Bible Published for Blacks Only y ^ b o d i tt f. Idalia White, 1973 graduate of Jefferson High School and currently a student at Morris Brown College in Atlanta, is pictured in "Soul Food". White, who is a member of Bethel AME Church and an ordained deacon, is the son of Charles and Perline White. I i SS2S N.C. M l A. Lee », M inister sales o f over 12-million copies since publication. The pub­ lisher, Tyndale House o f Wheaton, Illinois, is currently shipping over 12-thousand copies o f the Living Bible per day, to book retailers through­ out the natron. “ Publishers Weekly” magazine, the baro­ meter o f the publishing in- dust;y, rated the Living Bible as the best-selling book o f 1972 in the non-fiction cate­ gory. The book outsold the fiction best seller, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, during 1972. Il is the New Testament of this same best selling Living Bible that comprises the text o f the recently published.Soul Food. Each different book in the New Testament is pre- ceeded with a brief example o f how Ihe theme o f that book relates to life in today’s world by Twentieth Century people, in addition to the in ­ troduction, there are pictures at the first o f each chapter o f Black people in actual life situations that illustrate the ideas and thoughts in the fo l­ lowing hook o f the Bible. According to the publisher, Soul Food is the first New Testament that makes the scriptures more comprehensi­ ble to, and fits the specific needs of, the Black society in this nation. 288-5429 Church School 9i4fi am Momtng W or Pup .................................................. ,1:00 „ Wad. Noon — mo Hour of Rower ................... UtOO aoor Wad Prayer ft C lou Mooting ........................ 7:S0 pm hfurrary Cora Pre'id i J W a ora m a tin f ou, H n g h b u tn e d A '■■■ «11 Just Iw o years ago a new concept in Bible translation was introduced. It was Ihe Living Bible, a contemporary, modern version o f the scrip­ ture that reads "a lot like your daily newspaper,” ac­ cording to one reviewer. Tile New Testament o f Ihe Living Bible has now been published in an edition espe­ cially for the Black reader in a volume called Soul Food. It is a vinylized paperback edition, generously illustrated w ith actual "today style” photographs, and is available nearly anywhere books are sold at $ 1.95 per copy. The popularity o f the Liv­ ing Bible and its understand­ able style o f paraphrasing the senptures has been proven by Vancouver Ave. First Baptist Ct 3138 N . V an co u ver Ave. Phone 282-9496 Sunday School 9:0 0 A M M orn in g Worship 1 1:00 A .M Portland/Observer Minister wields foil Willie Pugh is a community minister who took up fencing when it waa suggested to him in a tavern in August of 1971. All of which made Willie the only Black man to com pete in the Pacific Coast fencing championships a year ago. He demonstrated his ability in the Northwest Invitational Fencing Tourney in Bremer­ ton last weekend when he came home with first place in sabre and second place in foil. Pugh, who attended Con cordia College in Northeast Portland for two years, has been a community minister for three Lutheran churches in Portland since February. ‘A fellow talked to me about it in a tavern and I thought I would take it up," said Pugh. He was instructed by Sonny Booker, the ony Black in the West who coaches fencing. Booker’s coaching was so successful that Pugh took fourth place in foil last year in the Northwest Invitational after less than 12 months in the sport. Pugh's next competition will be in June in the nationals in Tucson, Arizona. CME holds Homecoming Sunday, November 25fei is Did Fashioned Homecoming (Day at Allen Temple C.M.E. Church. It begins with the Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. The 11 o'clock worship ser­ vice has been planned for the Youth and Adult choirs to sing, with all organizations of the church to be present and in operation. Every person who claim s relationship, m embership or friendship with Allen Temple is invited to worship with us in this service on Sunday. Follow ing the morning service everyone will enjoy the fel­ lowship and sharing of pre pared foods in the lower level of the church. On Saturday. December 1st, at 6:30 p.m., Allen Temple Church will host a Fred Meyer Dinner Party. The dinner party must be limited to ticket holders only for obvious reasons. How ever, some tickets are avail able and will be released on a first come first served basis. Those wishing tickets may contact the Love-Lee- Ladee Beauty Salon, Mrs. Aizena D eD eleveaux, 284 0293. or call Mrs. Isabel Jackson at 281 1081 or call 282 8264. Fred Meyer Lun­ cheon and Dinner Parties are quite popular and only a few tickets remain. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays) Dr. O. B. Williams, Pastor "The church with a heart-lelr welcome** Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand. M inister Talent show scheduled The National Council of Negro Women, Portland Sec tion, will sponsor a Founder's Day Talent program on Sun day, November 25th, be ginning at 5:00 p.m. at the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, N.E. 1st and Schuyler. Rev erend John H. Jackson is pastor. Following the Talent pro­ gram will he a coffee hour in the lower auditorium, given by the Senior Citizens of George Carter Center The public, members, and friends are asked to please support these two affairs. Mrs. Willie Mae hart is President of the N.C.N.W., and Mrs. Jewel White is Supervisor of George Carter Center. A £ time o f neeil CALDWELLS C O L O N IA L M O R T U A R Y N 1 1 a t S andy and Burn sid e 232-41 I I MRS. OZIF MOTT SM ITH MA Church sad Seheal 1er Commuait y ST. ANDREW’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Reverend Bertri G riffle 606 N.E. Alberta Portland. Oregon 97211 The Union Fellowship will hold its annual Thanksgiving Service on Thursday, Nov «■bar 22, at 10:.'40 a.m. at Mallory Avenue Christian Church. Reverend Edsel Goldson, associate pastor of Mallory Avenue, will bring the mes­ sage. The Mallory Avenue Choir will present musical selections. The Ministers of Union Fellowship will participate. Reverend Thomas Strayhand is president. Participating churches are: Bethel AME, Allen Temple CME, Mt Oli vet Baptist, Vancouver Ave­ nue First Baptist. Highland Baptist, and Mallory Avenue Christian Church. An offering will be taken for the Life Center, a com munity organization that pro­ vides emergency services. Page f Reverend Thomas Stray hand is pastor. ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner of 8(h and Skidmore T h a n k g iv in g Service Thursday, November 22, 1973 281-4429 Manees: »S» aas. 1222 NE Skidmore Hyaute 10:30 am Chafe 12:00 pm Folk Mase Church school and Bible class: Sunday morning worship: Sunday Evening worship: Wednesday Evening prayer: Friday Worship Service: 288-7241 e i S a.m. 10:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.’ 8:00 p.m. Bob Harrison - Pastor Most reasonable shop in town CARLOS Body and Fender R e p a ir 311 N.E. Shaver ATTENDANT Wanted for Child Care Cen­ ter. Experience required. Model Cities residence pre­ ferred. Bethel Child De­ velopment Center, 5828 N.E. 8th Avenue. 288 5429. PEPI’S BOTTLE SHOP your hi adquarter» lor rharti at t Fir- lowest price» in town la l I’cpi a H < > |tlr S h o p lagnc, wine», mixer» ANIM AL S H U I ER HEAD COOK 2 8 7 -8 5 2 9 •« ' HOI SE EUR REN I I,Imit Center N ext to the Liquor Store Pepi'» one ami only »tore Open ffc.'W a ill. to 9 1X1 p m daily. Sunday» Noon Io I (HI p m i |^.' ■ L \v - BSBCr Ir I »arge 3 bedroom h o u s e . 1941 N.E. 14th Place. Call 281 7629 after 6 p.m. anti week e nds. 281-2731 ■ DIAL-A-JOB ; WENDELL E. BROWN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY • 227-5828 J KAISER J a PERMANENTE « ■ 5 7 5 N. K illingsw orth Remodeling o r new construction C o m m e rcia l - Residential Free Estimates • NEW KITCHENS • RUGS • KAIIIKlMIMs e CONCRETE WORK . - Hi I I Is • SIDEWALKS A model neighborhood contractor Member - Albina Contractor» A»«ociation Portland, Oregon 2 2 7 -0 8 0 8 PORTLAND THRIFT STOKE 5620 N.E. Union 287 0910 Clothing, furniture, etc at give away prices. Ellis Cleaners RENEW I H E B E \1 n OE YOUR GARMENTS Expert Tailoring PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS NORTH & N.E. PORTLAND 603. Receives and cares for animals brought to the shelter. MIN Ql'AL: 1 yr exper. in dealing with the general public: 6 mo» exper. in the handling of animals lother than household pets): be able to obtain a valid Oregon Operator's License; lie available to work any of 3 shifts. EXA M : Dsc. 18. APPLY: Before 4:30 pm. Dec. 10, Multnomah County Civil Service Commission, 510 SW Montgomery, Port land, Oregon, 97201. * ■ POWER SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Experienced on ungle or Double needle Good Fringe Benetili Retire­ ment program and Free Parking Facilities APFtV Personnel DtporFmen» WHITE STAG M a n u f a c t u r in g C o Phone 281 3662 3300 N. Williams Ave. John H. Ellis 5 100 SE Horrtey Drive •etwee« 8 end 1 I 30 nm An Fg>>ni Oppe ' •« ty fetpl«»«» ONE DAY SERVICE KNIT BLOCKING OUR SPECIALTY MINO« K P A IR S -N O CMASO4 n a tu r * oeuvm Wa Oiva Jto 282-8361 3954 N . William» Ava. ‘Yew’ve Tried The Rest, N ew Try The Beef N. Alexander, Proprietor D *» M IIT II PARTS ♦ Complete Automotive P arti and Accessories r'or your complete automotive parts and accessories need», shop DAM Auto Parts. Now open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. IMIN McAl LEV Phone 288 5533 710 N.E. Killingsworth St Portland, Oregon 97211 Model C itie s C hild C are C enters are taking applications fo r fa ll e n ro llm e n t. C a ll 288-8861 Model Cities 4-C TRAINING OFFICER «2.480 to $14.892. Will be responsible for directing the training activities for the City of Portland. College degree and twoyears-of experience in em ployee developm ent re­ quired. Apply before No­ vember 30, 1973 at Portland Civil Service Board, 510 S.W. Montgomery, 248-4352. POLICE RECORDS CLERK Start at $513 per month with raises to $650. Steady inte­ resting office work -at the Portland Police Station. Night shifts receive higher pay. Must type 40 wpm. No experience necessary. Family medical and dental plans, ample vacations. Apply to Portland Civil Service, 510 SW Montgomery. Phone 248-4352. HUMAN SERVICES VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR $1061 1234. A staff position responsible for developing new programs and coordr nating existing programs of volunteer services within the Department of Human Ser vices. MIN QUAL: 7 yrs of exper. in working with vol­ unteers involving such activi­ ties as recruiting, training, coordinating, supervising, etc., or in responsible level work in public relations or promotions. SUBSTITU ­ TION: Academic training in an accredited college or uni­ versity with specialization in the social sciences may sub­ stitute for the experience on a year for year basis, with a maximum substitution of four years. EXAM: Dec. 11. APPLY: Before 4:30 pm, Nov. 30. Multnomah County Civil Service Commission. 510 SW Montgomery, Port land. Oregon, 97201. VETERANS ASSIST ANCE SERVICE OFFICE SUPERVISOR $946 1099. Interviews indi­ gent veterans with difficult adjustment problems to de termine eligiblity for assis­ tance: counsels veterans on personal and financial prob lems as well as veterans assistance benefits; super vises V eterans A ssistance Service Officers and clerical staff. MIN QUAL: Min. 8 yrs exper. in area of Vet erans Assistance. 3 yrs of which must have been at a supervisory or director level; OR Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. Social Welfare, Behaviorial Sciences or dir ectly related social science AND 2 yrs exper. In the area of Veterans Assistance either as a Service Officer or as a Veterans Caseworker; OR Master's Degree in Social Work. Social Welfare, Be haviorial Sciences or a dir ectly related social science AND I yr exper. in the area of Veterans Assistance either as a Serv ice Officer or as a V eterans Caseworker. EXAM: Dec. 19. APPLY: Before 4:30 pm. Dec. 10, Multnomah County Civil Ser vice Commission, 510 SW Montgomery, Portland, Ore gon, 97201. Piano or Organ l.rason». la test and modern method to play either instrument. Eor information, please call 287 1634. SIGN PAINTER $1059. Processes a wide variety of traffic control signs by the use of decals, silk screen and scotchlite pro­ cesses; ineluding baking machine, vacuum machine, engraving machine on wood, metal, and laminated ma terials. MIN QUAL: Exper. in traffic control sign pro­ cessing or as a journeyman sign painter. EXAM: Dec. 11, 9:30 am. APPLY: Be fore 4:30 pm. Dec. 3, Mult nomah County Civil Service- Commission. 510 SW Mont gonierv, Portland, Oregon, 97201. WANTED Cook for Child Care centers. Experience required. Model Cities residents given prefer ence. Apply at: Bethel Child Development Center 5828 N.E. 8th Avenue 2885429 REGISTERED NURSE Part time, evening jobs avail able. Apply late December. Hourly, work need not inter fere with present job. Inter view hy appointment. Call 288 9281, Mrs. Rowe. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Administrative Assistant to Director of Developm ent. Requires excellent secretarial skills. Must have shorthand. Previous experience desired Applications accepted until December 1. Salary open. Apply Personnel Office. Lin­ field College, McMinnville. Oregon 97128, (503 ) 472-4121, ext. 239. WANTED ■» A- » Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer LEGAL CLERK Salary $641-723. General of­ fice work assignments, in­ cluding typing, filing, tele­ phone. reception, etc. MIN QUAL: Graduate from high school, or GED, or an equiva­ lent combination of training & experience AND 1 yr paid clerical experience AND type 50 wpm, net, with no more than 6 errors on an elec­ tric or manual typewriter. EXAM: Dec. 13. 9:30 am. APPLY: Call before 4:30 pm. Dec. 3. for typing test appointment. Phone 248 3294. Multnomah County- Civil S ervice Commission, 510 SW Montgomery. Port land, Oregon 97201. VA-OW NED PROPERTIES NO DISCRIMINATION - ANYONE CAN BUY All properties can been fi­ nanced with 30 year VA In­ stallment Contract - 8 ‘ i% Interest Per Annum. NO DISCOUNT OR LOAN ORIGINATION FEE 11210 South Parkland Ct. Oregon City 3 Bedroom. 1 Bath SP $20.950. $100 Down $207 Approx. Mo. Pymt. 20750 S.W. Wvngate Aloha 3 Bedroom, l ’/i Bath SP $21.900. $150 Down $218 Approx. Mo. Pymt. 20240 S.W Kinnamon Aloha 3 Bedroom, 111 Bath SP $25,000 NO DOWN $265 Approx. Mo. Pymt. SEE YOUR REALTOR Day Care Mothers To provide Child Care in yo u r home Age» Infancy thru 12 yrs. Day - Swing - Graveyard Contact: AMA FamU> Day/Night Program 288-5091 4635 N.E. 9th Exie Publishing Company 283-2486 Mett ¡four ¿fawn 'foyiusemM/ tfa emy urn/ f Contract your printing to a minority firm Use m inority printers P hotp T yp e se ttin g , G ra p h ic Arts a n d P rin tin g N ew spapers ---N e w s le tte rs — Posters — Fliers — S tationery — Business Cards — Programs Pam phlets — Pictorial Directories P rin tin g to m e e t y o u r needs 2201 N o rth K illin g s w o rth P o rtla n d , O re g o n AN E Q l’AL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYES