Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 21, 1972, Page 12, Image 12

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    I * ice 8
P o rtla n d /o b se rve r
Thursday H ecem lei 21, 1972
Professor advocates Black English
The attempt to require
black children to learn the
“ m iddle-class
guage” in o u te r to achieve
upward m o b ility is a repug­
nant and dead movement, a
U niversity of Texas profes­
sor said.
Speaking to the Language
Seminar at UT
English P rofessor
James H. Sledd said tlie con­
cept, known as bidialectica-
lism , is both im m oral and
B idialecticalism "s e ts up
white prejudice as an im ­
movable obstacle to black
and requires
black children to remake
themselves in a white image
if they want to move them­
selves 'upw ard',” D r. Sledd
He added that bidialectica­
lism is a " f lo p " .
" It s fa ilu re is not due to
deficiency on the part of the
pupils . . . we ought to ac­
knowledge that if white people
PCC dental hygiene student L a u ri Hitchen takes sample of and black people are to talk
dental plaque fo r microscope examination from D r. Robert alike, they w ill have to live
Faine of Seattle, HEW Region 10 dental consultant at Dental alike and live together.” the
Health Workshop fo r Head Start instructors at Portland Com­ professor explained.
m unity College. Twenty instructors and HEW o fficia ls spent
“ In the foreseeable future,
fo u r days at the college learning how to improve dental health a m a jo rity of young blacks
program s fo r Head S tan children.
(Continued from pg. 1, col. 2)
According to M s. Alcina
Boozer, coordinator fo r staff
development and human re ­
lations programs at Grant
High School, the purpose of
the project is twofold - - to
a lie n a t e d
develop more productive pat­
terns of behavior and to con­
vince them to stay in schools.
She says, "T h e prisoners
listen to a student's problems
and help him tind solutions,
but trey also make the stu­
dent realize that be is re ­
sponsible fo r what happens
to his life .”
M s. Boozer thinks the pro­
ject is succeeding because
the prisoners have a " t r e ­
mendous a b ility to relate to
the kids and th e ir street cul­
They (the prisoners)
are credible because they
have been there as dropouts.
When the prisoners caution
the students to stay in school
so they don't end up in ja il,
the students know they mean
it . ”
An o ffic ia l evaluation is
salted fo r May 1973 to deter­
mine if the project w ill be
continued on a permanent
basis at Grant High School.
If tlie project is successful,
it may be instituted on a tria l
basis at other P o r t l a n d
ACLU honors Davis
(Continued from pg. 1, col. 3)
trib u tio n s.
"T he
ACLU joins the ACLU of Ore­
gon in recognizing the out­
standing and unrem itting con­
tributions of Charles Davis to
the cause of c iv il lib e rtie s
fo r so many years. There
could be no more fittin g se­
lection fo r this annual award.
As chairman of the Oregon
A ffilia te during most of its
existence, fie has led the fight
fo r c iv il lib e rtie s in o re g o n ,"
said Ennis.
Davis served as Oregon
chairman of ACLU from 1959-
65 and from 1967-7?.
He is devot a ' i current
energies to raising funds to
finance the activities of the
ACLU In Oregon.
Born in Oklahoma C ity on
May 7, 1919, Davis has been
a resident of Portland since
He holds a Bachelor’ s De­
gree in Business A d m in istra -
don, awarded by the U nivers­
ity of Southern C a lifo rn ia .
Davis is tre a s u re rfo rE le c -
tro s c ie n tific Industries, Inc.
of Portland. He has heen af­
filiated with the corporation
fo r 15 years.
In Portland he has al30
been a leader of tlie F ir s t Un­
ita ria n Church fo r a number
of years.
He and his wife, Eleanor,
are the parents of a daughter,
Susan, who is a second-year
law student at Stanford Uni­
ve rs ity , and a son, Jeffrey, a
ju n io r at Western Washington
State College.
The ACLU of Oregon is an
A ffilia te of the National A m er­
ican C iv il L ib e rtie s Union.
It is a permanent, nonpartisan
organization devoted exclus­
ively to the defense of every­
body’ s c iv il lib e rtie s - free­
dom of religion, due process
of law, and equal protection
of the laws.The national ACLU
was founded in 1920. The
ACLU of Oregon was estab­
lished in 1955.
to a ll our friends!
sored by the D epartm ent of
C u rric u lu m and In s tru c tio n ,
(Continued from pg. I, col. 5)
"M y canned foods froze
ture of fru its and vegetables.
during this past cold spell . a single thawing and freezing
A re they safe to eat?”
does not usually affect canned
This has been the subject of
adversely. Freezing
many telephone calls to the
may cause them to be softer
.Multnomah County Extension
o r mushier in texture.
office this past week, accord­
Some foods of creamy con­
ing to Tod Hamilton, E xten­
sistency may curdle o r sep­
sion Home Economist. To re ­
arate upon freezing. Heating
lieve the minds of those who
the product usually restores
were coughtwith canned goods
its o rig in a l consistency.
stored in unheated garages o r
D uring freezing, the con­
campers, there is little cause
tents of the can expand, es­
fo r w o rry as long as the can
pecially those packed in liq­
has not sprung a leak. Except
uid, and put a stra in on the
fo r a slight breakdown of tex-
can seams. Often the ends of
the can w ill bulge. If your
foods have frozen,
move them to a cool dry
room where they can thaw
no rm a lly. Don't put them in
the freezer; there’ s no point
(Continued from pg. 1, col. 8)
in it. They do not need to be
of other movie classics. Paul
kept frozen and ju s t take up
fre e ze r space.
W infield w ill be starting a
A fte r the cans have thawed,
new film on December 26,
check them carefully to make
"G ordon's W ar” .
sure there is no leakage along
It's about a black V ie t Nam
the seam. If cans are leaking,
veteran who returns home to
discard them.
H arlem to find that hiswoman
Bulging can endsw ill usual­
has OJD. (drug overdose) and
ly return to the normal fla t
he and his friends lead an
appearance after thawing. If
attack on the pushers.
they do not, but the can is not
w ill be directed by Ossie
leaking, check contents care­
D avis.
fu lly a fte r opening. If there is
So, i f you’ve seen the fan­
any doubt about the condition
tasy of SCPERFLY and the
of vegetables, boil them cov­
comedy in COTTON COMES
ered fo r 15 m inutes. If there
TO HARLEM, don’ t you feel
is any doubt about meats o r
it ’ s tim e to dig tlie realism
fish, discard the can.
Prisoners advise
assistant in stru cto r in the
Department of C urriculum
and Instruction.
M r . W right added that "the
black community is tire I of
being a research colony fo r
white social scientists . . . 1
resent very much w l.it is
going on in white social
science to represent me and
my conimunitx ."
” The whole question • the
research is not a black aca­
demic problem - - the speak­
ers are white, the listeners
the decision
m akers
are w h ite ," M r.
W right said.
Blacks In English classes
w ill not learn to w rite In
standard style because they
w ill
w ritin g
w h ite s," lie continued.
So the problem is "W hat
shall the schools and the col­
leges do in teaching English
to such students?" D r. sledd
D r. Sledd said that as a
college English professor, lie
trie s to give his students
"som e understanding of the
issues and prepare them fo r
tlie ir own teaching as well as
1 can.”
"B esides
our undoubted
(xiblic duty to work to r social
change, we have a private
duty to prepare students fo r
lif e . " D r, Sledd continued.
" t in the one hand, an I n-
glish department's conven­
tional ideals cannot be heavy-
handedly applied without de­
stroying its students," lie
"B u t on the other hand is
tlie professor who teels tie
cannot alundon his traditional
methods without destroying
is department.'
The discussion was spon­
Civil Rights reviewed
When foods freeze
in the lin ite d States are not
going to talk o r w rite as if
they were young w h ile s ," D r.
Sledd said.
B id ia le ctica lists
w o u ld
therefore believe that blacks
w ill
•remain in a menial
status,” lie said.
"H u t young blacks .tie not
going to be content with a
menial status. If people are
disturbed, un­
happy and rebellious, we can
look fo r two things: either
an unstable society o r out­
right represseion.” he said.
A ffirm in g D r. Sledd's be­
liefs was Richard Wright,
of backlashing Middle Am er­
M r. Bond said an attempt
and his lope that the future
ic a ,” M r. Jordan said. "The
to improve conditions w ill he
w ill bring further advances.
challenge of the seventies
saying that
The Johnson lib ra ry con­
then, is to keep the s p irit of
histo ry has shown "th a t the
tains neara m illiondocum ents
change and reform alive.”
people w ill care about each
by Johnson while he was a
The challenge arises at a
other when they are taug‘ t to
mem ber of Congress and d u r­
tim e when "th e attitudes of
do so, not lectured, but taught.
ing his term s in the P res­
many white Americans seem
O u r entire
" A good school teaclier
to be frozen in sullen resent­
knows thedifference, and cood
ta ff joins in
ment against what they in­
When President Johnson
w ishing you
te rp re t as a capioilation to
signed tlie C iv il Rights yet
led by good leadership can
blacks in the s ix tie s ." he
of 1968, he summarized tie
h a p p ie st
make a difference betv.ee the
progress (lie nation l ad made
o lid a y
" I f the Second Reconstruc­
in c iv il rights to that time
tion does indeed come to a
hopelessness and tlie politics
tra g ic close, it w ill be with a
" H e have come some of the
of hope," he continued.
bang, not a whim per. It w ill
way, not near a ll of it. There
"H e had our fingers o it,
end with the nation enveloped
is much yet to do . . . . "
not so long ago, and it slipped
in g rie f and in possible tragic
His rem arks characterize
M O N TMSU » tl
away. It slipped when hais.ng
SAT Tit 6 (Clo«*d Sun I
the intent ol the forthcoming
eruptions that are appalling
stopped being transportatio ,
even to contem plate," M r.
L I- L E J L ib ra ry symposium
and became integration; w en
30th and S. E. D IV IS IO N • 234-9351
Jordan continued.’’ But it need
on c iv il rights which w ill fe
welfare became a badge of
not end.There can be nofreeze
concerned — not with a cele­
laziness instead of a sign of
on social justice and on racial
bration of past accomplish­
helplessness; when reckless
p ro g re ss."
ments — H it with a discus­
power delivered plums to the
Julian Bond, Georgia legis­
sion of problems that remain
privileged and destroyed tie
lation and a founder of the
possible solutions.
programs aimed at the poor;
Student Nonviolent Coordinat­
and when tfe re could not fe
ing Committee, told more than
Price» good W ed nesd ay Dec. 2 0 thru Sunday Dec 24
summoned an American ma­
1,000 persons assembled at
jo rity to cast votes fo r the
the symposium, that the re­
future and against tlie p. t."
cord of the 1960’ s " is more
M r. Bond said reversing the
than pieces of paper, copies of
"re c e ssio n of political con­
b ills o r speeches made. T ie
cern ought to be part of the
record is in changes in peo­
Am erican agenda fo r tie re­
ples lives, in vote« cast and
m ainder of the seventies."
elections won, in jobs secured,
Senator Hubert Humphry
in education achieved and in
placed the m ajor responsi­
the bittersweet discovery that
b ility fo r c iv il rights progress
«eg 59
hamburgers are only ham­
squarely on President Nixon.
burgers, wherever they are
Half Gallon
, och
He stated that President Nixon
Reg 98
eate n ."
could seize the initiative on
• Vanilla • Chocolate • Strawberry
34 36 oz
"T h a t era ended four years
• N e a p o lita n
the c iv il rights front just as
Pumpkin 36 oz or
ago," he added. " I f , fo u r years
Avqtloble G rocery Sections
he has with his dram atic trip s
mince 34 oz
from now, s im ila r gatherings
, A v a ila b le G r o r .r y Section«
to China and the Soviet Union.
are called to reflect on com­
The two-day meet, held on
USDA G ra d e A Top Frost
parable achievements in the
the U niversity of Texas cam­
pus, was highlighted by a rare
papers on c iv il rights would
appearance by F o rm e r P resi­
barely f i l l a good match book
dent Lyndon B.Johnson.John­
and the meeting could be held
son reaffirm ed his commit­
in a telephone booth.
ment to equality of opportunity
22 1b
Christmas Savings
Fred Meyer
Johnston Frozen
Ic e C r e a m
Pumpkin or
Mince Pie
All Jersey
W hippinqCream
Reg 7 ,
Transistor celebrates
« }
Food Club
Young Turkeys
Guaranteed to whip Adds that gourmet
touch to your festive meals.
Scientifically bred and fed to produce mon
tender white meat Broad breasted turkey
Flash frozen to lock in form fresh flavor
«eg 1 0
I I2 ■
A v a ilo b U M < o t Sections
t il now. Above a ll, they are
a c ritic a l part of the tele­
phone network which must be
available in Oregon to meet
the tremendous need fo r com­
munications in the seventies
and beyond.
Pacific Northwest Fiel) has
also introduced a remarkable
new computerized system to
handle many long distance
c a lls . PNB calls it the T ra f­
fic Service Positions System,
o r TSPS. Working like a tim e-
shared computer, TSPS han­
dles most details of person
to person, collect, crédite ird ,
and special b illing long dis­
calls automatically.
TSPS now serves all ex­
changes in Portland, M il­
waukie, Oregon C ity and Lake
Dswego. By next year, it w ill
also be in operation in Wood­
burn and The Dalles.
Today, scientists at the Hell
and Western
E le c tric , the manufacturing
u n it of the Bell System, con­
tinue to develop new solid-
state technologies, which are
fu rth e r broadening die scope
of the semi-conductor related
Just one example Is the in­
tegrated c irc u it which may
contain hundreds of transis­
tors and other electronic com­
ponents on a tiny cl ip of
silico n . In the past 25 years.
Western E le c tric has ma inu-
factured m illio n s of tra n sll
to rs and integrated circu its
fo r use in B ell System com­
munications applications.
Oregon Chief
$ 1 00
Reg. 79'
Available Produce Sections
e»y Sections
Butter Crust Bread
< 2 7 M to z O O C
(9 >
13’ lb
*2 89 251b box
Available Delicatessen Sections
bog 9
Available G»
Medium Size
Good quality hard wheat flour, ideal
foi all your baking needs.
(Continued from pg. 1, col. 4)
lum . In 1956, the co-inventors
of the tra n sisto r, W a lte rB ra t-
tain, now a resident of W alla
W alla, and doing research at
Whitman College, John Bar­
deen and W illia m Shockley
received the Nobel P rize fo r
Physics fo r th e ir w ork.
In the past quarter-century
tra n sisto rs have become In­
dispensable p a rtic u la rly in tlie
B ell System. T ra n sisto rs and
s im ila r
solid-state devices
derived from them have made
reliable and
economical communications
T ra n s is to r
integrated c irc u it applications
are found in microwave land
and satellite communications
systems, and in underground
and underseas cables.
The tra n s is to r also has
made it possible to build new
sophistication Into the tele­
which serve telephone cus­
tom ers.
Today, electronic switching
centers which process calls
a thousand times faster than
e ver before are already serv­
ing some customers in P o rt­
land, Eugene, Springfield and
Three additional electronic
systems w ill be operational in
Portland next year, alongwith
new systems In Salem, Wood­
burn. Jacksonville and M il­
These news centers work
faster, more e fficie n tly and
m ore economically than any
switching system in use un-
30* each
Richly flovored with real butter
Gives toast and sandwiches
marvelous taste
Available Grocery Sections
Bag of 6
Motor Oil
Reg 77'
Reg 87' I5 o z
re a c h
For use in new or old cars to im­
prove your engine's oerformance
Variety Section«
W 4T
.« (,
High quality flashcubes at a
low price. Keep plenty on
hand for the holiday season
picture taking.
Made of the finest complexion
soap. Delightfully perfumed with
the enchanting fragrance of real
Available Variety Section«
10 Roll Christmas
Gift Wrap
Reg. *2.77
Finger Tip
Available Variety or Cosmetic Section«
TT r
White Sale
10 designs to select from. 8
rolls paper, 2 rolls foil. 100
sq. ft. total.
Available Vonety Sections
fo r
In solids, jacquards and
Ideal multi use
towels. For guest, kitchen
bath, utility or even as c
place mat.
Famous M aker Agilon
Dress Sheer
Dress sheer to flatter her legs in
g re a t-fittin g com fort. Fashion
flattering colors. Styles by qual
ity famous maker
Reg. *2 00
Available Apparel Sections
/ O p e n 9am til 11 pm now th ru S a tu rd a y, Decem ber 23 rd
A lw ays p le n ty o f free and easy p a rk in g .