Portlarid/O bserver Thursday December 28. 1972 Taj Mahal makes film debut P ag eJ America appears AM ERICA, one of popular music’ s hottest groups, w ill T a j M ahal, who makes his appear in Portland for tie firs t film debut In 20th Century- tim e, Friday; January 19, at Fox’ s "Sounder," p rem ie r­ the Paramount Northwest ing Dec. 20 at the Broadway Theatre at 8:00 p jn . T heatre, may be singing tl« The three members of blues, but 1« has no com­ A M ER IC A , G erry Beckley, plaints. He meant it when 1« Dan Peek, and liewey Bunne,", cut that L P record, "Happy began th eir musical ca re er in Just to Be Like I A m .” 1967 in London, England, " I'm not trying to get rich ,” where the fam ilies of all three 1« says. “ Of course. I ’ m glad were living courtesy of the they’ re paying me, but If they U .S. A ir Force. w eren’t I'd 1« doing It anyway. A fte r playing local dates M usic's tf« only challenge fo r a short time; the group to m e ." sp lit and each m ember went In fact, he takes other mu­ his own way. In 1971, the sicians to task fo r charging three re-grouped, forming the so much fo r tlw ir services at now internationally acclaimed music festivals, claiming it popular music group, AM ER­ t«lps bringonviolence."They IC A . price themselves so high that T h e ir clean, precise vocal Bob ’Woody* Woodard of Inner City Development Company the tickets have to cost form harmonies and melodic inter­ demonstrates the M arse illais pool shot at Geneva's Reg­ $9 to $14, and a lot of young play of th eir acoustic guitars ulation Tables. people haven't got that kind of were firs t recorded on the money. I know I never did. W arn er Bros, album, "A They hear tl« music from d’ ncT.r* “ re f * n 'he p rim itive splendor on Horse With No N a m e ". The outside ttw fence, and it ex­ A ir Afrique s new Tour of lie African Kings". Ten New York title song of which went to cites them. F ir s t thing you the top of musical charts both U « " great ir e a 7 k kingdoms l 17 h capitals f r l of A f fric r a. 35‘ d , >' 'J*«"tu re io know, you've got trouble." 11« and in the United States and T f « tall and angular black abroad. T h e ir second album, singer (who took his profes­ " H o m e c o m i n g " , includes sional name from tl« beauti­ “ Ventura Highway", current­ ful mausoleum which tl« ly soaring to the top on cur­ Mogul E m p eror Shan Jahan rent music lis ts. Duflt In memory of his dead Tickets for the one perfor­ love) got where he Is today mance of AMERICA at the -and with tl« young people Paramount Northwest are on that's pretty high up in his sale now at all Paramount profession - by dedicating his TAJ M AH AL IN 'SOUNDER' Northwest outlets. life to a quest fo r his lost Experienced travelers are lie f by the strikingly modern roots, through music. already onto the simple fact capital of Abidjan the Ivory Bom in New York and that there is more to Africa Yes, Taj was spiritually that Coast Keiaihlic, the next stop final piece in the puzzle. " T l « brought up in New England, than game parks and natural little boy. on the tour. Following the le had the feeling as a boy country blues filled in a big gap wonders. Those Interested In So Taj went to the location and helped me to understand that 1« was out of tune with palm -fringed Atlantic coast, the history and lifestyles of in Louisiana to act in the film . the tour pauses at Lome, my own feelings, things 1 felt him self - until the firs t time this fascinating continent can Although the story is set in The Northwest Black Arts o r knew o r understood, yet Togo’ s capital, and Cotonou, 1« heard tl« blues. Then it now take advantage of a new tl« Depression days of the C enter has been incorporated Dahomey. In the Cameroons, didn’t seem to have any back­ was as if something in his in-depth tour program from 193o's, tl« period, except fo r by the State of Oregon. A non­ among the most unchanged log of information on. blood responded. "A fte r that, A ir Afrlque aimed at discov­ a few vintage automobiles, p ro fit organization, the North­ of A fric a's nations, visits are I forgot about school and "A great way to discover ering more alxait its c iv iliza ­ might have leen much e a rlie r. west Black Arts C enter has made to Douala, Yaounde, yourself is to start from the everything else fo r a while, tions. as its purpose the promotion F o r the central set was an oud iila, Mokolo, Rhumslkiand anti tl« guitarwas where Itwas tradition that you came fro m .” Called "T h e T ou r of A fri­ at fo r me. of the Black experience M aroua. a u th e n tic sharecropper’ s can Kings” , the 35-day ad­ And his experience in through the cultural arts and "B ut the kind of blues I shack estimated by lum ber­ Chad, tl« desen kingdom venture moves from Dakar "Sounder' tu n « d out to be firs t got knocked out on was the promotion of awareness with strong Moslem in­ men to be ¡etween 80 and 100 and it« lard of the tall, grace­ part of that process of self- and of pride in th e ir cultural big band blues, and it had al­ years old, and there were fluences, Is tl« program's ful Senegalese across the con­ discovery. When he read the heritage m the black youth black men and women work­ most gotten to he bop music jumping-off point for tf«C on ­ tinent to the Bantus' hilly script w ritten by black play­ of Oregon. by the time I heard It." ing in the fields, eating corn go. Here dwell Watusis, Pyg­ kingdom In liwanda. Along the wright Lonne E lder HI from Offices of the board of bread ar l collard greens. m ies, Haluba and Bantu So he began studying the way, the tour visits among the award-winning novel by governors are D r . Almos development of tl« blues. He [«oples. A highlight is a two- Taj put on a p air of aged tire peoples of M a ll, lire Ivory W illiam H. Armstrong, he Thompson, Directing Black sat at the feet of tl« Cow Cow overalls and a battered hat, day cruise on the Congo R iver Coast, ’I ogo, Dahomey, Chad, said to d irec to r M artin Ritt: Studies ot Portland State Un­ and took up his guitar, which to Kisangani (fo rm e rly Stan­ Davenports, Leadbellies, Bo the Cameroons and the Congo. "T h a t little black boy is m e ." iversity, President; James he sometimes made sound like Diddleys, W ill« Browns. leyville). T ie programends In Designed fo r those already The black boy, played by Rogers, Professor of C iv il­ a banjo, and sang to them the C h arlie Pattons, Kid Baileys; Rwanda, where crops grow on fa m ilia r with A frica, the es­ thirteen - year - old Kevin ization and Black Studies at old country blues of the black 1« haunted obscure record almost vertical hillsides. corted program includes Hooks, is the central figure Portland State University, man in Am erica. shops and scouted lyrics in the The "to u ro f African Kings" visits to prim itive. Inacces­ in tl« tale. The eld er son of V ice President;ChadDebman, Includes the aid of an expert L ib ra ry of Congress; le be­ " I really lived that pic- sible areas as well as stops a black sharecropper in the tu re ", he says. President of the Northwest tour manager, a la carte din­ came a practitioner of tie In tire sophisticated capitals I )eep South, Kevin is inspired Black A rts Society, and John Film ed in DeLuxe Color. ing wherever possible, the fin­ blues himself and ultimately of West Africa with their de­ by a compassionate young Toran , Legal Advisor. "Sounder" co - stars Paul est accommodations available achieved recognition as a gen­ luxe hotels and restaurants. teacher to make something of W infield, Cicely Tyson, Janet and many extras. uine blues musicologist. T ra v e l within Africa Is by him self in tl« world for both MacLachlan, James Best and The "Tour of African The country blues were the a ir and by safari vehicles. his own sake and his people's. Carmen Mathews. Kings" is priced at $1,995, A fte r getting acquainted covering only the land por­ with tie people of Dakar and tion. Round-trip a ir fare from the legendary slave Island of ¡¡yaiiwii New York via A ir Afrlque Is I Goree, tie tour proceeds to about $1.100. The tours are M a ll and fasclnatlngTlm luktu This lim ited to 25 persons each. L ast at the gateway to the Sahara. Week During 1973, ten departures Week T h is remote city was once No. are planned between January No. the capital of a large, dy­ 1. Loose Booty 13 and October 6 j F o r further Fun Kadelic 1. 2. I ’ll Be A round namic and advanced desert The Spinners information on the " T o u r of 2. By Joey Sasso 3. If You Don't Know Me by Now kingdom. African Kings", w rite A ir Af­ The antiquities of Tlm fuktu Harold .Melvin and The Blue Notes rlque, Box D C -8, New York. 8. 4. Good lim e s are brought Into sharp re­ According to a trade paper, test songs. Kool and The Gang H e r big songs (ja z z , blues, folk, pop, rock, N .Y . 10011. 3. 5. Memphis At Sunrise " L a d y Sings The Blues” is h a v e Bar-Kays been "M ississippi international), she is basi­ 5. Saturdays 6 . If You L et Me the biggest grossing picture --------------- " B l a c k l a s h cally a popular p erform er. Eddie Kendericks 7. in tl« nation fo r the third B lu es", "R evolution", "T o She has harsh words form any I sie y Brothers 11:00am to 4:15 pm 7 8. . Work To Do 9. consecutive week. Album Be Young, Gifted and Black" 992 Arguments of her contemporaries, ex­ O ’Jays 9. sales have come to almost and " F o u r W om en". Superstition M iss pressing admiration fo r Bob Stevie Wonder $4 m illion In just the several Simone changed her art in Dylan and the Beatles . . . 10. Innocent Until Proven Guilty Honey Cones weeks it was released. F o r 1963 when the four young Serving such a little doll, Diana Ross black g irls were killed by a Real Oregonians packs a powerful wallopl T l« dynamite explosion at a since 1887. producers just presented church in Birm ingham. It Diana with CHADBOURN'S was when the late Reverend new Bodywear Collection for M a rtin L uth er King, J r . was the w inter months ahead . . . leading massive protests Sammy Davis, J r . sent against segregation laws in F rank Sinatra tl« new MAG­ that city. " I remember that NA VOX ODYSSEY which is an night so w e ll," she told me. all-elec tro n ic game simulator " I was very despondent and that hooks up to a TV set went off by m yself. 'M is sis­ C L IA N IR S A LAUNDCRERS and provides the basis fo r a sippi — ’ just came out. established 1912 dozen different games of And my mother had told me skill o r chance . . . all my life not to curse. But Carmen RacRae on a re­ that was like throwing 10 cent M erv G riffin 's Cole lu lle ts back at them. plays the first great Black heroine on The most exquisite of actresses •SAMt 0 / < swan stuvict « i r service P o rter-sa lu te proved again song came out of my gut. 1 the screen. She is visually extraor is a warrior of inner fire. Hereby our •? HOUR ClfA N IN G DRY C lfA N IN G she's a b rillian t vocal musi­ guess I've been singing pro­ dinary. Her cry as she runs down the SATURDAYS UNtll NOON AVAIlABlf nominations for Oscar.” cian . . . she and Ethel M e r­ road toward her husband, returning test songs every since. I've •COMRlfTt LAUNDRY Do If Yourutlf —Judith Crist. New York Magazine man were positive that if a gotten in an awful lot of «» V IC I from prison, is a phenomenon. And Snve SS songwriter doesn’t want his trouble because of this — Something even the most fabled 1014 N KIUINOSWOSTH ly ric s to be hear, skip these from blacks and whites.” 4 Slocbi to it of Intentate actress would not have dared.'' two perfect enunciators . . . Despite controversy, her au­ . — Pauline Kael. The New Yorker N u a . n u iMoawoMTM as the rip-cord-tough zther... In show business, there is dience keeps broadening. Her a deeply affecting performance.” n onnal'y nowhere to go from followers include black, white, — Paul Zimmerrgan. Newsweek the top but down. But, that young, old, middle class, doesn’t apply to Lena Horne. poor, students and laborers. performance is Oscar-deserving." She Just keeps climbing up- They all jh a re a disenchant­ — Liz Smith, Cosmopolitan up-up performance wise. 1 ment with contemporary life superb. For its range and its don’ t think there w ill be ever and a desire to change the richness and for its carefully a top to her mountain of w orld, and her a rt is a portioned power, it is talent. She picks and chooses smoldering gathering pointfor an indelible perform' IS masterful —Kathleen Carroll. Daily News h er spots and only plays a all of tl« m . H er concerts, —Jay Cocks Time Maga few nightclubs every few filled with political direc­ years. Lena seems very re­ tives, black consciousness, A beautiful movie. It is a missing chapter from the Grapes Of Wrath' and of equal laxed off-stage and Is sm ilin’ a rt and folklore, are extra­ •»re. —Judith Crist. NBC TY Today Show m ore than she did a few ordinary amalgams of musi­ months back. 1 hope there cal fare and social commen­ la — I know there Is — a ta ry , She explains, " A r t to d R a d n ltz /M A T T E l P r o d u c tio n » .»ewm man responsible for bringing me has one function - - to 1 R o b e r t B . R a d n it z M a r t i n R i t t F ilm back some joy into Lena’ s starring reflect the times and project life, and that makes all her the future. If an artis t can ( ICEt.V IVSON PAUL WINFIELD KEVIN HOOKS co-starnngTAJ MAHAL JANET MACLACHL AN produced by ROBERT B RADNITZ d,reeled by MARTIN RITT screenplay bi LO N N E ^E LD E ^Ih friends happy fo r her. . . combine tl« past, present and In the late 1950s and early future, he’ s really out there. 6 4 1 1 ‘.I 41». A S I Mo. . no.. BV '*’nn,n° NOV* bV WILLIAM H ARMSTRONG songs and muse by TAJ MAHAL 1960s, Nina Simone was a Kurt W etll, B e e t h o v e n , SS»»» « » 1 !>,« A N » H a m o- h l??nrf A ». torch singer of pop ballads C h arlie P arke r, M iles Davis N I o »»> », . It »h* A S 4 ()i.. ,t«n ■ alF.q»- i- 2 l.d A Wev» M and B’way show tunes. Her have all made statements I ab«, O.WR-qo 9 I R A • •2nd »• firs t hit was Gershwin's " I about th eir Ih tu re ." Even • M l V h t . G l U N IH D GROCfRS Loves You, P o rg y". Today though M iss Simone crosses she is the F irs t Lady of pro­ several stylistic boundaries Play Pool GENEVA’S '’“ '"*1 ° 97’ ° 4228 N. Williams Tour highlights African history Center begins Call On Us for a step-saving extension telephone. © Pacific Northwest Bel! E. C. Soul Time Top 10 Survey Real OfêgoijCBanl^ T he It’s a hit! She’s a hit! ore8°n© QUALITY DRY CLEANING REASONABLE RATES 289-9357 V SHOP ■ENOW’S “Cicely Tyson “Cicely Tyson, “Cicely Tvson “Cicely Tyson’s “Cicely Tyson “C icely Tyson s» FO R -B R A N D S you know r c o i ik ir o ? i> -V A R IE T IE S you laki SIZES you w a n t Now Showing Broadway Theatre