) Blacks hold include 1 special to 1972 he served in the ist (works with ADC fann United States Air Force. His liesi; 5 assistance workers; years in the service were 1 Human Resource aid; 2 spent in budget and fiscal Clerk III; 2 assistance aids; controls, directing an engi­ 3 Clerk typists: and 2 clerk I neering unit, and training of or clerical aids. Assistance military personnel. For one Workers, who compute the year, 1968-69, he acted as a welfare grants, are not re civilian personnel officer quired to have degrees, but recruiting and training un need three years of ex skilled workers. perumce with the public and Henderson served as assis mathematical ability. tant manager for the Multi The Welfare Department's Service Center from Feb­ Northeast Branch has 7 mi ruary of 1973 to the present. norities out of a staff of 78; As manager of the Welfare the Southeast Branch has Branch, he hopes to humanize 4 out of 70; the West Branch service and bring more ser­ has 6 out of 81; and the East vices to the people in need. Branch has 2 minorities out The Welfare Department's of a staff of 75. Model Cities office has a staff There are no Blacks in of 70 employees, of which 17 supervisory or administrative are Black. The positions positions. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Riverside Little League is looking for boys who are in terested in playing baseball this coming spring and summer. Any boy between the ages of 8 (August 1. 1965) to 12 (July 31. 19621 is eligible to participate. The boundaries for River side Little League include the Columbia River to the North. N.E 12nd to the East. N E. Alberta Street to the South and N.E. 15th Avi me to N.E. Columbia Rlvd and then up to Union Avento to the West. Sign up is possible by coming io tryouts on March 2 and March 9 at Fernhill Park, N.E. 38th and Simpson from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to 3 p . i S i g n up can also be made by calling player agent Craig Dial at 288 0608 or Loren Studer at 284 6260. Uniforms and insurance are furnished by Riverside Little League. There is no regis­ tration fee. .Ml boys are welcome. Students w in trophies z____ An analysis of world popu lation growth is the subiect (or a public seminar to be held March 7th at 7:30 p.m. at the U niversity of Portland's Buckley Center, room 103. Topics covered will be: "Population Growth in the Urban Industrial Areas vs. Third World." Hubei I W Duff, UP assistant professor of sociology; "Political As peels of Population in the Third World," Gordon G. Schlommg, UP assistant pro (essor of political science; "Biological Im plications of Population Growth," Michael I). Snow, UP assistant pro­ fessor of biology; "Medical Moral Aspects of Population Growth Policy." Dr. Donald T Manion, chairman, Oregon Right to Life Association: "Family Planning and Mi nority Populations in (he United States," Juretta Webb. Portland Metropolitan Area Interagency Family Planning Council. A discussion period will follow the lectures. The program is being presented by the CP Offiee of Inter national Programs during In Week in recog nition of 1974 being desig nated World Population Year bv (he United Nations As a first step toward an enriching parenthood, the Portland A ssociation for Childbirth Education, PACE, is sponsoring a class for ex peetani parents in the first through sixth month of preg nancy. This class will, hope fully, help to prepare for the emotional and physical shifts that are inherent with preg nancy. No reservations are re quired and a nominal fee of $2.00 will be charged at the class. This fee may be ap plii-d toward tuition should you wish to continue with a prepared childbirth class. Any questions concerning classes offered by PACE may be answered by calling 284 0591 or by contacting PACE. P.O. Box 8560. Port I,mil. Oregon 97207. The University of Portland Concert Band, directed by Dr Gerald Pin-, will present a concert on Wednesday. March 6th at 8:00 p m in the Recital Hall of the Mago Hunt Center for the Per forming Arts on the Uni versity of Portland campus. There is no admission charge for this concert and the public is invited. Demo Sale G rem lins Am bassadors At th«- high school fencing tournament held at The Hall (St. Helen's Bishop Dagwell Hall), on February 22nd. winning trophies were pre sented at the novice and be ginners' levels. Martini Des Georges from St. Mary’s High won first place in the novice division. Debbie Amerson from The Hall, second place, and Jason Lynch from Metropolitan Learning Center took third place. Other finalists in eluded Pern Combs, Janelle Johnson ami Martha Stein. Winning at the beginners level were ¿Alicia Cash, first place; Sue Burstad. second, and Susan£M-t-It third place. These werMlI students from The Hall. The tournament directors were Robert and Michael Marx, members of the II.S. I nd rr Age 20 Fencing Team. "Cable Communication, a Potential Service for Port land", a d isc u ssio n and slide show, will be presented by Portland American As soeiatmn of University Wo nun on Thursday, February 28th. at 7:30 p.m. in the H ospitality Room of the Public Service Building. 920 S.W. Sixth Avenue D etails will be given of th«- re s u lt' of studies c o n d u '' 1 bv the cable studv comnn lee in preparation for the coming public hearing March 28th on the ordinance granting a franchise to construct and o p erate a cable communica lions system in the P ortland m etropolitan area. ol Retired Persons, Portland Rose Chapter M755. will hold their regular monthly meet mg on Tuesday. March 5. 1971, at l#:00 a.m. in the Lloyd Center Auditorium. Dr. Joseph B. Trainer. Professor ol Medicine at the University of Oregon Medical School, will talk on "Some thing New in Medicine". The public is cordially invited. The Multnomah County Democratic Central Com nnltee will hold its conven lion on March 9th and 10th at the Heathman Hotel. Guest speaker for the Satur day evening meeting is Frank Mankiewicz, who was chair man of Senator McGovern's ram|>aign. Call 226 7106 for more information. (Continued from pg. 1. col. 6) over a previous satirical re mark. “Nixon can't even get on television to talk about something else to get our attention off of Watergate, because anything else he'd talk about that we'd be in terested in is bigger than the Watergate!" One of these bigger than Watergate' issues, according to Gregory, is the economy. "He dare not mention the economy," staled Gregory. Refering to the cost of living in the US, Gregory pointed out that "food is so high, it's Black Muslims at Portland Airport wait to board airplane darn near cheaper to eat for Chicago, Illinois. money." Turning the subject toward the gas shortage situation, Gregory quipped, “Watergate done broke so big. Nixon Approximately 40 Black within the Nation of Islam. It can't get on television and is in recognition of the birth of Muslims from Portland's get him some white support the savior. Master Fard Mu Muhammed Temple No. 62 by coming out against busing left from the Portland Airport hammed, according to Muslim ‘cause with the gasoline early Saturday morning, Feb­ teachings. shortage ain’t no buses gonna Twenty thousand people ruary 23, to attend the be running after awhile." Saviors Day Convention on are expected to attend the Gregory went on to say that February 26th in Chicago, service, in which the honor the gas shortage was the able Elijah Muhammad will Illinois. "biggest fraud in the world". give his annual Saviors Day Saviors Day is a holy day He stated that the big oil Address. companies knew that they only had to make things uncomfortable for the Ameri can public for 5 to 6 weeks in order to get the Alaskan Pipeline pushed through. Speaking on the film The Exorcist, Gregory commented that if white folks get so scared over a movie, "Ain't no telling what the real thing Nam e...........................................Telephone Number will do." He contrasted the reactions of Blacks to the Address............................................... Date of Birth .. film Superfly to the reaction A ge.................... School Enrolled..........................Grade........... of whites to The Exorcist and added that it was no Parent's Signature........................................................................ wonder whites had nuclear bombs in the army if a movie IMPORTANT: Applicants must obtain a $35.00 sponsor scared them so badly. (business, church, bank, beauty salon, restaurant, etc.) Gregory went on to com ment about the 'new' white APPLICATION DEADLINE: March 1, 1974 youth of today. He said that Mail to: Junior Miss Black Oregon Pageant they were "like a breath of 3135 N.E. 15th Avenue fresh air". Talking about the Portland, Oregon 97212 campus disorders around the country, the so-called First prize Trip to Disneyland (for 21 radical movements, and the Second prize $100 Savings Bond e m e rg in g y o u n g w h ite Third prize $75 Savings Bond counterculture, Gregory ex­ Fourth prize $50 Savings Bond pressed that, while Blacks Fifth prize $25.00 Savings Bond are becoming more and more accepted into society, white Brenda Knapper, 281 9568 youth have become "the new For information contact: Barbara Patrick or Corrine Hammick, 288 8261 niggers of this country”. BONELESS HAM Hygrsde Hall or Whole WENTWORTH & IRWIN INC. AMERICAN MOTORS CARS and JEEPS SALES & SERVICE I 2 2 6 -7 T \ 1005 W. B u rn iM . DR. JEFFREY BRADY Says: DO Nol Pul Off N eeded Defitol Care Enjoy Dental Health N ow and Im prove Your Appearance (OMt INAI TOUR (ONKlNHNll OPIN SAÍDRDA» MOlh-hb • NO ÀPPOlhlMIhl Nltûfl) • (OMPitit (OOM aiion ON Alf UINUI INSuIANU PIANS • (OMPflll Ö IN !A I Sll»l(|S U N IO N O i C O M U N I O IN T A l IN S U t A N C t c o v i « a g i A c c in to o n y o u i m u o io o in t iìt »» »ath Anr Rorb ntheplei MOUIV Wethdoyt I JOem «• 5 p.m Sot 8 JO o m to t p.m DR. JEFFREY B RA D Y, DENTIST " SLMILR BUILDING $ V. J i o i M o m v i . ' j l P or’lond O reg o n Iu 8 e Eiewo’c ’u 2'"i * tuo' 3 'd S’ tn tu in c e Phone: 2 2 8 -7 5 4 5 *1.» 3 CORONET (oronn Studili Prims «tn im PAPER TOWELS Studio P rin t. Heavy Dulv 125 rount lb ROUND STEAK Full Cut USDA Choice Muslims attend meet t. Home»» VCheckOut LOWER ALBERTSON’S GROCERY PRICES G regory M a tad o rs SAVE HUNDBEDvS OF DOLLARS A L L GUARANTEED A L L WttTH LOW M ILEAG E The A m erican A ssociation Ju n io r Miss Black O re g o n m h o * k p a m s - n o cm am c A (Continued from pg, 1, col. 61 sent an-evaluation team in to evaluate the center program. Subsequently the child care committee and the personnel com m ittee of the PMSC Board of Directors made in dependent investigations. Findings of the evaluation committees were: that the allegations of m ismanage ment of children and poor sanitary and health practices are unfounded. They found a lack of communication be­ tween the Director and the staff that made the inter vention of the union possible. They also found that many staff members were unsure about their job expectations and about policies and pro­ cedures. The team also found that overall the pro­ gram is conforming to guide­ lines and that the children are receiving proper care and educational experiences. They also found that the program has progressed dur ing the period that Mrs. Boynton has been in charge. Many members of the Black community resent the intru­ sion of the IWW. and its charges of racism. Although the IWW has called for Black control of the center (the Director and Master Teacher are white), their critics ac cuse them of using the Black cause for their own ends. Many also believe that the I / I ’ I?8 GROUND BEEF 29ç SOUP A lb ertM n '. A .m rted Varieties 6 SANTIAM $| CORN Cream or Regular Grind Whole Kernel ,98$ 5 ~ $1. KAROT CAKES 8-inch Single Layer $159 WE WELCOME FOOD STAMP SHOPPERS Vine Ripe Medium ÄL ER,TSUNs THE FOOD people lb. ‘Mfto Care' PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT. MAR. 2 IN LOCATIONS IN PORTLAND * VANCOUVER