A -2 PortlandAibservwr Thursday I leeoni be r7, 1972 National Black Assembly predicts action on Black Agenda Blacks petition U.N Rev. Jesse L . Jackson, na tional director of operation Breadbasket, was assured by U . N. Secretary General U Than«, that his organization will soon become a part of the United Nations. Operation Breadbasket has applied for non-governmental organizational slat"* the n — U.N. in relation to world pro blems. One of Breadbaskets firs t official acts will be to perm it the 13 member Congiesslonal Black Caucus to present to the UN General Assembly “ black Am erica's case • last weekend has predicted that the group’s first move would be to begin Implement ing the decisions expressed In rhw Black P n llH e .l "seeing (hat one hand know a what tie otlwr hand Is doing and awe lug dial all hand» • — ftictlonlnr »—• —, I nai group embodied m than 26 states In whlcl • — The man elects«’ eie««-- (AANS) m em ber ijM Thursday ta rv o n « (O V A I »»ou i o»wN»n , tMAl Mil*1— r,a w otii F tO ? l L WHOiSi O re g o u d. Th« Vsncouvev. la ol the c«y ^ m g to n .. v ” - have «1- tu.U y ecwd two y ^ ns ment- Wu> 4 t “ ,S¿ v . ñ ' l . n ' w vaneouve govern- council • bused- 3 Chuck “ ’" " r t B im e . ol the a " s m e t" '* . he I» 0 * 1 s e rv e ,'» . „ c o r e e ^ ^ c u -u tu t- bum * ho vancouvei ^ e le c te d W {Q (rotn the land w’ O1 * h l, s tu d * C< ^ ^ Ín w o .k ” ■ ‘t ' m ," - lue* ‘ ? ,v, . W » U » nlS M r - fc M ,1 the V e children » «» * w iephon school *« « •d e v e lo p "1«1'1 " 7 , or VacU 4 £ olhc« " 1»na* u in portlan U N o rth *«»1 peen employ X where he has O He tfradtia — lor 20 V « « " - " J of I ’ 1 jstbltc AÚU,,nl 1 * ülhk‘ lue at »on contln .M ultnom ah^ u n lU y school, h» o student coni needs W » , tl«a schools " interests»1 . - tust discus» a • ' 1 sncouvet • « * / m ot* B a r» *»’ me”1 °' A«” * * Ban retad1 Congf itsd to run ^ n l l H » . « ‘uI' ^Tong concent * , ù i t - u s e ol k 111X1 , ms ' 0*d* n.c t ÏÏ »« course w exp^ achool” sysi«111. Ï Ï d s n U w 1«“ ’ vancouve» ha» - . - l e schools a Police Corruption The O b s e r v a t io n Vancouver Citizens pace setters With the city election in which two black men were elected to city-w ide positions, those o f city council and school b oard, the people of the City of Vancouver have joined those of oth er enlightened a re a s where men a re not judged on race alone, T h c p ^ ^ f l of V a n c o u v e r, p o o ila f H ’ , with !:■>-•• 1 cast sone 13» «ck history in volving gieaf blsck le rte s umd te ro u e s of li e past. He Llso plans io bring la »one Bdack poetry. Eventually. ^ L -, sou plans to bring in an ^ ^ b la c k 1 1 A ■ ” „*--*> 'iv V* newscasts with B ^ ^ n u n i’ ui lenwd news. I . C . Soul st""* a , d .n Sunday • v ' ,n lin e « > (« »m i 1» *.<• BgK"'1 many V g B K V B H khe F ol I I » I I ' who have c a ll. (*o p ie la haiu past performances ol o tte r blsck erxlesvors tty octet people. II tie r« an blick t>uslnessinen who are thia artic le, I hot» that it w ill inlluence ycai entaigh so that you will listen to the E . C . Soul show, groove on the sounds snd then get Into the motion; tie posltl* motion of reaching Into • pockets and (Xittuir- money behlral sow' » if « * g "« u s' Ith u U l tlie II* a M U l'p C ll rt: Heap.’"» . i a Z J iv ’ ; y y * 1 i r I ' •' x ' k c o n trib u fe d dem ocratic i d e a ^ ^ \ V .<*non application to a ll0 aJple. Not oi have benefited by th e ir se rv ice kw¡a»nÍH\ ' -m talnr the , -a hie program. B / kw », from what you have read, you know that » ' E . C . Soul Is Mack. , and- above all ind' Some rare quel’’ socety. Ills directed t r - of all ton ' û/«c* • '* / . -S ’ . Vancouver plans Black Expo Vancouver, Washington's firs t Blsck Expo and Soul Bowl '72 has teen scheduled for Saturday, December 9, at Galser Hall of C lark Col lege, according to Roy H ar ris, Director of C lark County Community Congress which Is sponsoring tie event. T ie 12 hour program, com mencing at 1:00 p jn ., is to provide cultural awareness, . and oT>portunlty^|fe^JArFJ to both tonal; Fashion Wheel; Albina Art Center; State of Oregon; Downstairs Lounge; Portland State University; Oregon State Medical School; Better Half Fashions! Dillard Hudson Barber Supply; Fashion HUG National Alliance of Busi nessmen; U.S. C ivil Service Commission; Urban League of Portland; Pig on a PIG ’Albertsons Foixl Stores; ^A pp ortio nm en t dilutes Black Vote-power ^ X ^ « ’ slon«1 Black ^ ^ < r gBs that reappor- *■ 1)0 ,r* used to black voting |>ower and ^ i t both the Democratic ami Republican parties are tactly giving approval. The only foimula the l ) > . Supreme Court lays down for reappoi tlonment Is “ one man- one vote” . There la no re quirement to respect com munity oi social, geographic or social Interests. One reason there are so few • Currently there are 13 representatives and one sena- to r. Blacks constimte less than 3% of the House of Representatives. There Is not a single black elected from Alabama (3(% black), Mississippi (42% " ’ . W < fc Q £ ' jt , A a rris noted that limited e and presentation time 111 available on a limited for additional black art, trs , music, business ess and opportunities, etc. Those persons, itlons or businesses Interested in p arti- should contact Roy store November 11 n trrangements for as''1" * ' There w ill be no .ah lb It ion or p re- «tion space. Call 694- i ’ In Vancouver, A In a n e la I contrllutlons, ntary services and re - 1 able supplies are also I ;omed.