Portland/O bserver » PORTLAND 45 OHSENVER __________ -_________________ _ By Chuck Singleton Reverend John Jackson was elected to a second term as president of d e Albina M in­ isterial Alliance. In a unique program sponsored by Emanuel Hospital, ministers are trained for the chaplaincy. L eft to right are Reverend M . Roderick Anderson, Reverend Horace O . Duke, J r „ Reverend Jamea Coleman and Reverend Rozel G ilm ore, all experienced in the m inistry but exploring the field of hospital chaplaincy during a year-long educational program. . .A s L ig h t." "A nd He w ill bring forth your righteousness as lig h t." Psalm 37:6. Somehow the word " H o ly " has been misconstrued, if it re fers to God. It’ s pertinent. T o an object. It’ s religious; but when it comes to man, we seem to lose sight of that w ord. It was God who told all C hristians, "he ye holy, even as 1 am holy (I P eter 1:16)." Yet when a man endeavors to undertake (with God's power) such a venture, he Is labeled "s u p e r C h ristian " o r Rev­ erend. Many times we have equated holiness with certain denom­ inations when actually you'll probably find just as many of that denomination In hell as anyone else. When one is holy, he is ''s e t aside” fo r God's p ur­ poses. He lives a clean life In relationship to God (John 1). No man is without sin ( ijo h n 1:10), but when he does At Vann’ s no gimmicks are used. We refuse to insultyour Intelligence. We know the buy­ ing public can recognize qual­ ity. We make certain tie fam ­ ilies we serve have a wide variety to choose fro m . They select the price category that is best suited to them. sin, he confesses it. and God his close friend and compan­ ion, forgives him . God gives him the power to br holy and to live holy, there's nothing he can do to deserve It, but God gives It to him . So that holiness is a state of faith In C h ris t and the power of God's S p irit living In a man. That makes holi­ ness available to any man whether he be Catholic,M eth­ od 1st, Baptist o r Reptile (s ic ), God loves all men. A ll men are sinners, but they can be clean in God's eyes if they but trust Him and allow Him the authority to transform them . V A N N ’S MORTUARY 5211 N. Williams Avenue 281-2836 Portland, Oregon r i DAY CARE MOTHERS j CARE FOR INFANTS I IN YOUR HOME. A $3.50 a child per day Pastor Edgar Jackson passed away In A p ril. Jackson was pastor of A ll Nations Community Church and was one of the founders of the Senior Adult Service C enter. ’ AMA Family D ay/N ig h t Care f Reverend Wendell W allace resigned from his position as pastor of Maranatha Evangelistic C enter. n I I I ♦ ♦ ♦ F ath er Cordon Dickey left St. Andrews to study at Wash­ ington U niversity in Wash­ ington D jC . F ath er Stone retired from the pastorship of St. Philips E p is­ copal Church. Page 5 What about price? Soul Purpose Religion in the News Thursday December 28, 1972 W ELCOME TO ST. MARK'S BAPTIST CHURCH 119 N . E . M o rris Sunday Service 9:15/11:00a j n . Evening Service 7:30 p jn . Reverend Edward W ild er ^ j| 4635 N.E. 9th 288-5091 ŒïrCfnnrf) aí Dour Cÿota ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH C o m e r of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30 a jn . Sunday Worship 11:00 a jn . Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p jn . (Second and Fourth Sundays) O»M» c A O»d ScNoo Mr ST A N M E W ’S CATHOLIC CHUtCH •06 * f fV 2 1 ’ «42» G AtfFtN ROtîlANO O «G O n » ’ 2H » o n » , • 00 txm '0 JO a e Che* ' 2 00 pa" »O* Most Reverend Thomas L . Strayhand, M in is te r Reverend Thom'.» Strayhand was reelected cnalrman oftlie Union Fellowship, Reverend A.L.H endersonw as re-elected Chairm an of the Board cf D irecto rs of theM et- ropcliun Area 4 -C Council, which funds 50 child care pro­ grams In three counties. \ A A b Reverend W illie Peterson be­ came pastor of Berean Bap­ tis t Church. Reverend S. Johnson, Social D ire c to r f o r AM A, built new community service programs. 'Come Alive' Come to Jesus’ Church of Come A,ive the Living God P.G. of T. Temp'e # 3 9 0 0 NE Ainsworth Portland, Oregon Sunday School 9:45 a j n . T .U . 6:00 p jn . MARANATHA CHURCH 1222 NE Skidmore W ith the retirem ent of Rev­ erend Paul W right, D r . O. B. W illiam s became the m inister with the longest service In a Portland church. BOn HARRKON - PASTOR Church school and Bible class: Sunday morning worship: Sunday Evening worship: Wednesday Evening prayer: Friday Worship Service: 9:15 a jn . 10:45 a jn , 7:00 p jn . 7:00 p jn . 7:30 p.m. P ra y e r Service Junior Church M orning Service 11:00 a jn . Evening Service 7:30 p jn . Wednesdays 7:30 p jn . Friday 7:30 p.m . 288-7241 t / / f ' .U iW /Z Rev John H Jackson M inister N.E. First ond Schuyler Portland, Ore. Ci., ci Rapt ist Church Phone 284 1954 Sunday Sch_^l Morning Worship Vesper 9 am I I a m. 5 p.m Let u t t i e r to u /o rth tp a n d d tp a rt to t t r v t Pastor Rev. S. Green 111 w. Rev. T. N. Noffa Welcomes you to -.O ^ Uethodisf £ . .y l IT r u„ . '"Ute* » 1 2 1 N.E. Sth A. Lee Henderson, M inister 2 0 -5 4 2 9 Elli« Cotton, Associate M initter Sunday School Church Service Evening Service 9:45 a jn . 11:00 a.m . 7:30 p jn , 6401 N.E. 10th Avenue Church School Morning Worship W ed Noon — ine Hour of Power Wed Prayer 8> Clot« Meeting 9:45 am 11:00 am 12:00 noor 7:30 pm Vancouver Ave. First Baptist Church 3138 N. V ancouver Ave. Phone 282-9496 Sunday School Morning Worship 9 :0 0 A M , 1:0 0 A M Nursery Core Provided Or. O. B. Williams. Pastor Ye ere m a k in g o u r N e ig h b o rh o o d A B ro th e rh o o d "T h u church with a heart-felt welcome" 46 35 N. E. 9th Avenue Sunday School 10:0u i j n . Morning service 11:00 a j n . Breakfast 9:00 - 10:00 a jn . Reverend Samuel Johnson Teleohone: Evening« 287-5341