Portland/O baerver Put a vacation under your tree By Patay Hughes So what makes (or a good vacation? THE PLACE: The Hawalln Islands ate roughly 2500 m iles Southwest across tlie blue Pacific from Portland, and alxjut 5 hours flying time - Just tlie perfect Interlude for you to forget your cares, and relax. Them om lngflights out of Portland all serve lunch, and deposit you at Honolulu International A irp o rt shortly thereafter. Tliere really aren 't too many places In tlie world that provide such an Ideal combi­ nation of swinging city life, and beautiful, clean heaches. W aikiki Beach has a hotel fo r every [Xx-ket look - from su- per deluxe suites In ocean front hotels — to units with kitchenettes, which rent for $12 - 14 per day, and are luc ited a block o r two back from tie beach. THE C L IM A T E : Hawalln clim ate Is much tie same the year round. It never gets above 88 degiees and never below 56 degrees. Even tie rain Is w arm , and doesn't prevent swimming or sight­ seeing. THE PEO PLE: The popu­ lation Is so ethnically diverse that no group really has a m ajo rity, Caucaslonsand Jap­ anese ate about equal In num­ ber, and others represented are Hawalln, Chinese, and PUlpino. It Is said that every race Is a m inority here. The result Is friendly relaxed service In the hotels and restaurants. THINGS T O DO! You can spend as much or as little money as you Ilka, and still have a good tim e.T h e beaches are free, and so Is tlie view from the Ala Moana Tow­ e r , and the famous Kodak Show, and window shopping at the Ala Moana Shopping Center. There are tours to Pearl H arbor, tlie Polynesian Cul­ ture Center, Seallfe P ark. A Lua, with traditional Hawallm food and dance, is a must. LAST BUT N(7T LEAST - THE PRICE IS RIGHT: The airlines and tour operators have come up with some fan­ tastic 8 day packages based on Sunday group departures, with a total price which pre­ pays your a irfa re , hotel, transfers, and one sightsee­ ing together, (It pays to take a friend.) If the group departure day doesn't suit your schedule, it's possible to travel indepen­ dently at practically the same fare. FRIENDLY ADVICE: To avoid the only ca(ch - plan ahead, F o r either Spring Va­ cation o r Christm as of '73 - make your re sen aliens right now, No kidding' Travel agents help by Tom Booti«, P h /) ., Professor of Communlcstions Heuristics Lets suppose you merely want to fly to Los Angeles fo r the weekend. You know that tliere are 4 A irlines fly­ ing between Por tland and Los Angeles, so you ra il one to find out schedules and fares. You put up with busy sig­ nals and recorded voices tel­ ling you to "w att and the firs t available agent w ill lelp you." By tne time you get through to each one, you have a cauliflow er e a r and a sense of total frustration and con­ fusion. Tliere are so many airports In the Los Angeles area, and so many fares. You decide that it is easier to stay at home. People don't realize that by making one call to a Travel Agency, they can pinpoint tlie le s t schedule, the most co t - venlent airport, and tie cheap­ est fare of all tie A irlines. They w ill make the reserva­ tion for you, and w rite up the ticket, reserve a rental car. a hotel, motel, sightseeing tour AND ALL O F TH IS A T NO EXTRA COST' A good Travel Agent can save you money In fact. Be­ cause they ret resent all tlie A irlines, they have no axe to grind as to a particular A ir ­ line o r hotel. They are In a position to give you unbiased Information about the best schedule, and tie routing or fare which can save time and money - and w ill gladly rec­ ommend a hotel o r motel at the price and location you de­ sire . So next time you plan to go home for a visit, make a business trip , or get away from It all - relax and let a T ra v e l Agent do the work. Soul Enterprises, L td . needs an Advertising Salesman - $100 per week plus 25% com­ m ission. C all E llio t Condor at 281-6028 for appointment. STATE OF OREGON JOB OPPORTUNITIES PORTLAND THRIFT The Stale of Oregon Is actively seeking applications for several vacant positions In the Portland and Salem areas. Some of tie current openings are: Social Service W orker 1 $ 7 1 2 - 9 0 9 Communicable Disease Investigator $615 - 786 Assistant Manager, M u lti-S ervice Center $866 -1106 Keypunch o p e rato r 2 $437 - 558 Maintenance Repairman 1 $624 - 688 Occupational Therapist 1 $712 - 909 O tte r openings are In such fields as research, fiscal and managerial areas, skilled and sem i-skilled labor. F o r more Information alxxit these openings and o tters, contact: Personnel Division Room 136 State o ffic e Building 1400 S.W. 5th Portland 229-5844 Griffith bout telecast STORE 5620 NE Union 287-0910 C lo th in g , funiture, etc. at i’ lv e -a -w a y prices Q. D ear D r. Boothe: 1 am a black college stu­ dent and I re ally dig Black Studies. Do you have any suggestions on how Black H istory can he made com­ pulsory for all black sisters and brothers, just like regu­ la r school Is compulsory fo r everyone under 16 years of age? Black Studies Student A , D ear Student: You are harking up a big tree, with lots of big Ideas devouring elements In it. If you are majoring In any of the Social Sciences, you may want to take it upon yourself and do a little research and perhaps w rite your thesis on something like, "T h e Con- sensis of Black Interest in compulsory black history in and out of the standard U.S.A. school system ", A tth isp oin t In time, I don't twlleve tliere are enough qualified Black H istory Instructors available, even If the m ajority of black students were interested In such a compulsory course. Now on the otiier hand it would Involve legal enforce­ ments, which would In turn relate to whether the course was within the school system or not, etc. The word com­ pulsory turns me off. Having Black History available along with qualified instructors is sufficient as fa r as 1 am concerned. I hope you are majoring In Social Science though. Q. D ear D r . Boothe: I live in a housing project, and my apartment Is on tie ground floor as 1 suffer with rheumatoid a rth ritis , and have difficulty walking up flights of stairs. W ell, to make a long story short, every night around 10 p.m ., group of young punky boys around the ages of 14-16 lo l- iers in the hallways using obscene language and smok­ ing a funny smelling ciga­ rette that smells like burnt grass. Lately they have started showing up In tlie mornings and I know tle y should 1« in school. I'm about to go out of my mind. I have complained to the land­ lord and nothing happens. The rest of the tenants are senior citizens and we don’t want to create any hostility be­ cause then they would really harrass us. Where do tenants with complaints like ours go to a ir their grievances and get some positive action? Old and observing 5 . D ear Observing: T h e re law s a g a in s t the police see them Q , D ear D r . Boothe: 1 have always been afraid of animals. 1 just have no rapport with anything stand­ ing on 4 feet. But lately it seems that there are dogs roaming the neighborhood in packs upturning grabage cans and pulling up prize rhododen­ drons tushes, and they are just public nuisances. Every tim e 1 call the Humane Society, the logs seem to have a 6th sense and disappear a lte r th eir heavy upheavals. Is there a way to guarantee property owners Letter pro­ tection against stray animals roaming the neighborhood7 Dog catcler control A , D e a r P o te n tia l Dog Patrol: Keep calling the Humane Society and also ¡ret your neighbors involved together to find out where the dogs are coming from and who th eir owners are. Once your neighbors ire interested as you are, I am sure the pro­ blem will be solved. ASSISTANT TO OUTREACH SUPERVISOR High school graduate with years Adm inistrative experi­ ence desired. >550.00 per month. send detailed resume, or call: Senior Adult Service Center 3904 N .E . Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97212 Phone: 288-8338. a re loitering. C a ll the minute you again. 3439 N. Williams We give SÄH green stamps The Em ile G riffith - Jean- Claude Bouttier Middleweight boxing match held in P aris, France on Monday, December 18, w ill be seen on KPTV via satellite at 6:00 PA1. Sports D ire c to r Jimm y Jones an­ nounced today. The winner of this middleweight title e lim i­ nation bout w ill fight Carlos Monzon of Argentina, tlie M id­ dleweight title holder, within the following 90 days. One of the greatest profes­ sional boxers in American ring history, G riffith Is the only fighter ever to win tlie welterweight title three times, in 1961 he knocked out Benny Paret to win the title; in 1966 he won tie middleweight crown from Dick T ig er in a famous ¡5 round fight, but lost it two years later to Nino Benvenuti in their second match. In Sep­ tember, 1971 he was KO’d by Carlos Monzon of Argentina, who'd taken the title from Benvenuti. If G riffith winsthis match with Bouttier, he’ ll have anotlier opportunity to regain the elusive middleweight crown. Jean-Claude Bouttier, is al­ most unknown in Am erica, but t e ’s the current European Middleweight champion - a title 1« won from M arcel Duran by a close decision in 1971, He successfully defend­ ed his title against Benny Sterling by a knockout in the 14th round later that year. Bouttier has a record o t 56 professional fights. He won 34 by knockouts, and has suf­ fered only three defeats ai.J one draw in his total profes­ sional career. PEPI’S BOTTLE SHOP to w n . -j1 Lloyd Center — Next to the L iquor Store. P E P l's one and only store. Open 9:30 a jn . to 9:00 p jn . D aily. Sundays: Noon to 4:00 p jn . 2 6 0 9 N. Vancouver Ave. SELF-CORRECTING TYPEWRITER RIBBON! Moat exciting needed advance since the typewriter was invented! At ot this moment, every messv. smudgy, smeary typewriter eraser in the world hits the scrap heap 'or good No more erasing—evert Bottom half of miracle ribbon is like a magic wand that makes errors disappear before your eyes To make corrections, just back space, shift ribbon selector and retype error Presto1 White ink makes error completely invisible Order extra ribbons for friends This is one gift they'll love you for! No CODs M o n r o e , L o u is ia n a / I 7 0 1 Please «end me the quantity of ribbon« checked below If not satisfied. I will return ribbons within 10 days for full refund f ’ 1 ribbon $3 50 □ 2 ribbons $6 00 Brand Nam« ot Typewriter Stenderà Electric f MAYHEW SASH A DOOR i 6 0 8 North C olu m b ia Blvd Rortlond Ore O pon ovory day ond a ll doy Sundoy 17-P iece D elu xe C u tlery i Seit Stainless Steel Blades Guaranteed to Stay Sharp For 30 YEARS ' z / r f i - u A , ’ \ 1 M A IL O R D E R M A R T , Dept 16 2701 Sterlington Rd , Suite 132 Monroe, Louisiana 71201 Please send me the 17-pie. e imported knife set If I am not completely satisfied, I will return it within 10 days for a full refund. 2 8 7 -8 5 2 9 S ta te Fuel O il " ■ • DI AL-A-JOB è 2 8 2 -5 5 3 9 2330 N .E . Alberta St. Your hair and scalp it either naturally OILY or DRY, because of secretions which your oil glands empty INTO THE CHANNELS THROUGH WHICH YOUR HAIR GROWS Sometimes a steady warm climate or workina in a room that is unnaturally dry or even being In the sun too much can produce DRYNESS Years ago a Doc tor Carnot produced s medicated formula with tar and other Ingredients specifically for SCALP treatment CARBONOEl SOOTHES AN IRRITATED SCALP, re lie v e s itc h in g , HELPS REMOVE DANDRUFF and aids In preventing SCRATCHING which could damage and cause sores and scabs on your scalp ONE TREATMENT WITH CARBONOfl SCALP OINTMENT OFFERS QUICK TEMPORARY RELIEF Cleansing your hair and scalp with CARBONOfl SHAMPOO removes loose dandruff, scales, and aids through your gentle massage to stim u late circu la tio n to the scalp This method is Intended to create the hygienic con ditionmg of your scalp to aid normal healthy hair to grow naturally, free from grime, sweat and clogging dust CONDITIONING both your scalp and hair with LANOTRESS after your hair has dried must reflect the benefits of THIS 1 WAY CARE YOUR SATISFACTION IS GUARAN TEED You must be delighted with this old reliable formula or YOUR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNOED Hair and scalp deserve this Fine care SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER send $3 for the CARBONOfl SCALP OINTMENT and the CARBONOfl SHAMPOO and also get FREE A TRIAI SIZE IAR OF LANOTRESS If more con venient, mail $1 deposit, pay fhe balance plus postage. C O D changes when you get everything Send re O O IO M ID A L HAIR PRODUCTS, Dept SCW. IN W O O D , I . I , N Y 116 96 Portland, o r e . • 227-5828 ■ ! ■ 97211 Let us deliver The Portland Observer to your home every week! Just fill out the form and W e ’ll do the rest! Portland Observer P. O. Box 3137 Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 8 Please enter my subscription to the Portland Observer at the of $5.25 per month. I enclose $1.25 For the first 3 months. Hereafter ( ) quartely ( ) annually Portable NAME Address — ---— ADDRESS Z« í $Q 95 NATE HARTLEY Body and Fender Repair Greatest Advance Since the Typewriter was Invented! No More Smeary E rasing- Covers Mistakes Instantly, Permanently! 7 / 0 1 S te r lin g to n R o e ri. S u ite 1 3 7 form ei Iv Y e s, you g e t a l l 17 s u p e r-s h a rp k n iv e s fo r o n ly S 9 .9 5 ! D e lu x e s e t In c lu d e s a l l th e k n iv e s you need fo r food p re p a ra tio n , c a rv in g and s e rv in g - sh ip p e d d ir e c t to you from the m a n u fa c tu re r in S o lin g e n , W e s t G e rm a n y! You w o u ld n o rm a lly e x p e c t to p a y $2 ea ch fo r k n iv e s o f th is q u a lit y and handsom e d e s ig n . T h is b ig 1 7 -p ie c e s e t o f im p o rte d C u tle ry is a c tu a lly g u a ra n te e d n o t to need s h a rp e n in g fo r 30 y e a rs from d a te o f p u r­ c h a s e ! O rder TODAY. S u p p lie s lim ite d . Let P E P I’S BOTTLE SHOP by your lieadquarters for champagne, wines, m ixers . . . at tlie lowest prices in uxxtaixictio 14 O v e r $75,1X10 w o rth o i lu ild in g m a te r ia ls and o t t e r home and ta m i s u p p lie s m u s t le liq u id a te d im m e d ia te ly Some f u e and sm oke dam aged p rulu> ts . s to re m ust le vacated in two w eeks. C om e e a r ly f o r le s t lu v s ' s to re ' 4 -«Zfc* ()« p l UBLIC SALE! BUILDING MATERIAL STORE TO BE VACATED o /«p! Employment Opportunity/ A ffirm ative Action M A IL O A O I h M A U I 281-4372 Most reasonable shop in town CARLOS CITY STATE ZIP RS FRIE HAIR STYLE BOOKLET ANO AOVICE BOOKLET ON HAIR ANO SCALR CARE SENT UFON RERUISt IUST CHICK HERE City — — —— Page 7 Stewarts Cleaners 281-2731 Bob Boozer, Affirm ative Action Specialist An Equal Employer Thursday, December 14, 1972 — -S ta te - - - Z ip — - - - - - - - - - - - Z 'P _