Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 21, 1972, Page 6, Image 6

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    Section H, Page 4
Portiand/O bserver
Thursday, D ecem ber 21, 1972
It’s turkey talk time
I t ’ s tim e to talk turkey, the
traditional holiday fare.
Most reading fo r anyone
cooking a holiday dinner is
a booklet from th e ll.S . De­
partment o f
A griculture.
P oultry in F am ily Meals, a-
vailahie fo r 20 cents from
Consumer Product Inform a­
tion, Washington, D j C. 20407.
O ffic e r H ill, O ffice r Peck and Seargent Simms of the North Portland Special Patrolemen pose
fo r a picture while browsing through the many booths at the Expo.
QUESTION: With the end ot
the Vietnam w a r now some­
what foreseeable, 1 am deeply
concerned about the treatment
of d ra ft evaders and desert­
e rs . What are you going to do
about amnesty, Senator?
I do not believe
we should even consider the
question of amnesty until the
United States terminates all
involvement in the Vietnam
conflict, our prisoners of war
are returned and the missing
in action are accounted fo r.
Tom Gorman ready
for tennis match
Seattle's Tom Gorman is a -
live , well and eager to get
back into forma! tennis com­
petition on Thursday night,
December 21 at Pamplin Pa­
vilio n on the Lew is & C lark
Campus in Portland.
Gorman reached the high
point of his career this past
weekend when he was ranked
No. 2 in the United States be­
hind Stan Smith in singles, and
came within match point of
Upstairs Neighbors
Madge had always been a rest­
less sleeper But matters went
from bad to worse when a young
couple with a baby moved into
the apartment upstairs.
It seems the baby was teething.
To keep her quiet at night, the
parents would trundle her around
their apartment in a baby car­
riage. causing sounds that were
plainly audible to the wakeful
Finally she went to court for
an injunction But at the hearing,
the baby’s father said there was
no other way to keep the child
from crying. Besides, he pointed
out, their carriage had rubber
wheels and their floor was car-
The court thereupon tossed out
Madge's complaint, saying that a
moderate amount o f noise must
be accepted by those who choose
to live in apartments.
“ Where people indulge their
inclination to be gregarious," said
the judge, "they must not expect
the quiet that belongs to solitude."
C o u rts generally take th is
hands-off attitude in disputes be­
tween apartment dwellers. Never­
theless, a court may well inter­
vene if the noise gets out of hand.
In another case, an upstairs
tenant a do-it-yourself enthusi­
ast-decided to install new par­
quet flooring This time, when
the tormented people downstairs
went to court, the judge ordered
the man to work on weekdays
only, from nine to five, and to
keep the noise and vibration to a
What role does the landlord
play in these conflicts’’ Must he
take action if the downstairs
tenant asks for his help'1
In most cases, the answer is no.
Take this example
A downstairs tenant, disturbed
by relentless piano playing from
the apartment upstairs, askeil the
landlord to enforce a house rule
against such conduct
Rut the landlord refused to mix
in and his refusal was upheld in
a court hearing The judge said
the rules in a lease arc put in
prim arilv for the landlord's bene­
fit, to be enforced or not accord­
ing to his discretion
A p u b li c * c r » i - c f e a t u r e o f ll i e
A n i r r i r a n B a r A n H u ia t io n a n d
th e O r e s ,in S t a le B a r A aaoria-
a l i e n . W r it te n by U i l l B e r n a r d ,
C 1972 American Bar Association
beating Smith in the W orld
Com m ercial Union Masters
Tournament in
It was the finish of the match
with Smith which caused some
fleeting concern that Gorman
w o u ld not be able to play
Smith o r No. I ranked doubles
player, E ric van D ille n of Los
Angeles in Portland. Hold­
ing a 5-4 lead in the final
game and ahead at match
point, Gorman was forced
to quit because of the pain
c a u s e d by a pulled side-
m uscle.
“ It was just a tem porary
th in g ," said B ill Rose of Pro
West Sports which is sponsor­
ing the Portland evening of top
flig h t tennis. "W e have been
assured by Donald D ell, Gor­
man’ s atU ' .ey from Washing­
ton, D.C. that Tom not only
has recovered but is looking
forward to meeting van D ill—
en, Dell says this w ill give
Gorman a chance to get in top
form fo r the W inter tour in
the E ast,”
Obviously, with his No.2
singles ranking, Gorman is
the finest tennis player ever
to come out of the P acific
Northwest, and his rise to the
top has been m eteoric.
H is top ranking was only
one of many honors achieved
by Gorman this year. E a rlie r,
he was a sem ifinalist in the
toughest United States Open
ever held, and at conclusion
of that tournament was award­
ed the Harold A .L e b a irM e m -
o ria l Trophy which is pre­
sented to "th a t player, man
o r woman, who by virtue of his,
o r her, sportsmanship conduct
on o r off the court and playing
of the game best exemplifies
the finest traditions of ten­
n is ."
Also this past year, Gor­
man and vanD illen were mem­
bers of the United States
Davis Cup team and both we re
b rillia n t
in the successful
fig h t fo r the championship.
Honors aren't new to the
sm iling Irishm an. In 1971,
received the Johnston
Sportsmanship Trophy which
is awarded to an outstanding
professional player.
Those who attend Gorman’ s
match with van D illen w ill
find that Tom 's favorite po­
sition on the court is at tie
net where his volley play is
considered among the best
of those now in the game.
In less serious moments,
the Seattle U niversity econo­
m ics graduate is noted on the
pro net c irc u it fo r his comic
routines and catchy appear­
In addition to the Gorman-
van D illen match at Pamplin
P avilion, there w ill be another
singles match featuring two
of the P acific Northwest’ s top
players, Steve Docherty and
D ick Knight, and a doubles
match featuring the twoDavis
Cup perform ers paired with
area standouts. A c lin ic fo r
ju n io r players w ill open the
evening, and w ill feature Gor­
man and van D ille n .
can be obtained
from P ro West Sports at PX).
Box 1748, Portland, Oregon
97207, at M e ie r and Frank,
downtown and Stevens and Son
in Lloyd Center.
However, you m ight be in­
terested in knowing a lim ited
amnesty has traditionally fol­
lowed most American wars.
By pardoning participants in
the 1794 Whiskey Rebellion,
President George Washington
set a precedent fo r a succes­
sion of Presidential amnes­
ties. Since that tim e, lim ited
amnesties have been granted
following the W ar of 1812,
W orld War 1 and World W ar
II. But there has never been
a general amnesty, unless you
consider one granted after the
C iv il W ar, 33 years a fte r the
w ar ended. The practical ef­
fect of this amnesty was v ir ­
tually n il, as most of the dis­
franchised ex-Confederaees
had passed away.
In the how-to-buy section
of the booklet. Agriculture Re­
search Service specialists re ­
commend turkeys
•'try e r-ro a s te r, young hen"
o r " to m " fo r roasting and
advise ttie consumer to look
fo r the o fficia l USDA inspect­
ion and grade marks on the
p oultry. A table shows the
number of servings per pound
from the various form s of tu r ­
key as well as from a pound of
chicken, duckling and goose.
Turkey like other poultry
items is very perishable and
needs care in storage, cook­
ing and handling of leftovers.
g iv e n
fo r thawing frozen
poultry in the re frig e ra to r,
in cold w ater o r at room tem­
perature. A frozen 24-pound
turkey needs fo u r days
(haw in a re frig e ra to r before
cooking fo r about seven hours.
To help take the guesswork
out of when the turkey is done,
a table shows approximate
roasting times fo r various
sizes and form s of turkey and
also lis ts the internal tem­
perature that a meat th e r­
mometer w ill show when the
turkey is thoroughly cooked.
booklet recommends
poultry iust before
toasting. If made in advance
the stuffing should be re -
trige rated.
Consumers w ill find this
took let a haixly reference
all year around with shopping
tips and recipes fo r a ll types
ot poultry.
Consumers w ill find
booklet a handy reference
fo r all types of poultry.
Poultry in F am ily Meals Is
one of approximately 200 low­
cost publications listed in the
Fall 1972 edition of the Con­
sumer Product Information
Index, publistied by the Gen­
eral Services Adminstratton.
Hie Index is available free
from Consumer Product In-
ionuation, Washington, D.C.
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