Page 4 P ortland/O bserver Thursday December 28. 1972 » >A “ 4. 4'y r« ' The presidential election brought the candidates to Oregon, Senator George McGovern Is pictured at an a irp o rt press conference. D ire c tly behind the Senator is D r. Robert Hughley. who with Gladys McCoy, became Oregon's fir s t black delegates to a national party convention. Judge Mervedese Deiz was elected to the Domestic Relations position on tlss C irc u it C ourt. Judge Delz had Men appointed and then elected to the D is tric t C ourt. Chalmers Jones was endorsed by the Albina M in iste ria l A l­ liance, the Urban League, the Black Caucus, the NAACP, and the Greater Portland Council of Churches as lie sought the ap­ pointment to the vacant c ity council seat. He was not selected and the c ity council remains all white. BUI McCoy became the firs t Black legislator in the history of Oregon.. He w ill take office on January 8, 1972. 287 > 2 8 8 7 i . 3000 N.K. ALBKBTA 7th smashing week held over — / Attorney John Toran ar unsuccessful bid fo r the Oregon L egislature and was la te r elected T re a s u re r of the Multnomah county Democratic Central Committee. You do n't have to be Black to dig State Senator Harl Haas was elected Multnomah County D is tric t Attorney. - / >• ’ fc SUPER FLY SIG» *8u(!W’ M rs . George McGovern visited Bethel ChUd Development Center during the p rim a ry campaign. hi " m i i" /I V ern Summers was appointed D ire c to r of the Metropolitan Human Relations Commission following the retirem ent of Russ Peyton J Ann James, d ire c to r of "T h e Reading T re e " reads a story to children in Irving Park. ¿ - Z - 'C î i ï • • • • • • • • • • • e « *• ••••••« ♦ ••» •••A Saa «"O haar w HONOTOt CUATIS Hit I If i O pie» hu Su par Fly tear« > ____ | L her* by popular demand rtf The Albina YouP ( ppom inity School moved into la rg e r quarters on M ississip p i. Above, Ron Herdon discusses Black H isto ry with shelly Battles ind Bob Owens. Harold W illiam s, d ire c to r of the PSU Educational Center studied and travelled in Yu­ goslavia. D r . Clarence P o rte r, assistant to the President of PSU, left to accept a position In Connecticut. X ’3 Hisowh story orr the screen ri? it re; illy . happened \ EA C H ’ Z A Based Lgxn he etedrifyng beet-seing autobiography A WARNER BROS PRESENTATION, in association wtth BETTY S H A B A // FROM WARNER BROS . A WARNER COMMUNICATIONS COl/PANY À H O W S * T u e ’ ^ a y _T h u r’