Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 14, 1972, Page 8, Image 8

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    P o r tln d /O b u T v e r
Thursday, December 14, |972
Black millionaire dies
RoHgion in the News
Black beads C of C
DALLAS, TS'X sh , ¿)ec 7 -
Black church kiedere ware a
m« jo r force at the Triennial
G e w n l Assembly of th i Na­
tional Council of Churches
meeting in Dallas, Texas,
December 3 -7 . A Hack man,
Reverend W . Sterling
C a ry , New York C ity, was
elected president of the ecu­
menical group and the black
caucus of th j Assembly pushed
through important resolutions
related to blacks in Am erica
and A fric a .
M r . C ary, who la Associate
Conferen.je M in is te r of the
United Church of C h rist in
New Y o rk, was unopposed fo r
the presidency of the N .C .C .,
which represents 33 Protest­
ant, Orthodox and Anglican
denominations. Six black de­
nominations are represented
In the ecumenical group.
“ I ’m a Christian and I can’t
believe,*’ M r . C ary said in
bis acceptance speech, “ that
the most Important thing about
me is my blackness , . . the
most Important thing about
me should be my humanity.”
M r . C ary expressed the
hope that when the Cou.scil
meets again three years from
r ow that ¡‘.hero w ill be no need
fo r black, Latino, woman or
othe- caucuses, that the re w lL
be a "oneness and unity In
C h ris t."
A t 1» press conference, M r .
C a ry said Chat he hopes that
In the coming years the church
w ill "be about" solving some
of the problems it has passed
resolutions ate needed.! think
these are times fo r more
low-key activity and less plat­
form rapping.” s a id M r.C s ry .
He added that the church must
abandon concepts of "n arrow
nationalism " and embrace the
concept of ‘ ‘world commun­
ity .”
There has been much sptac-
ulatlor that the lib eral phi­
losophy of the Council was In
conflict with tie more con­
servative be I le ft of member
demonfnatlons. The conserv­
ative mood of the nation, some
argued, cuts across the re­
ligious community, and that
radical resolutions against the
V lernam war, for amnesty, and
fo r m inorliy rights did not
represent tie view of the
g rasr-roo ts churchgoer in the
various denominate ns. C r it­
ics of the N .C .C . use this to
■ argue that the group is near
death. However, the large at­
tendance at the A ssembly and
the harmony of the meeting
indicaoiid the opposite is true.
Bishop J ohn b u rst A d a m s
of t he African Methodist Epis­
copal Church also expressed
concern about M r . C a ry ’ s
election. “ I ’m in absolute
support of M r . C a ry ,” said
Bishop Adams. ’W hstmycon­
cern is, though, is that his­
to rically when predominantly
whits institutions start turn­
ing the toi> administrative
positions over to Wacks, It
is a ilgnal that they have a l­
ready abandoned the institu­
tion. The metropolitan and
urban area school system,
which whites have run from,
resolutions on. "Everything
hat» been said . . . no more
Zest of Life
A woman stops her c a r tsiijr-
the center of a high bridge,
gets out snd leaps over tt»
ra il.
Twenty-five minutns
la te r she is fished cut of the
w ater dead. A confused, dis-
younp woman, with
everything to live fo r teeters
for a Jorg time or, the window
ledge of a top floor of a tall
business building, then in sight
cf thousands umps to her
death. A popular movie star
dies of a massive overdose
of sleep ng tab'eta. A young
a ttra c ti'e T V Siar in a suc­
cessful series, Peter Duel,
In the pofwlcr "A llla s Smith
and Jones" died on New
Y e a r’ s Day by his own hand.
Am erican society, more col­
lege studen’s die by suicide
than fru it any other cause,
except automobile accidents,
and some auto accident death s
are acts of suicide.
rate of suicide is lrcteasing.
A Buddhist monk pours
gasoline over his clothes and
sets him self afire as he sirs
praying on a South V iet Nam
street in protest against the
w ar. Other persons In A m eri­
ca arid elsewhere have done
they turn over to a black
adm inistrator to preside over
its liquidation."
By contiast, Bishop Herbert
Bell Shaw of the African
Church, said that he believes
that "the National Council of
Churches la about to launch
its most significant service
to the religious world and that
this w ill he under the presi­
dency of M r . C a ry .’’
Publicly, Wack church lead­
e rs expressed absolute sup­
port fo r M r . C a ry , However,
privately they question wheth­
e r a b ltck man In a white
church, such as the United
Church of C h rist, would he
any more responsive to a
Wack than a white.
Bom in Plainfield, N J „
M r . C ary, 47, graduated from
Morehouse College, Atlanta,
and Union Theological Semi­
nary, New Y o rk. He has been
a m in is ter of the United
Church of C h rist fo r n /e r
14 years. He is m arried and
has four children.
M r . Hobart
T a y lo r, S r. dlod today at Me­
m o ria l Hospital. Ha was 76.
Hobart: T aylo r, S r
from a plonr r Texas fam ily
whicl ca ns fc. tt#i stats before
the Kavolutio', from Mexico.
Ho was me of Mw moat auc-
cesal'i.l luslnesarntin in Am er­
ica during the past thirty
yearn. Ha w in also a politi­
cal and civic leader In Hous­
ton ai d the at ate of Texas tor
many years.
5h* rtly after t ie graduation
from P ia lr te View College in
1913, M r . T aylo r entered the
taeuruM » buslnatn with Na­
tional Benefit L ife insurance
Company. Ho bo« ame the com­
pany'u 'eadlng salesman in
the m t iin and was placed in
charga if the regional salsa
Home>n, He nr m tried
with ilw company u rril 1929.
In 193>., M r . T aylo r helped
found the Watchtuv.-er Life In-
euiunce Company of Houston
'»hlcbi a sntually (ecame «
p s rt olf C ildon Stata Mutual
L ife Insurance Company. Ha
was an oft leer a si director of
the Wutch'.owOr Company until
1933 when he euiered the taxi­
cab ’justness In Houston.
M r. T aylo r xrn» highly suc­
cessful in the Vranspottarion
busmens and in real est.es
and insurance ’ enture» until
the tim a of tils official matliw-
me;.< in the mkldls 1950’®.
In an article in the Sept. 4,
1967 edition of 'JS. News &
World K e x irt, M r.,T a ylo r was
doocrtbuil is a m illionaire
fited] nothing, ” and so they
i r e quite w illing to ''m o rtify
the fless ," by neglect, or
by flagellation, o r by m uti­
lation, o r j y destroying the
body wlih tb<- den of advanc­
ing themselves sp iritually o r
attaining io Heavnn o r N ir ­
No such prom left of
made co
Christians In the Scriptures.
destruction almost the worst
possible sin.
Boib’i nmt
The Portland Baha’i Com­
munity w ill hok.' a public meet­
ing on Friday. December 15,
at 8:00 F ,M , at the Cascade
Center, 705 N . Kllltngsworth.
The documentary film , "A
New Wind” , by prl2e-wlnning
film -m a k e r George C.Stoney,
w ill be shown.The film depiets
Baha’ i co.nmur dies in wide­
ly diverse area« t,t the world,
showing how tbuy are fu lfil­
t‘w ta a c l-rg of Ba-
ha’u’ llah, Prop,Mt-Founder of
the Bal a 1 Faith, “ The earth
is but ona count y , ard man­
kind Its citizens. ’
If we consider the spiritual
goal he could atM bi. O r he
law thac "W hatsoever a man
could Oauamplatit h it des­
soweth, that shall he also
perately unhappy plight iw
re a p ," then If a person com­
might be in without his body,
m its suicide, destroying tfe
especial’.)' when be cor a Id a n
body given to him by God
Jesuf.’ words that: "Cod Is
•• Is certain to suffer s p irl-
not the Cod of tie dead, but
-naltles fo r crushing
of the liv in g ". M it t . 22:32.
out the
;• breath of divine
What a pathway ,>f advance­
life with in hii,.
ment a d enlightenment Is
Many persons
’ on’ t want
left open fo r a person who
to become old am depen­
d e llb e ra u /y crua a ; the pre­
That Is why act. ® do
cious C id -glven xlft of Ilf«?
not slow down th eir consul, p -
Does one who ittstroys his
tl<<n of cigarettes, alcho».
body hew to wall in line fo r
and barbltuatea. These are
another bedy w .tie billions
also a alow form of suicide.
b * other i preondft hint into
I f a would-be suicide would
thy land of the living?
only wait a few more haute,
not , the .person » in leatroyed
contemplating the great con­
his bcJy Ilka ’ he guest at
tribution he could make to
the w \«kling feast who didn't
C h rit*s K ngdom- by his to­
have * \ “wedding gennemt” ?
tally obedt.snt =md uedlcuted
T h is is V parable esua never
service he might see how
much g reater and glorious
the university on two oc­
casion«. |n 1965, ha w at In­
ducted Into the Texaa Hall of
Fam e.
M r . Taylo r and hm first
w ’fe, Charlotte, ware the p a r­
ents of on«? aon, Hobart, j r H
who was auccai slvely Legal
C iunael to P ier Want Lyndon
B. Johnunn and t dll actor of
die Fxpor Import U«' ik of the
In law
U .» , Ha is press nil
practice In M sshligt >n, D .C .
O tlw r survivors inc u deM r.
Taylor's | resent wll I, V lr -
g in la, and two a lita i I, M rs .
ilm » Lova a W M ra Regent
Thomas, both of Hius ton.
I IN Y O U R H O M E -
Fam ily O a y /N ig h t Caro
4 6
6 3
3 5
5 H.E. 9»h 2 8 8 -5 0 9 1
by Chuck Singleton
God loves you . . . of all
the m lllio rs of volumes of
hooks r.a t men have ever
» rinen and of all the trlllio rs
cf words thac have ev er N u t
spoken by men, there exists
no g rea tsr tn ith . Cod ¡eves
The Bible says " F o r Cod
so loved tie world riuna He
gave His only Son, tha1 who­
ever should be’lave In Him,
should not die but live for­
ever (John 3:16),”
Love is an amazing thing,
and Cod showed us whet it
meant. He lovec us so much
that He CAVE . . .”
M y fiance* Charlyn once
gave me a plaque that reads.
“ Love tn your heart wasn’t put
there to stay, Love la not
Love, T ill you give it away.”
How profound, ¡mw true.
One popular movie used
th'.*’ fo r a rhema — "L ove is
never having to say you’ re
¡lorry , That kind of love is
" m e " centered.
If "you”
re ally love ’’ m e” , then • r
have to say to
" y o u " . ” I ’m ” sorry .
M y love to Cod is acted
out when 1 say I ’m sorry for
sin ard ask His forgiveness.
M y love to my fiance’ le
shewn when 1 give w> her with
ne thought of what I w ill ,ne-
e e iw in return. Love 1« say-
l.hg W her, "1 love you. not
because of what you do, but
1 love you because of what
you a r e .”
Most people ,ieek l re c i­
procal love a love that has
averages like the stock man-
They can bet on whet
they’ ll gst In return; they
usually give little and receive
H ale, and because they re­
ceive u tile, they give lln le
ind that love w ill a h itte r. it
may add but nover m ultiply.
God loves me despite my­
self, and whoever you are.
He offers wither one of us
en<x?gh love fo r both of us.
Cot) loves you.
W Om tinijbur
Cbwa imbuii
C Wt» «®»a U*»|
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1 ’ 00 U-» »efe •» *.
C orner o.’ 8th and Sk dm are
Sunday School 9:30 a jn .
Sunday Worship ll;0C aatj,
Christian Youth Felfoashlp 6:00 p j i
(Secmal and Fourth Sundays)
Reverend Thomna L . Strnyhand, M in iste r
'Come A liv e ’
'Ccme to Jetui*
'Come A live’
th e L iv in g G o d
P .G . o f T. T e m p le # 3
9 0 0 NE Ainsworth Portland, Oregon
1232 NE Skic/mor«
rev eren d J ohn P arker .
Chairman. E ld e r Board
Church school and Bible class:
Sund ty morning w orth ,p:
Sunday Evening worship:
Wednesday Evening pniyen
F rid a y Worship Service:
9:15 i ,3 j.
10:45 a.m
7:00 p , i,
7:00 p.ni.
7:30 p.ni.
Sunday School 9 :4 5 a .m .
T .U .
6:00 p zn.
P payer Service
Junior Church
28 1-7241
C i a irr is n, T n u
•« B x n l
■■ —
Morning Service 11:00 i j n .
Evening Service 7:30 p.m .
Wuunesdays 7:30 p jn .
Prlday 7:30 pun.
Olivet Neptist Churd
Rev. John H Jackson
N.F. First and Sc'tu/ler
Rortiond, Ore.
®h«nw 281 19J4
Sunday School
W x th ip
I e.i
I ’ e.i
1 p.i
ws «nur tr> anrthtp en»f d^erz to ssrve
Pastor Rav. S. Green 111
^Aethodisf £
Rev. T. N . N offa
Welcomes you to
C hurch o f
th e
Ac a m ember of Wesley
Chapel A W Z , C ’xirch, M r .
T a y lo r taught the men’ s Bible
clauu fo r 42 years. He also
served on the Advisory Board
fo r the Selective Seivlce Sys­
tem .
M r . T a y lo r wee i na&jral
».thlete, serving as can tain
of the basobull team at P ra irie
V lew. He was the president of
P ra irie V a w Alumni Associa­
tion fo r many years and re ­
ceived ths alumr.l award from
Seal Purpose
C h u rch o f
119 N , E , M o rris
Sin day Service 9:l5/ll:00izan .
Ewimng Service 7:30 p jn .
Reverend Edward W ilder
the vote i f Blacks useless In
the county.
M r . T aylo r w.a active In
Dem ocratic politics and was
a personal friend of many man
who rose to high public office,
such as Rapa, A lbert Thomas
and Bcb C a rty , the m ayor of
Houston and President Lyndon
B . Johnson, (n 1946, M r .T a y ­
lo r lad a g ro u p o associate»
whii ralaed funds necessary
for President Trum an to make
broadcast which la credited
with hla upaat victory over
Gov. Thomas Dewey. M r ,
T a y lo r was alto the firs t del­
egate of hla race from the
south elected to a national
Dem ocratic convention since
Reconstruction days.
M r . T a y lo r w at active for
many years In civic affairs in
H oust o r. He wee the leader In
opening employment oppor­
tunities fo r Blacks in the city.
He organized the Houston
Campaign of the United Negro
College Fund and was active
In the Houston YM CA .
$ 3 .5 0 a child per d a y
Carnegie ’Happy’ Puller
Some Buddhists and mem -
i f ether religions, who
iku. ,
k ill a living crea-
¿T destined fo r
death tn any c»^.
'! sct;.,e-
“‘ n
bodies, which, were lnadgnou
and created in God's image
with the potentiality of im -
m o rta il.ty, ever as C h rist.
Some feel “ the flesh pro­
wno said "he has always had
a mission other than money­
making. T .ile mission is to
encourage better ra'anons bs-
hvaon Negroes and whites and
to teach young Negroes how to
rise to positions cf raspensi-
b lllty ."
M r . T aylo r came from a
Toxac fam ily of busin'issmen.
ills grandfather, And raw Tay­
lo r became u great land-
owner and u rtrepren eu r, And
his father. Jack, was a suc­
cessful contractor.
One o' M r . T a y lo r’ s moat
historic inc significant con­
tributions in .iidvancirg the
cause of his race came in tie
area of politic®. Ha was a
determined and effective lead­
e r In the effo rt to eliminate
the poll u x and to obtain the
vote fo r Black citizens in
Texa®. Besides hie highly in­
M r.
T a y lo r largely financed the
landmark case of Grovey vu.
Townsend through the Fedora I
Courts to the U.S. Supreme
Court, Thia case gave Blacks
the right to vete in the Demo­
c ra tic p rim ary In the Stats
o ' Texas.
M r . T a y lo r » as also instru­
mental in flnanci’ig the cases
ta the U 3 . D is tric t C o i n and
the Court of Appeals which
abolished tlw ’Jaybird” p ri­
m ary of F o rt Bund County,
Texas, Thia was an arrange­
ment under which local whites
financed a private p rim ary
»van before the Democratic
p rim ary in an attempt to make
h m HHMS
Paga 6
« I,
8828 N.l. t i t i
A. L m Henderson, Mfeistor
Elli» Cettten, At.»ectete h inir»»er
Sunday Sc Pool
Church Service
Evening Service
9:4'» a 4.1.
llrtXJ a jn .
7:30 p ju .
N.E lOth Avenue
IL fe e K fe 'W /M W W 64C1
Church Scheel
W ed. Neon — H«e Hour oi Ro«»er
We»\’. feever O Closi Meetmg
:4S e*m
i:00 ¿.m
2:00 rM>r
.'30 p n
Vancouver Ave Finit Baptist Church
3133 N. Vancouver Ave.
Pho?ie 282-9496
Sbvtdoy Scltooi
9.00 A M
doming Worship
, , [00 A M
hhetery Core * r i nds<f
W » ere nseAr.-®« bwr feerghiSo-j.c. w 4 OrvV
Dr. O. B. Williams, Pastor
"T h e '- lurch with « h eart-felt velco m s"
4635 N. E. 9th Avenue
Sunday School 9:00 « 4 1.
Morning Service 11:00 s jn .
Breakfast 9:00 - 0:00 s jn .
Reverend Samuel Johnso i
Telephone: Evening» 28 7-;<H|