Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 29, 1973, Page 5, Image 5

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W right goes to Lewis & Clark
l)r. Paul 0. Wright, Pastor
of the First Presbyterian
Church since 1971, is chang
ing the focus of h»* ministry
from that of the church to
Lewis anil ('lark College. In
a special congregational
meeting on Sunday, Nov
ember 18th, he was ilesig
nated "Pastor Emeritus", the
first in the 121) year history
of the church, lie will lie a
Distinguished Guest Lecturer
at Lewis and ('lark College.
Dr. Wright is a graduate
of McCormick Theological
Seminary in Chicago.
was ordained on October of
Reverend Lee 0. Stone
will be installed as an Honor
ary Canon in the Episcopal
Church on Sunday. Decern
ber 2nd. This honor is for
his service to the church and
the community. Although he
is now retired, lath er Stone
will be doing some work for
the Cathedral.
Father Stone retired on
July L Hf71. from St. Philip'*
Church, where he had pas
tored for 37 years.
The new Cathedral for the
Episcopalian Diocese of Ore
gon will be dedicated at the
same service.
The Right
Reverend James W.F. Car
man will officiate in dedi
eating the Cathedral Church
St. John the Baptist, which
is located on the campus of
St. Helen's Hall. Bishop Dag
well in Baleigh Hills. The
time has been set for 7:30
The new Cathedral was
fo rm e rly S t. S te p h e n 's
Chapel, and the decision to
make it the Cathedral was
confirmed by the Diocesan
Convention which was held
recently in Seaside.
The Bight Reverend Hal
Gross will install The Very
Reverend Robert H. Green
field as Dean of the Cathe
dral; The Very Reverend
Joseph O'Rillion will be
recognized as I lean Emeri­
tus; The Reverend I,aurence
Badly, th e tru e m eaning
of C hrlatm aa has been lost
Dr. Wright was the reci
pient of the E.H. MacNaugh
ton Civil Liberties Award in
1963 and Distinguished Ser
vice Award by the vote of
the University of Oregon
Faculty Senate in 15165.
Some of Dr. Wright's coni
munity activ ities inrlude:
Resource Consultant to the
G overnor's Com m ittee on
Children and Youth; Mem
ber. Albina War on Poverty
Committee; Co Chairman of
Citherns League of Equal
O pportunity; Chairman of
Citizens Committee on Racial
Imbalance in the Portland
Public Schools; Life member
of the Hoard of Trustees of
Stone receives honor
R eflectin g
on priceless
Lewis and Clark College;
Hoard of Directors, Oregon
Council on Crime and Delin
som ew here between "Peace
on E arth," "flood Will T o ­
w ard Men," an d "If th e
John so n s spend $75 00 for
our gift, we ll have to spend
th a t m uch for th eirs, a l­
th o u g h heaven k now s
where we'll find th e m o n ­
Jesus knew little of P hase
■I and price ceilings, an d the
wise m en w eren't know n as
such because they could
spot a g ift th a t looked like
It cost $100, when It really
cost th em $8 95
T he tru e "gifts" are In ­
deed priceless . . . "Love”
m arked down — m ust sell
Tor $2500. "F riendship"
I ’ll be your chum for $15 00
a day
now th e re ’s a b a r ­
gain th a t th e g ift-g rab b ers
will spot and line up for
long before the seller opens
Ills h e a rt
"Loneliness," no th a n k s
we’ve had plenty of th a t
all year .. too depressing a t
C hristm as tim e Solve It
w ith a tie, n ot your sta n d -
ird 4
Ilk rep, but tin-
o th e r kind a bond between
And so, when you h ear
them say C hristm as Is for
g iv in g a n d fo r g e ttin g ,
m ake your neighbor u n d e r­
sta n d Its real m eaning
quency. Past P resid en t of "forgiving" an d "fo rg et­
ting, 1 and th a t's one gift
G reater Portiani) Council of
nut found in your local chic
C hurches.
boutique W hen was the
last p re-C h ristm as sale held
In a m anger?
Thursday, November 29. 1973
C o n fe re n c e stu d ies
c h ild
The Black Child Develop advocate the rights of Black
ment Institute. Inc. will spon children. B.C.D.l. invites
sor its first Annual Meeting everyone from child care
on December 12 11, 15173 in prartioners to concerned par
Atlanta, Georgia. The two ents to attend.
day conference, with it’s
Dr. Dill, president ol the
theme "Dream Keeper", will
Hoard of Directors, in speak
address itself to the prob
lems of child welfare, child ing on the "Dream Keeper .
development, public policy, stated that "this meeting
and research as they relate represents an historical event
for the Black community in
to the Black child in Ameri
can society. An organization determining the quality ex
which functions nationally to periences for our children.
W hat
At Vann's no gimmicks are
used. We refuse to Insult your
intelligence. We know the buy­
ing public can recognize qual­
ity. We make certain ttefam ­
ilies we serve have a wide
variety to choose from. They
select the price category that
Is best suited to them.
A cathedral is the Bishop’s
Davidson and The Reverend
Harry Newton as Canons; official church, in which his
and The Reverend Lansing cathedra or chair is housed.
Kempton, The Reverend It is used for ordinations,
David Ia-ech. The Reverend conferences, re tre a ts, and
Charles Osborn, and The other diocesan functions.
Canons are priests who work
George Swift and The Rev
from the Cathedral rather
erend L.O. Stone as Honor
than pastoring churches.
ary Canon*.
Vann’s Mortuary
5211 N . W illia m s Avenue
P ortland, Oregon
Church and School for Community
I) * 1 1 I I T il I* HITS
♦ C om p/efr A ufom otioe Parts
and Accessories
For your com plete autom otive p arts
needs, shop I I A. M \u to P aris
I p.m on Sunday.
i i-essuries
Now open from HI a m to
Phone 288 5533
710 N.E. Killingsworlh St.
Port lami, Oregon 97211
DON Me M i l l
Let Pepi'» Hottie sh o p !»• voto h ea d q u a rte rs for chain
pagne, «m es. m isers
at the lowest p r i e s in town.
Lloyd Center
Nt vt
the Liquor s to re Pepi » ont
anil only sto re
Open 9'10
to 9:IMl p ill, daily.
Sundays; Nisin to 4:00 p.lii.
tv ,' J
2 8 1 -2 7 3 1
Manufacturer of internation
ally recognized precision
measurement equipment is
You Want
Your Career
to Really
To lie res|Minsible for the
design, prototyping and in
troduelion into production of
probes accessories or cam
Must have minimum of two
years of work experience and
be familiar with layouts,
plastics, small screw machine
parts and cast metal parts.
Some optical background pre
(SOI) 221-5310
Cc.'set to< Op»fo’'om,
R, fefits include a substantial
profit sharing plan. Salary is
ojwn. For consideration of
your background please send
detailed resume to:
* P oh «'-9»' S e n rK *. Fi g h t
OA d SoW $ P erso n n el.
610 SW Alder, Suite 1020
Portland, Oregon 97205
Personnel Manager
Tektronix. Inc.
P.O. Hox 500 OS48
Beaverton. Oregon 97005
A lf.:.o *»d W ,»
» S X N lU IN K IN A T lO N A l
An Equal
Opportunity Employer
I attest and modern method a
to play either instrument.
For information, please call
287 1634.
2 2 7 -5 8 2 8
■ B ia a a ia ia a a a a a a
Manufacturer of internationally recognized precision measure
ment equipment is seeking
Model C ities Child C are C enters
a re taking applications lor tall
enrollm ent. Call 2 8 8 -8 8 6 1
M o d e l Cities 4-C
Progress thru u n ity
F o r guaranteed top quality work in all
a re a s of building construction, contact
A lb in a C ontractors
A ssociation
7 2 N . E. S ac ra m e n to
P o rtla n d , O re g o n 2 8 8 -8 3 0 1
General and sub contractors
Drop Box operation
Electrical work
P. .mbe-s
M all board and plaster
Brick laying A cement
,\ |t O _ ra „ or wr¡(e (or
information on our
Scholarship and
Apprenticeship program
for minority youth.
Choirs plan Christmas Festival
learning new music, planning
The Oregon Boys Choir is
concert tours, and many other
presenting its fourth annual
projects that help them pre
Choir Festival. “The Sounds
sent happiness in their melo­
of Christmas”, with 500 voire
dic harmonies to their audi
mass choir, eighty piece or
rhestra. and sixty piece band, ence.
The Sounds of Christmas
at the Salem Armory Audi
is more than just watching a
torium on Friday. December
7th, at 8:00 p.m. as a free choir festival develop. It is
Christmas tribute for ihe joining in the fun and that is
one of the secrets of the
success. The best proof of
The Sounds of Christmas
the fact is to sit next to a
marks one of the first choir
festivals on the West Coast child in the auditorium dir
ecting the mass choir in his
to constantly strive for audi
ence involvement. The 1973 favorite carol far below on
the stage. It is a one to-one
version present* the tradi
tional festival opening with situation and for all the
world in their minds no one
all the 800 yqgpx
else is even there. In every
moving right into the audi
torium singing "Hark! The perform ance hundreds of
Herald Angels Sing" and pople leave the festival proud
flood the stage to greet their of the fact that "this parti
audience with the most well cular choir sang that song
just for him". It would be
known Christmas melodies.
Great professional concert simple to produce a choir
choirs react to their audience festival, hut to produce audi
and the same goes for such ence involvement is some­
distinguished choirs as the thing else.
Staff members and their
McMinnville High School
choir, under the direction of founder director of the pro­
Douglas Anderson; Stayton gram, Joseph Correa, have
spent hours in the audience
High School Choir, with For
rest Daniel; Silverton High listening and watching, and
School Choir, with Wayne have learned that each act
Bartnik; Woodburn High must have a high point. In
School, with Diane Allen; choir music it can be any­
Iuiurelwood Academy Choir, thing from small simple melo­
with John Boyd; St. Antony's dic tunes to a great compli­
cated masterpiece.
Boys Choir with Father Yin
cent Mesi; and the Portland song is rehearsed, tried on
Oregon Boys and Girls Choir live audiences and refined.
with Joseph Correa.
All In a more serene number
these voices blending with like this year's Hallelujah
the Mt. Hood Community Chorus, high points have
College O rchestra, eighty been worked into the tradi­
pieces with Iairry Cgonz. and tional Christmas tree which
the Columbia Academy Con always gets an “OHHHH"
cert Band with David Gram. from the audience when hun
dreds of tiny lights turn on
Routines for these perform
ing organizations frequently with the music.
A large part of the reason
find them working hard
for the success of the Sounds
A candidate for this position must have experience operating,
adjusting, and troubleshooting electronic equipment as well
as working knowledge of graphics and reproduction processes
for instruction manual development.
Job requirements: Prepare text and artwork instructions for
equipment manuals.
Work from engineering prototype
equipment in cooperation with engineering, manufacturing
and marketing personnel.
Write product specifications,
operating instructions, circuit analysis, adjustment and cali­
bration procedures. Sonic technical academic training pre
ferred. A minimum of 2 years of college engineering or
equivalent work experience.
Technical writing experience is desirable though not neces­
sary. A candidate with writing experience who is willing to
learn computer software and some hardware technical details
as well as a working knowledge of graphics and reproduction
processes for instruction manual development will be con
Job requirements: Gather information from Programmers,
organize material, follow through to final product including
manual construct ion. BA. HS degree to equivalent exper
ience required.
Experienced on single or
Double needle. Good
Fringe Benefits Retire­
ment program and Free
Forking facilities
Personnel Deportment
Manufacturing Co.
5100 St Ho-wyOn^
Between R ond 11 30 nm
A« Fqs»«*i Orrc»».•»' »r
Salary is open. Benefits include liberal profit sharing, in­
surance and tuition refund program.
Please send detailed resume to:
Personnel Manager
Tektronix. Inc.
P.O. Box 500 ORI9
Beaverton, Oregon 97005
5620 N.E. Onion 287 0910
Clothing, furniture, etc.
nt give away prices.
of Christmas then is simply
that each member of the
creative team plans to please
each and every member of
the audience through involve­
ment. and while the songs
will change each year, the
secret to success will con
Remember Friday.
December 7th at 8:00 p.m. at
the Salem Armory Audi
torium. Total involvement
means a happy audience, and
that's what The Sounds of
Christmas is all about . ..
and it is free.
Reverend Bertram Griffin
806 N.E. Alberta
Portland, Oregon 97211
9:00 a J i. H r
10:30 a.m. t hoir
12:00 p.m. Folk Mas*
Corner of 8th and Skidmore
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m.
Christian 5 outh Fellowship 6:00 p.m.
(Second and Fourth Sundays)
Reverend Thomas L. Stravhand. Minister
K e e p C hrist
in C h ris lm a s
The 21st Annual Keep
Christ in Christmas Festival
will be held Sunday. Dec­
ember 9 from 12:00 noon to
8:00 p.m. at the Hilton Hotel.
Highlights include a live
nativity scene, complete
Christmas cycle, crafts, ex­
hibits. special music and scrip­
tures. Admission is tree, but
donations will be accepted.
This year's chairman is John
Rebart and publicity chair
man is Ernestine Broadous.
m ayors
(Continued from pg. 2. col. 51
heading a council committee
studying the city's mass
transit needs, and serving a
brief stint as Raleigh's mayor
pro tern.
In contrast to Atlanta's
election, racial issues were
virtually non-existent in the
Raleigh campaign. “It just
never came up," Lightner
told the Charlotte Observer
“Wesley this opponent) is a
real Christian gentleman."
C o m m itte e
Black leaders throughout
s tu d ie s
the South were elated by
Lightner's success.
(Continued from pg. L col. 91
Lewis, a much respected civil
chusetts has recently with
drawn from NCIC because of rights veteran and director
of the Atlanta based Voter
its policies, including keeping
Education Project, said the
arrest records without noting
Raleigh vote exemplified a
final dispositions.)
new Southern trend toward
Goldschmidt and Clark
inter racial coalitions.
stated that they hoped the
Lewis pointed out that
com m ittee would find it
Lightner won 52.9 per cent
necessary to review record
of the vote, despite the fact
keeping of local courts as
that Blacks comprised only
well as employment records
per cent of Raleigh's
kept by local law enforce
population, and only 15.5 per
ment agencies.
cent of its registered voters.
5121 N . t M i
A. Lee
Church School ..................................................... 9:45 i
Morning Worship .................................................. 11:00
W *d. Noon — ino Hour of Power ................... 12:00
Wed Prayer & CI o m Meehng ........................T
Nursery Care Provided
'W e or* mpA/ng our Neighborhood A Brotherhood
Vancouver Ave. First Baptist Church
3138 N. V ancouver Ave.
Phone 282-9496
Sunday School
9:00 A M
Morning Worship
Dr. O . B. Williams, Pastor
"The church with a heart-telt welcome"
HEW survey
(Continued from pg. 1, col. 6)
question #135. Skin color
Very Light. Light Brown,
Medium Brown, Dark Brown,
Black. This question seems
to indiriate use among dark
skinned peoples only.
The surveyor is instructed
on some questions to "Probe":
The questions are worded in
a manner that suggests that
they are designed for per
sons with little education or
social competence.
Several of the persons
contacted for the survey are
considering a suit charging
invasion of privacy.
1222 NE Skidmore
Church school and Bible class:
Sunday morning worship:
Sunday Evening worship:
Wednesday Evening prayer:
Friday Worship Service:
9:15 a.m.
10:45 a m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.’
8:00 p.m.
' I y-ssr- -ff »■ K - r r y