Portland/observer COMMUNITY CALENDAR On Tuesday, June 19, at 7:30 p.m., the Open Door Society will hold ita monthly meeting at Kiernan Hail, N.E. 8th and Alberta. A panel of adoptive parents representing special situa tions in adoption: The single parent, the adoption of a sib­ ling group, and adoption of a handicapped child will be featured. Non members are cordially invited to attend and participate in the ques lion and answer period which will follow the panel dis­ cussion. ...and qp bard^ Ubetígt 4F7 From left to right: printing machines. f John Jonea, I^ e Robinson and Christine Robinson beside one of their The Oregon Fuschsia Soc lety will have their meeting June 18th at the Salvation A rm y H e a d q u a rte rs , 1785 N.E. Sandy Blvd., at 8 p.m. The program will center around the movie, "Fuchsias and Begonias For You". Vistors are welcome. 9onr> Christian supply business expands « h ,o r e a o n z 7 0 b .H ik \iy In in a and N .E . tin e ron l i j \/> February of this year, building not too small not too large at 4932 Union. Lee and Chris­ Robinson opened a olisi ni 111 Salutes Youth of the Week Christian supply office. "I had been doing church bulle tins for about 5 years, Mrs. Robinson explained. So, the Robinsons decided to go into business for them selves, along with some sup port from the Albina Minis terial Alliance. They named their shop the A .M .A . Chris tian Supply. However, alliance with the A .M .A . has not worked out as expected and the Robin son's plan a name change in the near future. Their line of services will remain the same. They now offer com mercial instant printing, of flee supplies, trophies, in slant copy service, name p la te s , Sunday S ch o ol materials, posters of limited sizes, business cards, and they even sell Gospel AI bums. 41 O l i r C L IA M IX T N A C T IO N * 0 * O U W tli. SANITARY. (CONONMCAL STAYS C L IA N LO N G IA Business has been good, due partly to church and company purchases. How ever, much of their success, as Mrs. Robinson describes it, has been because of their devoted work of 15 year old employee John W. Jones. John types, keeps up with the bills and is becoming very handy m echanically with the copying machines. So, with the capable help of John Jones and their own determination, the Robinsons are building a dependable instant printing and Christian supply store. Whenever you need supplies for yo u r church, club or business, you can rest assured that you no longer have to travel half way across town for these services. The Robinson's store is located right here in the community. Lois Johnson, a Northeast P o rtlan d re sid en t and a licensed masseuse, will be available at the downtown YW CA, 1111 S.W. 10th, three days a week, beginning June 18th, to give relaxing mas sages. The masseuse will be at the YW CA Mondays and Wed nesdays from noon to 9 p.m., and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Ms. Johnson, who has worked at the YW CA before, has just returned from work ing at E liza b e th A rden's Main Chance in Arizona. She graduated from Oregon School of Massage in October of 1966. F o r fu rth e r info rm ation call the downtown YW CA. A free summer sports pro­ gram will be available to all youth ages 10-18. The pro­ gram is the National Summer Youth Sports Program spon sored for the second year by Concordia College and the N C A A , running from June 25 to August 3. The pro­ gram will feature such sport activities as basketball, base ball, tennis, track, football, volleyball and gymnastics as well as counseling on drug abuse, career opportunities and nutritional services. Bus transportation will be pro­ vided for children living in or near the Model Cities area between 9:00 and 9:30 a.m. and returning home at 12:30 p.m. A lunch, medical exam ¡nation and insurance will also be provided. For fur­ ther information call Concor­ dia College at 284 1148. SPRING CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL . M t r r o A w A T is u M o m o A M A O i M U 11 ACTUALLY IXTRA C T10 hot scftuiito DttrtA into TH( John T . H arris PHONE FOB FREE ESTIMATE 288-6137 287-6645 Anthony James Allen, who graduated this June from Jefferson High School, is this month's Student of the A Month. Anthony was very active as a disc jockey in Jefferson's broadcasting studio, and held a 3.0 grade point average. He received three certificates for excellence and out standing achievements in tutoring from the Student Tutor Associate Teacher Program He is the son of Mrs. Millie C. Allen of 6814 N. Albina. Anthony plans to attend Oregon Slate University where he will devote his studies to Civil Engineering. .. . in time of need CALDWELLS COLONIAL M O RTUARY C o u rte s y of (S) Pacific Northwest Bell N . I I4 lh at Sandy and Burnside 232-4111 ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH C h u rc h an d School fo r C o m m u n ity ST. ANDREW'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 281 4429 R e v e re n d B e r tr a m G r iffin M asses: 8 0 6 N .E . A lb e r t a P o r tla n d . O re g o n 97211 9 :0 0 a .m . H y m n s 10 :30 a m . C h o ir 12:00 p .m . F o lk Mass Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30 a jn . Sunday Worship 11:00 a jn . Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p jn . (Second and Fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L . Strayhand, M inister The Portland Astrological Association presents Marc Robertson speaking on U ra ­ nus. Neptune and Pluto; Your Unconscious Powerhouse, at the Lloyd Center Auditorium Friday, June 22 at 8:00 p.m. Marc has studied under Dane Rudyar, who was his teacher and became Ilia close personal friend. He began the practice of astrology in Seattle six years ago, and since that time has taught Astrology classes for the S e a ttle Young W om en's C h ris tia n A ssociation, the Pen and Quill School of Astrology and for several private groups. Some of the nation's leading astrological magazines have published his articles. Marc is well known in the Northwest for his series of color television pro­ grams. and his own radio program. “Aquarius Rising", which is on the air every Sunday evening from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. on Radio station K O L-A M in Seattle, Wash­ ington. Don’t miss this opportunity to bear this well known radio and T .V , personality, as­ trologer, lecturer and widely read author and to meet him at the coffee hour afterward. Church School 2 M -5 4 2 9 ...................................................... 9:45 am Morning Worship ............................................... W o d . N o o n — The H our o f P ow er W e d . P ra yer A Cloaa M o o tin g 11:00 am 12:00 noon 7 :3 0 pm Ave. First Baptist Church 3138 N. Vancouver Ave. Phone 282-9496 Sunday School 9:00 A .M . M orning Worship 1 L O O A .M . Nor »or y Coro Provided W t «ro making our Neighborhood A Brotherhood" Need < Glasses “Keep Our Books Open" has scheduled W ednesday evening, June 20th, for their First Annual Meeting. It will be held in the Community Room of Portland Federal Savings and Loan Associa tion, located at SE 82nd and Division. As guest speaker KOBO will present M r. James H. Burghardt, Head Librar ian of the Portland Library Association. The public is invited to attend and new members are always wel come. For further informa tion please contact Mrs. Linda McKinlay, President at 236 2751 after 3 p.m. | FsstJ S E E S E M L E R ’S • All Lamat Ground Io your Doctor t Prmcriplioo U m SENLER ...W EASY CREDIT • D r . S e m le r A d v is e s . . . Ssrrks HA V I YOU« All Optical INSURANCE The 65 member Class of 1973 of the Emanuel Hospital School of Nursing will be graduated Saturday, June 16. at Madison High School. The com m encem ent ad dress will he delivered by Gary B. Rothenberger, M .D., m em ber of th e Em anuel Medical Staff. Awards recognizing out standing achievement will be presented by the Reverend Llano G. Thelin, dean of the Southern District, Pacific Northwest Synod, Lutheran Church in America; Ray E. M o ore, M .D ., se cretary treasurer, Emanuel Medical Staff, and C. Leslie Wierson, chairman of the board of directors of Emanuel. Miss Florence Elliott. R.N., director of the School of Nursing, will present the class. Wierson will confer diplomas on graduates who have completed the 30 month program of clinicial and aca demic education. Two-thirds of the class m em bers are O regonians, with the remainder of the class coming from Washing ton, C a lifo rn ia . M o ntana, W isconsin. N e b ras ka and Florida. EYES EXAM INED foWr M 7h. 0 . , F a r B est Accepted • Ptnuoaunnd Wulfjn C o ti WticeatO Results * Atk Us About SOFLINS Contort lansat ttu tit LtV tf HMlfSIlOG S W Third and Morrison Otbst Offitst m SALEM A EUGENE • _ Zb*». 727-7200 D r. O p to m e tr is t I A u o c M t b u tt o n o í O p to r n ttr .— ’ R. H u ll. M . K e lly . W . MoCntm . H. We b .G . W allia Dear Graduate: C O N G R A T U L A T IO N S !. . . or is it congratulations? When you get up tomorrow, will you be facing a real future, a real career -- or will it be “just another day'".’ If you're all set with the job you really want or with school or college, then congratulations, you're on your way! But. if you're not set. if you don’t know where you're going or what you're going to do then maybe you can get a little more of everything you want in the OREGON A R M Y N A T IO N A L G U A R D The Portland City Plan ning Commission Sign Re view Committee will hold a public meeting on their work program for the Sign Study Proposal on June 15th, 9:00 a.m.. Room 200. City Hall Annex, 424 SW Main Street. One of the many advantages of being a G U A R D S M A N or G U A R D S W O M A N is that, after six months active duty you will be home again. You'll be- able to pursue your personal life - your social life -- your education along with developing new friendships. Friday and Saturday. June 15 and 16, is the last week­ end for "The Fantasticks" at Aloha's Old Nut Loft pre­ sented by the Tualatin Valley Players. The closing play of the 1972 73 season is directed by Jesuit High School drama instructor Gary Krinke and features William R. Deane, De Chant, William Schaeffer, Julie Voorhies, and M att Kenney. Tickets are on sale at the Old N ut Loft Gallery or at the door for $3.00. Reserva tions are recommended by calling 648-4128. Curtain time is 8:30 p.m. Tickets and reservations should be claimed no later than 8:15 p.m. So. if you'd like to know more about the challenge of serving with the OREGON A R M Y N A T IO N A L G U A R D , the G U A R D that BELONGS, the G U A R D that stresses T H E O R E G O N IA N FOR OREGON concept, then dial 2806817 for further information. Sincerely. Bruce Broussard Oregon Arm y National Guard Recruiter MARANATHA CHURCH 1222 NE Skidmore Church school and Bible class: Sunday morning worship: Sunday Evening worship: Wednesday Evening prayer: Friday Worship Service: 9:15 10:45 7:00 7:00 8:00 a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 288 -7 241 Bob Harrison - Pastor fâerean tâaptiàt Chuïch O o as e rv a tlv e B a p tis t * 4 8 2 8 North Vaaooavar A v a n a * * 8 8 1 -0 18 0 Z 8 8 4 -8 8 8 4 Sunday: A. I« « H en d erso n , M in is te r 5121 N.E. Eth tth I liursd iy. Jure 14, I ' . Dr. O. B. Williams, Pastor WELCOME TO ST. M ARK’S BAPTIST CHURCH 119 N . E . M o rris Sunday Service 9:|5 /tl:0 0 a jn . Evening Service 7:30 p jn . Reverend Edward WOiler "T h e church with a neart-telt welcome" = = . . . .a...... 111 a 9:45 a.m. Sunday School "W here we sing our faith" 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. Young Disciples, Youth Group, Adult Bible Teacher Training 7:00 p.m. Evening Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study ’. .. They received the W o r d .., and searched the scriptures d a ily . . . ’ Acts 17:11 R e v . W illie O . P e te rs o n . P a s to r 4