Oil .G e ttin g ROY BURNETT Is Your Smart BY WALTER L SMART Executive Director National I «»deration ot Settlements and Neiqhtxjrtiood Centers 72 Hunter .3411' ........ <2295 2 Or. Hardtop. RA H, auto Iran«., power steering! 70 Ford l,T U ........... <1990 Station Wugon, full power, plus air cond. Sharp. I 70 Chrysler .............. <1997 •I Hr. H T, New Yorker, lull power, plus factory air, sharp. 72 I8 .g r t oll ............ <1888 2 Dr. HT. HAH. I speed. 09 huge S w in g er <1399 340 2 h r. HT, HAH. auU trans., power steering. 72 Plymouth ............ <2495 Fury H I. 2 h r. HT. HAH. auto trans., p steering. 70 Chrysler 300 ....... <2295 4 h r. HT, full power equip, plus factory air. 39,000 miles. 70 Plymouth ............ <1140 Fury H l 4 h r. H T. RAH. auto trans., p steering. 71 Valiant ............... <2395 Scamp 2 h r. H T. HAH, auto trans., p steering, far lory air cond. 71 Plymouth ............ <2195 2 D r, HT. HAH, power steering, air cond. 67 Pontiac ................ <939 Tempest Le Mans 2 h r Cpe., HAH, auto trans., power steering. 123 NW Broadway Used Can 222-1103 A (oohduu» tb o u g l t he I could stam p mat -diasssr b y cu ttin g th e b o tto m s o f f a ll his socks to let hut fe et breathe. "It's dehumanization,” said she angrily. A friend of mine related some of the events she was experiencing in her quest to help un aged relative who had recently become a part of her household. I supfHise we have all heard this story many times each, for whatever the reason, told in a different way. Yet each points to the needs of our elderly, most of whom have struggled and labored hard during their lifetimes, bore and raised their children, sometimes their grands and their grcatgrands, and sent them into the world as good citizens. She told me that her mother in law is 68 years of age. Senility had set in and there was an expression on this once handsome featured and proud face, the look of utter hopelessness and com plete rejection. She was stunned to see this lady ap,waring so much older than her years. My friend, at th e outset, felt reluctant to take her mother in law into her home, because she worked and her re la tiv e needed atte n tio n . She was at islds with herself to leave her relative in an apartment amid unfamiliar surroundings, alone and un attended for the greater part of the ilay. However, when she observed the helplessness and apparent neglect, she realized part time care, tern porarily, was better than none. Immediately, she set out to try to get help of some kin