Page 6 P o rtla n d /o b se rve r Thursday, December 21, 1972 PO RTLAND O ltS I HI I II Mass broadcast Religion in the News ' I Party set Broadcast The Bethel T rio under u e direction of T im Stafford w ill appear on Sunday Dec. 24th, at 8:30 a jn . on the People Show on Channel 8. The trio is made up of Dorothy Spen­ c e r, Cam illa H ill and Betty- W hite. Robert Bailey, D irec­ to r of the Bethel Youth C hoir, w ill also appear. Candelight Reverend V .K . Brown M rs . V ic to r Brown Church God gains new minister Reverend and M rs . V icto i R. Brown are now pastoring the Community Church of God. at 202 N .E. Skidmore. The objective of the Community Church of God is to lire ac­ cording to the Commandments of C h ris t as taught in the New Testament, to preach the simple and entire gospel of salvation. C hristian life and C hristian duty at home and abroad, to encourage and ad­ monish each to mutual e d ifi­ cation and C hristiikeness. Reverend Brown said. " I t seems to me, that in spite of an apparent weakening of the home life of Am erica that the home is the most powerful ed­ ucational institution and the parents are the true teachers of th e ir children. Therefore we must not fa il to give d ire c­ tion and inspiration fo r C hristian homemaking. "W e wish to help our church, community and our neighbors form C hristian at­ titudes toward others, and to take th e ir rightful share of responsibility fo r the welfare nf every group to which t!«y -elong. We also aim. with Sod's help, to guide our church and community to bring ar ethical and sp iritual impact on the society in which we live. We must bring into action the teachings of Jesus concerning social contacts and social du­ tie s. We must bring our mem­ bers to the consciousness that they, as C hristians, are responsible fo r the sins of th e ir society as well as fo r th e ir own sins.” You are invited to come and worship with us. The Matrons of B e tl*l A -M J i. Church, 5828 N .E.Sth Avenue, w ill hold aCandelight Service at o:00 pan. on Sun­ day, December 24th. M rs . E zell Stone, President and M rs . Lenora M o rris , P ro ­ gram Chairman, invite the public to share an exciting worship experience. Foster parents and their children are invited to a C hristm as party on Saturday, December 23, to he held at tne Church of Reorganize.) L a tte r Day Saints, 2514 s .|', Madison, t>:30 pun. The an­ nual event is being sponsored by the Young Adult Group of the L a tte r Day saints Church and by the Foster Parents Association. T l* party w ill feature a v is it from Santa, special sur­ prises fo r the children, and refreshments. Any person interested in offering foster fam ily care is invited to at­ tend and learn about the pro­ gram from those actively giving fo ste r care. I he event is being coordinate) by D a rre ll Smith and M rs. War- ren M alm . Jessie Henson dies Jessie L . Henson 3510 N.E. 19th Avenue, died Dec. 11, 1972, at the age of 50. She was born in Portland, Oregon on March 20, 1922. F o r a number of years she was associated with Sidney- P o rte r at various restaurants and clubs. F o r the past three years has been associated with C aldw ell's Colonial M ortuary following a long association by her mother, the late M rs. Beatrice Reed. She was also prominent dress designer at one tim e, with the Mott s is te rs . She was a member of N.A.ACP here in Portland Surviving relatives are Husband, Kenneth J . Henson. P ortland. Three Children, Grant J . Henson, Portland, Meg D. Henson, San Fran­ cisco, Derek Henson, P o rt­ land. one B rother, E lle r. A. Reed, Portland, two sisters, Ozl J . Smith, Portland, Euiiis B . Watkins. Pasadena, C a lif. Funeral services Monday, at 11:30 a jn ., at Caldwell’ s Colonial M ortuary Drawing Room Chapel, w ith Rev. St e officiating. B urial w ill le at W illamette National Ceme­ te ry. Pope Paul V i’ s C hristm as Mass and Message w ill le telecast via satellite from Italy on Christm as live and be seen on KPTV, Channel 12 at 10:30 P ,M „ according to an announcement by P ro g ra m 1 )i- re c to r Gordon W hite. T ie 90-minute co lo r tele­ cast w ill he augmented by English commentary and translation by Father Agnellus Andrews, an English F ra n cis­ can with vast experience in television coverage ofVatican a ffa irs. Die annual C h ristin a s Mass usually originates Horn tie Sistme Chapel of t l * Vatican, but this year w ill le held near the small town ofSant *t ireste, 35 m iles from Rome. Po|w Paul w ill say Mass to r w orkers at the la tge construc­ tion site of a new ra il line between Rome and Florence, making only tlie tliird tim e th .it lie has left the Vatican to de­ liv e r his C hristm as message since his election as supreme P o n tiff In |9nJ. Soul Purpose THE GREAI AGE By Chuck Singleton This is t l * great Atomic Age, an age of much pro gress. th e re have been more inventions since 1901 than in all the eons and years p ro ­ ceeding this century. I his is the age of commun­ ication. We have tlie tele­ phone, telegraph and tele­ vision. yet in this age of mass communication how many peo­ ple do you really know???'» One by t l * radar screen, the other by the r.V. screen, hut m issile s are guided and men are misguided. We've teen to t l * moon and back, several t in * s o v e r.D is ­ tance is no longer measured by miles but by tim e. You can eat breakfast in P aris, lunch in New York, then dine in Los Angeles. A man pilots a giant 747 across the skies, hundreds ol big-looted |*o p le walk around in that plane, but he has it fe lly under control. Yet. w l*n I * steps off that plane if you step off that plane on his foot after a long flig h t . . . I * can't control his own tem per. It makes you wonder, who's the boss, me o r t l * machine, me o r the atom ic age. Yet in the m ist of it all tt * r e remains .1 fragment of hope that a man can {«come and remain a real man in this w orld. It was Thoreau who said, " I f a man does not keep pare » ith his companions, perhaps it is because I * bears a d if­ ferent drum m er. I et him step to the music whici I * hears, however measured o r fa r a- w a y." Soon it w ill l*com e a ne­ cessity that men listen fo ra liffe re n t drum m er. Not inly to retain his individuality, tu t also to retain his sanity .Jesus said. " I t is to your advantage that I go away; fo r if 1 do not go away, the C om forter shall not come to you. tu t if I go, I w ill send Him to you." 1 I * very S p irit of tie liv ­ ing and alive God can live in me and com fort me through tie tra ffic and t l * stoplights, past the tra ffic iams, up and down tie elevators. Praise God, w ith Ills S p irit in me, I can s till he me. Zest of Life why DOES GOD PERMIT INNOCENT LIT T L E CHILD­ REN TO DIE? Here we come face to face with an onigme of good and e v il; of God's goodness and of God's jus­ tice! L ittle children do die all kinds of strange and hor­ rib le accidents, disasters, house fire s , floods, and d is ­ eases. I f human beings lived only one lifetim e upon earth, as most C hristians believe, it would be next to impossible to discern God's goodness and justice in alt m atters. A l­ though most C hristian theol­ ogians and teachers evidently have not found it there are more than a dozen Scriptural passages in the Old and New Testaments confirm ing the doctrine of reincarnation; and even C h ris t spoke of it and confirmed it on more than one occasion. He said that John the Baptist was E iija (Elias) returned to earth; and proph­ esied he would return once more to "re s to re all th in g s." M a tt. 17:11-12. Young's A nalytical Con­ cordance of the Bible. Pg. 1086 states: "Z acharias, the son of Barachias (of Jehoiada; II Chron. 24: 20-22; whom the Jews stoned fo r rebuking them. B.C. 840." Jesus d ire ctly accused these men of slaying the p rie st prophet who lived 840 years before C h rist. If these scribes and P hari­ sees who stoned the p rie st had died as little children by rocks fa llin g on them in an avolanche; o r other ways would not people wonder, " I s God good and just to perm it such innocent little children to be killed like that?” These are cases we know aboutfrom the Gospels. Even John the Baptist lost his head by the sword because he slew priests of Baal in his life tim e as E lija h . There is an exactness of retribution and of justice which makes recompense fo r the very thoughts, words and At A inn's n.> g im m icks are used. We refuse to in su lt your in te llig e n ce . We know the buy lug public can recognize ju a l ity . We m ike ce rta in tie fam ­ ilie s we serve have a wide v a rie ty to choose 1 i o n i. I lies select the p ric e category that Is le s t suited to them . V A N N ’S MORTUARY 5211 N. Williams Avenue 281-2836 Portland, Oregon r DAY CARE MOTHERS n i ♦ i ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ i ♦ ♦ CARE FOR INFANTS i IN YOUR HOME. ♦ AMA ♦ $3.50 a child per d ay Fam ily O a y /N ig h t Care acts of every living soul. Jesus hated? The "Sleeping PropL- cites this in urging that we at, ' Edgar Cayce claim s t> n invite the halt, maimed and each person is responsible blind to our feasts and not fo r the circumstances in which rich friends and kinsmen who he rinds him self. He contends can recompense us again, “ fo r that in all our experiences they cannot recompense these: it is tie self which is always fo r thou shalt be recompensed meeting itse lf. at the resurrection of the ju s t." Luke 14:14. The only Edgar Cayce says, "Noth­ escape from d ire retributions ing has more lives than an is to obey C h ris t fu lly . unforgiven sin o r an e rr o r Does this not begin to ex­ we refuse to c o rre c t." He plain why one child is bom also says that, man's undoing to riches, fame and happiness, is also w ithin himself, by and loving surroundings; and g ra tifyin g the desires and the another is born in poverty, weaknesses of the flesh. He c rim e , hatred? A re not some advocates that accidents, d i­ of the murderous Natzis now seases, disasters ano other being bom again in fam ilies of misfortunes that come upon Jews whom they so hated be­ men are largely due to re­ fore? Are not some bigots and compense fo r our actions to­ segregationists bom again in wards others in previous life ­ black fam ilies whom they so tim es. 4 6 3 5 N.E. 9th 2 8 8-5 091 wCburrtjofOour Cboia ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH G o rie r of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a jn . C hristian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p jn . (Second and Fourth Sundays) CKr«* «er $T A NOR IW $ CATHOLIC CHURCH XX N t u l t r a Hv M ll u u ,»t»FiN xxtiANC *•■••«•« • 00 a* 1 00 .) H) •*.«. < k*. Reverend Thomas L . S trayhind, M in is te r 'Come Alive' 'Come to Jesus' Church o f Com* A,ive the Living God P.G. o f T. Temple # 3 9 0 0 NE Ainsworth Portland, Oregon Sunday School 9:45 a jn . T. U . 6:00 pan. WELCOME TO ST. MARK’S BAPTIST „„ CHURCH 119 N. E . M o rris Sunday Service 9: i5 /ll:0 0 a jn . Evening Service 7:30 p jn . Reverend Edward W ilder What about price? MARANATHA CHURCH 1222 NE Skidmore Church school and Bible class: Sunday morning worship: Sunday Evening worship: Wednesday Evening prayer: reverend john P a rk er , F rid a y W orship Service: Chairman, E ld e r Roani 9:15 a jn . 10:45 a jn 7:00 p jn . 7:00 p jn , 7:30 p jn . 288-7241 P ra ye r Service Ju n io r Church M orning Service 11:00 a jn . Evening Service 7:30 p jn . Wednesdays 7:30 p jn . F riday 7:30 p jn . Meunt Olivet Kapiisi Church Rev John H. Jackson Minuter N.E. Fini and Schuyler Portland, O re P hon. 2 8 4 19 54 Sunday School M orning W orthip V .ip .r 9 a i 1 I a ! 5 P ' /*> u . »narr ao a>nr«Ag> a n d d t p a n Io arrue JERRY HARRIS. Pastor Rev. S. Green 111 C hairm an, I rustee Huard Rev. T. N. Noffa Welcomes you to Church o f the Living God Sunday School Church Service Evening Service 9:45 a jn . 11:00 a.m. 7:30 p jn . Vancouver Ave. First Baptist Church 3138 N. Vancouver Ave. Phone 282-9496 Sunday School Morning Worship 6401 N.E. 10th Avenue 9 .0 0 A.M . I j :0 0 A .M . Dr. O. B. Williams, Pastor "T h e church with a n e a rt-fe lt welcome" 4635 N. E. 9th Avenue Sunday School 10:00 a jn . Morning Service n:00 a jn . Breakfast 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Reverend Samuel Johnson Telephone: Evenings 287-5341 ♦ I I I ♦ ♦ ♦ I ♦ ♦