Page 8 Portland Dbjerver Thursday. December 7,1972 287 - 2887 3000 M f. ALBERTA HELD OVER - MUST END SOON v»ray Christmases Melklostan, who by his func­ tions. Is supposed to repre­ sent people of the nation, says by Jamas L . Mack. MX>. In a letter. "W e have heen country," hn aaye, "and the advised by the State Approv­ People used to dream of ing Agency (authorized by his vourt la a natural outgrowth whits Christmases where the of efforts to enforce these agency) that them w ill be no treetops glisten. They still stands id s ," written response to our re­ do. But polluted a ir la Local officials In agencies quest fo r a further Investi­ usually what they find in their a»d government aie respon­ gation of the Schools Building wide-awake moments. sible for moat of the court Contractor course." The treetope may glisten ca*ea- <*ie citizen group On October 12, 1972. Sena­ this Christmas In Kentucky, calls Itself "Watchdogs on tor Vern Cook announces In though. Environm ent" and uk>1 the Portland Observer that he The firs t ecology court in tenders to the ecology court. w ill initiate action in the next the country was set up In And although there la special session of the State Legis­ Louisville and Jefferson provision fo r small citizen ts Dire to enable the Sate County. Anyone who violates iwwarde for spotting pol­ Boa id of Education to screen the strict anti-pollution laws luters, tew people have tried out slate correspondence established there In the last to collect the rewatds. courses. few years can be hauled tw- The court hat spurred In­ In September, the Interna­ fore the court's fu ll-tim e jus­ ternational publicity and more tional C o rre s p o n d e n c e tice. The court, which meets than 200 towns around the Schools president John Walsh evwry Friday afternoon, has world have already requested replied to Senator C o o k 's prosecuted more than 800 detailed information about le tte r of Inquiry. " | am cases so far. It has levied bow it all works. Mora aware of M r . M ille r ’ s com­ more than $8.000 in a lrp o llu - couru may be in the making plaints. P rim a rily those re­ tlon fines alone. soon. * lating to currentness of our “ Everybody's cooperating, Contributions to Christmas text m a te rie l." (Now M r . including Industry." says Seals help fight a ir ponullon> Welsh ascribes V .A . state­ Tom Summers, who is direc­ emphysema, TB. sndsmoklng. ments to met) " |n the to r of the Kentucky TB -R D To find out how you can join letest complaint to the Association and a m ender Veteran’s A dm la 1st rat Ion he Hght. contact your local of the a ir pollution control tuberculosis and respiratory cites three texts: Common board that help set standards disease association. And B r ic k w o r k . A r c h ite c ­ fo r cleaner a ir . "The stan­ answer your Christmas Seal tural T e rra C o ta and Face dards we’ve adopted here are letter right away, it's a Brickwork, and their copy­ among the highest in the m atter of If f . and b„ ath rights." Now M r . Walsh an­ nounces the nspublicatlon of these booklets, coming after my set. I never got a com­ pleted set. even with the con­ tract payed off. The reader w ill note that "Architectural T e rrs C otta" is an extinct building system and has (wen so for a good decade! The cost is about nine dollars per lesson fo r a little booklet By Tom Boodle, R g j. and coorectlon page check­ P rotoesor of Comznunlceaawe fteurtetice off. payed by student or by By Tom Bor,the Ph. D , government subsidy. My I sent a photograph of my­ Proffessor; Communications analysis states, "Remember, self we corresponded for one Heuristics Inc. I.C-S. only processes a frac­ month and m arriage was pro­ tion of all lessons contracted posed. I flip my. wlg tnd r#n Q. D ear D r . Boothe: JS to r' C rei,lt e h i,^ s out aixl brought a whole new Recently I discovered that $67.00 on Building Contrac­ wardrobe. Then after several my husband of 10 years, and to r " . months he wrote ofhavingdff- the father of 3 sons have been I .C J , president Walsh fur­ flculties settling his business erifta8«d in homosexual activ­ ther s a w s , "|n that time we 11.00 A M . TO 6 0 0 PAA interest and wrote and asked ities. with a supposedly goad have never been accused of me to loan him $10.000 dol­ trusted friend of the fam ily. fraud because we have main­ lars to buy his partner out This realization put me into tained high ethical standards so he could hurry out and a stats of shock so bed that I In both our educational and make wedding plans. 'ad to be sedated fo r days. business operations." So like a love sa rv ed pup- M y husband offered to give me I aibm lt m aterial lo r DOW NTOW t py I cash a few securities aid complete custody of e v e ry ­ screening by 0 « personnel rearianged some real estate thing we worked fo r. But he of the office of Congresswo­ PORTLAND holdings and forwarded him maintain the fact that he man Edith Creen. Senator the money. W ell It’s been 6 wanted visitation r^ h ts with Cook suggests possible na­ months aid | received my last our sons. He also said that he tional legislation. | suggest letter beck three months ago was sorry to wrack tt» family a congressional Investigation captioned with addresses un­ scene, tut that he was happy test all c o r r e a p o d e n c e known. Is there any where I that the whole affair was out schools think they can get could go and complain about in the apse and for the first away with anything. being frauded without looking time he caa ltws as God intend­ Prices geed W ednesday Dec. 6 thru Saturday Dec. * _____ ed. foolish. I tee I like a duped old I can t c onfide in anyone be­ fool with her wig on back­ wards. cause ff news leaked out about this It would ruin his business Sincerely in the neighborhood. But since Flipped Wig my husband* adept ru n s I can't A. D ear Flipped Wig: MY-TE FRESH Grade AA stand the sight of him much Contact Inspector Gray or less trust him in the same Inspector DiLoretto of Love- house with our sons. Do you M ail fraud aid obssenlty: 226- think I should allow my 3361 ext. 1860. Explain the husband to try to ma In a In details of your story to them. 25 variatisi 1 any relationship with our sons They w ill be able to help you. G o ttis knowing his true identity? w » Dozen Peg. h«nd your questions Sincerely »o 22' corti Very bell Itrictly fresh egg, Box 3137 Discovered too law A hearty, appetizing mealtime A . D ear Too Late: favorite fContlnued from p. 1) Yea, your husband should be allowed visitation rights Sugar Cured Tender preschoolers, half-day en­ — _ Top Spred _ to his fam ily, unless a psy­ richment programs, special chiatrist find him to be unfit centers for retarded and dis­ as a father. Just because you turbed children, and emerw found out about your husband gency care. Henderson said horr sexual activities doesn’t 8eg 25' like all other social programs Reg. 59' ib Peg. 2 0 can» m - an that he is any less of a I Ib cube pack ■ JT each hSS had lts «rowing pa ms. Toity, hearty, heat n eat pffy 5meal Pre Sliced 52' it, father than he was before. Toitei good, ipreodi eotily Ideal for twt I hate to see this consci­ Small uze. ihort ihonk Sweet tmoky horn Serve tome tonight Your husband may be in need landwichei. cooking, or meol time entious effort on the part of a flavor in every bite of psychiatric help. M y sug­ A.ailobte G ioxer, Saxhorn ipread few people to destroy a good gestion to you is that you try program. A.oiloble Oroxery Sec horn Fancy and help him as much as pos­ V V fiiv ^ n feed eu sible. Q. D ear D r . Boothe: People interested in becom­ I am a widow In my early ing foster parents are invited 50's. M y husband has been to an informal two-hour even­ deseased for the last 6 years. ing program to be held in the Reg 25 W Ibi M y children are all grown and k 22 W oz Reg 37' conference room of Childrens’ " loove, have located outside the s a te . Reg ‘ 1.09 — »«en 23 Ib b o . *2.5« Ib Nutritionally rich bread with o delicio«, CAit of loneliness orw day I Services Division. 351 Columbia E xcellen t a ll purpoie apple 2 Ib p ig 2 IS * 1.55 . Save boulevard. St. Helens on lues- ’ 1 0 0 on 8 Ibi FREE RECIPES answered an ad in the lo n ely- loaded nU ’ H° * ° r E’ P’ CIO|IX flood h earu columm of one of those day, December 5th at 8:00 p jn . A »oilabl« Debtoteuen U chon, * ...... ‘‘■-i'.'- - . i^ , , D r . Lendon Smith w ill speak scandal newspapers. A»o,loble G r o t .,y Section, on "Loving one more child or teenagers In your home” . A I H o lid a y 26 pc.“ Pearl Drops coffee hour w ill follow the pro_ (ra m . The original, uncut version OPEN HOUSE 10% DISCOUNT Never a dude like this one! He's got a plan to stick it to The Man! lOtli AS A PRESENT OR PAST "KRESS” CUSTOMER Y O U ARE IN V ITED TO J O IN U FOR OUR A N N U A L Human Emphasis "O P E N H O U S E ". THIS W ILL GIVE Y O U A CHANCE TO LEISURELY SHOP A N D ENJOY A 10% DISCO UNT O N OUR ALREADY LO W prices , Those ‘Cotton Comes To Harlem ’ cops are a t It again I COMEBACK CHARLESTON! also "FREE” coffee a cookies 638 KRESS S.W. 5th Ave. 226-7844 REGISTER FOR OUR " 3 " DOOR prize Holiday Savingi Food Club Large Eggs Soup vnnefiei ™ 47( [F ra n c o -A m e ric a n S p a g h e tti ■COME back owafsTon a u r 4 Monday - Thursday Doors open 7:|7 show 7:30 F riday - Saturday c - ? * 0” 0PCn 7:00 Show 7:15 Sunday - open 2:45 What you’ve been waiting for Coming soon at Alameda Watch this space Returning by popular demand 79* D«tera su p erv ise mdoor j, 0U#Joor lcUv|(wg How: Things to com e: '.7! ) s fi x y ' X I ff It ■ n - t s if r* h illy f V If If > ■! It M j .f, cal tear™, ■.*?< Beautiful W illia m ip o rt deugn punch bowl tef inrludei l-7quorf bowl, 12 cupi, plaific hooki, and a plastic ladle OPEN: dan frazier « 'n z a ic -r t A W A A N fR BROS A R t S t R T A T i r » . _________ ___ PUBLIC IN VtTEP 288-810« 28<-S4Bfl Reg 99' 1 5 oz. 48 each Regular or ipearmint The teoth poliih for home u m Save 51* Axailabl« Vertety, Drug Ond Cowwtix S., Horn Extension Cords Reg. 47< Monday through Friday 9 s jn . — 6 o pzn p.m. Tooth Polish Vita-Bee B read $1 1 Men's F lan n el P a ja m a s $ 2 *6 Reg ‘3 . 6 9 ____ 100% cotton pre,hrunk flannel Notched collar button front. Coot ityle. warm ond comfortable Availabl« Appa,«| Section, 6 roo» o Foot test ruction for musl- c rochet in , and ka«” J"” ” “ "“ ' Director: $2*7 R eg.‘2.99 _A*oijoble Vornty Settiom tours, besktebell. ice sketlng. ro lle r skating teg. music, facilities available fo r com­ munity activities and meetings. H l', Rom e Apples 8 ’ 1M Sliced Bacon Highland Community Center <635 N .l. 19th Portland, Oregon 19* -w > Rath Punch B o w l Set M a rg a rin e 47* 5100 I K Attention kids Smoked Picnics Men's Dress Socks 2 5 f 00 18 Your choice — ivory or brown Unbreakable all vinyl 3 outlet cord let, A»oilobl« Vonety Section, Yultide a , »ortment include, 40 endoiure cord, and 10 ,t»ina fag,. * Axoilobl» Vo.Kly So.i.on. pair ■