Portlaai/ObNrwr 4603 N. Wlllla1111 Avenue cjuty Most r•o onabl hop in town CARLOS locly and Pender Repair 2609 N. Vancouver Ave. 2 7-8529 NATE HARL Y Fuel Oil ..... 212-5539 nslr'N.I. Alben.a St. Portl1nd, • A. WIii" o... - c.,_ .. JCflN SMrT'H 9'7211 Glob.H1otter tips ••• TO ■IVACATID , 111er I 7:,,l.U) wc,n.h of tulJdlnl m118rtal1 Ind ochar home and lenn 111,tal»I 1111111 be 1111uldu•S lmmtttll• .. lyl Some Ure end anou d1ma,-S producu. s•ore niu•• t. vac·a...S 111 rwo ..-u. Cume earlJ for tall huy ■ I S•ore formerly ..... MAYIIIWIAIN6 ■ON ,.oe......,c..., ....... ...,.. ,...._,.., o.. ~ , ........ ....... Call 211-9145 Hocune Nonhe11t 11 • ....,hone •~ice for people ID Nonhe11t Ponlend to rwceave ertWl'fl'KY help, lnfor- m1Uon, ud penunal caan•II••• Thi ~oc.11111 18 upen du11n1 hwn w!,- moet lly apnc191 are I ~ . We an.,...r caU1 dur1nt die foUowlrll hour■: M.S1y TtllndaJ p.m. • 9 p,,n. Prtday \ p.m. - I a.m. Saaarday 9 p.m. • I 1.m. Sllldl y 4 p.-. II 1 .m Cell 211-9145 for help. lllllline Northe1et II act-., . . 111111 • Clfflffll&Dlty people co tnln and • r w H 'falun- • n for th■ hocu ... Contacc JO,C-1! P"llieran. wol1111•r ~1111.wr tor hanlar 1111ormeuon. dll"OUlh• You 1hould end up with 1h11 palm of thl •hoottni hand factnc thl bullllt. Now lee' ■ pt to thl ey.a. A Im la ¥■ ry &mPorunt tn 1hoot1a1. concenu•• on where you WIIIC to •hoot. whedler you !IOnd to u• thl beckboani or ahoot for dw nm. Oenlrally 1p91tin,, an1l• lhOUI 1hould be blnlllld •1111.) off die boerd. Try ind a&m Shootlni ability, ILICII ocher for thl front pen of thl nm. 61ndlmanral1 of balUtball, 18 ind ahoot , ■oft ■hoc. MIIIY IIOffledltna cha• can be Im- t&mH die bell will dlen 10 p l"O"l'ed di l"alllh pnctk». Lee' a 1n off 1h11 nm. 1U r, w Ith yaur r..t, which may ■ound bmy, and end up When lhoodni die .tumP ■hot., rwmemt.r that It 11 noc wllh your e,-1. In ahootSrll, illNI> your fNt &mPonant to pt ¥ery far off Che 1raund. It I■ far mon lm- 1 comfonable dllllnc:a apen, uaaally 1bcu1 die wlddlolyaur Portant to be 1ble to pl olf ■hoe c,&Jckly and ahouldlni II • 1ood dlnlnc:a. your Relax. and ber.t your knee• acc:un . . y. Very ,_ ot your 1ll1htly. Tta bell 1hould be top baalllleball pla,-n aC11111ly nil . . Nd off ol the flnprUpe jllmp dial hip. It II far more and don't foCWM to folio- 1mporunc to 1hooe quickly. (The falul111t1 Harlem Olobetroalln, who b ~ thllr be1ketblll ma,tc to Portland on SUD!lay. Jaa. 7 1t2:00p.m., haV9 put totett-r I NrtH - "Ba■-tball Tlpe Pram Ttw Harlem Glollltniaan" - to 6a lf111 ChouNndl ol 1'9(Jaeltl fram dlelr f1na, Her9 11 on■ tucallmeN ol Chat ..-ClaJ Ropr Whl• al ap SI 18 a tull-ame 11Udent In Ponland commualty Coll••'•Mechinl Tec:hnolCIIY Pl'Olr■m• He 18 u-1tn1D1 for ora ol thl many machimM jobl op■r1 in die Portland 1na, Ro•H w11 In the Air Poree for 22 y .. ni aad mired In 1959.Heworlllld u , CC1111tnact1011 cari,eror befol'9 leam .... loft IDOlinl wmi eoe1nt1D 19M.Ltllamany othllr akUllld labonn, Ropr wa1 out of I Job when lhllr9 w11 no loapr a need for 10ft tDOltnc, Job iu.iJIC effon■ led to die Sta• Emplo,mnt Bure• wher9 I COWINI0r 1ave Ropr ••• which Ind► c111d 1n aptitude for machJn- lat 1tU11. Thl"Olllh thl Man- power Onelopnenc TninJnc Act (M)TA) Ropr w11 able to e,_, the machlna.t tnln- tn1 prosnm atPordandCom• mllftltJ Collep. Ropr Whl• wlll flllllh hl.8 two ,-ar pro- 1nm dl11 11UT1mer but may re111m raiu fall to dewlop addldonal 1kW1beforeflnd1nt a Job, PCC'• Mechlne Tec:bnolCIIY proeram offer■ Job lhop tra ID- lnl, an opponunlty for ■m• ployed IIIIC h in IStl to uprradl their lltlll1, ind 1'9tta ln1nl for nadent■ Ilka Rotin who can no l ~ r find I Job with preNDt 1kU11. OIIOrp Scoa. Machine Tec:lmolD1Y lnatNCtor, 11y1. "A machlnlet ta 1n 1ni.c who cue• a plllc:e of •--1 and m1kaa It Into• product uatnc m1chlne pn>CHNI HI 9CU1p- 1Dr would uM a chlNI." ,-,_ m1cblnl91 1111111 to wort with hla hand1 to produc:a I u ... ble product. Scoa and fllUaw ln1tnac1Dn VlneeN Pelly ind Loui.Whlt• lallCh brtn1 1 combination of 60 ,-an ol experience In thl m 1chln1et trade to die 1tudenu at Portl1nd ComfflllDU, Col· lep, The Pnllraffl lldlalpad for lndlYldllal lllam1n1 •peal• and eccomplllim-ta, and preper91 11Udent1 for eaar le¥el ■mplo,ment in 1h11 ma- cblnH tl"ldel lllduatry. Jn- 1tnac:Uon •• IMD In •• ~ machlnlne proce•••• and 11111- Lending Your Tools I riendly Freddie had no qual1111 a bout lcndin1 an electric driU to ht neat door ntishbor Bui trou- ble followc,d rut While Iha ncipbor wa• uun1 the drill, ha aullcred a bad shock And he put the blame 1Quarcly on Freddie Suin1 later for dama111. tha neipbor said Freddie had no bulinna lendin1 him a lool lhal w11 danprou1 But Freddie c:on- inccd Iha court that he had been 1ot1lly unu,are of any defect in I e frill Accordinsly, the court held him not liable The jud• uid lhal illum~h as Freddie 11/U lendin& the drill • for free,'" he should no1 bear • heavy reapomi. bility for ill safety M~ courts arc rcluctarn lo 1mp01C liability on the person who aencrous cnouah lo lend his Ropr Whl• at ap 58 hal nlllmed to Ponland Communlcy tools Of equipment. Still, if he Coll11p ID rwtnm for a Job II a machini.l. PCC'• Machine actually knows ol some hazard, Tec:hnolOIJ pnisrun preper9 ■ ■u.:Sent11 for 111 phi•• of thl he II UIUllly oblis,ed al least to lndu8try a.ad walttns Jobe. 11vc •he borrower fair •aminl- This II patticularly lrlle when the borrow• ii not likely 10 no- Machine llehnolCIIJ II thl 1,ce the dan,cr him1elf. In ID· denfl ■pand 25 boun perweu be1lc tnclu•ry a&rM the ln- o•her accident cue, a home own- In die machlm abop and tn er incurred lcpl liability by ■tnacton. P ncUc.Uy fferJ• nla...S mac:hln■ mory cl•► dlq 101• throup a machine 1etlin1 a I J. ,car-old boy use hil ••· Specialty coura■ 1n at one time - eYen m1chtne1 power SI"' Poin1ln1 ou• tha• •he 1110 oCrllrad on openUon ol boy had no pnvioul experience which malr.l ocher machine■ with power •oot., the court 11id die Taktroalx NUmencalCan- mu1t 11an cu1 a ■ • pace of he wu all 100 likely lo ,cl hurt. trol Unit acqwrad bJ the col- Meel, lep la•,-.r. On the ocher hand, •he Jan,er ,.A min can be 11ood ma- may be so obvious 1ha1 1 wamla1 c:blni.l until hi'• nlnllcy," 11y■ • ·ould be superfluous. Thil •u ScOU 11y1 die Job OUllook ScOtl. ••Jc'a ademaattactndl, the rulinl in a cue involviaa 1 for m1chlnJ.a i. pod. '"W• but dlerw 11 1rwat pride In ,r;cldin1 device that had an un- h1¥e job ordln for quallfllld your ■kill and ■ccompliah­ prded electric fan. The bor- 1rlldlaaa1 whldl - can"t flll, rower, cut by the fu, filed luil ment." and I maw 111 1:h«- 1ra"'8 . . For mon l.nform1t1on on thl lot dam1sea. claimin& the lender who wansad to wort 1n now should have warned him •hat •he M 1chlne ,-.ChnolOty prorram bl1dcs were expo■■d. empla,ed ... Eatl")'•lnal ma- at Portl1nd Community Col- But the court dismi-i his chlnl . . may .. m fll"Offl $3.50 l ... , call 244~111. IClion, sayin1 lhal lhe bladll la to fS.12 per bour. plain sipt-wen their own bat v. 1m1a1 10 be careful. Al one judse put t•, there ii no duty to v.·am the user tha• 1 knife will cut. that I ma•ch will bum, or thal I hammer will mlilll I thumb. "No one needa node■," uid Iha jud .. , '"ol wha• be alNlldy kno,r;s. .. ,.rs IOffLE SHOP ApuUc~featueolllae Aaeri~- Bar Aa■odadoa . . . llae Or.,.... S..te Bar Aaoda, ation. Wriltell a.,. 1riU 11-...1. Lee PHt'l'S Rc•rn I SHOf by your l a ~ r 9 n for dla•p!IIIW• wtra1, m&un , .• at die lawe■t prtoa1 In .... l lo,d C-n•r - Next to Chi LlqUOr Stan. PEPl'I one and oaly IIDIW. ()pin 9:30 a.m, to 9:00 p.m, Ually. sunday1: Nocin to 4:00 p.m. Salesman need Personnel Cl•rlc at Western Eledric Columbia River Plant 281-2731 A Yln■cJ of • • • Ill our Penonn■ l [>eper1ment -•U. the penon •Ith the 1altllde, penocaa.llty, 1ppe1Rn01, Ind IJPnl 1k1ll1 to quallff for dill opeams, $474 maadlly to aart. Pl••• concact Mn, Judy Wr11hl at our llmplGJlllllllt omce, 3000 LIIW!a. Cl1rt HlpWay, Yancaawr, Waah1nt1011. An Equal oppor-.ltJ/AfrlnnatlW ACUC. Emplo,ar - M/P POIITLAND c,U ANINO WO■KI Soul Ellllri,rtlH, Lid, 11Nd1 an AdwrUainl S1le■rnan - $100 per WNk plu1 251.1 cam- m 11alon. Call Ellloc Condor at 281 -6028 for appolncme•. Stnpr loottn, for muaJclana: I 1111or pUar: I bul plar; 1 d namme r. cau ()ly 219-1556 C 1972 American Bar Aaodaticlll Por 1"11111, delUJIII 2 bnn. hGuN ne1r zoo. $220 per monlh 223-478' r••••••••••••• • • F re• legal advice .. ............ . : • • : DIAL-A-JOI • 227-5821 I for Al~na r9Sld■ nu ALBIN.A LEGAL CLINIC, 2509 N. WU- Uama, Monday I Ttunday 5:30 - 8:30. 211-2715. This is your opportunity for a life •im• PCltll.AND nuu, l. STCll£ 54aQ..HE Unton. 18T·ot10 L lottllnll, funlture, • . a, g1ve•a•way prtc• NOITH & N.f. POITlAND ONE DAY saVICE REYNOI OS METALS COMPANY NIED l LECTRICIAN APPRENTICES KNT llOCKING OW WICIAlTY APP~ENTICE TRAINING tow11rds a journeyman electrician in an aluminum reduction plant. 212-1361 3954 N. WUllam1 A¥8. ''Y•'w T.W TIie INt, New Tr, TIie ... , .. N.Ale•__.,, ......,..._ YOU DO THE TRAVELl'NG .. LEAVE THE ARRA NG,EMENTS TO US! e . . 1 ~ ,., •••rv■tlen1 .Id tnform■tlen Call the Offldol Aeent Tlflanl Travel no ,.-na ,.. .. , ... ,.., o....- 97223 "'-ea •1•.1M• ., , u.2011 Pap 7 PCC offen opportunity for all calh a Maxey lariler Shop Lacly larlMr - tiunday 0 e ~ r ZI, 1972 QUALIFICATIONS: Should have one or two yea rs ot training in related field either through an apprentice program, military, trade schools, or correspon- dence schools that can be applied to- wards an approv~ four year program. Verifiable good employment and re- sponsibility records. AENEFITS: Straight time rate $3.c,4 per hour minimum based on previous experience. Progress to $5.20perhour. Excellent fringes, Including non-contri- butory group, hoapltal, retirement, and surgical Insurance for employees and eligible dependents. REYNOLDS METALS COMPANY TROLITDALE PLANT TROU1UALE, OREGON 97~0 or for appointment, call Personnel Ofttce (500) 665-9171 An Equal Opponunity Employer Otrwclllr - Conaumer Pn- •c11on Prosram. Ponlaat Model CldH. Salary fU, 000. Demonetnlld blowl- edp ol C0111111Mr Prob- lem ■ ind ■dm1Dl1tnt1w 1bllltJ 1'9QUINd, Pnfllr , ccU•• tntnms. Model C IUe 1 1'91idenc:a, Send dlta lled 1'99Ul'lle bJ Peb 1 1 I 973 to 8011 3137, Port- land '17208. (An Ec,&al Op- P1r1Wllty Emplo,aa,, ,, . ~7 , ... ____ ~ ~ - d) .,,.._ SMART- STYLISH a, RINGS We l"lnk t , _ 11n .. •r• rMlfy IIYl"t - tllln .. If )'OU CIOfl'I ....... •"d •em beck - for • full refund. No oue1t1on1 ........... _ BIRTHSTONE RINGS ! Q) SECRETARY Hllh achoo1 11dlaa or equ1w1lent, Mu ■t h1Y9 tnow- ledle and bect,raund in ot- flce prlCtk:91 ind pniead- ul'9■ and hl"8 the abUlty to underfllnd and pelfonn onl and wrltlln ln8tnac:tl0111. 'fYPlfll 1ccun•ly 50 WPM. 1horthand 80 WPM, $444 .00 per moadl. Send detaUed re■ume or c1ll: senior Adult San tea Cen•r 3904 N. ll. Ur,IOII A¥en• Portland, Ontson 97212 phone: 218-8338 ~llS t:!"' • onth€ , ~ ~ :ti, (., ,~1"'7 ..... It ctearl'I ,:, / '-- ~ ao• ¥1vlCIIY tllOWft 1ft tlllt Qwlllt)' c11uc1,1x AINQ IOoCI '3'~ •• TM wou,u\lntlllll Is IO YOU wtll N llfOYCI. _ ............ 0 ·.~ ::,..._./~ ~AIN aAND-lOKt. Gold ,111ee1 tllln .... dtn1 llllffll alwl" In IOOCI ........ i~"••""" He.Ue • tt. •• ► ll•••NQAQ•M■ NT IIINQ. Tiny twl" Mm- ulated dlamone1t eet Into• delnty , _ . tolld steflln1 t l l - ,,n.,Ne.Ht • 14.ff ,o,- ■l"THSTONC IIIHGII .......... fflOfttft,, ...... . . . . . _ , , PJ,\NO Oil ORGAN LESS