I Pige 8 Portland/Oheerver Tlureday November 30. 1972 THE r KAMILY<¿ IzAWYEE J Today, more than half of the nation's households have guns Consequently, the chances of parental liability are at an all- time high Vhe law lays a heavy responsibility on adults to keep firearms out of immature hands. In fact, many courts have been just as strict about H ll guns, While preparing for a hunting partly because they too can in­ trip, Hodges left his loaded rifle flict injury and partly because propped against the » a ll in the thev may be restricted by a local living room. His ll-ycar-ohl son ordinance. However, the less the danger carried the gun outside, showed it to a friend, and accidentally the less the responsibility. On fired a bullet into the other boy'a this ground, an injury caused by a child’s lov bow and arrow was leg. In short order. Hodges found held not attributable Io his par­ himself facing a sizeable damage ents And in another case, parents suit. At the trial, he protested were held not liable for their son's that he had never given his son carelessness with a sling shot a permission to handle the rifle. F« 1. -1- common plaything in the neigh­ borhood. O f course, almost any object can be used in a dangerous way if a child is so inclined. For example: An 11 year-old boy picked up an old golf d ub which his father had left lying on the grass in their hack yard, The boy swung at a pebble, but instead struck a play­ mate in the jaw. Clearly, the club had been turned into a dangerous weapon on this particular occasion. Rut a court ruled that the father could not he blamed, since a golf club would not ordinarily fit that rule. It was the kind of misuse, said the court, that the father could not fairly be expected Io foresee. (duns and Children T H E IN D IA N C H IE F by M ie hell Hughes — Age 6 bells on th e ir shoes. Some suits w ere brown, w hite, red and orange. I learned that Indians dance to lots of songs and d ru m s. The d rum s went boom, boom, boom! I lilted the best when the big chief was dancing with M rs . Brow n, one of o u r teachers. Thanksgiving at school was fun fo r m e . I go to E llio tt School. I am in the 1st grade. I ’ m in room 207. Wednesday in the gym I celebrated Thanks­ giving. We had fun. The Indians w ere singing fo r us. T hey w ere doing Indian dances fo r us. They had feathers in th e ir hats and ALUMINUM WINDOWS 723 B athroom sinks . V oiu.. to *23 ao. Soma .light dumoga N o« • I . JO to *3 .SO .a , I0 B S .4 . oo.l 3 llsel Sltghl domuqo. *7 .5 0 and up. CAST IRON TUBS, wh**. ood g *» n Rag. *109 ao , r r w *3 9 .3 0 , 23 only waK hung CHINA I AZA- TORT BASIS. W r i t . R. , *14 93. N o« *7 .3 5 . tiberglau BATH SINK ANO COUNTER TOP. R»g *37. 4 ond J . now *1 7 .6 0 . 3 only t.bar- glou SHOWER ANO luB COMBI­ NATIONS R»g *139. now * 7 * . 12 only SHOWER STALLS oil bias. Rag. *109, now ipaciol *B6. 220 AIUMINUM WINDOW S. small or odd bias. *4 lo *9. Rag bias from *1 4 .9 $ . S P fC IA l- smohad domogad WINDOWS, » .4 '2S| R .3 *29) Iff .4 *33. AAony oihar bias to chôma tram ott Ol liquidation pncasl 3000 ft ol MOULDING WOOO, ■Parts. All hinds and polW Building Supply Discount Centers Inc. 8905 N . Vancouver Av«. across from Cl Joes Calk 285-0546 826 N . K tllingsw orth • W orth $1.00 on each $10.00 of purchase p ric e . « GOAD U N T IL D E C . 9 (INLY One coupon per purchase, please. J PLUMBING SUPPLIES SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION THIS WKBCKNDt at TH E RECORD L IB R A R Y^ But the court held him liable anyhow The court said he was guilty of negligence for leaving a dangerous weapon so easily ac­ cessible to a youngster. MANY BARGAINS TO LIST! THOUSANDS MORE! IF YOU CAN'T FIND IT HERS, COME IN AND BROWSE! rilte n by 33 ill B ernard. Stereo Discount Center In d ia n s v is it E llio tt TO O 15123 SE McLaughlin Rlvd. across from McDonalds Cel!: 654-5444 Both locations open 8 to 6 d a ily 9 to 5 Sundays. Use your B a n k A m a rk a rd o r M asto r Chargo. ’ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■HI EVERYDAY IS "SATURDAY AT SAFEWAY DISCOUNT ! Look for these tegs. They mark temporary extra savings all over the store. Stock up! 4 * * A W e G la d ly A ccep t US FOOD STAMPS Where Authorised c < /j Sinceweh- " A SUF kn ' SAVER -»J friends D u n gen ess Boneless Ham ARMOUR ALASKAN Pre-cooked Frozen In- Shell Crab 98‘ Half or Whole Fully Smoked B a r b e r S ho p Shell Crabs Breakfatt f i Ham Steak • B e e f Links » F re s h Oysters” f i Frying (lam s Slice, 4603 N. Williams lb. Fresh Fryers WHOLE BODY Young Fryers USDA Grade A 88 © A rm Beef R o a st lb. Flavor-packed Beef Sautage Boneless Fancy Bacon SAFEWAY Lean-Streaked Flavor Packed USDA Choice Beef— Popular Round Bone Roa»t I . ! * Chuck Roast * 2-lb Bacon lb O fit ' 287 - 2887 3000 N .K . H E L D O V E R - M U S T EN D SOON The o r ig in a l, u n c u t v e rs io n He’s got a plan t0 s tic k il t0 SG M [iBM s~_ The Man! - SUPER SAVER.. j 1 LIQUID WISK D e te rg e n t Tor ^ G H ilf H e a v y D u ty Job» $ 1 . 7 5 Q j| Corn Flakes .Era 3 8 ‘ SUPER SAVER, MARGARINE 1 IO Q ’ ©Puddings .srs. 3 » $1 ^ S o d a C r a c k e r s .2 5 ‘ 4 ©Olympia B e e f6 ’•«' ? 5 ‘ Dressings - - ©Mayonnaise 6 2 ‘ « I6 - 0 Z . Pop ™ ÌÓ «■Cottage Cheese T 2 5 ‘ ©Cup-A-Soup 3 S1 Fruits a n d W ^^kC 8 OZ Ctn. S a la d s Wr»- Wright'« \ . v d*' C o ld b ro o k — T o p . in V a lu e o n d F lav o r — CHUNK TUNA Seo Trade« Delicate* J F lav o r Select Tuna B e l-a ir P o lo lo *« 70 o i Ow,w, ir..„, o..rr $ | 3J ,b 10-14 o i pkgt EXTRA SHARP ^ Q u a rt Egg Nog ^ B a b y Food 3 lo r $ 1 10 lu c e rn e Oeech nul S tra in e d 4 ’/« - a t or Juices 4 7 © i SMEÄJ ,\y O ff EA. PKG. 59* 10 SHORTENING **«W«1I / super ¡ ( K CAP ©Shoestrings ©Cheese pkg V V e lk a y — E cono m ical ‘ A ll-p u rp o s e S ho rtening lb . JL ÀK ( 2-lb. Coffee ¿ ä M58 Cold W ater A l H r 4 8 ‘ ©Roast Beef 78‘ ^p>Can M ilk 18 D inty M o o re W it h G r a v y 1 2 -0 1 can Lucerne E v a p o ra te d 14 Vs o i can '• » SWEET, TENDER CORN ft 3 2 9 Wonderful quality. . . at discount prices! a SUPER SAVER. T F Ck t J Fresh Bread’S 4 ,c 9 8 ‘ Homesty le 3'«$1 Preserves - FRESH YOCURT Lucerne — G re a t on • , Z l ©Juice Barste ¿ -6 p 3 8 c © Fig Bars 2 * 49' © ^C lam Chowder?. °,t36‘ © ®Popcorn Z" - - - 19* Never a dude like this one! - is s , SIRLOIN TIP USDA Choice Beef Oven Roatt * • Tip Steaks S . " J I.5 8 ^ ih a fe a u b r ia n d ^ T M ./t * Fryer Paris X T . 68’ *■ Game H e n s 'Z ,» ’“ 59* * Boneless Roast X T 98’ .. M .74 * Piece Bologna '“Z " " » 59’ / ALBERTA »z@ i SALAD OIL N u - M o d e Fines Q u a lity O il Beef Roast 38 Lady Barber on du ty SUPER SAVER. PRICf © Fancy Bananas ® Pineapple a • « G o ld e n -R ip e U S. N o I Large Size Tropical Fruit FRESH, CRISP Pow.r» out Dirt! Power« in Brighine««! fS l Laundry Detergent tor Tough Job, © © ROMAINE 9 A p ’, MJB COFFEE ee ftf lOc I O Fach E ach Box TIDE DETERGENT Full Value . . Full Flavor s2.77 98’ • “ *1« NEW HEAVY DUTY CREAM O ’ THE CROP *TAHHK a Sat and hear RQNOiEM CURTIS HATFIELD AS fRTVT RiRf till Super Fly (core |h BOLD DETERGENT Wot MVc Æh 0 NO ONE A D M IT T E D A F T E R THE F IR S T 15 M IN U TC S Monday - Thursday - Opens 7 M ) Show: Superfly 7:45 and 10:00 F rid a y - Saturday - Openg 7:00 and 10:00 Show: Superfly 7:30 and 10:15 Sunday - open 4:00 7:00 and 10:00 Show: Superfly 4:30 7:30 and 10:15 • • • • Pink Grapefruit Ripe Papayas Fresh Egg Plant Bunch Spinach PINK Florid*'« Finn! I for Flown Jet Froth Glony Green fancy in From Hawaii Safew ay Pure Florida Juico Delicate Flavor largo She > for , ERA A ll-p u r p o ie Liquid D .te r g a n t 32-01. Shall Large Site Fre«h Bundle« * Large Green Avocados *■ Fancy Holiday Huts * Orange Juice * 20-lb Russet Potatoes B tl HALF GAL. Economical | u « mo . « Bag 96* AA EGGS Mad 4. 47 Ex. Iga Large 54’ 4 .4 9 a, S A FE W A Y icorvaiOMi iamwat » iobh iN-'oiroBAitr 4