Cage 6 Portland t hserver Thursday November 30. 1972 U K PEPI’S BOTTLE SHOP be champagne, wines, minara. . j town OJ all it« m ajor citie s in Europe, London and Parla are unquestionably the hlppeatand most comfortable fo r Blacks looking fo r a change of pace. If you have seen A frica aal the West Indies, then try these two capitals. With the exeption, to some extent, of Copenhagen, Scandinavia is no longer the p la c e for brothers and sisters to go for a dynamite breather. Atone time. Blacks had a patent ui so fa r as friendliness was con­ cerns! in the Scandinavian Sheila Fracie dealer in “ Sup« H a rris. C ontri ehanged in any w ool Harlem chick who fa lls in love w Ti. the picture also stars Ron O’Neal . now show ing at the Alameda, has n e as directed by Gordon Parks, J r . Black Expo ready and last through l ; t v a^n.that next morning. Co tents of the "B la ck Expo” w illco n sist of variety- of presentations including black art and cul­ tural exhibits, film s, exhibit displays from various busi­ nesses, organizations and in­ dividuals from throughout the Pacific Northwest and a child care center. Several Fashion Shows are scheduled by black designers and local dealers as well as musical and ethnic cultural entertainment from various groups. "Soul Bowl *72" w illm a in lv involve musical entertainment and fashion showings and is scheduled to begin later that evening as a separate event. L im ita i benefit tickets are available by calling 094-3377 in Vancouver o r by mail o r­ der to C lark CountyCommun- ity Congress, 2314 Main Street, Vancouver, Washing­ ton 98660. Admission to "B la ckE xp o ” is only $1.50, with all ages admitted, while "Soul Bowl '7- ” w ifi cost |3 .0 0 and the minimum age is 18. Net pro­ ceeds w ill go to the Commun­ ity Congress in order to im­ plement fu rth e r community programs, activities and fo r the operating budget fo r 1973. H a rris said he is grateful .o r the voluntary support, as­ sistance and cooneration ho featured Jose Feliciano has come a long way from his native L a r- ez, Puerto Rico. C urrently starring in his own television special, Mon­ santo Night Presents Jose Fe­ liciano, airing Wednesday, December 6 at 7:30 pun. on KPTV, the young and talented Feliciano turned to music to fill the long, dark days oí his youth. He was born blind and has overcome his handicap to become one of today’ s most popular recording stars. Raised In Spanish-Harlerr. in New York, Jose Feliciano gained international pro­ minence shortly after his 21st birthday with a song, del ivered in his own distinctive style, that became an international hit and garnered two Grammy Awards fo r Feliciano - as Best New A rtis t and Best Male vocalist. The year was 1968 and the song was “ Light My F ire .” from the New port Jazz Fest­ ival to the London Palladium. He has appeared with the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Symphony orchestras anil on the soundtrack of several mo­ tion pictures, television spec­ ials and variety shows. other week on an advance trip and everything w as fan­ tastic. Take London firs t. 1 he reason is simple. If you don’ t speak French, which you probably don't, English speaking London w ill acquaint you with the suave and chic European atmosphere. And by the tune you get tlie feel- uig. it w ill ttien 1« tune fo r you to take a three-hour plane trip to P aris, which I think is hipper. Parts Is very much like New York. Like New York, some people are ugly, le a u tl- ful, slick, honest, Square, fly, intelligent, stupid, but above a ll, the w ide diversity is de­ finitely there and you ought to get into It. lake tlie radio stations m P aris, fo r instance. They are not on the case as much as the stations tie re, hut they are by all means very together. Even in tlie afternoon, when you turn your radio on, you w ill hear a rtists like B lJlie H o ll- Jay. John Coltrane, Aretha h i anklm, Charles Parkerand all tlie other Black greats who ate respected fa r more by white Europeans than by A- mericsn whites. Get it? If they respect our artists more, then maybe (hey w ill respect you more. P aris is soulful, too. And since the French people are as arrogant and proud as we are, they are not into a sta r- lng-at-anybody hag. You move freely, and nobody Is trying to check you out. A fte r you have seen all tlie famous sites, ease your way out to Isle Saint Louis, anew happening area ui Paris that is both fast and lumping,Walk around the streets and look at the restaurants from the outsxle and look at tlie cheap prices. Pig on the Pit Restaurant When you get inside, you w ill lind that tlie loud Is much te tte r than some of tlie iunk you get in the fancy well-known restaurants. Within a few months tourists w ill find out about Isle Saint Louis, and before you know it, the sec­ tion w ill resemble Green­ wich V illage. L e t's not forget a tout Lon­ don. Despite tte fact that tie B ritis h seem superproper, they can get down and groove as much as tte Scandinavians. Besides, there is no doubt tliat Londoners know more about A frica th a n most American b ro ile rs and sis­ ters. Specialize in Bar-B -O Foods Hours: Sunday thiu I'huraday 11:110 a jn . to 10:00 p jn . Frlday and Saturday 12:00 noon to 3:30 a.m. W e offer food to go, delivery and catering service 213 north kili incswor ih (503) 283-4573 II « difference is i B ritish are very p< people anJ te l leve it next to tiie ir interest United States, Africa ceases to amaze tiiem. His stature has grown with each performance. rangme Bob ’ Wooily' W o d la nl of Inner C ity I development Company temonstrales lie M a rse illa is | hh >I shot at Geneva's Reg­ ulation I al les. GENEVA’S Base opposes tariff increase Black Associated Sports Enterprises, Inc. of Beverly H ills, California, producers of the G ram bli-g College Football Highlight show, has voiced opposition to an American T e le p h o n e and Telegraph Company request to increase its ta riffs fo r television stations. In an eight page submission to the Federal Communica­ tions Commission, it was noted that the Increase " . . . if allowed to go into effect, w ill have r immediate adverse effect upon BASE’ S ability to disseminate Black sports events to anticipating television stations.*' AT&T charges, accordmz to BASE, presently constitute about fifty per cent of the company's production costs. BASE has p rduced the Crambling h ig k b z 't show fo r the past three seasons and hss begun plans fo r the ex­ pansion of its sports network to include Black Collegiate Basketball and other sports. The company, on the basis of its successful production of Black collegiate letics, has h«en asked by a number of sources to extend its sports coverage, hence plans fo r year-round presentation that w ill he broadened to include close-up views of the aca­ demic and cultural resources of the nation's Black institu­ tions. The request fo r denial stems from the effect that these increases would have on BASE and other s im ila r companies that are oc­ casional users of the service. The FCC is currently con­ ducting an overall proceeding on the AT&T rate structure and it has been ruled that special permission must be obtained before ta riffs are changed. C iting the fact that im ­ mediate and Irreparable in­ ju ry would be suffered by the company, BASE’ s request fo r denial also added: "B lack sports programming cannot be sold to advertisers at rates comparable to general programming since such programming appeals p r i­ m a rily to only about ten percent of the nation's popu­ Your ticket to la tio n ." Continuing, it added, "A n oth e r competitive Handi­ ine laie Wind w ill appear at the Black I xpo and s « ju I | cap encountered by BASE is of C lark College in Vancouver on December 9th. the inability of the rating services to develop meaning­ ful procedures to determine Black viewership. Accord­ ingly, an increase in AT&T charges must be absorbed by BASE since increased costs cannot be passed on the ad­ v e rtis e r." Mention was also made of the fact that an attempt in 1967 to form a fourth m ajor network was chilled to some extent because the AT&T rate structure would not allow the group to pay only a propor­ tionate share of the Contract rate since its programming was lim ite d . Though it was noted that other involved fac­ tors contributed to the net­ w ork’ s fa ilu re , AT&T rates were an Important factor In its demise. In summation of Its posi­ tion, BASE stated the follow ­ ing: "BASE believes that the proposed Increase In rates w ill in fact fe self-defeating. Instead of generating addi­ tional revenue to offset the alleged costs involved fo r Jonah's Whale w ill participate In the Northwest' providing such services, the Expo, scheduled fo r December 9th at Gaiser Hall ( higher rate schedule w ill re­ in Vancouver. The Jonah’ s Whale is representa sult in a substantial decrease groups that w ill appear throughout the evening. in usage and consequently, a proportional decrease in re­ venue re a lize d ." It stated, with an a ir of fin a lity, that, " I f subjected to rates of the magnitude pro­ posed by AT&T, BASE might well be forced out of busi­ ness." A ll babies are beautlfùlI and cur hope fo r tlie future. They are precious diamonds If your baby is between tie ages of six months and 3 years, you above all must think your baby la beautiful. We would ask you to send In a black and white photograph NORTH a N .t. PORTLAND of the little blessed event fo r publication. Our baby series 2c...including transportation V £ You want to see the big game. Sound like a pretty good deal? It is. I ‘ tricity. It's a bargain And we know that bargains are hard to find today Almost as hard to find as enough leg room in the grandstand. KNIT BLOCKING OUR SPECIALTY Pacific IW t — t t/r o r r we m ake ihe - ' i ir m ly that m a k n th in y i n ite r fo r everybr dy \ 282-8361 t I North Portland Special Patrolmen 1771 N. E. Deltum Portland, O regon 97211 one 2 8 9 -5 5 3 6 Occupant: This le tte r MEN. INC., protection opening of 11« NORTH PORTLAND SPECIAL P A T R o l- H y-nin and operated security force specializing ln security «1 fullnesses, neighborhood patrol, and escort services. and staff are here to serve the C ity of Portland In any way we can Police Hepertment le one of the fln e .t in ,1 . Northwest l.cklnZ only manpower to cover the growing city of Portland. You may n o t* kn<2 are approximately 11,000 burglaries a year In this cltv organizing all our resources to prevent a growing percentage of these «» w e ll’ re any special security needs you might have ’ We hope you w ill give us le s t of officers to serve pie In modern law enf your protection. IwTAxat 3954 N. William» A viz Y m ’ v « Trtod Th« Rost, Now Try The B««t N. Aloxondor, Proprietor Send your photos to "T he Baby of the Week” , c /o tie Portland Observer, P ,o. Box 3137, Portland, Oregon 97208, o r bring It to our office at 2201 North Klliingaworth, He sure to include your child’ s name and age. No color pictures, please. C olor photos cannot 1» pro­ cessed. In addition to having their pictures published in the Observer, until fu rtlie r notice, each child w ill receive a p rize . i you, as we have the very I by the most qualified peo ir e Ixinded anil Insured for We are very proud of our organization, we have to offer as the firs t m ultl-rac If you would like further Information, or cut the Information slieet lelow t a chance to show y. if this kind In tlie Nol id In our services, pic representative w ill call Sincerely, PORTLAND CLEANINO WORKS £ ^ O N E DAY SERVICE So what do you do? iusi switch on your I S sei And see more of ihe action lhan most f the men on Ihe field You've got the eo s e a l in the house for about 21 worth of electricity per game 4228 N. Williams T. J. OLIVI President 'A IHAN J. PROBY, Field Representative Addresr I am Interested In Day Patrol F o r My Home Night Patrol F o r My Home Business Security Other North Portland Special Patrolmen, 1771 NE liekuni Street 289-5536