itile Joe ready IF YOU NEED A JOB OR WANT TO BETTER YOUR FUTURE READ OUR CLASSIFIED PAGE « p P I a n « . " R a Ï N . b o < T . CAR. EasT« I . T o u r R c s «R v a 1» o R3 j -*T|CK b 13 C aJU L < > 3 5 -2 0 3 8 « > 3 9 ^ *9 8 6 3 no tZ r « a lia r le s O e J .f e a r 4 s (Continued from page I) cal essence " In die Image of m y se lf". In fact, many w ill remember G rover used 2 dummies for his professional routine, G rover related that p rio r to a performance one evening his suitcases were stolen that boused both of die dummies, and out of des­ peration, lie was forced to design another; so working against time and destiny, "thus L ittle Joe was created". G rover tells many faclnatlng stories concerning tie aril L ittle Joe, especially serving his stint l/i the armed forces wlie re L ittle Joe entertained die troops nightly. G rover and L ittle Joe are now ap­ pearing at "Shags Arena" located at 15th and KUIlngs- wordi, along with James Thomas, J r ., die musical group called "The Infin ity'', and featured vocalist Ralph Black, recording artist and veteran showman. Shagg Thomas runs a real tight and together arena. Ills establlsliment offers a warm and cozy atmosphere. T ie patrons were friendly and It's one of the nicest places In town. The clientele Include a great many of our black elite and professional people. I was Impressed to find that the Arena did not house a policeman. M r . Thomas sees to It that law and order Is maintained. He states that trouble makers are not w el­ comed. G rover and L ittle Joe appear Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. Together they communicate In a new ex­ pression of comedy. Grover feels that thelr*s Is a new dimension In W it and Humor. They don't rely on X-rated m aterial In trying to force Portland/O b server the audience to laugh. F o r those of you who would like to visit Grover and L ittle Joe In the day time and early evening, tley w ill be appear­ ing at Levltz Furniture W are­ house & Showroom, 13631 SE Johnson Road. la k e 82nd all the way out. December 18th, 19th and 20th from 6 to 10 p jn . Is when they ap­ pear. Three fun-filled days w ill 1« In store, M rs . W il­ lie Mae Hart. President of National Council of Negro Women will 1« your hostess at the door. As your offi­ cial greeter, she w ill have special goodies and prizes and certificates of savings for those who want to take advantage ol tie many fabu­ lous bargains Levltz Is of­ fering for those special Christmas tree surprises. Tom Boothe w i l l bring a special Christmas selections for the kiddles as well as adults on the flute. All in all, it's going to be a gas; don’t miss It. M y hat goes off the the management of Levltz for practicing equal opportunity In their store policies. Le­ vltz Is tire only furniture store that has extended a warm welcome Into tlie black community by supporting Black Cultural A n s and using anisans ot the community. G rover w ill also have on dis­ play his exhibit of the fabu­ lous chess pieces designed and created by this great talent. So come on out and dig us. Santa w ill be there for the kiddies, and L ittle Joe w ill be dressed as an elf helping Santa to do his thing. So come on out. This Rambling Rose would like to meet as many of you as pos­ sible. Thursday, Decemher 14, 1972 Page 5 287 - 2887 J t  M E lî  J 5th big week held over Exclusive Never a dude like this one! He’s got a plan to stick it to The Man! THIS LXPRESSIVI MUG .‘«longs to Godfrey Cambridge in his role of a Harlein policeman trying to break up a gangs­ ters li "Come Back Charleston B lue." The Samuel Goldwyn J r . proub non f W arner Bros, release, a sequel to " C o t t o n Com« ■ to H a rlem ." Cotton Is co-featured with Superfly at the A lam - ¡ / Theater. CURTIS MifFIELO play his Super Fly score* 18 YEARS OF SERVICE Those ‘Cotton Comes To Harlem ’ cops are a t it again! AS WE BEGIN OUR 19th YEAR TO THE PORTLAND COMMUNITY WE FEEL rr IS PROPER TO EXPRESS APPRECIATION TO THE MANY PEOPLE WHOENABLED US TO BECOME KNOWN AS AN INSTITUTION OF SERVICE. WE HAVE BEEN SUBSTAINED BY THE CONFIDENCE OF THE FAMILIES WE HAVE BEEN PRIVILEGED TO SERVE, BY THE SUPPORT OF MANY OF THE RELIGIOUS LEADERS AND BY THE HELP OF PEOPLE IN LABOR AND BUSINESS.... COME BACK CHARLESTON BLUE THE PLEDGE OF SERVICE WE MADE EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO IS STILL VALID. (1) TO SERVE AU. W H O CALL W IT H O U T RESERVATION •COME BACH C h A/HESTON Blue A Swx« GoOwvx > (2) TO SERVICE W IT H CARE Monday - Thursday Doors open 7:17 Show 7:30 Friday - Saturday Doors open 7:00 Show 7:15 Sunday - Open 2:45 (3) TO SERVICE W IT H EFFICIB4CY (4) TO SERVICE W IT H D IG NITY Attention kids W h a t y o u ’v e been w a it in g fo r C om ing soon a t A la m e d a W a tc h this space OUR ASSOCIATED STAFF THAT HAVE HELPED D O W N THROUGH THE YEARS ASA BROCK HELEN HEARD L. C. ELLISON ALFRED RIVERS SR. CLARANCE SIE JR. ROBBtTA B. V A N N W . M . SMITH C. D. V A N N JR. STANLY CAGE SR. EDDIE BUTLER Returning December 2o| by popular demand V IV IA N N E MILLS? TŒ» PARK3? JL_____ J ■ett *'®w C. Don V an n t # '* * * I VANN S MORTUARY 1 5211 N. WILLIAMS AVENUE 281-2836 PORTLAND, OREGON Ï His own story on the screen as it really N happened B a s o d i < x n h e e te c tn fy rx j b e s t a e A n g a u f c t x x / a p f y A WARNER BROS PRESENTATION •« » o c a tio n with BETTY SHABAZ2 FROM WARNER BROS A WARNER CO M M U N IC A TIO N S COMPANY • » — —.