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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1974)
Page 4 Portland/Obaerver Thursday, January 24, 1974 Fish provides economical meal Jackson M em orial NMCB «M » s tm o ta EBONY * IVOBY •S A D JEWELRY ANIMAL W IN S • PELTS • WOVEN POOPS» ANTIOL'ES • »rW C A N MUSICAL INSTILM EN TS I H N.W. Coeci. P M U u rt. O S fM i S7SOS P O S o i «SUS N om *» K a q ri * * * A *»*» JAMBS S MUGWBSL' i MS) t r tm There are days in every woman's life when she is so busy that there is hardly enough time to breathe, let alone take care of shopping, cooking, and other household chores. For these days, foods are needed that are easily p rep ared w ith o u t sacrificing good nourishment and flavor. Most women have to remember that time is money too, and they want to be able to get the food on the table in a minimum of time. Imagination and know how are the priceless in gredients whether a gourmet dinner or a simple family supper is being planned. It is possible to give meals individuality and zest at a moderate cost without spend ing hours in the kitchen. Shop wisely and carefully, cook with imagination, and you’re on your way to sue cess. A realistic, down to- earth approach to nourishing the family, easing the food budget, and getting out of the kitchen in record time is possible with fish sticks and portions. These meaty, por tioned pieces of fish are 1D0 percent edible, may be pre pared and cooked in very little time, and provide good taste as well as excellent nourhishment. Prepare fish portions with imagination, use your in genuity. and you'll find that A Memorial Tribute will be given in honor at the late Mahalin Jackson, world re nowned gospel singer, at St. Paul Church of God in Christ on Sunday. January 27th. at 3:00 p.m. Bishop J.C. Foster will be the Host Pastor. Various church choirs and groups will participate, with Reverend A.L. Henderson as guest speaker. An offering will be taken. AEWLÍuw QUIK SAVE CLEANERS / / FOR E X P E R T _ Retail • Wholesale 100% K IR K 'S S U E D E L IF E PROCESS LEATHER CLEANING A FAST. FAST SERVICE. ASK Y O l R C L E A N E R TO S E N D Y O l R L E A T H E R TO US. OR BRING T H E M IN Y O l'R S E L F . 1 11923 N.E. Halsey W E E K SER VIC E . 254 1234 ROY BURNETT Soys: WE WILL SELL YOU o NEW DUSTER for LESS Ikoa mony of the smoH IMPORTS! +■ + Y sponsors vacation SEE & COMPARE £ 74 VALIANT Portland YW CA has an nounced a Spirit of America Tour for Spring Vacation week. March 16 to 24. Es corted by Jane Smith Cook, the tour will fly to Wash ington, D.C. to visit high lights of the nation's capital and attend a performance at the Kennedy Center for* Per forming .Arts. After traseUig by coach, the tour w fS 'x is it historic sites of W illig li'b u rg , James town and Phili&elphia. Going by Amtrak's Metroliner from Philadelphia to New York City will leave time to see a Broadway show or two and a [R-rformance at Lincoln Celt ter before the return flight. F u rth e r info rm ation is available at the Downtown YW CA, St. Johns or North east YW CA Centers. Duster Sport Coupe - 4 dr Sedan or Scamp 2 dr Hardtop! EVERY CAR IN STOCK INSIDE O U T OF THE R A IN A COLDt ROY BURNETT CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH "Portland's Finest Automotive Dealer" 210 NW Broadway 222-1801 287 - 28 8 7 hair needs care Nobody likes hair with "no body”. But what do you do about fine, limp, bodiless hair? In the January Es sence Beauty Annual, editor Susan Taylor gives hope to those who have been hiding fine hair under hats, wigs, and hairpieces. To thicken too-fine hair, Ms. Taylor suggests condi tioning after each washing. In s ta n t co n dition er te x tu r izers are the best: they coat the hair shaft and give it more body. Make sure your conditioner contains protein and vitamins which will also help to give the hair a thicker appearance. For SIX T lU tS TOUSMER THAN SHAFT! SIX T IU tS H W S H tH THAN S I I K H M ! Sue the Bbi99est,boddest end best waste 150 motorcycle dudes! groom ing and ro llin g , a n atu ral boar b ristle hair brush and hard rubber comb are recommended. Mesh rollers are best for fine hair but not for sleeping on overnight: they damage the hair and scalp. If you must set your hair before bed, use pin curls at the sides and bark and rollers on top. Instant hair setting rollers are not dam aging when used in modera tion; but. everyday usage dries out the hair. Lubricate fine hair with light textured creams which contain condi tioners. Scient uts can divide one wavelength o f light into 2 00 part«, .00 00 0 0 1 o f an inch each. • • Geneva’s Coditi Meeting Rooms Free Pool Lettons Two Pool Tables Paul & Geneva Knauls Owners 4 2 2 8 N. W illiam * ‘The Bank W ith a Purpose" cooking can be fun and a challenging means of self expression. In this recipe lor Saucy Fish Portions, the portions are baked until flaky and brown, then topped yvith cooked broeeoli spears and a flavorful cheese sauce maile from canned condensed Ched dar cheese soup. Mashed potatoes and carrots or other go withs may he cooked while the portions are in the oven, and the whole meal can be on the table within a half hour. E x p lo re the w on d erfu l world of seafood. The hull dreds of varieties and sea food styles offer a whale of a lot of nourishment with high quality protein and other nutrients, very little fat. and many of these products may he cooked easily and quickly Whenever time is short but appetites are big is the right time for seafood, and budget wise fish sticks and portions present a new way to old fashioned good eating. » * Saucy l-'ish Portions 6 frozen raw breaded fish IHirtions (3 or I ounces each) 2 tables,toons melted mar garine or rooking oil 1 can 110'« ounce I eon densed Cheddar cheese soup 6 , cup nnlk I package till ounce) frozen broccoli spears, cooked and drained Paprika Place frozen portions on a well greased baking sheet. I > by 12 inches D rizzle m elted m argarine or oil oyer lish |Mirlions. Sprinkle w ith pap rika. Hake in an extrem ely hot oxen. 500°E . for 15 to 20 minutes or until fish is brown and flakes easily when tested w ith a fork. Combine soup and m ilk, beat thoroughly. Top fish portions w ith an equal amount of broccoli and spoon sauce oxer broccoli. M akes 6 servings. BANK OF F IN A N C E Owned by th e P eople o p e ra te d lo r the People Checking Accounts • Saving Accounts - Bank by M ail • Real Estate loan* • Auto loans ■ Hom«: Improvement ■ Traveler* Checks . • Money Orders • Escrow Service V t B O O R IH P « f S lo t N t Free Chet king At counts with *300 00 Minimum Bdlance Free Checking Service to Senior Citizens |6b or oven OPEN SATURDAY 1 0 A M -2 P M I 'hl I k w IIb I ilhi-1 In am h about Idr-.itil fleck MON ÎMUHS H> A M F Mi 10 A M 6 o M M A IN O F F IC E 2ZJZ N E U N IO N _ M t IN fM U M S M A M ‘ Ml 4 A M t » M »' M P lt O M O N Y B R A N C H 728 N E K IL L IN G S W O R TH 288-6571 2 8 2 -2 Mpmtjt" 2 1 6 f i»defg* Owpont insurant » i orp W O M EN on Wheels | H E L P F U L S A F E T Y H IN T S flv Elizabeth S tim ley L E A V IN G A F R E E W A Y When you leave a freeway, it ia your responsibility to be sure that the flow o f traffic in the high speed lanes is not disrupted This calls for planning, alertness, and paying strict attentio n to \ '.,11 Scientifically accurate in strument« for everyday meas uring are the ruler», tape meas ures, yard and metre sticks made by L u fk in . • <?> FREEDOM • Some scientific instruments can produce lines as fine as a micron, 5 times thinner than a spider's thread. 2 8 2 -6 3 6 3 w ith the area, consult a map — before enter . 'h . D mg the free tSxQr way so you 'll know the ap proxim ate distance to your exit M em orize the names of one or tw o exits before the one you plan to use, so you'll have p lenty o f time to get into the proper lane. Should you mis» your exit, continue to the next one Do not, under any circumstances, .stop and back up You could cause a m u lti,*- car pileup Scan the traffic flow ahead and behind and turn on your direction signal before mov ing into another lam- Never cut speed drastically when on through lanes T h e decelera tion lane at the exit point should he long enough to allow you Io enter it at free way speed Once on the exit rump, start slowing down Check the posted ramp speed sign, and reduce your speed according to your speed ometer, not your sense o l m otion You will probably find you are going faster than you think St. Helen’s Hall accepts applications JCRRT GROSS * M M a ’ M t BLACK SIX • Produced And OuocMd W MATT O A K R ScrodmW, 0» G C O R G i T H tA K O S AM OC dtt P-oduCdr RAFER JOHNSON > also featuring Maury Wills, ex L.A. Dodgers star, and Ben Davidson, ex-Oakland Raiders star. „ K M fT K O C O L O « © MGM nef/KPft Assents “MtLiNDA 'jUrrg c w ^ i n c w w ROSALIND CASH VONETTA McGEE MGM Weekdays - 7:15 p.m. Saturday - 5:45 p i Sunday - 3:45 p m The Hall (St. Helen's Dag well Hall) is now accepting applications for the 1974-75 academic school year. A co e d u c a tio n a l, independent school. The Hall offers aca demic programs from kinder garten through twelfth grade. In the Middle and Upper Schools (Grades 6-121 a strong scholastic program is offered together with a varied yet flexible program in the crea tive arts and athletics. In the spring the school offers a program based on the Out ward Bound philosophy Basecamp. Just recently, the Board of Trustees approved a com petitive scholarship program which is open to ninth graders not currently attending the school. Two scholarships will be offered, one to a boy, the other to a girl. The candi dates will be judged according to the strongest combination of scholarship, citizen sh ip , and ability in creative arts and athletics. These scholarships w ill cover full tuition for ninth grade, and they are not part of the school's regular finan rial aid program. Currently, 13 percent of the school's population comes under this category. Interested youngsters may apply for these scholarships no later than March 15th. I .a ter, a battery of school and college ability tests will be given, and the youngsters will be invited to tour the campus during a school day. The Scholarship Committee will make its final decision by May 18th. Serving on the committee are Samuel Dib bins. Director of Admissions; Fred Wood, Upper School P rin cipal; D avid Leech. Headmaster; and a trustee of the school to be chosen at a later date. I need tra n s p o rta tio n from Anyone interested in ap plying for the scholarship or for admission to The Hall can contact Samuel Dibbins at 216 7771. The Hall is located in Raleigh Hills. 6300 8.W . Nicol Road, near the Port land Golf Course. N a m e _____________________ Ç hatfat'HenAjf' TURNER, A ddress___________________ P hon e_______ Time le a v in g D estin atio n _______ Time re tu rn in g ____ I w ill use my car yes____no____parttim e— I every day and can take passengers One d a y a w eek ^ O R N in C in c in n a t i , O h io , FES * , other I do not h ave a car and w ill p ay fo r a ISSZ; M t ATTEN 0E0 SCHOOL THERE SN 0 WON HIS MASTER OF SCIENCE DE GREE IM IS S 1 . HE 010 SO WELL IN THE FIELD o r SlOLOOY THAT HE WAS AWARD M a il this coupon now to The Portland Observer if you are interested in a car pool. t o a r h o s u m m a C u m l a u QE i n i S O T1 MIS EA R -RE AC HING DISCOVERIES ON If you have any questions call Bethel AME Church. 2 8 8 -5 4 2 9 THE HABITS o r SEES ANO ANTS ARE WORLD F A M O U S ' M a il coupon to: Portland Observer P. O. Box 3137 Portland, O regon 9 7 2 0 8