P o rtla n d /o b s e rv e r Thursday, A p ril 26, 1973 page 5 PORTLAND •£* O RS E Ri ER Religion in the News Denominations accept new common Bible J E R A L D IN E B RIG HT Bethel AME holds W omen’s Day Service Bethel A M E Churrh will hold it* annual Women'* Day Service on Sunday, April 29, at 11:00 a.m. Theme for the service is “Eaith and Jus tice." Chairman is Mrs. Gladys Darley and Co ('hali­ man Mrs. M ary Bridges. Speaker lor the morning service is Mrs. Jeraldine Bright of Seattle. Mrs, Bright is a member of First A M E Churrh. a member of the Board of Trustees, a member of the Board of Directors of Northwest In ternational Christian Mission Conference (Canada and the Unied States). She is in volved in many community activities including the South S e a ttle 1‘ rofes onal and Business Women's Assoria tion, the South S e a ttle Chamber of Commerce, (he N A A C P and the Urban Lea gue. She is a member of the Board of Trustee* of the Washington State Children's R E V IV A L Home Society. Following the service, ex­ cerpts from Shakespeare's "Othello" will be presented. Othello, a tradgedy involving a Black ruler, is playing this season at the Ashland Shake spearean Festival. His outstanding portrayal of Othello brought fame to the great Black actor, singer and freedom fighter,' Paul Kobeson. More recent Othel los have been the firitish actor Lawrence Olivier, and Black actor and producer James Earl Jones, who cap lured New York audiences for several years with his "off Broadway" production. Mrs. Martha Jordan, direc tor of Bethel's “Othello" urges those who might not be able to travel to Ashland, or who missed the performances by the great Black artists, to come Sunday and enjoy ex cerpts from the drama. R EV IV A L R EV IV A L For the first time since the Reformation, a complete Bible acceptable to P ro te s ta n ts , Roman Catholics and Ortho dox is about to be published. Bearing on the cover the words Revised Standard V e r­ sion, Common Bible, this Bible contains the Second Edition of the Revised Standard Version New Testament, the books known to Protestants as the Apocrypha and to Roman Catholics as Deuterocanoni- ral; other Apocrypha, and the RSV Old Testament. The Common Bilbe was used for the first time locally in Greater Portland Council of Churches Easter Sunrise Services at the Coliseum and Laurelhurst Park. Appearing about twenty years after the first Revised Standard Version Bible, pub lished 111 1952. the RSV Common Bible represents the continuing efforts of an on going group of distinguished Bible scholars, now ecumeni cal as well as international, whose work has been author ized by the National Council of Churches since the NCC was founded in 1950. In the years since the first edition of the RSV New Testament, a wealth of an­ cient materials have been recovered, such as the God mer Papyri containing parts of Luke, John, Acts of the Apostles and the Letters. The earliest of these dates from about 200 A D . This and other manuscript support port have restored passages to certain texts, and have also furnished material for significant notes. Ancient non b ib lical ma terials such as everyday let ters, records and business accounts a great body of Greek papyri unearthed in Egypt have also contri buted to a better under standing of the vocabulary. Pat Boone appears in Jesus Festival Pat Boone, television and movie star, will ap|H-ar at a one night Jesus F e s tiv a l. Monday, April 30th in the Portland Coliseum. Pat Boone has been out spoken as to the value of religion in the lives of young people. He has sold 45 million records and has 13 Gold Records and 7 Gold Albums. He will be singing and telling his own inspirational story. Darrell Imhoff of the Port land Trailblazers and other personalities will also appear. “The scope of this Festival is inter faith and includes many d enom inations and those who may not attend church." stated Richard Sha karian. President of the spon soring organization. He has traveled in 47 countries of the world presenting Christ in hundreds of crusades, rallies, and festivals. A t the age of 13 he founded 300 Bible Clubs across America. He has led hundreds of young people in person to person witnessing for Christ. He has been honored by resolutions from the Legis lature of the state of Cali fornia, from the Ix»s Angeles County Board of S u per visors, and from the city of Los Angeles. He was invited to speak to the United States Congressional Prayer Group. This past month he has presented successful one- night Jesus F e s tiv a ls in Phoenix, A rizo n a , w here 8.000 attended and Fresno, California, where 4,000 a t­ tended and 1,000 were locked out. "All seats are F R E E for the Festival" stated Mr. Shakarian. MAY 6th THROUGH MAY llth grammar and idiom of the (»reek New Testament. There are also changes in the Second Edition resulting from reconsideration of an cient textual evidence with fresh insights of scholarship. This may result in word sub­ s titu tio n , c la rific a tio n of meaning through rephrasing or reordering of the text, or in resotration of passages to the text. The RSV Common Bible comes into being as the result of many years of ecu menical cooperation and hard work. I t is a beacon to further ecumenical effort in the translation of the Bible, and to the understanding of the Bible by clergy and laity. For many Christians across the world this marks one more step toward the end for w h ic h Jesus p ra y e d "That they may all be one". POIC seeks support Bishop W. L. McKinney, chairman of the Board of Directors of PO IC (Portland Opportunities Industrializa tion C'en ter I, announced the Ix-ginning of a citywide and statewide program of infor mation and education about the OIC and the solutions the program can bring to the problems of the disadvantag ed at both local and national levels. “We are now operating with a proven commodity in O IC , said Bishop McKinney. "OIC has proven to be the finest, most efficient, most effective and lowest cost manpower delivery system in America. The acceptance has been outstanding and was illustrated once again by the r e m a r k a b le p i l g r i m a g e to Washington last month." On March 29. nearly 10,000 people from all the United States gathered in Washing ton on a pilgrimage of pray er to help "put OIC on the mind and heart of America". Highlighted by prayer and words of cooperation, the one day communications ef fort voiced OIC's willingness to continue its excellence in the field of job preparation in a joint effort with the federal government. Founder and Chairman of the Board of O IC is Rever end Leon H. Sullivan of Philadelphia. In a short nine years his concept of self help has generated training cen­ ters in over 100 American cities. The program is un ique in that it combines attitude training with skills training to thoroughly pre­ pare the unemployed and underem ployed for useful careers in industry. W hile some programs re­ quire as much as $5000 per trainee, OIC generally trains it people for less than $1.000. "W e are the largest pri­ v a te non p ro fit m in o rity m anpow er in s titu tio n in A m e ric a ,” S u lliv a n said. "And what we’ve done is to bring together under one umbrella the haves and have- nots, so that all men and women may have an oppor tunity to participate in the free enterprise system. Our p artn e rs h ip em braces the Black community, Puerto Ri cans, A m erican Ind ian s, M ex ic an -A m erica n s, Orien tals and poor white citizens. And to achieve our goals we have called upon the re ­ sources of industry, churches, the communities and gov­ ernment." n i i i i ♦ i ♦ CARE FOR INFANTS ♦ ♦ IN YOUR HOME. ♦ I ♦ I ♦ t □ DAY CARE MOTHERS $3.50 a child per day AMA Family D a y /N ig h t Caro 4 6 3 5 N.E. 9th 28 8-5091 Oregon Association of Colored Women's Club Annual Scholarship Tea R EVEREND W IL L IE T. SNEAD OF LOS ANGELES. CALIFO R N IA . KNOWN AS THE SINGING. PREACHING PREACHER - PASTOR OF GREATER TEM PLE OF GOD BAPTIST CHURCH, W IL L LEAD IN THESE SERVICES. TH E PUBLIC IS IN V IT E D TO A TTE N D THESE SERVICES N IG H TLY AT 7:00. W E L C O M E TO ST. M A R K 'S B A l’T IS T CHURCH Sunday. A p ril 29th. 1973 at the residence of M r. and Mrs. John Paris 2803 N.E. 16th Avenue Sunday Service 9:15/11 a.m. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Reverend Edward W ilder NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH 3725 N. Gantenbein Avenue Portland, Oregon The Churrh Designed to Meet Your Need Reverend Andrew A. Newton, Pastor 5828 N.E. 8th A. Lee Henderson, Minister MARANATHA CHURCH ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Co ..ei of 6th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30 sun. Sunday W orship 11:00 sun . C h ris tia n Youth Fellow ship 6:00 p .m . (Second and Fourth Sundays) 1222 NE Skidmore Reverend Thom as L . Strsyhand, M in is te r Church school and Bible class: Sunday morning worship: Sunday Evening worship: Wednesday Evening prayer: Friday Worship Service: 9:15 10:45 7:00 7:00 7:30 a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Church School 288 -7 241 Bob Harrison - Pastor À ............................................................. Morning Worship ...................................................... W ed Noon — m e Hour o f Power ................... W ed. Prayer A Class M eeting ..........................., CHURCH OF GOO IN CHRIST ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday Sunday School...;......9:45 am Sunday Worship.... 11:00am Y P W W ...................... 6:30 pm Evangelistic Service.....8 pm Tuesday 3138 N . Vancouver Ave. Phone 282 9496 Sunday School 9:00 A.M. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M Dr. O. B. Williams, Pastor “ T he church with s Iw a rt-te lt welcom e” Rev. lohn H. Jackson Minister N E First and Schuyler Portland, Ore. Prayer m eeting ............. 8 pm Friday Bible S tu dy..................... 8 pm Phone 204 -1 9 3 4 Sunday School Morning Worship Vesper Let us » M rr to o ro re N e e n d d + e r t to s e n * 9 a. I I a. 3 p. Evening Service Off. 283-3421 1234 N.E. Killmgsworth B la hop H . B . D aniela, P a s to r 11:00 am 12:00 noon 7:30 pm W» «re making our Neighborhood A Brotherhood" GREATER MT. CALVARY Olivet Napf ist Church 9.45 am Nursery Core Provided Rev. T. N. Noffa □ y .Meant 288-5429 7:30 p jn . 6401 N.E. 10th Avanue