Portland/Observer AMA St. M a r k C o rn e r Stone UR. M l.. P A S K E L L The Si. M ark B a p tu l C hurch, 103 N.E. M orris Street, o f the C ity o f Portland, w ill ce le b ra te its C ornerstone Laying w ith the fo llo w in g churches p a rtic ip a tin g a nd sharing in this h istorica l e ven t: P rovidence Baptist C hurch, Paradise Baptist C hurch, N e w H ope Baptist C hurch, a nd others The D e d ica to ria l M essage w ill be d e liv e re d by th e e m in e n t Dr. M L. Paskell, the Illustriou s Pastor o f the G reater Faith Baptist C hurch, Stockton, C a lifo rn ia . Dr Paskell's subject w ill be "T h e T alking S tones". R everend E C W ild e r, m in iste r o f St. M a rk's Baptist C hurch, c o rd ia lly invite s the p u b lic to a tte n d this service. begins new program year s u p p o rt y o u r n e w s p a p e r th r o u g h a d v e r tis in g (Left to right): Mayor Tom Bradley, Mr». Coretta S. King, Dr. Thomas Kilgore, Mrs. Kil gore, and Dr. Benjamin Maya. l)r. Thomas Kilgore, Jr., pastor of Second Baptist Church, Loa Angeles, was lauded as a 'Boadrunner for Mankind' by over 1000 digni taries, clergy, congregation and friends at a luncheon held in his honor at the M arriott Hotel in Ix>s An geles. Mrs. Coretta Scott King, a long time friend of D r. Kilgore, served as hon orary chairman and delivered one of the triad ol keynote speeches. The other keynote speakers were Dr. Benjamin Mays, President Emeritus of Morehouse College, and Dr. Alvina Budisill, University Chaplain at the University of Southern California. lx » Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley was also on hand for the tribute and after a tew brief remarks, presented Dr. Kil gore with a resolution from the City of lx » Angeles. In further recognition of his many church and civic activities, Dr. Kilgore re reived a host of plaques and tributes from persons and organizations representing all 5S2« N .L M SS28 Bth i A. Lee Wenden««, Mi«ltter Minister sectors of the community, business and state and local government. An extremely moving tri b u t., this luncheon was spon sored as part of the Tenth A n n iv e rs a ry honoring the services of Pastor and Mrs. Kilgore in Second Baptist Church. Scoey Mitrhell, ac tor producer and member of Second Baptist, served as toastmaster for the occasion. Proceeds from the luncheon will jointly benefit The Mar tin Luther King, Jr. Center for Social Change in Atlanta and the Henderson Com munity Center, sponsored by Second Baptist in lx » An geles. CUE studies ethnics 'Invisible Ethnics' will be the topic of a seminar offered by the Center for Urban Edu ration beginning November 6th at the Neighborhood House, 3030 S.W. 2nd Street, on four consecutive Tuesday evenings. The seminar, which focuses on the history and current problems of blue collar and lower middle class ethnic com munities in Portland, will be taught by D r Michael Passi, history professor at Portland State University. Three of the class sessions will be devoted to an examination of the institutional structures that give focus to ethnic com munity life: the churches, labor unions, and welfare or ganizations. Members of the Scandinavian. Italian, Rus sian, Greek and Jewish com munities will participate in the seminar. Reservations for the class are due by Monday, Novem her 5th with the Center for Urban Education. 0245 S.W. Bancroft Street, Portland. aass/ff&MSi gêtatïïMk 3 2 S t-5429 POLK E RECORDS C LER K Church School ............... .................................. Momwvg Wo»»>vp W od Noon — mo Hour of Power W od Prayer 1 C la .. Mooting ................... T AM A is attempting to re asking all ministers to send 4932 N.E. Union Avenue. late the organized church to in their membership dues of The phone number is 288- itself and to the community. $5.00 for this program year 9254. Anyone desiring to be I t kt ar. attempt to bring Also, I urge each church placed on the mailing list to The Albina Ministerial AT together the combined re group to Lake a special of receive A M A 's m onthly I la nee (A M A ), which repre sources of the Christian body fering each month for AM A newsletter should call or mail sents a majority of the pas support. This support will for self development and lea in your address. The office tors and churches in the dership in the community for help to carry out and expand hours are from 9:00 a in. to Black community, is launch the glory of God. this community ministry. 3:30 p.m. Monday through ing its program for 1973 74 Only as a Christian body, A M A ’s office is located at Friday. under the leadership of Rev which consists of many de erend Rozell Gilmore, Pro nominations working jointly gram Director. The program to deal with the problems in year runs from September, the Black community, can we 1973 through August, 1974. be effective. The major A M A has assisted in or share of funds to administer ganizing and administering the programs come from the several programs in the Black Presbyterian Church. The community including High United Church of Christ con land C om m unity C e n te r; trib u te s to the H ighland Family Day and Night Child Community Church Center, Care Service, the Yaun Child which is an extension of the Care Project, which is a U n ited Church of C h rist project that provides two Ministry. The other major group homes for juveniles supporter is the U n ited who are wards of the court; Church ta d School for C«imm unity Methodist Church. A M A is the Welfare ixian and Grant grateful for all this support. • ST. ANDREW'S CATHOLIC CHURCH project funded by Model A drive to get financial 281-4429 Cities; and the Loaves and and other support from local Reverend B ertram G riffin Masses Fishes program. 9:00 a m . H ym n * churches is in the planning 806 N .E . A lb e rt. The program for 1973-74 stage and should be com 10:30 a m ( hoir promises to continue the pleted by December. I t is Portland, Oregon 97211 12:00 p m Folk Mass general activities of past very important that local years; however, it will at churches support the A M A tempt to concentrate in three Program. It is not a pro areas. The first is spon gram for minisiters only, but soring educational programs for the whole community. ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH for ministers and church As program director I am C o rn e r of Hth and S k id m o re workers. This will take on a Sunday School 9SM( a.ni. variety of methods such as Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. workshops, sem inars, r e Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. treats, camping experiences (Second and Fourth Sundays) and classroom in s tru ctio n . The second concentration will Reverend Thomas L. Stravhand. Minister be to support O U T R E A C H ministries to the community such as support to other groups and organizations that are working to create a healthy and wholesome en vironment. An example of this is "the Door”, which is a drop in center for ex o f fenders. The third concen tration will be to enlarge, strengthen and extend the youth program. AM A will also be available for counsel w ith youth, married couples or those thinking about getting mar ried, older adults, drug ad diets, prostitutes and anyone Church school and Bible class: 1222 NE Skidmore 9:15 a m. 288-7241 who desires consultation. Sunday morning worship: 10:45 a m. Sunday Evening worship: 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening prayer: f 7:00 p.m. Friday Worship Service: 8:00 p.m. These C h u rc h e s LA minister receives award 9j4S am 11:00 am 12:00 noon 7 |X ) pm Nursocy C o r. Fro«dod W r e re m e A /rtg o u r N e ig h b o rh o o d A B ro th e rh o o d O ^ f l M IT» PARTS ♦ Com plete A u to m o tiv e P arts and Accessories For your rompletr automotive parts amt aw sso ries need*. shop I >#, M Auto Paris Now open from 10 a.m. to I p in. on Sunday. Phone 288 5533 710 N .E. Killingsworlh St. Portland, Oregon 97211 INTRODUCING NEWS IN THE MOTHER TONGUE For Black people the mother tongue is the same aH over the country It’s the unique way we have ol expressing ourselves That's one of the reasons the National Black Network saw the need for a national Black news service What do we call Black news7 It s simply news reported by Black people edited by Black people, and affecting the lives of Black people That 's the National Black Network—a vital communications link between Black communities everywhere It 's a bet that when you listen to an NBN station, you'll know where it's coming from Alter all. it’scarrying your news © Pane 7 by Reverend R. Gilmore, Program Director. Albina Ministerial Alliance Church lays DON M rA I LEY Thursday. November 1. 1973 National Black Network Division ol Unity Broadcasting Network. Inc $552 622. Types & files index cards & re p o rts , searches files for officers & public. M IN Q UAL: 111 Type 40 N W I’ M; 12) Have 9 mos. paid clerical exper.; (3) Be available to work any of 3 shifts OR 2 yrs. college with major in secretarial science OR graduation from business college with 9 mos. study with emphasis in secretarial science. Call for typing test appoint, before 5:00 pm, Nov. 12. Multnomah County Civil Service Commission. 510 SW Montgomery, Portland, Ore gon, 248 3294. E L E C T R IC IA N D IREC TO R T R I CK D R IV E R City of Portland has im mediate need for electrician holding Ore. Slate llnlim ited Journeym an or U n lim ite d Supervisor licenses. Ex cellent fringes include year round work, full family medi cal and dental plan, paid vacation & sick leave, re tirement pension, and life in surance. Salary $1,002.00 mo. to start, 1.128.00 after 1 year. To apply for written exam, contact Portland Civil Serv ice Board, 510 SW Mont gomery. 248 4352. for Model Cities. Open Oc tober 31st to Nov. 9. Salary 18,500 22,456. Apply at Model Cities Program. 5329 N.E. Union. Heavy Duty, Diesel and Gas. Must meet D.O.T. require ment, plus company medical standards. Teamster scales. Send resume to: BN Transport P.O. Box 10301 Portland. Ore. 97210 Equal Opportunity Employer PRO PERTY M A IN T E N A N C E M E C H A N IC I C R IT IC A L CARE NURSES $737 per month Providence Nursing Service, RN. L PN . 3 11, 117. 234 8211. ext. 357, Miss Jorgen son. 8-4:30. Combination of experience and training in general main tenanee and repair work. Good m erhanical a p titu d e and a working knowledge of hand tools and light power equipment. Ability to do minor household electrical, plumbing and heating re pairs, and routine carpentry and painting. Contact Portland Develop ment Commission, 224 4800 for application forms and ap ,»ointment for a personal interview. JA N IT O R ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a • DIAL-A-JOB ; ! ■ 2 2 7 -5 8 2 8 S ■ J K A IS E R ■ PERM ANENTE J « Portland's 'Soul' Kadio will be having an opening soon for a commission sales, pro motion disc joekey. I f in terested, call Mr. Harris at 225 0509. ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■n K e e p th e m u d o u t th is w in t e r . . . . .* C o n c re te p ro je c t m a d e e a s y POWER SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS ^SEWING M A C H IN E OPERATORS NEEDED ( Experienced on .m gie or Double needle G ood Fringe Benefit. Retire ment progrom ond Free Porkmg facilities de d++dd Immediate Openings» ♦********<*****^* d APPtY Personnel Department WHITE STAG • Good earning potential and fn a g t benefits. Manufacturing Co. • No previavt oiporience noc»vsarv 5100 SE rtorrtey 0n»e Se’we*'’ 8 and 1 1 30 nm A~ fg o W i 801 River Kd., M ilw a u k ie O reg o n P O H TI. AN D T H R IF T STOKE Equal O p p o rti, . ty E m p lc /e i for child care center. Split shift, 288 8861, 281 2332. Equal Opportunity Employer Window glass replacement Call Ivan Phone 282 1364 I ’-cart. Call us for information regarding size, shape, amount, procedure, etc. U Traitor Concrete 2 8 9 -7 1 5 2 PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS NORTH & N.E. PORTLAND Remodeling o r new construction C om m ercial - Residential ONE DAY SERVICE s CO N C R ETE WORK • STR EETS o SIDEW AI KS KNIT BLOCKING OUR SPECIALTY We a n MINO« «fPAItS NO CHAFGt pick up < DitivenY 282-8361 A model neighborhood contractor Member - Albina Contractors Association 2 2 7 -0 8 0 8 >6211 N E. Emon 28? 0910 C lothing, fu rn itu re , etc. nt g iv e a w a y prices. $25 buys you a 36' sidewalk or a 9' x 12' patio. Why pay a contractors fee when you can do it yourself. . . We mix it and you haul it in our free trailers . . . Open Wednesday through Sunday. 8 9 0 5 N. V a n c o u v e r A v e . Free Estimates Onftn • .n •» f n - p in ,» ! APPLY IN PERSON 1 u THE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Pendleton Woolen Mills 5 3 2 9 N. E. Union A venue Room 2 0 5 P ortland, O re g o n Pastor • Optertvnity to loom a s k ille d ion and be troined in our jt odern rrotnmg school. HANDYMAN WENDELL E. BROW N CONSTRUCTION CO M PANY • NEW K IT C H E N S > Iti GS • BATHROOM S Bob Harrison 3^54 N . \\ illla m s Ave. “ You’ve Tried The Rest, Now Try The Best’ N. Alexander, Proprietor cm . Progress thru u n ity F o r guaranteed top quality work in all a re a s of building construction, contact the A lb in a C ontractors A ssociation 7 2 N . E. S a c ra m e n to P o rtla n d , O re g o n 2 88 -8 3 0 1 General and sub-contractors Drop Box operation Electrical work landscaping Painting Plumbers Janitorial Wall board and plaster Brick laying A cement Also - call or w rite for information on our Scholarship and Apprenticeship program lor minority youth. Ellis Cleaners RENEW T IIF BF M l Y OF' YO UR G ARM EN TS Expert Tailoring Phone 281 3652 3300 N. Williams Ave. John II. Ellis C LEA N Auto polish and shampoo Located inside Portland Auto Auction. 5036 N.E. 82nd Portland. Booker Taylor, Mgr. 255 2615